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Plant Physiol ; 116(3): 1073-81, 1998 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9501140


In vivo pyruvate synthesis by malic enzyme (ME) and pyruvate kinase and in vivo malate synthesis by phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase and the Krebs cycle were measured by 13C incorporation from [1-13C]glucose into glucose-6-phosphate, alanine, glutamate, aspartate, and malate. These metabolites were isolated from maize (Zea mays L.) root tips under aerobic and hypoxic conditions. 13C-Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry were used to discern the positional isotopic distribution within each metabolite. This information was applied to a simple precursor-product model that enabled calculation of specific metabolic fluxes. In respiring root tips, ME was found to contribute only approximately 3% of the pyruvate synthesized, whereas pyruvate kinase contributed the balance. The activity of ME increased greater than 6-fold early in hypoxia, and then declined coincident with depletion of cytosolic malate and aspartate. We found that in respiring root tips, anaplerotic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity was high relative to ME, and therefore did not limit synthesis of pyruvate by ME. The significance of in vivo pyruvate synthesis by ME is discussed with respect to malate and pyruvate utilization by isolated mitochondria and intracellular pH regulation under hypoxia.

Plant Physiol ; 113(3): 881-893, 1997 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12223650


Seedlings of maize (Zea mays L. cv Pioneer 3906), hydroponically grown in the dark, were exposed to NaCl either gradually (salt acclimation) or in one step (salt shock). In the salt-acclimation treatment, root extension was indistinguishable from that of unsalinized controls for at least 6 d at concentrations up to 100 mM NaCl. By contrast, salt shock rapidly inhibited extension, followed by a gradual recovery, so that by 24 h extension rates were the same as for controls, even at 150 mM NaCl. Salt shock caused a rapid decrease in root water and solute potentials for the apical zones, and the estimated turgor potential showed only a small decline; similar but more gradual changes occurred with salt acclimation. The 5-bar decrease in root solute potential with salt shock (150 mM NaCl) during the initial 10 min of exposure could not be accounted for by dehydration, indicating that substantial osmotic adjustment occurred rapidly. Changes in concentration of inorganic solutes (Na+, K+, and Cl-) and organic solutes (proline, sucrose, fructose, and glucose) were measured during salt shock. The contribution of these solutes to changes in root solute potential with salinization was estimated.

Plant Physiol ; 113(1): 191-199, 1997 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12223600


Nucleotide metabolism in potato (Solanum tuberosum) mitochondria was studied using 31P-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and the O2 electrode. Immediately following the addition of ADP, ATP synthesis exceeded the rate of oxidative phosphorylation, fueled by succinate oxidation, due to mitochondrial adenylate kinase (AK) activity two to four times the maximum activity of ATP synthase. Only when the AK reaction approached equilibrium was oxidative phosphorylation the primary mechanism for net ATP synthesis. A pool of sequestered ATP in mitochondria enabled AK and ATP synthase to convert AMP to ATP in the presence of exogenous inorganic phosphate. During this conversion, AK activity can indirectly influence rates of oxidation of both succinate and NADH via changes in mitochondrial ATP. Mitochondrial nucleoside diphosphokinase, in cooperation with ATP synthase, was found to facilitate phosphorylation of nucleoside diphosphates other than ADP at rates similar to the maximum rate of oxidative phosphorylation. These results demonstrate that plant mitochondria contain all of the machinery necessary to rapidly regenerate nucleoside triphosphates from AMP and nucleoside diphosphates made during cellular biosynthesis and that AK activity can affect both the amount of ADP available to ATP synthase and the level of ATP regulating electron transport.

Plant Physiol ; 111(1): 227-233, 1996 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12226288


We tested the hypothesis that H+ extrusion contributes to cytoplasmic pH regulation and tolerance of anoxia in maize (Zea mays) root tips. We studied root tips of whole seedlings that were acclimated to a low-oxygen environment by pretreatment in 3% (v/v) O2. Acclimated root tips characteristically regulate cytoplasmic pH near neutrality and survive prolonged anoxia, whereas nonacclimated tips undergo severe cytoplasmic acidosis and die much more quickly. We show that the plasma membrane H+-ATPase can operate under anoxia and that net H+ extrusion increases when cytoplasmic pH falls. However, at an external pH near 6.0, H+ extrusion contributes little to cytoplasmic pH regulation. At more acidic external pH values, net H+ flux into root tips increases dramatically, leading to a decrease in cytoplasmic pH and reduced tolerance of anoxia. We present evidence that, under these conditions, H+ pumps are activated to partly offset acidosis due to H+ influx and, thereby, contribute to cytoplasmic pH regulation and tolerance of anoxia. The regulation of H+ extrusion under anoxia is discussed with respect to the acclimation response and mechanisms of intracellular pH regulation in aerobic plant cells.

Plant Physiol ; 108(2): 589-595, 1995 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12228496


We tested the hypothesis that ATP levels and energy charge determine the resistance of maize (Zea mays) root tips to anoxia. We focused on root tips of whole maize seedlings that had been acclimated to low O2 by exposure to an atmosphere of 3% (v/v) O2 in N2. Acclimated anoxic root tips characteristically have higher ATP levels and energy charge and survive longer under anoxia than nonacclimated tips. We poisoned intact, acclimated root tips with either fluoride or mannose, causing decreases in ATP and energy charge to values similar to or, in most cases, below those found in nonacclimated anoxic tips. With the exception of the highest fluoride concentration used, the poisoned, acclimated tips remained much more tolerant of anoxia than nonacclimated root tips. We conclude that high ATP and energy charge are not components critical for the survival of acclimated root tips during anoxia. The reduced nucleotide status in poisoned, acclimated root tips had little effect on cytoplasmic pH regulation during anoxia. This result indicates that in anoxic, acclimated root tips either cytoplasmic pH regulation is not dominated by ATP-dependent processes or these processes can continue in vivo largely independently of any changes in ATP levels in the physiological range. The role of glycolytic flux in survival under anoxia is discussed.

Plant Physiol ; 105(2): 651-657, 1994 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12232232


We tested the hypothesis (J.-H. Xia and P.H. Saglio [1992] Plant Physiol 100: 40-46) that the enhanced ability of maize (Zea mays) root tips to survive anoxia, elicited by a 4-h exposure to 3% O2 ("acclimation"), is due to less cytoplasmic acidosis early in anoxia. Cytoplasmic pH and fermentation reactions were monitored in excised and intact (attached) maize root tips by simultaneous in vivo 13C- and 31P-NMR spectroscopy. We demonstrate that both excised and intact acclimated root tips have significantly higher cytoplasmic pH values under anoxia. This reduction in cytoplasmic acidosis is greater in intact root tips. Remarkably, cytoplasmic pH does not change when root tips are transferred from 3% O2 to anoxia. The earlier observation of considerable lactate efflux and lowered intracellular lactate in excised, acclimated root tips (ibid.) was extended to intact seedlings. The predominant fermentation end product retained in the cells of acclimated root tips is alanine. We discuss the relationship between cytoplasmic pH and levels of intracellular lactate and alanine in sugar-replete roots, and the role of cytoplasmic pH in determining survival under anoxia.

Plant Physiol ; 104(2): 581-589, 1994 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12232108


Sequestration of nucleotides in cells through protein binding could influence the availability of nucleotides and free energy for metabolic reactions and, therefore, affect rates of physiological processes. We have estimated the proportion of nucleotides bound to proteins in maize (Zea mays L.) root tips. Binding of nucleoside mono- and diphosphates to total root-tip protein was studied in vitro using high-performance liquid chromatography and a new ligand-binding technique. We estimate that approximately 40% of the ADP, 65% of the GDP, 50% of the AMP, and virtually all the GMP in aerobic cells are bound to proteins. In hypoxic cells, free concentrations of these nucleotides increase proportionately much more than total intracellular concentrations. Little or no binding of CDP, UDP, CMP, and UMP was observed in vitro. Binding of nucleoside triphosphate (NTP) to protein was estimated from in vivo 31P-nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation measurements. In aerobic root tips most (approximately 70%) of the NTP is free, whereas under hypoxia NTP appears predominantly bound to protein. Our results indicate that binding of nucleotides to proteins in plant cells will significantly influence levels of free purine nucleotides available to drive and regulate respiration, protein synthesis, ion transport, and other physiological processes.