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Opt Express ; 25(19): 22341-22346, 2017 Sep 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29041546


The backscattering Mueller matrix for the typical shapes of ice crystals of cirrus (hexagonal columns and plates, bullets and droxtals) in the case of their random orientations has been approximately presented as the power functions of the crystal size from 10 µm to 1000 µm. The coefficients of the power functions have been found. Four commonly used backscatter ratios used in lidar research (depolarization, lidar, color and backscatter-to-IWC ratios) have been calculated for the first time as the functions of the modal crystal size at the conventional lidar wavelengths of 0.355, 0.532 and 1.064 µm.

Appl Opt ; 54(4): B140-53, 2015 Feb 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25967820


During a Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas (SAGE)-III Ozone Loss and Validation Experiment (SOLVE)-II science flight on 4 February 2003, a mother-of-pearl cloud over Iceland was underflown by the NASA DC-8 and measured with the lidars onboard. In addition, color photos were taken during the approach. Aided by extensive modeling of cloud coloration, the main results of the analysis of this unique data set are: (1) the polar stratospheric cloud was mountain wave-induced and of type II; (2) the spectacular color display was caused by ice particles with sizes around 2 µm.

Appl Opt ; 51(34): 8111-31, 2012 Dec 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23207381


The Raman lidar for atmospheric moisture sensing (RAMSES) for unattended, continuous multiparameter atmospheric profiling is presented. A seeded frequency-tripled Nd:YAG laser serves as the light source. A nine-channel polychromator, nonfiber coupled to the main telescope (790 mm diameter), is used for far-range measurements. Near-range observations are performed with a three-channel polychromator, fiber coupled to a secondary telescope (200 mm diameter). Measurement parameters are water-vapor mixing ratio (MR), temperature, and the optical particle parameters, which are extinction coefficient, backscatter coefficient, lidar ratio, and depolarization ratio at 355 nm. Profiles of water-vapor MR are measured from close to the surface up to 14 km at night and 5 km during the day under favorable atmospheric conditions in 20 min. Temperature profiles of the troposphere and lower stratosphere are determined with the rotational-Raman technique. For the detection of the rotational Raman signals, a new beamsplitter/interference-filter experimental setup is implemented that is compact, robust, and easy to align. Furthermore, the polychromator design allows two independent methods for calibrating measurements of depolarization ratio. RAMSES optical design concept and experimental setup are detailed, and a description of the operational near-real-time data evaluation software is given. A multiday observation is discussed to illustrate the measurement capabilities of RAMSES.

Appl Opt ; 45(12): 2796-804, 2006 Apr 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16633433


A method is presented that permits the determination of the cloud effective particle size from Raman- or Rayleigh-integration temperature measurements that exploits the dependence of the multiple-scattering contributions to the lidar signals from heights above the cloud on the particle size of the cloud. Independent temperature information is needed for the determination of size. By use of Raman-integration temperatures, the technique is applied to cirrus measurements. The magnitude of the multiple-scattering effect and the above-cloud lidar signal strength limit the method's range of applicability to cirrus optical depths from 0.1 to 0.5. Our work implies that records of stratosphere temperature obtained with lidar may be affected by multiple scattering in clouds up to heights of 30 km and beyond.

Appl Opt ; 43(12): 2490-9, 2004 Apr 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15119619


We investigate the phase matrices of droxtals at wavelengths of 0.66 and 11 microm by using an improved geometrical-optics method. An efficient method is developed to specify the incident rays and the corresponding impinging points on the particle surface necessary to initialize the ray-tracing computations. At the 0.66-microm wavelength, the optical properties of droxtals are different from those of hexagonal ice crystals. At the 11-microm wavelength, the phase functions for droxtals are essentially featureless because of strong absorption within the particles, except for ripple structures that are caused by the phase interference of the diffracted wave.

Appl Opt ; 42(24): 4909-13, 2003 Aug 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12952338


A method is presented that permits the determination of atmospheric depolarization-ratio profiles from three elastic-backscatter lidar signals with different sensitivity to the state of polarization of the backscattered light. The three-signal method is far less sensitive to experimental errors and does not require calibration of the measurement, as is the case of the two-signal lidar technique conventionally used for the observation of depolarization ratios. The three-signal method is applied to a polar stratospheric cloud observation. In the analysis we show that, depending on the statistical error of the measurement and on the lidar system parameters, the new method requires minimum cloud volume depolarization ratios to be applicable; in the case study presented, this threshold is approximately 0.2. Depolarization ratios determined with the three-signal method can be used to accurately calibrate measurements with the conventional two-signal technique.

Appl Opt ; 42(18): 3620-33, 2003 Jun 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12833968


An analytical model based on the integration of the scattering-angle and light-path manifold has been developed to quantify the effect of multiple scattering on cirrus measurements obtained with elastic polarization lidars from space. Light scattering by molecules and by a horizontally homogeneous cloud is taken into account. Lidar parameter, including laser beam divergence, can be freely chosen. Up to 3 orders of scattering are calculated. Furthermore, an inversion technique for the retrieval of cloud extinction profiles from measurements with elastic-backscatter lidars is proposed that explicitly takes multiple scattering into account. It is found that for typical lidar system parameters such as those of the Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations (CALIPSO) instrument multiple scattering does not significantly affect depolarization-ratio measurements in cirrus clouds with small to moderate optical depths. For all simulated clouds, the absolute value of the difference between measured and single-scattering volume depolarization ratio is < 0.006. The particle depolarization ratio can be calculated from the measured volume depolarization ratio and the retrieved backscatter ratio without degradation of accuracy; thus characterization of the various cirrus categories in terms of the particle depolarization ratio and retrieval of cloud microphysical properties is feasible from space. The results of this study apply to polar stratospheric clouds as well.