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Biomed Opt Express ; 14(4): 1562-1578, 2023 Apr 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37078059


Adaptive optics, in combination with multi-photon techniques, is a powerful approach to image deep into a specimen. Remarkably, virtually all adaptive optics schemes today rely on wavefront modulators that are reflective, diffractive or both. This, however, can pose a severe limitation for applications. Here, we present a fast and robust sensorless adaptive optics scheme adapted for transmissive wavefront modulators. We study our scheme in numerical simulations and in experiments with a novel, optofluidic wavefront shaping device that is transmissive, refractive, polarisation-independent, and broadband. We demonstrate scatter correction of two-photon-excited fluorescence images of microbeads as well as brain cells and benchmark our device against a liquid-crystal spatial light modulator. Our method and technology could open new routes for adaptive optics in scenarios where previously, the restriction to reflective and diffractive devices may have staggered innovation and progress.

Appl Opt ; 59(12): 3784-3791, 2020 Apr 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32400506


Sample-induced optical aberrations in microscopy are, in general, field dependent, limiting their correction via pupil adaptive optics (AO) to the center of the available field-of-view (FoV). This is a major hindrance, particularly for deep tissue imaging, where AO has a significant impact. We present a new wide-field AO microscopy scheme, in which the deformable element is located at the pupil plane of the objective. To maintain high-quality correction across its entirety, the FoV is partitioned into small segments, and a separate aberration estimation is performed for each via a modal-decomposition-based indirect wavefront sensing algorithm. A final full-field image is synthesized by stitching of the partitions corrected consecutively and independently via their respective measured aberrations. The performance and limitations of the method are experimentally explored on synthetic samples imaged via a custom-developed AO fluorescence microscope featuring an optofluidic refractive wavefront modulator.

Opt Express ; 28(7): 9944-9956, 2020 Mar 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32225593


Adaptive optics (AO) represents a powerful range of image correction technologies with proven benefits for many life-science microscopy methods. However, the complexity of adding a reflective wavefront modulator and in some cases a wavefront sensor into an already complicated microscope has made AO prohibitive for its widespread adaptation in microscopy systems. We present here the design and performance of a compact fluorescence microscope using a fully refractive optofluidic wavefront modulator, yielding imaging performance on par with that of conventional deformable mirrors, both in correction fidelity and articulation. We combine this device with a modal sensorless wavefront estimation algorithm that uses spatial frequency content of acquired images as a quality metric and thereby demonstrate a completely in-line adaptive optics microscope that can perform aberration correction up to 4th radial order of Zernike modes. This entirely new concept for adaptive optics microscopy may prove to extend the performance limits and widespread applicability of AO in life-science imaging.

Appl Opt ; 58(4): 1064-1072, 2019 Feb 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30874155


We present a novel open-loop control method for an electrostatically actuated optofluidic refractive phase modulator, and demonstrate its performance for high-order aberration correction. Contrary to conventional electrostatic deformable mirrors, an optofluidic modulator is capable of bidirectional (push-pull) actuation through hydro-mechanical coupling. Control methods based on matrix pseudo-inversion, the common approach used for deformable mirrors, thus perform sub-optimally for such a device. Instead, we formulate the task of finding driving voltages for a given desired wavefront shape as an optimization problem with inequality constraints that can be solved using an interior-point method in real time. We show that this optimization problem is a convex one and that its solution represents a global minimum in residual wavefront error. We use the new method to control both the refractive phase modulator and a conventional electrostatic deformable mirror, and experimentally demonstrate improved correction fidelity for both.

Appl Opt ; 57(22): 6338-6344, 2018 Aug 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30117864


We introduce a transmissive refractive adaptive optics system featuring a deformable transparent optofluidic wavefront modulator and a sensorless wavefront error estimation algorithm. The wavefront modulator consists of a cavity filled with an optical liquid which is sealed by a deformable elastic polymer membrane. Deformation of the membrane is achieved through electrostatic actuation using 25 transparent indium tin oxide electrodes buried in the cavity. Modulation of the two-dimensional phase distribution generated by the system is performed using open loop control both with and without active wavefront sensing. For the latter, a progressive modal decomposition algorithm is used to estimate and correct distortion in the point-spread function (PSF) of the wavefront arising due to the optical system and other sources of wavefront distortion. Using this control method, we experimentally demonstrate high-fidelity recreation of Zernike modes up to the fourth order, and blind (sensorless) PSF correction in a wide-field microscope.