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Cureus ; 13(6): e15643, 2021 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34306853


Anesthetic implications for morbidly obese parturients have been well described; however, the literature has not yet clarified whether there are additional or unique concerns if the body mass index (BMI) rises farther above the so-called super morbid obesity level: BMI >50 kg/m2. There have only been a few case reports focusing on patients with BMI close to or above 100. Parturients with BMI significantly greater than 50 are uncommon, but they represent an increasing proportion among the morbidly obese. In this report, we present the use of continuous spinal anesthesia in consecutive cesarean deliveries for a patient with a BMI of 102 at her first delivery and 116 at her second. For both deliveries, an intrathecal catheter dosing incrementally provided effective anesthesia with a cumulative dose of hyperbaric bupivacaine 12 mg, fentanyl 15 mcg, and morphine 100 mcg given in 0.25-ml increments over 12 minutes, with 0.25-ml sterile saline flushes between doses. While dosing the catheter, the patient was gradually lowered to a 30° semi-recumbent position for surgery. This strategy minimized the risk of high spinal block or respiratory distress. She did not develop any postdural puncture headache (PDPH). This case report offers an extreme example and provides estimates towards adjusting staffing, equipment, location, timing, positioning, anesthetic technique, and dosing for cesarean deliveries in patients with very high BMI levels.

J Pain Res ; 13: 837-842, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32425588


The prevalence of opioid use disorder (OUD) in the United States has more than quadrupled over the past two decades. This patient population presents a number of challenges to clinicians, including difficult pain management after surgical procedures due to the development of opioid tolerance. Significantly greater opioid consumption and pain scores after cesarean delivery have been reported in patients with OUD compared to other obstetric patients. A multi-modal analgesic regimen is generally recommended, but there are few well-established pain management strategies after cesarean delivery specific to patients with OUD. We present the case of a patient with OUD maintained on daily methadone that received a continuous epidural hydromorphone infusion for post-cesarean analgesia, a technique not previously reported in obstetric patients and only rarely described for patients undergoing other surgical procedures. The patient received epidural anesthesia for cesarean delivery, and after surgery, the epidural catheter was left in place for the epidural hydromorphone infusion, initiated at 140 mcg/hr and continued for approximately 40 hrs. This strategy reduced her average daily oral opioid consumption by 97%, reduced self-reported pain scores, shortened the length of hospitalization and improved ability to ambulate compared to her previous cesarean delivery. The use of continuous epidural hydromorphone infusion was effective in this case, and this analgesic technique may also be applicable to other types of surgical procedures with the potential for significant post-operative pain, particularly in patients with OUD.

J Pain Res ; 13: 3513-3524, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33408510


BACKGROUND: Despite the increasing prevalence of opioid use disorder (OUD) in pregnant women, there are limited studies on their anesthesia care and analgesic outcomes after cesarean delivery (CD). METHODS: Patients with OUD on either buprenorphine or methadone maintenance therapy who underwent CD at our institution from 2011 to 2018 were identified. Anesthetic details and analgesic outcomes, including daily opioid consumption and pain scores, were compared between patients maintained on buprenorphine and methadone. Analgesic outcomes were also evaluated according to anesthetic type (neuraxial or general anesthesia) and daily buprenorphine/methadone dose to determine if these factors impacted pain after delivery. RESULTS: A total of 146 patients were included (buprenorphine n=99 (67.8%), methadone n=47 (32.2%)). Among all patients: 74% had spinal/CSE, 15% epidural, and 11% general anesthesia. Anesthesia types were similar among buprenorphine and methadone patients. For spinal anesthetics, intrathecal fentanyl (median 15 µg) and morphine (median 100 µg) were commonly given (97.2% and 96.3%, respectively), and dosed similarly between groups. Among epidural anesthetics, epidural morphine (median 2 mg) was commonly administered (90.9%), while fentanyl (median 100 µg) was less common (54.5%). Buprenorphine and methadone groups consumed similar amounts of oxycodone equivalents per 24 hours of hospitalization (80.6 vs 76.3 mg; p=0.694) and had similar peak pain scores (8.3 vs 8.0; p=0.518). Daily methadone dose correlated weakly with opioid consumption (R=0.3; p=0.03), although buprenorphine dose did not correlate with opioid consumption or pain scores. General anesthesia correlated with greater oxycodone consumption in the first 24 hours (median 156.1 vs 91.7 mg; p=0.004) and greater IV PCA use (63% vs 7%; p<0.001) compared to neuraxial anesthesia. CONCLUSION: Patients on buprenorphine and methadone had similar high opioid consumption and pain scores after CD. The anesthetic details and analgesic outcomes reported in this investigation may serve as a useful reference for future prospective investigations and aid in the clinical care of these patients.