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Light Sci Appl ; 13(1): 160, 2024 Jul 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38987255


Light carries intrinsic spin angular momentum (SAM) when the electric or magnetic field vector rotates over time. A familiar vector equation calculates the direction of light's SAM density using the right-hand rule with reference to the electric and magnetic polarisation ellipses. Using Maxwell's equations, this vector equation can be decomposed into a sum of two distinct terms, akin to the well-known Poynting vector decomposition into orbital and spin currents. We present the first general study of this spin decomposition, showing that the two terms, which we call canonical and Poynting spin, are chiral analogies to the canonical and spin momenta of light in its interaction with matter. Like canonical momentum, canonical spin is directly measurable. Both canonical and Poynting spin incorporate spatial variation of the electric and magnetic fields and are influenced by optical vortices. The decomposition allows us to show that a linearly polarised vortex beam, which has no total SAM, can nevertheless exert longitudinal chiral pressure due to equal and opposite canonical and Poynting spins.

Nat Commun ; 15(1): 6230, 2024 Jul 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39043631


Optical forces and torques offer the route towards full degree-of-freedom manipulation of matter. Exploiting structured light has led to the discovery of gradient and curl forces, and nontrivial optomechanical manifestations, such as negative and lateral optical forces. Here, we uncover the existence of two fundamental torque components, which originate from the reactive helicity gradient and momentum curl of light, and which represent the rotational analogues to the gradient and curl forces, respectively. Based on the two components, we introduce and demonstrate the concept of lateral optical torques, which act transversely to the spin of illumination. The orbital angular momentum of vortex beams is shown to couple to the curl torque, promising a path to extreme torque enhancement or achieving negative optical torques. These results highlight the intersection between the areas of structured light, Mie-tronics and rotational optomechanics, even inspiring new paths of manipulation in acoustics and hydrodynamics.

Nat Commun ; 14(1): 6361, 2023 Oct 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37821466


The concept of lateral optical force (LOF) is of general interest in optical manipulation as it releases the constraint of intensity gradient in tightly focused light, yet such a force is normally limited to exotic materials and/or complex light fields. Here, we report a general and controllable LOF in a nonchiral elongated nanoparticle illuminated by an obliquely incident plane wave. Through computational analysis, we reveal that the sign and magnitude of LOF can be tuned by multiple parameters of the particle (aspect ratio, material) and light (incident angle, direction of linear polarization, wavelength). The underlying physics is attributed to the multipolar interplay in the particle, leading to a reduction in symmetry. Direct experimental evidence of switchable LOF is captured by polarization-angle-controlled manipulation of single Ag nanowires using holographic optical tweezers. This work provides a minimalist paradigm to achieve interface-free LOF for optomechanical applications, such as optical sorting and light-driven micro/nanomotors.

Nat Commun ; 14(1): 2638, 2023 May 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37149678


The momentum carried by structured light fields exhibits a rich array of surprising features. In this work, we generate transverse orbital angular momentum (TOAM) in the interference field of two parallel and counter-propagating linearly-polarised focused beams, synthesising an array of identical handedness vortices carrying intrinsic TOAM. We explore this structured light field using an optomechanical sensor, consisting of an optically levitated silicon nanorod, whose rotation is a probe of the optical angular momentum, which generates an exceptionally large torque. This simple creation and direct observation of TOAM will have applications in studies of fundamental physics, the optical manipulation of matter and quantum optomechanics.

Light Sci Appl ; 11(1): 258, 2022 Aug 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36042190


Cold spots are sub-wavelength regions which might emerge near a nanoantenna, should one or more components of some far-field illumination cancel out with scattered light. We show that by changing only the polarisation, amplitude, and phase of two plane waves, a unique, zero-magnitude and highly sub-wavelength cold spot can be created and moved anywhere in the space around a nanoantenna of any arbitrary shape. This can be achieved using ultra-fast modulated pulses, or a time-harmonic approximation. Easily disturbed by a change in the nanoantenna's material or position, a manufactured cold spot is fragile and could be used in nanoscale sensing. Our technique exploits the linearity of Maxwell's equations and could be adapted to manipulate any phenomena governed by the linear wave equation, including acoustic scattering. This is a means for potentially ultra-fast sub-wavelength electric field manipulation.

Nano Lett ; 20(10): 7094-7099, 2020 Oct 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32830983


Optically induced magnetic resonances in nonmagnetic media have unlocked magnetic light-matter interactions and led to new technologies in many research fields. Previous proposals for the levitation of nanoscale particles without structured illumination have worked on the basis of epsilon-near-zero surfaces or anisotropic materials, but these materials carry with them significant fabrication difficulties. We report the optical levitation of a magnetic dipole over a wide range of realistic materials, including bulk metals, thereby relieving these difficulties. The repulsion is independent of surface losses, and we propose an experiment to detect this force which consists of a core-shell nanoparticle, exhibiting a magnetic resonance, in close proximity to a gold substrate under plane wave illumination. We anticipate the use of this phenomenon in new nanomechanical devices.

Nat Commun ; 10(1): 2967, 2019 Jul 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31273210


While free electrons in metals respond to ultrafast excitation with refractive index changes on femtosecond time scales, typical relaxation mechanisms occur over several picoseconds, governed by electron-phonon energy exchange rates. Here, we propose tailoring these intrinsic rates by engineering a non-uniform electron temperature distribution through nanostructuring, thus, introducing an additional electron temperature relaxation channel. We experimentally demonstrate a sub-300 fs switching time due to the wavelength dependence of the induced hot electron distribution in the nanostructure. The speed of switching is determined by the rate of redistribution of the inhomogeneous electron temperature and not just the rate of heat exchange between electrons and phonons. This effect depends on both the spatial overlap between control and signal fields in the metamaterial and hot-electron diffusion effects. Thus, switching rates can be controlled in nanostructured systems by designing geometrical parameters and selecting wavelengths, which determine the control and signal mode distributions.

Light Sci Appl ; 8: 52, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31231518


The electromagnetic field scattered by nano-objects contains a broad range of wavevectors and can be efficiently coupled to waveguided modes. The dominant contribution to scattering from subwavelength dielectric and plasmonic nanoparticles is determined by electric and magnetic dipolar responses. Here, we experimentally demonstrate spectral and phase selective excitation of Janus dipoles, sources with electric and magnetic dipoles oscillating out of phase, in order to control near-field interference and directional coupling to waveguides. We show that by controlling the polarisation state of the dipolar excitations and the excitation wavelength to adjust their relative contributions, directionality and coupling strength can be fully tuned. Furthermore, we introduce a novel spinning Janus dipole featuring cylindrical symmetry in the near and far field, which results in either omnidirectional coupling or noncoupling. Controlling the propagation of guided light waves via fast and robust near-field interference between polarisation components of a source is required in many applications in nanophotonics and quantum optics.

Phys Rev Lett ; 121(19): 193901, 2018 Nov 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30468596


We propose a method for ultrasensitive displacement and phase measurements based on a nanoantenna illuminated with interfering evanescent waves. We show that with a proper nanoantenna design, tiny displacements and relative phase variations can be converted into changes of the scattering direction in the Fourier space. These sensitive changes stem from the strong position dependence of the orientation of the purely imaginary Poynting vector produced in the interference pattern of evanescent waves. Using strongly confined evanescent standing waves, high sensitivity is demonstrated on the nanoantenna's zero-scattering direction, which varies linearly with displacement over a wide range. With weakly confined evanescent wave interference, even higher sensitivity to tiny displacement or phase changes can be reached near a particular location. The high sensitivity of the proposed method can form the basis for many metrology applications. Furthermore, this concept demonstrates the importance of the imaginary part of the Poynting vector, a property that is related to reactive power and is often ignored in photonics.

Opt Lett ; 43(14): 3393-3396, 2018 Jul 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30004514


Study of photonic spin-orbital interactions, which involves control of the propagation and spatial distributions of light via its polarization, is not only important at the fundamental level but also has significant implications for functional photonic applications that require active tuning of directional light propagation. Many of the experimental demonstrations have been attributed to the spin-momentum locking characteristic of evanescent waves. In this Letter, we show another property of evanescent waves: the polarization-dependent direction of the imaginary part of the Poynting vector, i.e., reactive power. Based on this property, we propose a simple and robust way to tune the directional far-field scattering from nanoparticles near a surface under evanescent wave illumination by controlling its polarization and direction of the incident light.

Phys Rev Lett ; 120(11): 117402, 2018 Mar 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29601752


Unidirectional scattering from circularly polarized dipoles has been demonstrated in near-field optics, where the quantum spin-Hall effect of light translates into spin-momentum locking. By considering the whole electromagnetic field, instead of its spin component alone, near-field directionality can be achieved beyond spin-momentum locking. This unveils the existence of the Janus dipole, with side-dependent topologically protected coupling to waveguides, and reveals the near-field directionality of Huygens dipoles, generalizing Kerker's condition. Circular dipoles, together with Huygens and Janus sources, form the complete set of all possible directional dipolar sources in the far- and near-field. This allows the designing of directional emission, scattering, and waveguiding, fundamental for quantum optical technology, integrated nanophotonics, and new metasurface designs.

Phys Rev Lett ; 119(11): 114301, 2017 Sep 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28949226


Anomalous dispersion is a surprising phenomenon associated with wave propagation in an even number of space dimensions. In particular, wave pulses propagating in two-dimensional space change shape and develop a tail even in the absence of a dispersive medium. We show mathematically that this dispersion can be eliminated by considering a modified wave equation with two geometric spatial dimensions and, unconventionally, two timelike dimensions. Experimentally, such a wave equation describes pulse propagation in an optical or acoustic medium with hyperbolic dispersion, leading to a fundamental understanding and new approaches to ultrashort pulse shaping in nanostructured metamaterials.

Nano Lett ; 17(5): 3139-3144, 2017 05 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28388061


Full measurement of the polarization of light at the nanoscale is expected to be crucial in many scientific and technological disciplines. Ideally, such measurements will require miniaturized Stokes polarimeters able to determine polarization nondestructively, locally, and in real time. For maximum robustness in measurement, the polarimeters should also operate optimally. Recent approaches making use of plasmonic nanostructures or metasurfaces are not able to fulfill all these requirements simultaneously. Here, we propose and demonstrate a method for subwavelength-footprint Stokes nanopolarimetry based on spin-orbit interaction of light. The method, which basically consists on a subwavelength scatterer coupled to a (set of) multimode waveguide(s), can fully determine the state of polarization satisfying all the previous features. Remarkably, the nanopolarimetry technique can operate optimally (we design a nanopolarimeter whose polarization basis spans 99.7% of the maximum tetrahedron volume inside the Poincaré sphere) over a broad bandwidth. Although here experimentally demonstrated on a silicon chip at telecom wavelengths, spin-orbit interaction-based nanopolarimetry is a universal concept to be applied in any wavelength regime or technological platform.

Phys Rev Lett ; 118(13): 133605, 2017 Mar 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28409961


We study the lateral Casimir force experienced by a particle that rotates near a planar surface. The origin of this force lies in the symmetry breaking induced by the particle rotation in the vacuum and thermal fluctuations of its dipole moment, and therefore, in contrast to lateral Casimir forces previously described in the literature for corrugated surfaces, it exists despite the translational invariance of the planar surface. Working within the framework of fluctuational electrodynamics, we derive analytical expressions for the lateral force and analyze its dependence on the geometrical and material properties of the system. In particular, we show that the direction of the force can be controlled by adjusting the particle-surface distance, which may be exploited as a new mechanism to manipulate nanoscale objects.

Light Sci Appl ; 5(1): e16022, 2016 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30167119


Reduction of adhesion and stiction is crucial for robust operation on nanomechanical and optofluidic devices as well as atom and molecule behaviour near surfaces. It can be achieved using electric charging, magnetic materials or light pressure and optical trapping. Here we show that a particle scattering or emitting in close proximity to an anisotropic substrate can experience a repulsive force if one of the diagonal components of the permittivity tensor is close to zero. We derive an analytic condition for the existence of such repulsive force depending on the optical properties of the substrate. We also demonstrate the effect using realistic anisotropic metamaterial implementations of a substrate. The anisotropic metamaterial approach using metal-dielectric and graphene-dielectric multilayers provides a tuneable spectral range and a very broad bandwidth of electromagnetic repulsion forces, in contrast to isotropic substrates.

Nat Commun ; 6: 8799, 2015 Nov 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26581479


Optical forces allow manipulation of small particles and control of nanophotonic structures with light beams. While some techniques rely on structured light to move particles using field intensity gradients, acting locally, other optical forces can 'push' particles on a wide area of illumination but only in the direction of light propagation. Here we show that spin-orbit coupling, when the spin of the incident circularly polarized light is converted into lateral electromagnetic momentum, leads to a lateral optical force acting on particles placed above a substrate, associated with a recoil mechanical force. This counterintuitive force acts in a direction in which the illumination has neither a field gradient nor propagation. The force direction is switchable with the polarization of uniform, plane wave illumination, and its magnitude is comparable to other optical forces.

Opt Lett ; 39(6): 1394-7, 2014 Mar 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24690796


Intuitively, light impinging on a spatially mirror-symmetric object will be scattered equally into mirror-symmetric directions. This intuition can fail at the nanoscale if the polarization of the incoming light is properly tailored, as long as mirror symmetry is broken in the axes perpendicular to both the incident wave vector and the remaining mirror-symmetric direction. The unidirectional excitation of plasmonic modes using circularly polarized light has been recently demonstrated. Here, we generalize this concept and show that linearly polarized photons impinging on a single spatially symmetric scatterer created in a silicon waveguide are guided into a certain direction of the waveguide depending exclusively on their polarization angle and the structure asymmetry. Our work broadens the scope of polarization-induced directionality beyond plasmonics, with applications in polarization (de)multiplexing, unidirectional coupling, directional switching, radiation polarization control, and polarization-encoded quantum information processing in photonic integrated circuits.

Phys Rev Lett ; 112(3): 033902, 2014 Jan 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24484139


The ability to manufacture metamaterials with exotic electromagnetic properties has potential for surprising new applications. Here we report how a specific type of metamaterial--one whose permittivity is near zero--exerts a repulsive force on an electric dipole source, resulting in levitation of the dipole. The phenomenon relies on the expulsion of the time-varying electric field from the metamaterial interior, resembling the perfect diamagnetic expulsion of magnetostatic fields. Leveraging this concept, we study some realistic requirements for the levitation or repulsion of a polarized particle radiating at any frequency, from microwave to optics.

Nat Commun ; 5: 3226, 2014.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24526135


The routing of light in a deep subwavelength regime enables a variety of important applications in photonics, quantum information technologies, imaging and biosensing. Here we describe and experimentally demonstrate the selective excitation of spatially confined, subwavelength electromagnetic modes in anisotropic metamaterials with hyperbolic dispersion. A localized, circularly polarized emitter placed at the boundary of a hyperbolic metamaterial is shown to excite extraordinary waves propagating in a prescribed direction controlled by the polarization handedness. Thus, a metamaterial slab acts as an extremely broadband, nearly ideal polarization beam splitter for circularly polarized light. We perform a proof of concept experiment with a uniaxial hyperbolic metamaterial at radio-frequencies revealing the directional routing effect and strong subwavelength λ/300 confinement. The proposed concept of metamaterial-based subwavelength interconnection and polarization-controlled signal routing is based on the photonic spin Hall effect and may serve as an ultimate platform for either conventional or quantum electromagnetic signal processing.