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J Pharm Bioallied Sci ; 14(Suppl 1): S991-S994, 2022 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36110683


Background: The beverages containing sugar are proven risk factors for obesity and dental caries. Therefore, owing to the shared risk factors, an interrelationship is suspected between BMI, sugar beverage consumption, and dental caries in children. Aims: The present trial was carried out to assess the interrelationship between BMI, sugar beverage consumption, and dental caries in children aged 6-10 years. Materials and Methods: Eighty-six children within the age range of 6-10 years answered the health questionnaire. The BMI was calculated, intra-oral assessment was done, the frequency of sweetened beverage consumption was recorded, and the collected data were subjected to the statistical evaluation to formulate results. Results: On evaluation, a non-significant difference was observed in BMI levels in the four groups (P = 0.12). Whole-milk intake also showed an inverse correlation with dental caries and BMI, but this correlation was statistically non-significant with the respective values of P = 0.57 and 0.55. A similar inverse relationship was seen for low-fat milk for caries and BMI with P = 0.65 and 0.45, respectively. Regarding soft drinks, 44.1% (n = 38) took soft drinks, and a non-significant relation between caries and intake as well as BMI and intake with P = 0.86 and 0.55, respectively. Conclusion: Within its limitations, the present study concludes that no correlation exists between BMI and dental caries as well as between sugar-containing beverage consumption and dental caries. Also, BMI and sugar-containing beverage consumption showed no correlation in children aged 6-10 years.

J Pharm Bioallied Sci ; 14(Suppl 1): S1009-S1013, 2022 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36110772


Background: Periapical intraoral radiographs are useful in assessing periapical pathologies; essential information often is not extracted owing to difficult interpretation and two-dimensional presentation of three-dimensional structures focusing on using cone beam CT (CBCT) and other advanced imaging modalities. Aims: The present study was conducted to comparatively assess the digital intraoral radiography to CBCT in the diagnosis of periapical pathologies. Materials and Methods: In 50 teeth, CBCT and digital imaging were compared in assessing periapical pathologies using CBCTPA and six-point scoring. The scores obtained were assessed and compared with statistical evaluation. The data were expressed in percentage and number and mean and standard deviation. The level of significance was kept at P < 0.05. Results: On comparing 3D CBCT and 2D digital imaging for assessing the study parameters, it was seen that resorption was seen in 33, 30, and 9 teeth, respectively, on 3, 2, and 1 rooted tooth on CBCT and 13, 16, and 7 teeth on digital radiography. The numbers of roots and root canals on CBCT were 45, 34, and 18 in 3, 2, and 1 rooted tooth and 50, 32, and 18 on digital imaging. Lesions were detected on CBCT in 16, 18, and 18 teeth on CBCT in 3, 2, and 1 rooted tooth, respectively, and in 14, 14, and 16 teeth on digital imaging. Comparing the five-point scale for lesions and CBPAI index for CBCT and digital imaging, the difference was statistically significant with P = 0.004 and <0.0001, respectively. Conclusion: The present study concludes that 3D CBCT is superior in accuracy to 2D imaging in diagnosing the periapical lesions, especially concerning multirooted teeth. Owing to its high radiation exposure and cost, 2D imaging can be incorporated in assessing periapical pathology for the single-rooted tooth.

J Pharm Bioallied Sci ; 13(Suppl 1): S199-S202, 2021 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34447075


BACKGROUND: Dental caries begins with the decalcification of the first nonorganic part, followed by the decay of the organic tooth matrix. Minimally invasive dentistry (MID) focuses on using the adhesive technique for restoration as these techniques allow minimum removal of healthy tooth structure. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to assess the attitude, knowledge, and behavior of the general dentists toward the use of MID and to evaluate if MID is considered as standard care measure among general dentists. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a cross-section observational survey and included 285 practicing dentists. The survey questions were divided into two parts. The question related to the use of sharp explorer utilized response categories (1-5), with options of always, most of the time, often, sometimes, and never or rarely. The independent variables collected were age, gender, years of practice, clinical hours, type of practice, postgraduate education, and clinic environment. The data collected were tabulated and were statistically analyzed. RESULTS: The results of the present study showed that MID meets the standard of care for the treatment of both primary teeth 85.96% (n = 245) as well as permanent teeth 78.24% (n = 223). ART, sandwich technique, in-office, and at-home topical fluoride application were considered active for treating dental caries. The use of sharp explorers, nonsharp explorers, radiographs, and magnification were considered common for caries detection. CONCLUSION: The more dentists who listened to about MID in the past responded that the MID concept is the standard of care for the treatment of primary and permanent teeth than dentists who have heard little or nothing about MID.

J Pharm Bioallied Sci ; 13(Suppl 1): S268-S271, 2021 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34447090


BACKGROUND: The treatment for fractured mandibular condyles aims at restoring the masticatory ability, occlusion, symmetry, and function as the bit were before the trauma. The treatment of the mandibular condylar fracture can be done based on the two protocols. AIMS: The present clinical trial was conducted to collate aftertreatment upshot of closed treatment and open surgical treatment for mandibular condyle fractures. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty-two patients were divided into two groups (n = 12) which were treated with either the closed reduction using intermaxillary fixation or open reduction and internal fixation. The following clinical parameters were assessed at 1st and 3rd day and at 1, 3, and 6 weeks: lateral excursion and protrusion, occlusion; interincisal opening, mandibular ramus height, deviation/deflection during jaw opening, and pain assessment using visual analog score. The collected data were subjected to statistical evaluation. RESULTS: Interincisal opening was found to be 8.125 ± 0.3467 mm and 6.016 ± 0.1528 mm, respectively, for Group I and Group II which was statistically significant (P < 0.00001). At the 3 months and 6th week postoperatively, it was increased in the surgical groups to 17.433 ± 0.3822 mm and 19.175 ± 0.3696 mm, respectively. CONCLUSION: The present trial suggests surgical open reduction and internal fixation treatment of the mandibular condylar fracture is better than the nonsurgical closed reduction in terms of interincisal opening, lateral excursion, and protrusive mandibular movement range.

J Pharm Bioallied Sci ; 13(Suppl 1): S432-S435, 2021 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34447127


AIM: The primary purpose of the study was to evaluate the levels of oxidative stress in plasma in patients with aggressive periodontitis (AgP) before and after full-mouth disinfection. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-five healthy controls and 25 participants with aggressive periodontal were assessed for plaque index, probing pocket depth, papillary bleeding index, and clinical attachment level. Periodontal bone support was assessed by taking full mouth periapical radiographs. Full-mouth disinfection of the patient was done within 24 h of clinical assessment of AgP. These parameters were assessed at the baseline and after 8 weeks of initial periodontal therapy. Plasma samples were taken and evaluated for various oxidative stress markers. RESULTS: Strong positive correlation was observed among periodontal parameters and levels of enzymatic/nonenzymatic biomarkers for oxidative stress (thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances [TBARS], glutathione peroxidase [GPX], and catalase [CAT]) (P < 0.05), before and after periodontal management. The patients with AgP had high levels of TBARS, GPX, and CAT levels in the plasma matched to the healthy individuals (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Enzymatic and nonenzymatic oxidative stress may have a role in the pathogenesis AP. Initial periodontal treatment can lead to the reduction of these stresses.

J Pharm Bioallied Sci ; 13(Suppl 1): S465-S468, 2021 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34447135


BACKGROUND: Bone grafting aims at better dental implant osseointegration and preserves the remaining alveolar bone in the socket. The success of various bone grafting materials plays a vital role in assessing future implant function. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: The present clinical trial was aimed at evaluating the results of guided bone regeneration (GBR) with and without the bioresorbable membrane in the dental implant placement. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The 20 patients were divided into two groups (n = 10). First was Group I- GBR with bioresorbable collagen membrane (BioGide™) and second was Group II- GBR without membrane. Bone gain and bone levels were analyzed for both groups. All the collected data were analyzed statistically. RESULTS: For Group I, bone levels at baseline were nonsignificant (P = 0.2188) Similarly, nonsignificant values were seen in both groups at 3 months with bone level values of 0.25 ± 0.17 and 0.38 ± 0.24 for Group I and Group II, respectively. Changes in the bone levels were found to be 2.45 ± 0.349 and 2.58 ± 0.304 from Group I and II, respectively, inferring the nonsignificant difference with P value of 0.3723. The percentage of bone gain for intergroup at the end of 3 months was 89.15% ±0.678 for Group I and 88.68% ± 0.503%; these values were statistically nonsignificant (P = 0.982). CONCLUSION: Nonsignificant difference was observed between the two groups with and without membrane in terms of changes in bone level, percentage of bone gain, and bone defect reduction. This study concludes that the use of bone grafts significantly improves residual alveolar ridge irrespective of membrane used.

J Pharm Bioallied Sci ; 13(Suppl 1): S469-S472, 2021 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34447136


BACKGROUND: Patient who is on antiplatelet therapy had an impaired fibrin formation which leads to fibrinolysis which is the main reason behind postextraction bleeding. OBJECTIVES: The aim of the study is to manage anticoagulated patient who has to undergo dental extraction by using hemostatic agent and the objective is to rule out potential risk factor which may trigger bleeding. METHODS: One hundred patients with anticoagulant and antiplatelet therapy and having International Normalized Ratio (INR) in-between 1.9 and 3.5 were selected. Postextraction instruction use 5 ml of 10% tranexamic acid mouthrinse four times a day for next 7 days was suggested. All demographic data, history of anticoagulant and antiplatelet therapy, details of bleeding, and treatment requirement were recorded to identify potential risk factor. RESULTS: Of 100 subjects, 16 were reported postextraction bleeding on days 1 and 2 which was controlled by tranexamic acid pressure pack. Bleeding from extraction socket of 10 patients was stopped by gelatin foam. No life-threatening risk was observed. In patients with age group of 41-60 years whose INR value was ≥2.5, the number of teeth undergoing extraction, whose bleeding time was increased, and were on long duration of antiplatelet and anticoagulation therapy might increase the risk of bleeding. CONCLUSION: Use of tranexamic acid mouthrinse after extraction is an effective way to control bleeding on patients who are under antiplatelet therapy with at therapeutic INR level is a secure and allowable method of minimizing postextraction oozing.

J Pharm Bioallied Sci ; 13(Suppl 2): S1406-S1409, 2021 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35017999


BACKGROUND: Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) describes the carcinomatous growth in the oral cavity. Recently, various authors have described increased SCC incidence in the young population. The distribution of SCC shows varied geographic spread, with the highest distribution in Asian countries. AIMS: The present trial was carried out to assess the associated factors that could lead to increased risk of developing oral cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Oral examination was carried out for 21 participants by a dentist and any significant oral lesion or deleterious habit if present, was recorded. The data collected were analyzed. RESULTS: Areca nut was chewed by 47.61% participants (n = 10), smoking tobacco by 76.19% (n = 16), chewing tobacco by 38.09% (n = 8), and consuming alcohol in 9 participants (42.85%). No significant difference was seen concerning age for any factor except alcohol which showed higher intake in the older group where six participants depicted alcohol intake as compared to three participants in the younger group. In participants who chewed areca nuts, 6 participants also smoked tobacco and 1 consumed alcohol. For tobacco chewing, 5 consumed alcohol and 6 also took tobacco as smoke. CONCLUSION: The present study showed that areca nut and tobacco chewing along with alcohol consumption and tobacco smoking increase the risk of developing SCC in the Indian population.

J Pharm Bioallied Sci ; 13(Suppl 2): S1637-S1641, 2021 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35018045


BACKGROUND: Studies have reported that dental procedures may serve as a portal of entry for bacteria into the blood circulation, commonly termed as bacteremia which may inhabitate the heart and joints subjected to repair and replacement by prosthesis and may lead to complications in immunocompromised patients. Dental procedure may play a pivotal role in the development of infective endocarditis and infection around the prosthetic joint. Antibiotic use is suggested for all dental procedures requiring gingival manipulation or of the periapical region of teeth or mucosal incision in these patients. OBJECTIVE: The present study has been conducted to inspect the antibiotic prescribing practices of general dentists among 250 dental practitioners. METHODS: The study was conducted on 250 dental surgeons practicing in the urban Indian population of various parts of the country. A validated questionnaire was developed by a multidisciplinary dental and medical team and was circulated on the subject of the basic knowledge and awareness about antibiotic prophylaxis in susceptible patients. The data from the participants were collected, collated, and statistically analyzed. RESULTS: The present study comprised 250 dental surgeons; 178 out of 250 were male, whereas 72 were female. Antibiotic prophylaxis guidelines were followed by 169 practitioners (67.60%), whereas 81 (32.40%) dentists did not follow any guidelines. Out of 169, 67 followed the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) guidelines (39.64%), 58 followed American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines (34.30%), whereas 44 followed general physician's guidelines (26.03%). On screening the underlying conditions for which antibiotic cover was prescribed, it was shown that majority of the dental surgeons did the same for patients with cardiac valve repair or replacement (230; 92%), followed by infective endocarditis (212; 84.80%); organ transplant (212; 84.405); diabetes (189; 75.60%); prosthetic joint replacement (150; 60%); and congenital heart defect (110; 44%). CONCLUSION: Patients should then be trained to perform meticulous oral hygiene and advised to schedule regular dental checkups to maintain optimal dental health. Dentists should use antibiotic prophylaxis in only conditions associated with a valid scientific basis and should follow the standard protocols recommended by the American Dental Association, AHA, or AAOS.