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rev. udca actual. divulg. cient ; 22(2): e1183, Jul-Dic. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1094803


ABSTRACT Amaranth flour is of high nutritional value, which makes it a potential food. Grinding of the grains is a necessary operation to obtain products with physical properties that provide the food products with adequate characteristics. To analyze the effect of grinding velocity and time on the particle diameters and physical properties of Amaranth flour by ball mill, a Doehlert design with triplicate at the central point was used. The tests were carried out with the mass ratio (balls/samples) (R1:5). Granulometry curve of each design system was fitted to the Rosin-Ramler-Bennet and Holmes-Hukki equations. A found a very significant effect of the velocity on the particle diameters (D50, D63 and D80). The flour obtained were modeled satisfactorily (r2>0.99) by using the Rosin-Ramler-Bennet equation, where the homogeneity index of (n1) was obtained, which was directly influenced by the milling energy. By using the Holmes-Hukki model, were able to model the characteristic diameters with the grinding energy; a critical region was observed between 100μm and 200μm, where lost efficiency in the size reduction. The excess energy, released in the critical region, caused the decrease in starch crystallinity and structural changes in the protein, which affect the functional properties of the flour. The planetary mill is emerging as an effective mean of modifying the functional properties in the development of new food products.

RESUMEN La harina de amaranto es de alto valor nutricional, convirtiéndola en un alimento potencial. La molienda de los granos es una operación necesaria, para brindarle a los productos alimenticios unas adecuadas propiedades físicas. Para analizar el efecto de la velocidad y el tiempo de molienda sobre el diámetro de particular y las propiedades físicas de la harina obtenida por molienda de bolas, se usó un diseño experimental Doehlert, con réplica en el punto central. En las pruebas de molinería se tuvo en cuenta la relación masa de bolas/masa de muestra (R1:5). Las curvas de granulometría de cada punto del diseño experimental fueron modeladas por las ecuaciones de Rosin-Ramler-Bennet y Holmes-Hukki. Se encontró un efecto muy significativo de la velocidad de molienda sobre los diámetros característicos (D50, D63 y D80). El modelo de Rosin-Ramler-Bennet ajustó satisfactoriamente (r2>0.99), además, se obtuvo el índice de homogeneidad (n1), el cual, fue afectado directamente por la energía de molienda. El uso del modelo de Holmes-Hukki permitió relacionar el diámetro de partícula con la energía de molienda y se logró observar una región crítica entre 100μm y 200μm, donde hay una reducción en la eficiencia de la reducción de tamaño de partícula. El exceso de energía liberada en la región crítica causó el descenso en la cristalinidad del almidón y provocó cambios en la estructura de las proteínas, lo cual, modificó las propiedades físicas de la harina. El Molino planetario es una técnica emergente y efectiva para modificar las propiedades funcionales en el desarrollo de nuevo productos alimenticios.

J Food Sci Technol ; 52(12): 8389-94, 2015 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26604420


Pearled amaranth grains obtained by abrasive milling were processed by planetary ball milling to produce amaranth flours. The influence of milling energy on rheological and thermal behavior of amaranth flour dispersions and stability during 24 h storage at 4 °C were investigated based on a factorial design. The rheological behavior of flour dispersions (4 % and 8 % w/v) was determined using a rotational viscometer, while gelatinization degree was determined by differential scanning calorimetry as a measure of structural changes.The power law model was found to be suitable in expressing the relationship between shear stress and shear rate. Flour dispersions showed a pseudoplastic behavior. However this character decreased with the storage being dependent on flour concentration and milling energy. A decrease of the consistency index and an increase of the flow behavior index were observed as a result of the increasing milling energy. Gelatinization enthalpy decrease showed the loss of crystalline structure due to ball milling. Amaranth flour dispersions presented increasing stability during storage. It was observed, that the stability changed with the concentration of amaranth flours.Thus, more stable dispersions were obtained as the flour concentration increased. The highly milled sample was the most stable sample during the storage.