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J Res Nurs ; 28(6-7): 499-513, 2023 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38144961


Background: Nurses are exposed to work-family conflict because of the high expectations associated with the workplace and family demands. Nurse managers' support for work-family conflict requires theoretical principles. Aims: The current study explores managers' experiences of work-life conflict and how they manage this. Methods: Grounded theory is used to explain the theoretical principles of nursing managers' support to clinical nurses. Participants included 20 managers and 2 clinical nurses working in one hospital. The data collection method used unstructured interviews. Sampling was first purposive and then theoretical, and data analysis was carried out using Corbin and Strauss's approach. Results: Participants' primary concern was the threat to their organisational position, and they used a functional-exchangeable conservation strategy to consolidate their own positions. The strategy resulted in the consolidation of managers' and nurses' positions. Two factors were identified as influencing nurse managers' strategies, namely 'the sense of insecurity in the functional position' with a deterrent effect, and 'cooperative atmosphere' as a facilitator with a positive effect. Conclusion: The most important supportive strategy used by nurse managers in the work-family conflict of clinical nurses was based on 'functional-exchangeable conservation' between themselves and the nursing staff. Functional- exchangeable protection is a type of protection of human resources by the manager. In this exchange, to solve the conflict between work and family for the nurse, the nursing manager wants to maintain their managerial position by solving the nurse's problem. Both of them benefit from this exchange. The theory of functional-exchangeable protection may provide the necessary background for the development of a prescriptive theory to minimise nurses' worries about family matters. Flexible work schedules may help nurses resolve work-family conflict and so provide better care and reduce work errors. The concept of functional-exchangeable protection and its subclasses may be helpful in preparing policies to support clinical nurses through implementing flexible work schedules, increasing nurses' motivation and fulfilling the family role of nurses.

Invest. educ. enferm ; 40(3): 145-160, 15 octubre de 2022. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1402190


Objective.To evaluate the effectiveness of the application of an educational program based on the Health Belief Model (HBM) in Adopting Preventive Behaviors from Self-Medication among Women in Iran. Methods. Interventional study with pre and post phases. 200 women referring to the health centers of Urmia were selected by simple random sampling, divided into two groups of treatment and control. Data collection instruments were researcher-devised questionnaire including the questionnaire of Knowledge of Self-medication, the Questionnaire of Preventive Behaviors from Self-medication, and the questionnaire of Health Belief Model. The questionnaires were assessed for expert validity and then, were checked for reliability. The educational intervention was conducted for the treatment group during four weeks four 45-minute sessions. Results.The average scores of knowledge, perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, cues to action, self-efficiency, and post-intervention performance in have increased in treatment group, comparing to the control group, All findings were statistically significant (p<0.05). Furthermore, social media, doctors, and disbelief in self-medication were more effective in increasing awareness and encouraging to have proper medication, also, the highest self-medication was in taking pain-relievers, cold tablets and antibiotics, which showed significant decrease in treatment group after the intervention. Conclusion.The educational program based onHealth Belief Modelwas effective in reducing the self-medication among the studied women. Furthermore, it is recommended to use social media and doctors to improve the awareness and motivation among people. Thus, applying the educational programs and plans according to the Health Belief Model can be influential in reducing the self-medication.

Objetivo. Evaluar la eficacia de la aplicación de un programa educativo basado en el Modelo de Creencias sobre la Salud (MCS) en la adopción de conductas preventivas de la automedicación entre las mujeres de Irán. Métodos. Estudio de intervención con evaluación pre y post. Se seleccionaron 200 mujeres que acudieron a los centros de salud de Urmia, a quienes se asignaron a los dos grupos de estudio (tratamiento y control) mediante un muestreo aleatorio simple. Para la recolección de la información se utilizaron los cuestionarios sobre: Conocimientos acerca de la automedicación, conductas preventivas de la automedicación y el modelo de creencias sobre la salud. Se evaluó la validez de los cuestionarios por parte de los expertos y luego se comprobó su confiabilidad. La intervención educativa se llevó a cabo para el grupo de tratamiento durante cuatro semanas con 1 sesión semanal de 45 minutos de duración.Resultados.Las puntuaciones medias de los conocimientos, la susceptibilidad percibida, la gravedad percibida, los beneficios percibidos, las barreras percibidas, las señales para la acción, la autoeficacia y el rendimiento posterior a la intervención aumentaron en el grupo de tratamiento en comparación con el grupo de control, y todos los resultados fueron estadísticamente significativos (p<0.05). Además, los medios de comunicación social fueron eficaces para aumentar la concienciación y animar a tener una medicación adecuada. La mayor automedicación fue en la toma de analgésicos, pastillas para el resfriado y antibióticos, que mostró una disminución significativa en el grupo de tratamiento después de la intervención. Conclusión. El programa educativo basado en el Modelo de Creencias de Salud fue eficaz para reducir la automedicación entre las mujeres estudiadas. Además, se recomienda utilizar los medios de comunicación social para mejorar la concienciación y la motivación de las personas.

Objetivo. Avaliar a eficácia da aplicação de um programa educativo baseado no Modelo de Crenças em Saúde (HCM) na adoção de comportamentos preventivos de automedicação entre mulheres no Irã. Métodos. Estudo de intervenção com pré e pós avaliação. Duzentas mulheres que frequentavam os centros de saúde de Urmia foram selecionadas e alocadas nos dois grupos de estudo (tratamento e controle) por meio de amostragem aleatória simples. Para a coleta de informações, foram utilizados os questionários sobre: Conhecimento sobre automedicação, comportamentos preventivos de automedicação e o modelo de crenças sobre saúde. A validade dos questionários foi avaliada pelos especialistas e, em seguida, verificada sua confiabilidade. A intervenção educativa foi realizada para o grupo de tratamento durante quatro semanas com 1 sessão semanal com duração de 45 minutos. Resultados.Os escores médios de conhecimento, suscetibilidade percebida, gravidade percebida, benefícios percebidos, barreiras percebidas, pistas para ação, autoeficácia e desempenho pós-intervenção aumentaram no grupo de tratamento em comparação com o grupo de intervenção. controle, e todos os resultados foram estatisticamente significativos (p<0.05). Além disso, as mídias sociais foram eficazes na conscientização e no incentivo à medicação adequada. A maior automedicação foi em uso de analgésicos, antissépticos e antibióticos, que apresentou diminuição significativa no grupo de tratamento após a intervenção. Conclusão.O programa educativo baseado no Modelo de Crenças em Saúde foi eficaz na redução da automedicação entre as mulheres estudadas. Além disso, recomenda-se o uso das mídias sociais para melhorar a conscientização e a motivação das pessoas.

Femenino , Automedicación , Mujeres , Conducta , Modelo de Creencias sobre la Salud
Invest. educ. enferm ; 40(1): 129-144, 01/03/2022. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1370192


Objective. To provide a systematic review of the social consequences of COVID-19 pandemic. Methods. In the present study, articles indexed in Persian and Latin databases (Web Of Science, Scopus, PubMed, Embase, Google Scholar and Magiran). 43 documents published in the last 3 years in Persian or English language were reviewed. The research steps were performed according to PRISMA writing standard and the quality assessment was done by two researchers independently with Newcastle Ottawa Scale tools for observational studies according to the inclusion criteria. Results. Measures to break the chain of virus transmission and to control the COVID-19 pandemic have caused major problems in the economic, social, political and psychological spheres and have affected billions of people worldwide. The COVID-19 pandemic crisis has caused widespread unrest in society and unprecedented changes in lifestyle, work and social interactions, and increasing social distance has severely affected human relations. Conclusion. The COVID-19 pandemic has social consequences in certain groups can exacerbate their unfavorable situation. Special groups in crisis situations should be given more attention, and clear and precise policies and programs should be developed to support them.

Objetivo. Realizar una revisión sistemática de las consecuencias sociales de la pandemia de COVID-19. Métodos. En el presente estudio se revisaron los artículos indexados en bases de datos latinas y persas (Web Of Science, Scopus, PubMed, Embase, Google Scholar y Magiran), luego de lo cual se recuperaron 43 documentos publicados en los últimos 3 años en persa o en inglés. Los pasos de la revisión se realizaron según el protocolo PRISMA y, para reducir el sesgo en la evaluación de la calidad, los artículos seleccionados se evaluaron cualitativamente por dos investigadores de forma independiente con la herramienta de Newcastle Ottawa Scale. Resultados. Las medidas para romper la cadena de transmisión del virus y para el control de la pandemia de COVID-19 han causado importantes problemas en las esferas económica, social, política y psicológica y han afectado a miles de millones de personas en el mundo. La crisis por la pandemia ha provocado un malestar generalizado en la sociedad y cambios sin precedentes en el estilo de vida, el trabajo y las interacciones sociales. El aumento de la distancia social ha afectado gravemente las relaciones humanas. Conclusión. La pandemia de COVID-19 tiene consecuencias sociales que pueden agravar la situación desfavorable de grupos vulnerables. Se debe brindar más atención a los colectivos especiales en situaciones de crisis y desarrollar políticas y programas claros y precisos para apoyarlos.

Objetivo. Realizar uma revisão sistemática das consequências sociais da pandemia de COVID-19. Métodos. No presente estudo, os artigos indexados nas bases de dados latinas e persas (Web Of Science, Scopus, PubMed, Embase, Google Scholar e Magiran) foram revisadas, logo se recuperaram 43 documentos publicados nos últimos 3 anos em persa ou em inglês. Os passos da revisão se realizaram segundo o protocolo PRISMA e, para reduzir o viés na avaliação da qualidade, os artigos selecionados foram avaliados qualitativamente por dois investigadores de forma independente com a ferramenta de Newcastle Ottawa Scale. Resultados. As medidas para romper a cadeia de transmissão do vírus e para o controle da pandemia de COVID-19 há causado importantes problemas nas esferas económica, social, política e psicológica e há afetado a milhares de pessoas no mundo. A crise pela pandemia de COVID-19 há provocado um mal-estar generalizado na sociedade e câmbios sem precedentes no estilo de vida, no trabalho e nas interações sociais. O aumento da distância social há afetado gravemente às relações humanas. Conclusão. A pandemia de COVID-19 tem consequências sociais que podem agravar a situação desfavorável de grupos vulneráveis. Se deve brindar mais atenção aos coletivos especiais nas situações de crise e desenvolver políticas e programas claros e precisos para apoiá-los.

Coronavirus , Impactos de la Polución en la Salud , Pandemias , Revisión Sistemática , COVID-19
Invest Educ Enferm ; 40(3)2022 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36867784


OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effectiveness of the application of an educational program based on the Health Belief Model (HBM) in Adopting Preventive Behaviors from Self-Medication among Women in Iran. METHODS: Interventional study with pre and post phases. 200 women referring to the health centers of Urmia were selected by simple random sampling, divided into two groups of treatment and control. Data collection instruments were researcher-devised questionnaire including the questionnaire of Knowledge of Self-medication, the Questionnaire of Preventive Behaviors from Self-medication, and the questionnaire of Health Belief Model. The questionnaires were assessed for expert validity and then, were checked for reliability. The educational intervention was conducted for the treatment group during four weeks four 45-minute sessions. RESULTS: The average scores of knowledge, perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, cues to action, self-efficiency, and post-intervention performance in have increased in treatment group, comparing to the control group, All findings were statistically significant (p < 0.05). Furthermore, social media, doctors, and disbelief in self-medication were more effective in increasing awareness and encouraging to have proper medication, also, the highest self-medication was in taking pain-relievers, cold tablets and antibiotics, which showed significant decrease in treatment group after the intervention. CONCLUSIONS: The educational program based on Health Belief Model was effective in reducing the self-medication among the studied women. Furthermore, it is recommended to use social media and doctors to improve the awareness and motivation among people. Thus, applying the educational programs and plans according to the Health Belief Model can be influential in reducing the self-medication.

Acetaminofén , Modelo de Creencias sobre la Salud , Humanos , Femenino , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Irán , Conocimiento
J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med ; 32(7): 1167-1175, 2019 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29157043


Objective: To evaluate the association of maternal first-trimester plasma lipid profiles, fasting plasma glucose (FPG), and triglyceride (TyG) index with the risk of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and large for gestational age (LGA) infant in Iranian mothers. Methods: Nine hundred and fifty-four healthy pregnant women were prospectively followed till after delivery. Maternal fasting lipids and glucose concentration were measured at nine-week gestation on average. We used generalized linear models to calculate the relative risks and 95% confidence intervals. Results: The incidence of GDM and LGA infants among our participants was 18.4% and 26.1%, respectively. There was a significant correlation between the increase in FPG, triglyceride, TG/HDL-C ratio, as well as TyG index with the risk of GDM and LGA infant. After adjusting for potential confounders, the relative risk of GDM in women in the top tertile of FPG, triglyceride (TG), triglyceride/high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (TG/HDL-C) and TyG index was 4.2-, 4.2-, 3.9-, and 4.9-folds of its risk in women in the bottom tertile, respectively. Also after adjusting for GDM, the relative risk of LGA infants in women in the top tertile of FPG, TG, TG/HDL-C ratio and TyG index was 3.9-, 4.3-, 4.8-, and 5.3-folds of its risk in women in the bottom tertile, respectively. Conclusions: Based on our findings, TyG index is more robust early predictors of GDM and LGA in Iranian women.

Peso al Nacer , Glucemia , Diabetes Gestacional/sangre , Primer Trimestre del Embarazo/sangre , Triglicéridos/sangre , Adulto , Femenino , Humanos , Embarazo , Estudios Prospectivos , Medición de Riesgo , Adulto Joven