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Sci Rep ; 12(1): 12793, 2022 Jul 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35896685


Carlin-type gold deposits are among the largest hydrothermal gold deposits in the world. However, direct dating the metallogenic age of these deposits is difficult, because not all deposits provide material suitable for conventional radiometric methods. Syn-mineralization stage quartz veins from these deposits usually contain abundant fluid inclusions, which allow fluid inclusion 40Ar/39Ar dating. In this study, progressive crushing 40Ar/39Ar dating has been performed on a gold-bearing quartz vein from the Liaotun Carlin-type gold deposit in northwestern Guangxi, China. Argon isotopes liberated from the later steps yielded an isochron age of 200.7 ± 2.1 Ma. We infer that Ar-bearing gas was extracted from the primary fluid inclusions, and that the age of ca. 200.7 Ma reflects the timing of gold mineralization. The initial 40Ar/36Ar ratio corresponding to the isochron is 298.0 ± 4.3, which is statistically indistinguishable from the value for air, indicating that the ore-forming fluids probably mainly derived from gravitational pressure flow in the basin of air-saturated water. Our preliminary study shows the feasibility and great potential of 40Ar/39Ar dating of gases from fluid inclusions by progressive crushing of quartz veins to date the mineralization age and decipher the fluid origins of Carlin-type gold deposits.

R Soc Open Sci ; 5(9): 180260, 2018 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30839744


Fluid inclusions in hydrothermal quartz in the 2.4 Ga Ongeluk Formation, South Africa, are expected to partially retain a component of the ancient seawater. To constrain the origin of the fluid and the quartz precipitation age, we conducted Ar-Ar dating for the quartz via a stepwise crushing method. The obtained argon isotopes show two or three endmembers with one or two binary mixing lines as the crushing proceeds, suggesting that the isotopic compositions of these endmembers correspond to fluid inclusions of each generation, earlier generated smaller 40Ar- and K-rich inclusions, moderate 40Ar- and 38ArCl (neutron-induced 38Ar from Cl)-rich inclusions and later generated larger atmospheric-rich inclusions. The K-rich inclusions show significantly different 40Ar/38ArCl values compared to the 38ArCl-rich inclusions, indicating that it is difficult to constrain the quartz formation age using only fluid inclusions containing excess 40Ar. The highest obtained 40Ar/36Ar value from the fluid inclusions is consistent with an expected value of the Ongeluk plume source, suggesting that the quartz precipitation was driven by Ongeluk volcanism. Considering the fluid inclusion generations and their compositions, the hydrothermal system was composed of crustal fluid and magmatic fluid without seawater before the beginning of a small amount of seawater input to the hydrothermal system.