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Trop Anim Health Prod ; 53(6): 546, 2021 Nov 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34779908


The purpose of this work was to establish DNA marker frequencies for genetic disorders, colour, horned/polled trait, and major genes of importance for productive and reproductive traits in Blanco Orejinegro (BON) cattle. The Blanco Orejinegro breed is a Colombian creole breed characterized by a white hair coat on black skin with black ears, black hair on the middle part of the legs, and absence of horns. We genotyped 420 animals of Colombia, 70 with the GGP-Bovine 150 K chip and 350 with the GGP-Bovine 50 K chip. The markers were associated with 50 genetic diseases, 52 major gene variants related to productive traits, and 12 variants related to coat coloration, presence of horns, and adaptation, selected from the information contained in the chips. Genotype frequencies were estimated using the R statistical program. Genetic disorder annotations were derived using the Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals tool (OMIA) and the average inbreeding coefficient (F) (n = 7799) using the MTDFNRM program. Carriers were found for 16 of the genetic disorders evaluated but with low frequencies (0.24 to 2.46%); no homozygous animals were found for the disorders. Carriers were associated with disorders such as bovine leukocyte adhesion deficiency (BLAD), deficiency of uridine monophosphate synthase (DUMPS), syndactyly, and epidermolysis bullosa (EB). The F was 4.41%. Concerning the genes associated with colour (TYR, MC1R, and PMEL), alleles related to black pigmentation, the absence of horns (polledness), and slick coat (an adaptive trait) were highly frequent (> 81.90%). Markers associated with milk production and quality, yellow fat, and fertility showed variable frequencies, indicating selection potential. Allele frequency of genetic disorders in BON cattle was low, suggesting few genetic disorder problems, with syndactyly being the most frequent condition. The markers associated with colour and polledness were almost fixed, with a frequency at or near 100%. Production and reproduction markers showed variability for selection.

Endogamia , Animales , Bovinos/genética , Color , Frecuencia de los Genes , Genotipo , Fenotipo
J Anim Breed Genet ; 138(5): 613-627, 2021 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33783906


Blanco Orejinegro (BON) cattle have 500 years of adaptation to the Colombian tropic, but little is known about their genetic history. Our aim was to estimate levels of linkage disequilibrium (LD), effective population size (Ne), genomic inbreeding for runs of homozygosity (FROH ), genomic relation matrix (FGRM ), excess of homozygotes (FHOM ) and pedigree information (FPEDCOMP ) and to characterize the runs of homozygosity (ROH), searching for selection signatures. A total of 419 BON animals were genotyped, 70 with a 150K chip and 349 with a 50K chip. Next, an imputation to 50K was performed, and, after editing, databases of 40K were obtained. The PLINK v1.90 and R programs were used to estimate LD, ROH, FROH and FHOM . The SNeP v1.1 program was used to obtain Ne, and PreGSf90 was used to elaborate the scaled G matrix. The MTDFNRM program was used to estimate FPEDCOMP . The LD mean as r2 at 1 Mb was 0.21 (r2  > 0.30 at a distance of 96.72kb), and Ne was 123 ± 1. A total of 7,652 homozygous segments were obtained, with a mean of 18.35 ± 0.55 ROH/animal. Most of the genome was covered by long ROHs (ROH>8 Mb  = 4.86%), indicating significant recent inbreeding. The average inbreeding coefficient for FPEDCOM , FGRM , FHOM and FROH was 4.41%, 4.18%, 5.58% and 6.78%, respectively. The highest correlation was observed between FHOM and FROH (0.95). ROH hotspots/islands were defined using the extreme values of a box plot that was generated, and correspond to QTLs related to milk yield (55.11%), external appearance (13.47%), production (13.30%), reproduction (8.15%), health (5.24%) and meat carcass (4.74%).

Bovinos , Homocigoto , Endogamia , Animales , Bovinos/genética , Genómica , Genotipo , Sitios de Carácter Cuantitativo
rev. udca actual. divulg. cient ; 21(2): 507-517, jul.-dic. 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1094753


RESUMEN La zona del Cauca posee resguardos indígenas que han presentado diferentes problemáticas asociadas a la lucha armada en Colombia, lo que ha limitado que las entidades puedan realizar programas de control de enfermedades bovinas. Por lo anterior, el objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la prevalencia de algunas enfermedades infecciosas, de carácter reproductivo, en el ganado bovino, de tres resguardos indígenas del Cauca, 2017. Se recolectaron muestras sanguíneas de 30 vacas, para determinar la prevalencia de Neospora caninum, Brucella abortus, diarrea viral bovina (DVB), rinotraqueitis infecciosa bovina (IBR) y Leptospira sp. serovares Hardjo prajitno, bovis y Pomona. Las pruebas, se realizaron por ELISA, rosa de bengala y microaglutinación. Mediante el software R, se efectuó un análisis descriptivo y se determinaron las prevalencias para cada enfermedad, se estimaron las co-infecciones y se realizó un modelo de regresión logística, para determinar el efecto del hato, resguardo, componente racial, grupo etario, número de animales y tamaño del hato, sobre la positividad a las enfermedades. Se encontró una prevalencia del 36%, para N. caninum; 60%, DVB; 30%, IBR; 0%, B. abortus; Leptospira spp. serovares Harjo prajitno, 26%; Hardjo bovis, 12% y Pomona, 10%. De acuerdo con el análisis de riesgo, la seropositividad para DVB e IBR estuvo asociada con el resguardo donde habitaban los animales, en este caso, Tacueyó tuvo más riesgo y estuvo directamente relacionado con el área de los hatos; entre mayor área más animales fueron positivos. En general, se encontró que la situación de la zona es similar a la de otros lugares de Colombia.

ABSTRACT The Cauca region in Colombia has indigenous reservations that have presented different problems associated with the armed conflict, which has limited the entities to carry out bovine disease control programs. Therefore, the aim of this work was to determine the prevalence of some infectious diseases of reproductive traits in cattle of three indigenous resguards in Cauca, 2017. Blood samples of 30 cows were collected to determine the prevalence of Neospora caninum, Brucella abortus, bovine viral diarrhea (BVD), Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) and Leptospira sp. serovars Hardjo prajitno, bovis and Pomona. The tests were performed by ELISA, rose bengal and microscopic agglutination. Using R software, a descriptive analysis was carried out and the frequencies for each disease were estimated. In addition, coinfections between diseases were estimated and a logistic regression model was performed to determine the effect of the herd, reservation, racial component, age group, number of animals and size of the farm on the disease positivity. The prevalence was N. caninum 36%, BVD 60%, IBR 30%, B. abortus 0%, Leptospira spp. serovars Hardjo prajitno 26%, Hardjo bovis 12%, y Pomona 10%. According to the risk analysis, the seropositivity for BVD and IBR were associated with the place where the animals lived, in this case Tacueyó, but this was directly related to the size of the herds, since the greater, the area more animals were positive. In general, it was found that the situation in the region is similar to that of other sites in Colombia.

Rev. colomb. cienc. pecu ; 31(1): 45-58, ene.-mar. 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-978241


Abstract Background: Holstein cattle have undergone strong selection processes in the world. These selection signatures can be recognized and utilized to identify regions of the genome that are important for milk yield. Objective: To identify recent selection signatures in Holstein from the Province of Antioquia (Colombia), using the integrated haplotype score (iHS) methodology. Methods: Blood or semen was extracted from 150 animals with a commercial kit. The animals were genotyped with the BovineLD chip (6909 SNPs). The editing process was carried out while preserving the loci whose minor allele frequency (MAF) was greater than 0.05. In addition, genotypes with Mendelian errors were discarded using R and PLINK v1.07 software programs. Furthermore, the extended haplotype homozygosity (EHH), iHS and the p-value were determined with the "rehh" package of R language. Results: The minor allele frequencies showed a tendency toward intermediate frequency alleles. In total, 144 focal markers were significant (p<0.001) for selection signatures. Some chromosomes showed a greater number of signatures than others. Many of the variants were found inside genes, although they were in intronic regions. Some important regions were associated with genes TRAPPC12, PANK3, ZNF16, OPLA and DPYSL4, which are related with cellular transport, excretion or metabolism. Conclusion: Identifying signatures of selection using the iHS method made it possible to determine some important regions for selection in Holstein cattle in the high tropics, some of which had been previously reported to be associated with quantitative traits loci (QTLs).

Resumen Antecedentes: El ganado Holstein ha sido sometido a procesos fuertes de selección en el mundo. Estas señales de selección pueden ser reconocidas y utilizadas para identificar regiones del genoma importantes para la producción de leche. Objetivo: Identificar señales de selección recientes en ganado Holstein de la Provincia de Antioquia (Colombia), mediante la metodología de puntaje haplotípico integrado (iHS). Métodos: A 150 animales se les extrajo DNA de sangre o semen mediante un kit comercial y posteriormente se genotiparon los animales con el chip BovineLD (6909 SNPs). Se realizó edición conservando los loci con frecuencia del alelo menor (MAF) superior a 0,05. Además, se descartaron los genotipos con errores mendelianos, usando el software R y PLINK v1.07. La determinación de la homocigosidad haplotípica extendida (EHH), iHS y el valor p se realizó utilizando el paquete "rehh" de R. Resultados: Las frecuencias del alelo menor mostraron una tendencia hacia alelos de frecuencias intermedias. En total, 144 marcadores focales fueron significativos (p<0,001) para las señales de selección. Algunos cromosomas presentaron mayor número de señales de selección que otros. Muchas de las variantes focales se encontraron al interior de genes, aunque comúnmente en regiones intrónicas. Algunas de las regiones importantes estuvieron asociadas con genes como TRAPPC12, PANK3, ZNF16, OPLA y DPYSL4 que en general se encuentran asociados con funciones relacionadas con el transporte, excreción o metabolismo celular. Conclusión: La identificación de señales de selección usando el método iHS permitió determinar algunas regiones importantes para la selección en ganado Holstein del trópico alto, algunas de las cuales han sido previamente reportadas por su asociación a loci de características cuantitativas (QTLs).

Resumo Antecedentes: O gado holandês tem sido objeto de processos de seleção fortes no mundo. Estes sinais de seleção podem ser reconhecidos e utilizados para identificar regiões do genoma importantes para a produção de leite. Objetivo: Identificar sinais de seleção recente em gado Holandês de la Província de Antioquia (Colômbia), através da metodologia de pontuação haplotípica integrada (iHS). Métodos: Foram usados 150 animais para a extração de DNA a partir de sangre ou sêmen usando kit comercial, os animais foram posteriormente genotipados com o chip BovineLD (6909 SNPs). A edição foi feita mantendo os loci com frequência do alelo menor (MAF) de 0,05; além disso, genótipos com erros mendelianos foram descartados usando o programa R e PLINK v1.07. A determinação da homozigosidade haplotípica estendida (EHH), iHS e valor p foi realizada utilizando o pacote estatístico R "reeh". Resultados: As frequências do alelo menor mostraram uma tendência inclinada a frequências intermédias. No total, 144 marcadores focais foram significativos (p<0,001) para os sinais de seleção. Alguns cromossomos apresentaram mais numero de sinais de seleção que outros. Muitas dos variantes focais foram encontradas dentro dos genes, embora comumente em regiões intrônicas. Algumas das regiões importantes foram associadas com genes como TRAPPC12, PANK3, ZNF16, OPLA e DPYSL4 que geralmente estão associadas a funções relacionadas com o transporte, a excreção ou metabolismo celular. Conclusão: A identificação de sinais de seleção usando o método iHS permitiu determinar algumas regiões importantes para a seleção no gado holandês do tropico alto, algumas destas regiões foram previamente relatados por sua associação com loci de características quantitativas (QTLs).

Genet Sel Evol ; 47: 43, 2015 May 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25956961


BACKGROUND: The development of next-generation sequencing technologies (NGS) has made the use of whole-genome sequence data for routine genetic evaluations possible, which has triggered a considerable interest in animal and plant breeding fields. Here, we investigated whether complete or partial sequence data can improve upon existing SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) array-based selection strategies by simulation using a mixed coalescence - gene-dropping approach. RESULTS: We simulated 20 or 100 causal mutations (quantitative trait nucleotides, QTN) within 65 predefined 'gene' regions, each 10 kb long, within a genome composed of ten 3-Mb chromosomes. We compared prediction accuracy by cross-validation using a medium-density chip (7.5 k SNPs), a high-density (HD, 17 k) and sequence data (335 k). Genetic evaluation was based on a GBLUP method. The simulations showed: (1) a law of diminishing returns with increasing number of SNPs; (2) a modest effect of SNP ascertainment bias in arrays; (3) a small advantage of using whole-genome sequence data vs. HD arrays i.e. ~4%; (4) a minor effect of NGS errors except when imputation error rates are high (≥20%); and (5) if QTN were known, prediction accuracy approached 1. Since this is obviously unrealistic, we explored milder assumptions. We showed that, if all SNPs within causal genes were included in the prediction model, accuracy could also dramatically increase by ~40%. However, this criterion was highly sensitive to either misspecification (including wrong genes) or to the use of an incomplete gene list; in these cases, accuracy fell rapidly towards that reached when all SNPs from sequence data were blindly included in the model. CONCLUSIONS: Our study shows that, unless an accurate prior estimate on the functionality of SNPs can be included in the predictor, there is a law of diminishing returns with increasing SNP density. As a result, use of whole-genome sequence data may not result in a highly increased selection response over high-density genotyping.

Técnicas de Genotipaje , Secuenciación de Nucleótidos de Alto Rendimiento , Análisis de Secuencia por Matrices de Oligonucleótidos , Polimorfismo de Nucleótido Simple , Análisis de Secuencia de ADN , Animales , Cruzamiento , Bovinos , Genómica/métodos , Mutación , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados
Rev. colomb. cienc. pecu ; 27(4): 245-252, oct.-dic. 2014. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-735083


Background: genotype-by-environment interactions play an important role in genetic improvement programs because they can change the performance of a breeding individual according to the environment where it is evaluated. Objective: to determine the genotype-by-environment interactions for some important traits in dairy farming among countries supplying bovine genetics and assessments conducted in Antioquia, Colombia. Methods: the study was conducted in 135 Holstein herds located in Antioquia. Daughters of 180 sires were evaluated for milk yield and 186 for fat and protein percentages, and somatic cell score. The genotype-by-environment interaction was addressed using Spearman's and Pearson's correlation tests between estimated breeding values in Colombia and those estimated in the sire's countries of origin. Subsequently, the magnitude of the interaction was determined using the regression coefficient between estimated breeding values in Colombia and the foreign estimate for each trait. Results: correlations between estimated breeding values calculated in Colombia and abroad were low, with the highest correlation (0.11) for protein content and the smallest one -(0.06) for milk yield per lactation. The results show a change in the ranking of sires based on their estimated breeding value, depending on whether foreign or domestic breeding values were applied, which indicates a high genotype-by-environment interaction. The results show a regression coefficient between foreign and domestic estimated breeding values of -0.286 L/lactation, with 0.23%, 0.002%, and -0.003 scores for protein percentage, fat, and somatic cell score, respectively. All regression coefficients except that for milk yield were statistically significant (p<0.05). Conclusion: this study demonstrates a high genotype-by-environment interaction between sires evaluated in Antioquia and abroad, underscoring the need to strengthen the estimation of breeding values adjusted to Antioquia's environment.

Antecedentes: la interacción genotipo-ambiente juega un papel importante en los programas de mejoramiento genético, ya que dicha interacción cambia el desempeño de un reproductor de acuerdo al ambiente donde es evaluado. Objetivo: determinar la interacción genotipo-ambiente para algunas características de importancia en producción de leche entre los países proveedores de genética bovina y las evaluaciones en Antioquia, Colombia. Métodos: la investigación se realizó en 135 hatos Holstein de Antioquia con información productiva para estimar los valores genéticos. Se evaluaron hijas de 180 toros para producción de leche y 186 para porcentaje de grasa, proteína y puntaje de células somáticas. La interacción genotipo-ambiente fue abordada usando la correlación de Sperman y de Pearson entre los valores genéticos estimados en Colombia contra los foráneos. Se determinó la magnitud de la interacción mediante el coeficiente de regresión para cada característica. Resultados: las correlaciones obtenidas entre los valores genéticos de Colombia y los foráneos fueron bajas, siendo la mayor correlación 0,11 para el caso de porcentaje de proteína y la menor de -0,06 para producción de leche por lactancia. Los resultados obtenidos muestran un cambio en el ranking de los toros con base en su valor genético de acuerdo a si se usan los valores genéticos foráneos o los nacionales, lo que evidencia una alta interacción genotipo-ambiente. Los resultados indicaron un coeficiente de regresión entre valores de cría foráneos y nacionales de -0,286 L/lactancia, 0,23%, 0,002% y -0,003 puntos para producción de leche, porcentaje de proteína, grasa y puntaje de células somáticas, respectivamente. Todos los estimados excepto el coeficiente para producción de leche fueron estadísticamente significativos (p<0,05). Conclusión: esta investigación demuestra la alta interacción genotipo-ambiente presente entre los toros evaluados en Antioquia y los foráneos, lo que hace evidente la necesidad de fortalecer la estimación de valores genéticos en las condiciones de Antioquia.

Antecedentes: a interação genótipo-ambiente desempenha um papel importante nos programas de melhoramento genético, isto devido a que esta interação altera o desempenho de um touro de acordo com o ambiente onde ele é avaliado. Objetivo: determinar a interação genótipo-ambiente para algumas características de importância na produção de leite entre os países que fornecem avaliações genéticas bovinas em Antioquia, Colômbia. Métodos: o estudo foi realizado em 135 rebanhos de gado holandês em Antioquia com informações produtivas para estimar os valores genéticos. As filhas de 180 touros foram avaliadas quanto à produção de leite e 186 para a percentagem de gordura, proteína e a contagem de células somáticas. A interação genótipo-ambiente foi abordada utilizando as correlações de Spearman e Pearson entre os valores genéticos estimados na Colômbia comparado com os valores estimados no estrangeiro. Determinou-se o grau de interação com o coeficiente de regressão para cada característica. Resultados: as correlações entre os valores genéticos obtidos na Colômbia e os obtidos no país de origem do touro foram baixas, a maior correlação foi 0,11 para o caso da porcentagem de proteína e menos de -0,06 para a produção de leite por lactação. Os resultados permitem observar uma mudança no ranking dos touros com base no seu valor genético, se usado de acordo com os valores genéticos estrangeiros ou nacionais, o que demonstra uma alta interação genótipo-ambiente. Os resultados indicaram coeficientes de regressão entre os valores genéticos dos touros no seu pais de origem e as avaliações desses touros em Antioquia de -0,286 L/lactação, 0,23%, 0,002% e -0,003 para a porcentagem de proteína, gordura e contagem de células somáticas, respectivamente. Todos, exceto as estimativas dos coeficientes de produção de leite foram estatisticamente significativas (p<0,05). Conclusão: esta pesquisa demonstra a alta interação genótipo-ambiente que fica entre os touros avaliados em Antioquia cuja genética é estrangeira, o que torna evidente a necessidade de reforçar a estimativa de valores genéticos nas condições ambientais de Antioquia.