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J Health Psychol ; 29(6): 595-607, 2024 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38282358


We asked 463 participants from 21 countries whether they had feigned and/or concealed having a coronavirus infection during the pandemic period. 384 respondents (83%) reported having experienced a coronavirus infection. They were, on average, younger and reported more chronic health issues than participants who said they had never been infected. 65 (14%) admitted to having feigned the infection. Prevalence doubled (28%) when asked if they knew anyone who had feigned a coronavirus infection. Main motives for feigning were to stay at home and to obtain sick leave. As to having concealed a coronavirus infection, 56 (12%) responded affirmatively, but when asked about others, the prevalence reached 51% (n = 210). The most common reasons for concealment were to avoid letting others know and to not miss an event. Thus, both feigning and concealing infections can occur on a nontrivial scale, directly affecting prevalence rates in studies that rely on self-reported data collected from social platforms.

COVID-19 , Humanos , COVID-19/epidemiología , COVID-19/psicología , Femenino , Masculino , Adulto , Prevalencia , Persona de Mediana Edad , Adulto Joven , SARS-CoV-2 , Decepción , Anciano , Adolescente , Motivación
Clin Neuropsychol ; 38(3): 738-762, 2024 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37615421


Objective: The present study aims to evaluate the classification accuracy and resistance to coaching of the Inventory of Problems-29 (IOP-29) and the IOP-Memory (IOP-M) with a Spanish sample of patients diagnosed with mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) and healthy participants instructed to feign. Method: Using a simulation design, 37 outpatients with mTBI (clinical control group) and 213 non-clinical instructed feigners under several coaching conditions completed the Spanish versions of the IOP-29, IOP-M, Structured Inventory of Malingered Symptomatology, and Rivermead Post Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire. Results: The IOP-29 discriminated well between clinical patients and instructed feigners, with an excellent classification accuracy for the recommended cutoff score (FDS ≥ .50; sensitivity = 87.10% for coached group and 89.09% for uncoached; specificity = 95.12%). The IOP-M also showed an excellent classification accuracy (cutoff ≤ 29; sensitivity = 87.27% for coached group and 93.55% for uncoached; specificity = 97.56%). Both instruments proved to be resistant to symptom information coaching and performance warnings. Conclusions: The results confirm that both of the IOP measures offer a similarly valid but different perspective compared to SIMS when assessing the credibility of symptoms of mTBI. The encouraging findings indicate that both tests are a valuable addition to the symptom validity practices of forensic professionals. Additional research in multiple contexts and with diverse conditions is warranted.

Conmoción Encefálica , Tutoría , Humanos , Conmoción Encefálica/complicaciones , Conmoción Encefálica/diagnóstico , Pruebas Neuropsicológicas , Sensibilidad y Especificidad , Simulación de Enfermedad/diagnóstico , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados
Heliyon ; 9(9): e19495, 2023 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37809629


Workplace violence in the health care setting is a social problem of great interest both at the health care level and in research in recent decades. The most common type of violence is the one coming from the user towards the professional. Although the bibliography includes multiple preventive actions focused on working with professionals, there are hardly any studies that explore and collect actions aimed at the user. The aim of this study is to analyze the results of the literature to provide an overview of the current evidence. Specifically, it aims to describe the various user-directed strategies or interventions aimed at reducing workplace violence experienced by professionals within the healthcare sector. A systematic review was performed following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA), methodology of publications published up to December 2022 in the main databases. Studies that met the previously established eligibility criteria were identified. A peer review of the risk of bias was performed and the data were extracted from a previously elaborated template. The search yielded 5231 articles of which 11 were finally included in the review. Of these, 3 had a quantitative design, 7 had a qualitative design and one had a combined design. Of these, 38 measures or actions aimed at the user were compiled, grouped into four blocks according to the attitudinal objective pursued: Improvement of communication and creation of links, involvement of the user in joint decisions with the staff, informing and training the user, and other independent proposals. This study makes it possible to explore actions aimed at users with the objective of reducing violence towards health professionals. It collects and makes available to the scientific community a set of measures aimed at making a change of attitude in the perpetrator themselves, with the involvement of the perpetrator in the health system. This set of collected measures provides researchers with a basis to be taken into account for the implementation of future prevention plans according to the new multicomponent prevention models and with the involvement of the perpetrator themselves.

Interdisciplinaria ; 40(1): 351-362, abr. 2023. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430604


Abstract The right to die is an international dilemma. Some countries and states already have laws regulating one of the most common applications of this right, the active voluntary euthanasia. The evidence from these countries highlights the importance of a bioethical framework to limit some of its applications. In this regard, the evaluation of attitudes towards euthanasia in medical personnel will allow to understand the attitudes of these professionals and how they can deal with such requests, whether this assisted death is decided by the patients or their surroundings. Consequently, the aim of this study was to develop a brief scale to evaluate attitudes, as well as to determine their significance according to the gender and seniority of the professionals in this situation. A double design strategy was followed. On the one hand, a psychometric design with an exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis and, on the other, a descriptive analytical design for the comparison of groups. A six-item scale (AE-PM) and two factors were extracted. The first focuses on attitudes towards euthanasia to alleviate suffering for medical reasons and the second one to alleviate the patient's emotional suffering. The scale (AHE-PM) is useful for the rapid exploration of attitudes towards euthanasia in physicians, a professional group with limited free time, who may also encounter relatively frequent requests for active voluntary euthanasia. The two factors obtained allow attitudes to be assessed from a bioethical perspective, providing information on the application under apparent medical justification and in situations based on the patient's subjective emotional suffering.

Resumen La eutanasia voluntaria activa se define como la petición de un paciente que quiere morir y la acción que es llevada a cabo por otra persona para provocar dicha muerte. El derecho a morir es un dilema sobre el que se debate a nivel internacional. Algunos países y estados ya cuentan con leyes que regulan una de las aplicaciones más comunes de este derecho. Los datos aportados por estos países ponen de manifiesto la importancia de un marco bioético que permita limitar algunas de sus aplicaciones. En este sentido, la evaluación de las actitudes hacia la eutanasia en personal médico permitirá conocer las actitudes de estos profesionales y cómo estos pueden enfrentarse a dichas solicitudes, o no, sea de muerte asistida por parte de los pacientes o su entorno. Además, se ha reportado en la bibliografía diferentes actitudes según la experiencia o el sexo de los trabajadores, por lo que es de relevancia su exploración diferencial. Por ello, el objetivo del presente trabajo un instrumento de evaluación de actitudes hacia la eutanasia diseñado y validado por y para profesionales médicos en ejercicio. En esta línea, los objetivos de este estudio son obtener una escala corta con propiedades psicométricas adecuadas, que proporcione información relevante sobre las actitudes hacia la eutanasia, así como la posible evaluación de algunas prácticas médicas relacionadas con ésta que pueden ser bioéticamente dudosas. La muestra estaba compuesta por 419 profesionales de la medicina procedentes de tres provincias del sur de España. Se siguió una doble estrategia en el diseño. Por un lado, un diseño psicométrico con un análisis factorial exploratorio y confirmatorio. Se dividió la muestra en dos submuestras aleatorias para realizar de forma paralela ambos análisis. Se utilizaron los estadísticos KMO, Bartlett, RMSEA, RMRS, CFI, NNFI, GFI y AGFI para explorar el ajuste de modelos. Po otro lado, se utilizó un diseño asociativo descriptivo para la comparación de grupos mediante la t de Student, ANOVA, Tukey y la prueba d de Cohen. Se extrae una escala de seis ítems (AE-PM) y dos factores. El primero de ellos está centrado en las actitudes hacia la eutanasia para aliviar el sufrimiento por cuestiones médicas y el segundo para aliviar el sufrimiento emocional del paciente. Respecto al estudio de las diferencias, no se observaron diferencias significativas según el sexo del profesional ni la antigüedad en la profesión. La escala (AHE-PM) es útil para la exploración rápida de las actitudes hacia la eutanasia en médicos, un grupo profesional con limitado tiempo libre que, además, puede encontrarse con relativa frecuencia ante solicitudes de eutanasia voluntaria activa. Los dos factores obtenidos permiten evaluar, por un lado, las actitudes desde una perspectiva bioética. Es de especial relevancia en estas situaciones el conocimiento de las actitudes del personal médico hacia la eutanasia, exponiéndolo a un dilema bioético y personal. La autoconciencia de estos profesionales sobre sus propias actitudes hacia la eutanasia y su adaptación a los códigos éticos vigentes podría minimizar el impacto generado por estas situaciones y, por tanto, mejorar la relación terapéutica y la calidad asistencial. Por otro lado, el instrumento aporta información sobre la posible recomendación de estas prácticas bajo aparente justificación médica y/o en situaciones basadas en el sufrimiento emocional subjetivo del paciente. Estudios previos indican que los profesionales se ven afectados emocionalmente cuando se enfrentan a los conceptos de muerte y eutanasia en pacientes terminales. En este sentido, la escala también podría servir de evaluación de actitudes y el trabajo en planes de prevención de salud laboral en los centros sanitarios.

An. psicol ; 39(1): 153-166, Ene-Abr. 2023. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés, Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-213849


La violencia de género es un proceso complejo en el cual intervienen variables individuales, relacionales y contextuales. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo explorar las estrategias de afrontamiento y dinámicas relacionales en situaciones conflictivas en condenados por violencia de género con sus parejas. Se realizaron grupos focales con condenados por violencia de género (12 participantes) y con profesionales de la psicología (4 participantes). Los datos se exploraron mediante análisis temático siguiendo el Modelo Ecológico Anidado. El grupo de condenados muestra roles de autoridad y superioridad sobre la mujer, sensación de vulnerabilidad y rechazo ante el marco jurídico existente, miedo a sufrir arrestos por querer continuar con la relación, la necesidad de control de la pareja impulsada por lo celos, la justificación o negación de responsabilidad en las situaciones violentas o instrumentalización de los hijos/as en común. Los profesionales señalan aspectos culturales que facilitan esquemas y roles violentos en la dinámica de pareja, problemas de comunicación, negación o baja conciencia del delito, entre otros temas. Los resultados son de especial interés tanto para los profesionales que deseen conocer o profundizar en la temática como para quienes trabajen en la intervención y/o prevención en violencia de género.(AU)

Intimate Partner Violence is a complex process in which indi-vidual, relational and contextual variables intervene. The aim of this study was to explore coping strategies and relational dynamics in conflict situa-tions involving people convicted of intimate partner violence with their partners. Focus groups were conducted with convicted intimate partner violence offenders (12 participants) and with psychology professionals (4 participants). The data were explored through thematic analysis following the Nested Ecological Model. The group of convicted perpetrators showed roles of authority and superiority over the woman, a feeling of vulnerability and rejection of the existing legal framework, fear of being arrested for wanting to continue the relationship, the need to control the partner driven by jealousy, justification or denial of responsibility in violent situations or instrumentalization of the children in common. The professionals point out cultural aspects that facilitate violent patterns and roles in the couple's dynamics, communication problems, denial or low awareness of the crime, among other issues. The results are of special interest both for profession-als who wish to learn or deepen their knowledge on the subject, as well as for those who work in intervention and/or prevention of intimate partner violence.(AU)

Humanos , Violencia de Género , Grupos Focales , Prisiones , Adaptación Psicológica , Prisioneros , Psicología , Psicología Social , Psicología Forense
Psychol Assess ; 35(4): 339-352, 2023 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36633978


The Inventory of Problems-29 (IOP-29) is a 29-item self-administered symptom validity test (SVT) that assesses the credibility of clinical presentations related to posttraumatic stress disorder, depression/anxiety, psychosis, cognitive impairment and combination thereof. To date, no publications have summarized the classification accuracy of the IOP-29 using a bivariate meta-analytical approach that preserves the two-dimensional nature of the estimators. Our objective was to conduct a systematic review and bivariate diagnostic test accuracy meta-analysis of the IOP-29 according to the relevant guidelines. Twenty-one independent samples were included, with a total sample size of 4,163 participants. The results indicated that the IOP-29 is able to discriminate adequately between instructed simulators and healthy controls/clinical patients. Using the recommended cutoff (False Disorder Probability Score [FDS], ≥ .50), a sensitivity of 82% was achieved, maintaining specificity at 93% (false positive rate of 7%). The language of the test and the type of comparison group have been identified as possible sources of heterogeneity. Specificity decreases for the non-English version of the IOP-29, for the FDS ≥ .30, and also decreases for studies using clinical controls, for all three cutoff scores. In general, our findings support the usefulness of the IOP-29 as an SVT; however, most of the included studies use a simulation design and have been coauthored by the test authors. Likewise, about half of the studies did not include bona fide patient controls but only nonclinical controls. The results obtained are highly promising, but further research, especially that using the criterion group paradigm, is recommended. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved).

Trastornos Psicóticos , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático , Humanos , Sensibilidad y Especificidad , Trastornos Psicóticos/diagnóstico , Pruebas Diagnósticas de Rutina
Psychol Inj Law ; 16(1): 1-17, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35911787


Symptom feigning and malingering should be evaluated in forensic contexts due to their important socio-economic consequences. Despite this, to date, there is little research in Spain that evaluates its prevalence. The aim of this study was to investigate this issue using the perception of the general population, students, and professionals of medicine and forensic psychology. Three adapted questionnaires were applied to a total of 1003 participants (61.5% women) from 5 different groups. Approximately two-thirds of participants reported knowing someone who feigned symptoms, and one-third disclosed feigning symptoms themselves in the past. Headache/migraine, neck pain, and anxious-depressive symptoms were the most commonly chosen. Experts in psychology and forensic medicine estimated a prevalence of 20 to 40% of non-credible symptom presentations in their work settings and reported not having sufficient means to assess the distorted presentation of symptoms with certainty. Professionals and laypersons alike acknowledge that non-credible symptom presentations (like feigning or malingering) are relevant in Spain and occur at a non-trivial rate, which compares with estimates in other parts of the world.

Front Med (Lausanne) ; 9: 1045574, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36507501


Introduction: Workplace violence is a social problem yet to be solved. Although it is present in virtually all work environments, its prevalence in healthcare settings stands out, being perceived as something inherent to the job. Most studies in this context have focused on user violence against professionals. However, it has been observed that violence among colleagues in these types of jobs is a risk factor for the health of workers and has rarely been studied as a whole. Among the main consequences of exposure to violence reported in the literature, burnout syndrome, depression, anxiety, or somatic problems have been among the most studied. On the one hand, some authors claim that being exposed to workplace violence can increase the associated physical and psychological pathology and lead to a picture congruent with burnout. On the other hand, it has been hypothesized that violence is associated with burnout, which can trigger physical and psychological symptoms. Taking into account this background, the aim of this study is to explore workplace violence in health personnel, symptomatology, and burnout syndrome through mediation models that allow us to know the interrelationships between the variables. Methods: A cross-sectional design with a double descriptive-associative strategy was used. The sample was composed of 950 nursing professionals from public hospitals. The scales of physical and non-physical violence from users to professionals HABS-U, personal, social, and occupational violence among co-workers using the Health Aggressive Behavior Scale - Co-workers and Superiors (HABS-CS) scale, the burnout scale Maslach Burnout Inventory - General Survey (MBI-GS) which evaluates professional exhaustion, efficacy and cynicism, and the factors referring to depression, anxiety, somatization, and dysfunction of the GHQ-28 scale were applied. In order to calculate the models, workplace violence was used as a predictor of symptomatology, using the burnout variables as mediators. Regression coefficients with and without mediation model, direct and standardized estimates were obtained. For statistical power, Bootstrap analysis was used to calculate direct mediation effects. Results: After controlling the mediation effects of burnout and cynicism, physical and non-physical user violence toward healthcare personnel were significant predictors of the GHQ-28 scores. These same results were obtained when assessing the relationship between social, occupational, and personal violence among co-workers and GHQ-28 scores. Conclusion: Our results contribute to increase the evidence about the effects of violence on the health of professionals and to advance in the characterization of the possible consequent psychological damage. Regardless of the type of violence experienced, exposure to violence can lead to anxious, depressive or somatization symptoms, among others. Violence is also a predictor of burnout syndrome, which in turn accentuates the rest of the consequences studied. Despite the limitations of the proposed model, these results serve to highlight the complexity of the situation experienced by healthcare professionals. Moreover, it serves as a basis for proposing intervention/prevention programs to raise awareness and protect professionals from these risks. To this end, self-care tools should be proposed with which professionals take care of their own health through the management of violent situations and/or the improvement of occupational health.

Psicothema ; 34(4): 528-536, 2022 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36268957


BACKGROUND: Psychometric symptom validity instruments (SVTs) can be vulnerable to coaching, which can negatively affect their performance. Our aim was to assess the impact that different types of coaching may have on the sensitivity of the Structured Inventory of Malingered Symptomatology (SIMS). METHODS: A simulation design was used with 232 non-clinical adults divided into five experimental simulation conditions and 58 patients with anxious-depressive symptomatology derived from a traffic accident. All simulators received a basic scenario and, in addition, the second group was instructed on the symptomatology, the third was warned about the risk of exaggerating the presentation, the fourth received a combination of the two previous groups and the fifth received specific training on SVTs. RESULTS: The discriminative ability of the SIMS was higher in the basic and symptom information groups, and it decreased significantly in the specific training group on SVTs. CONCLUSIONS: SIMS seems not to be severely impacted by a variety of symptom coaching styles, although test coaching diminished its performance.

Tutoría , Humanos , Adulto , Sensibilidad y Especificidad , Simulación de Enfermedad/diagnóstico , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Pruebas Neuropsicológicas
Eur. j. psychol. appl. legal context (Internet) ; 14(2): 73-81, julio 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | IBECS | ID: ibc-209789


Background/Objective: Whiplash-Associated Disorders (WAD) are one of the most complex conditions to evaluate because several of its symptoms are not observable with current diagnostic methods and cannot be quantified or evaluated correctly. No method is currently available to assess the risk of malingering in the aforementioned condition efficiently. Our aim is to study the capacity of several biopsychosocial psychometric self-report instruments, such as the Brief Pain Inventory (BPI), the Cervical Disability Index (NDI), the SF-36 Health Questionnaire, the Beck Anxiety and Depression Inventories (BDI-II and BAI), or the Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire (BIPQ), to discriminate between patients diagnosed with WAD following a vehicle accident and non-clinical participants with malingering instructions. Method: A simulation design was used with 630 participants: 200 non-clinical controls with honest responding condition, 201 instructed malingerers, and 229 WAD clinical outpatients. Results: Our results showed an AUC range of .60 to .90, with the highest value being that of the BPI (.90), followed by the NDI (.88), and the lowest value that of the BIPQ (.60), followed by the BAI (.71). Conclusions: Overall, the BPI, the NDI, and SF-36 can correctly discriminate between groups with a good specificity (> 90%), while the BAI, BDI, and BIPQ showed a lower capacity, with a high rate of false positives in the case of the BDI and of false negatives in the other two. Practical and research implications are discussed. (AU)

Antecedentes/Objetivo: El Síndrome del Latigazo Cervical (WAD) es una de las condiciones más complejas de evaluar debido a que varios de los síntomas que presenta no son objetivables con los métodos diagnósticos actuales y no puede cuantificarse ni evaluarse correctamente. En la actualidad no se dispone de ningún método eficiente para valorar el riesgo de simulación en la citada condición. Nuestro objetivo es estudiar la capacidad de varios instrumentos psicométricos biopsicosociales de autoinforme, como el Inventario Breve de Dolor (BPI), el Índice de Discapacidad Cervical (NDI), el Cuestionario de Salud SF-36, los Inventarios de Ansiedad y Depresión de Beck (BDI-II y BAI) o el Cuestionario Breve de Percepción de la Enfermedad (BIPQ) para discriminar entre pacientes diagnosticados con WAD tras un accidente de circulación y participantes no-clínicos con instrucciones de simulación. Método: Se utilizó un diseño de simulación con 630 participantes: 200 controles no clínicos con condición de respuesta honesta, 201 simuladores instruidos y 229 pacientes clínicos con WAD. Resultados: Nuestros resultados mostraron un rango de AUC de .60 a .90, siendo el valor más alto el del BPI (.90), seguido del NDI (.88), y el valor más bajo el del BIPQ (.60), seguido del BAI (.71). Conclusiones: En general, el BPI, el NDI y el SF-36 pueden discriminar correctamente entre grupos con una buena especificidad (> 90%), mientras que el BAI, el BDI y el BIPQ mostraron una menor capacidad, con una alta tasa de falsos positivos en el caso del BDI y falsos negativos en los otros dos. Se discuten además las implicaciones prácticas y de investigación. (AU)

Humanos , 28574 , Diagnóstico , Pacientes , Dolor , Autoinforme
Psicothema (Oviedo) ; 34(4): 528-536, Jun. 2022. tab
Artículo en Inglés | IBECS | ID: ibc-211777


Background: Psychometric symptom validity instruments (SVTs) can be vulnerable to coaching, which can negatively affect their performance. Our aim was to assess the impact that different types of coaching may have on the sensitivity of the Structured Inventory of Malingered Symptomatology (SIMS). Methods: A simulation design was used with 232 non-clinical adults divided into five experimental simulation conditions and 58 patients with anxious-depressive symptomatology derived from a traffic accident. All simulators received a basic scenario and, in addition, the second group was instructed on the symptomatology, the third was warned about the risk of exaggerating the presentation, the fourth received a combination of the two previous groups and the fifth received specific training on SVTs. Results: The discriminative ability of the SIMS was higher in the basic and symptom information groups, and it decreased significantly in the specific training group on SVTs. Conclusions: SIMS seems not to be severely impacted by a variety of symptom coaching styles, although test coaching diminished its performance.(AU)

Antecedentes: Los instrumentos psicométricos de validez de síntomas (SVTs) pueden ser vulnerables a la preparación, lo que puede afectar negativamente a su rendimiento. Nuestro objetivo evaluar el impacto que diferentes tipos de preparación pueden tener en la sensibilidad del Inventario Estructurado de Simulación de Síntomas (SIMS). Método: Se utilizó un diseño de simulación con 232 adultos no clínicos divididos en cinco condiciones de simulación y 58 pacientes con sintomatología ansioso-depresiva derivada de un accidente de circulación. Todos los simuladores recibieron un escenario básico y, además, el segundo grupo fue instruido sobre la sintomatología a presentar, el tercero fue advertido sobre el riesgo de exagerar su presentación, el cuarto recibió una combinación de los dos grupos anteriores y el quinto recibió un entrenamiento específico sobre SVTs. Resultados: La capacidad discriminativa del SIMS fue más elevada en el grupo de escenario básico e información de síntomas, disminuyendo significativamente en el grupo de entrenamiento sobre SVTs. Conclusiones: El SIMS parece no verse afectado severamente por las diferentes formas de coaching, no obstante, la preparación específica sobre el test disminuye su rendimiento.(AU)

Humanos , Simulación de Enfermedad , Evaluación de Síntomas , Psicometría , Psicología , Psicología Clínica , Psicología Social
PLoS One ; 17(5): e0268636, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35622880


BACKGROUND: Workplace violence in healthcare settings has long been studied in scientific literature, particularly in the nursing profession. Research has explored mostly user violence probably for its high prevalence and impact on health and job satisfaction. Yet this focus may overshadow another dangerous type of workplace violence: coworker violence. Exerted by co-workers with similar status, lateral violence differs from that yielded by a co-worker with a higher rank, known as vertical. This study aims to deepen the knowledge about lateral violence perceived by nurses and its interaction with other variables commonly associated with workplace violence in healthcare: burnout, job satisfaction, and self-perceived health. METHOD: A random block sampling was performed, prompting a total sample of 925 nursing professionals from 13 public hospitals located in the southeast of Spain. The sample distribution (mean and standard deviation) and the response percentages according to the study variables of the ad-hoc questionnaire were analyzed and classified with cluster analysis. RESULTS: Through the cluster analysis, two subgroups were obtained: Cluster 1, composed of 779 participants, with low scores in the variables used for the classification, high levels of both extrinsic and intrinsic satisfaction, low levels of emotional exhaustion and cynicism, and low rates of somatization, anxiety, social dysfunction and depression; and Cluster 2, composed of 115 participants and characterized by moderate-high scores in the variables used for the classification, moderate extrinsic satisfaction, and low intrinsic satisfaction, high emotional exhaustion and cynicism and lower somatization, anxiety, social dysfunction, and depression scores. Excluded cases amounted to 31. CONCLUSION: Nursing professionals who experience lateral violence reveal a lower intrinsic satisfaction, feeling less self-accomplished in their job, and less positive work experience. Emotional exhaustion rises as a concerning progressive and long-term outcome of experiencing this type of violence.

Enfermeras y Enfermeros , Violencia Laboral , Estudios Transversales , Humanos , Reorganización del Personal , Salud Pública
Front Public Health ; 10: 777412, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35186835


INTRODUCTION: Growing concern about workplace violence shows the need for an evaluation in specific contexts in order to identify the particularities of each professional group. The health sector consists of a group of professionals with high exposure to violence, specially from users. There are differences depending on the professional category or unit in which the professional works. In this regard, Primary Health Care (PHC) is characterized by a personalized and continuous patient treatment over time, which is not exempt from cases of violence. Among the commonly studied consequences of these situations are decreases in job satisfaction and burnout. OBJECTIVE: The main objective of this study is to analyze the modulating role of job satisfaction in the relationship between non-physical user violence and the onset of burnout. METHODS: Cross-sectional comparative descriptive design. The sample consisted of 574 professionals from 39 PHC centers of the Murcian Health Service. Data were collected using two-stage cluster sampling. For data analysis, descriptive analysis, correlations and stepwise hierarchical regression were used to analyze the interaction between the variables. RESULTS: Regression analysis draws a model where non-physical violence and low intrinsic and extrinsic job satisfaction act as modulators of non-physical violence, cynicism and emotional exhaustion. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides evidence of the psychological consequences of the perception of user violence in the PHC staff. Furthermore, it is evident that the emergence of burnout syndrome in these professionals is related to exposure to verbal or non-physical violence together with low job satisfaction. In this sense, a circular and bidirectional relationship between the variables studied is proposed as a possible explanatory model.

Agotamiento Profesional , Violencia Laboral , Agotamiento Profesional/psicología , Estudios Transversales , Personal de Salud , Humanos , Satisfacción en el Trabajo , Violencia Laboral/psicología
Eur J Investig Health Psychol Educ ; 12(2): 114-126, 2022 Jan 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35200233


There is evidence of increased psychopathology in university students and its relationship with unhealthy lifestyle habits. The objective of this work is to examine the prevalence and differences in psychopathological symptoms and lifestyle in a sample of university students according to educational levels and area of knowledge. A comparative associative study was conducted with 1405 university students. The results indicated significant differences in psychopathology and habits in the different groups. The prevalence of psychopathology found was high, especially depressive and anxious pathologies. This incidence tends to be higher in undergraduates and/or Arts and Humanities, coinciding with those who tend to have poorer lifestyle habits. The promising contributions from this study facilitate the early detection of university students with a risk profile for the appearance or exacerbation of psychopathology, as well as the design of psychological intervention programs aimed at the psychological well-being of this population.

Int. j. clin. health psychol. (Internet) ; 22(1): 1-11, jan.-apr. 2022. tab, ilus, graf
Artículo en Inglés | IBECS | ID: ibc-203393


ResumenAntecedentes/Objetivo: Las propuestas teóricas y trabajos empíricos apuntan una con-currencia entre las actitudes y la conducta violenta en el contexto escolar. Los estudios suelen abordan esta cuestión superficialmente o dentro de programas de intervención donde se trabajan múltiples variables, existiendo diferencias en la magnitud de esta re-lación. El objetivo del estudio es describir los resultados de una revisión sistemática y realizar un metaanálisis que explore estas asociaciones. Método: Se realizó una revisión sistemática en las principales bases de datos. Se calcularon los tamaños del efecto y fueron sintetizados mediante un metaanálisis de efecto aleatorio para la relación entre actitudes hacia la violencia y violencia escolar. Se realizó una meta-regresión para el análisis moderador del sexo y edad. Resultados: La estrategia de búsqueda produjo 12.293 artículos. El proceso de revisión estructurado arrojó un resultado final de 23 estudios. Nuestros resultados estiman una relación positiva y significativa (r = 0,368 p < 0,001; 95% CI = [0,323, 0,412]) entre actitudes y violencia escolar en menores. Con-clusiones: Este estudio permite cuantificar con un adecuado grado de especificidad la relación actitud/conducta en el contexto escolar. Estos resultados facilitarían a futuros investigadores plantear programas que aborden esta especificidad para mejorar el clima escolar.

AbstractBackground/Objective: Both theoretical proposals and empirical work point to a common concurrence between attitudes toward school violence and violent behavior. Studies often address this issue superficially or within intervention programs. Our objective is to describe the results of a systematic review and to conduct a meta-analysis exploring these associations. Method:A systematic review was conducted in the main databases. Effect sizes were calculated and synthesized using random-effects meta-analysis to estimate the relationship between attitudes toward violence and school violence. A meta-regression was performed for the moderator analysis of sex and age. Results: The literature search strategy produced 12,293 articles. The review process produced a final result of 23 studies. Our results estimate a significant positive relationship (r =.368 p < .001; 95% CI [.323, .412]) between attitudes toward violence and school violence in children and adolescents. Conclusions: This study allows us to quantify with an adequate degree of specificity the attitude-behavior relationship in the school context. These results may facilitate future researchers to design programs that address this specificity in order to improve school climate. More research is needed using validated instruments to further specify the type of attitudes that have the greatest influence on the manifestation of school violence.

Humanos , Actitud , Violencia , Exposición a la Violencia , Niño
J Ment Health ; 31(5): 642-648, 2022 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32686542


BACKGROUND: User violence toward health workers is a growing problem. Several studies report that it is increasing and there is also an increase in the number of complaints by these professionals. Within the health system, Mental Health services have been identified as a collective at special risk. AIMS: This study aims to examine in greater depth the differences in perceived user violence against health professionals, as well as its consequences, comparing two large groups: psychiatrists and clinical psychologists. METHODS: Using a cross-sectional design, self-reported questionnaires were applied to a sample of 138 professionals from all the public centers in the Region of Murcia (southwest of Spain) that have a Mental Health Unit. RESULTS: The results show that psychiatrists are significantly more exposed to user violence, both verbal and physical, revealing a relationship with job dissatisfaction, emotional exhaustion, professional effectiveness, and cynicism. CONCLUSIONS: The present study provides evidence on the differences in the perception of violence of users towards psychologists and psychiatrists, being those who show that they claim to be more exposed. Furthermore, this violence is associated with burnout, job dissatisfaction, somatic symptoms, anxiety, or depression, among other consequences.

Agotamiento Profesional , Servicios de Salud Mental , Psiquiatría , Agotamiento Profesional/psicología , Estudios Transversales , Humanos , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Violencia/psicología
Int J Clin Health Psychol ; 22(1): 100278, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34934422


BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVE: Both theoretical proposals and empirical work point to a common concurrence between attitudes toward school violence and violent behavior. Studies often address this issue superficially or within intervention programs. Our objective is to describe the results of a systematic review and to conduct a meta-analysis exploring these associations. METHOD: A systematic review was conducted in the main databases. Effect sizes were calculated and synthesized using random-effects meta-analysis to estimate the relationship between attitudes toward violence and school violence. A meta-regression was performed for the moderator analysis of sex and age. RESULTS: The literature search strategy produced 12,293 articles. The review process produced a final result of 23 studies. Our results estimate a significant positive relationship (r =.368 p < .001; 95% CI [.323, .412]) between attitudes toward violence and school violence in children and adolescents. CONCLUSIONS: This study allows us to quantify with an adequate degree of specificity the attitude-behavior relationship in the school context. These results may facilitate future researchers to design programs that address this specificity in order to improve school climate. More research is needed using validated instruments to further specify the type of attitudes that have the greatest influence on the manifestation of school violence.

ANTECEDENTES/OBJETIVO: Las propuestas teóricas y trabajos empíricos apuntan una concurrencia entre las actitudes y la conducta violenta en el contexto escolar. Los estudios suelen abordar esta cuestión superficialmente o dentro de programas de intervención donde se trabajan múltiples variables, existiendo diferencias en la magnitud de esta relación. El objetivo del estudio es describir los resultados de una revisión sistemática y realizar un meta análisis que explore estas asociaciones. MÉTODO: Se realizó una revisión sistemática en las principales bases de datos. Se calcularon los tamaños del efecto y fueron sintetizados mediante un meta análisis de efecto aleatorio para la relación entre actitudes hacia la violencia y violencia escolar. Se realizó una meta regresión para el análisis moderador del sexo y edad. RESULTADOS: La estrategia de búsqueda produjo 12.293 artículos. El proceso de revisión estructurado produjo un resultado final de 23 estudios. Nuestros resultados estiman una relación positiva y significativa (r = 0,368 p < 0,001; 95% CI = [0,323, 0,412]) entre actitudes y violencia escolar en menores. CONCLUSIONES: Este estudio permite cuantificar con un adecuado grado de especificidad la relación actitud conducta en el contexto escolar. Estos resultados facilitarían a futuros investigadores plantear programas que aborden esta especificidad para mejorar el clima escolar.

J Interpers Violence ; 37(13-14): NP10782-NP10809, 2022 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33491553


School violence is a social issue of particular interest both for intervention and research. Attitudes towards violence have been reported in the literature as relevant variables for evaluation, prevention, and intervention in this field. This study aims to examine in-depth attitudes toward school violence. The sample consists of 96 participants from Spanish Elementary Education and Compulsory Secondary Education schools. A qualitative study was conducted through focus groups and thematic analysis of the data. The results identify a habitual set of attitudes towards violence in children. These are related to violence as a way to feel better or increase self-esteem, as leisure or fun, perceived as legitimate, when violence is exercised against those who are different, when it has no consequences, to resolve conflicts, to socialize, and to attract the attention of peers. These results could serve as a basis for the creation of evaluation tools, as well as the design of prevention and intervention plans based on attitude modification.

Instituciones Académicas , Violencia , Actitud , Niño , Humanos , Grupo Paritario , Investigación Cualitativa , Violencia/prevención & control
Front Psychol ; 12: 716513, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34484077


In order to make a complete diagnosis of all the factors influencing whiplash associated disorders (WAD), the evidence suggests that the condition evaluation should follow an integrated biopsychosocial model. This perspective would offer a fuller view of it, recognizing the interplay between the medical, biomechanical, social, and psychological factors. Despite the progress made in the subject, evidence of which psychosocial factors influence the experience of pain in litigant WAD patients is limited. A cross-sectional design and a cluster analysis was used to study the experience of pain and the psychosocial factors included therein in 249 patients with WAD assessed after suffering a motor vehicle accident. Three clusters were obtained: C1, with low scores of pain and a slight-moderate alteration of the Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL); C2, with medium scores of pain, alteration of HRQoL and a perception of moderate disability; and C3, with medium-high scores of pain, alteration of the HQoL, perception of moderate disability, presence of anxious-depressive symptomatology, poorer comprehension of the condition suffered, and the belief that it will extend over a long period of time. The results show a heterogeneous experience of pain in WAD, compatible with the biopsychosocial model of disease and the multidimensional approach to pain. The role of the psychologist in the evaluation of the condition could be useful to obtain a complete view of the condition, thus ensuring that the treatment is adapted to the needs of the patient.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34501771


BACKGROUND: Workplace violence is a growing social problem among many professions, but it particularly affects the health sector. Studies have mainly focused on evaluating user violence toward health professionals, with less attention being paid to other sources of conflict, such as co-workers themselves. There are different manifestations of this violence in what has been called a context of tolerated or normalized violence among co-workers. However, its effects are far from being tolerable, as they have an impact on general health and job satisfaction and contribute to burnout among professionals. Based on this idea, and following the line of the previous literature, nursing staff are a population at high risk of exposure to workplace violence. For this reason, the present study aims to evaluate exposure to lateral violence or violence among co-workers in nursing staff in public health services and the relationship of this exposure with some of the most studied consequences. (2) Methods: A cross-sectional associative study was carried out in which scales of workplace violence (HABS-CS), burnout (MBI-GS), job satisfaction (OJS), and general health (GHQ-28) were applied to a sample of 950 nursing staff from 13 public hospitals located in the southeast of Spain. (3) Results: The results show that nursing staff have a high exposure to violence from their co-workers, which is more common in male nurses. Greater exposure is observed in professionals with between 6 and 10 years of experience in the profession, and it is not characteristic of our sample to receive greater violence when they have less experience or are younger. A positive correlation is observed with high levels of burnout and a negative correlation with general health and job satisfaction. (4) Conclusions: The results of this work contribute to increasing the scientific evidence of the consequences of a type of workplace violence frequent among nursing staff and to which less attention has been paid in relative terms to other types of prevalent violence. Organizations should be aware of the importance of this type of workplace violence, its frequency and impact, and implement appropriate prevention policies that include the promotion of a culture that does not reward violence or minimize reporting. A change of mentality in the academic environment is also recommended in order to promote a more adequate training of nursing staff in this field.

Agotamiento Profesional , Enfermeras y Enfermeros , Personal de Enfermería en Hospital , Violencia Laboral , Agotamiento Profesional/epidemiología , Estudios Transversales , Hospitales Públicos , Humanos , Satisfacción en el Trabajo , Masculino , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Lugar de Trabajo