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Rep Pract Oncol Radiother ; 29(3): 329-339, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39144271


A high-energy electron accelerator is used in the treatment of patients in the so-called intraoperative electron radiotherapy (IOERT). The work aimed to present the results of the validation of a new design of an electron beam applicator for use in IOERT. A novel solution was described along with the design optimization method based on Monte Carlo simulations. In this solution, the applicator consists of two parts. The lower exchangeable part collimates the therapeutic field. Measurements were made based on the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standard recommendations. The measurement described in the standard has been adapted to the specificity of the intraoperative accelerator Source to Skin Distance - of 60 cm and applicators with a circular cross-sectional area. Measurements were performed for nominal beam energies of 6, 10, and 12 MeV and two therapeutic field diameters of 6 and 10 cm. The dose due to stray X-ray radiation in all energies is less than 0.3% and increases for energies from 6 to 12 MeV by 2.9 times from 0.1 for 6MeV to 0.29 for 12 MeV. The average dose due to leakage radiation also shows an increasing trend and is higher for a 6 cm diameter applicator. Validation confirmed the usefulness of the novel applicator design for clinical applications. Thanks to the use of 3D printing, it was possible to make applicators that are transparent, biocompatible and, at the same time, light and form a beam field with therapeutically useful accuracy, and the leakage radiation does not exceed normative recommendations.

Rep Pract Oncol Radiother ; 27(2): 344-351, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36299375


FLASH radiotherapy (RT) is a technique involving the delivery of ultra-high dose rate radiation to the target. FLASH-RT has been shown to reduce radiation-induced toxicity in healthy tissues without compromising the anti-cancer effects of treatment compared to conventional radiation therapy. In the present article, we review the published data on FLASH-RT and discuss the current state of knowledge of this novel approach. We also highlight the technological constraints and complexity of FLASH-RT and describe the physics underlying this modality, particularly how technology supports energy transfer by ionising radiation (e.g., beam on/off sequence, pulse-energy load, intervals). We emphasise that current preclinical experience is mostly based on FLASH electrons and that clinical application of FLASH-RT is very limited. The incorporation of FLASH-RT into routine clinical radiotherapy will require the development of devices capable of producing FLASH photon beams.

Rep Pract Oncol Radiother ; 26(6): 1029-1034, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34992877


BACKGROUND: The availability of linear accelerators (linac) for research purposes is often limited and therefore alternative radiation sources are needed to conduct radiobiological research. The National Centre for Radiation Research in Poland recently developed an intraoperative mobile linac that enables electron irradiation at energies ranging from 4 to 12 MeV and dose rates of 5 or 10 Gy/min. The present study was conducted to evaluate the electron beam parameters of this intraoperative linac and to verify the set-up to evaluate out-of-field doses in a water phantom, which were determined through dosimetric and biological response measurements. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The distribution of radiation doses along and across the radiation beam were measured in a water phantom using a semiconductor detector and absolute doses using an ionisation chamber. Two luminal breast cancer cell lines (T-47D and HER2 positive SK-BR-3) were placed in the phantom to study radiation response at doses ranging from 2 to 10 Gy. Cell response was measured by clonogenic assays. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The electron beam properties, including depth doses and profiles, were within expected range for the stated energies. These results confirm the viability of this device and set-up as a source of megavoltage electrons to evaluate the radiobiological response of tumour cells.