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Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26172809


A theory of wave modes in shear-deformed two-dimensional plasma crystals is presented. Modification of the dispersion relations upon the pure and simple shear, and the resulting effect on the onset of the mode-coupling instability, are studied. In particular, it is explained why the velocity fluctuation spectra measured in experiments with sheared crystals exhibit asymmetric "hot spots": It is shown that the coupling of the in-plane compressional and the out-of-plane modes, leading to the formation of an unstable hybrid mode and generation of the hot spots, is enhanced in a certain direction determined by deformation.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24580343


We study the effects of the particle-wake interactions on the dispersion and polarization of dust lattice wave modes in two-dimensional plasma crystals. Most notably, the wake-induced coupling between the modes causes the branches to "attract" each other, and their polarizations become elliptical. Upon the mode hybridization the major axes of the ellipses (remaining mutually orthogonal) rotate by 45°. To demonstrate the importance of the obtained results for experiments, we plot representative particle trajectories and spectral densities of the longitudinal and transverse waves. These characteristics reveal distinct fingerprints of the mixed polarization. Furthermore, we show that at strong coupling the hybrid mode is significantly shifted towards smaller wave numbers, away from the border of the first Brillouin zone (where the hybrid mode is localized for a weak coupling).