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Phys Rev Lett ; 128(2): 020402, 2022 Jan 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35089742


A prerequisite for the comprehensive understanding of many-body quantum systems is a characterization in terms of their entanglement structure. The experimental detection of entanglement in spatially extended many-body systems describable by quantum fields still presents a major challenge. We develop a general scheme for certifying entanglement and demonstrate it by revealing entanglement between distinct subsystems of a spinor Bose-Einstein condensate. Our scheme builds on the spatially resolved simultaneous detection of the quantum field in two conjugate observables which allows the experimental confirmation of quantum correlations between local as well as nonlocal partitions of the system. The detection of squeezing in Bogoliubov modes in a multimode setting illustrates its potential to boost the capabilities of quantum simulations to study entanglement in spatially extended many-body systems.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(17): 170401, 2020 Oct 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33156677


Ultracold gases provide an unprecedented level of control for the investigation of soliton dynamics and collisions. We present a scheme for deterministically preparing pairs of three-component solitons in a Bose-Einstein condensate. Our method is based on local spin rotations which simultaneously imprint suitable phase and density distributions. This enables us to observe striking collisional properties of the vector degree of freedom which naturally arises for the coherent nature of the emerging multicomponent solitons. We find that the solitonic properties in the quasi-one-dimensional system are quantitatively described by the integrable repulsive three-component Manakov model.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(6): 063603, 2019 Aug 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31491167


We augment the information extractable from a single absorption image of a spinor Bose-Einstein condensate by coupling to initially empty auxiliary hyperfine states. Performing unitary transformations in both the original and auxiliary hyperfine manifold enables the simultaneous measurement of multiple spin-1 observables. We apply this scheme to an elongated atomic cloud of ^{87}Rb to simultaneously read out three orthogonal spin directions and with that directly access the spatial spin structure. The readout even allows the extraction of quantum correlations which we demonstrate by detecting spin-nematic squeezing without state tomography.

Nature ; 563(7730): 217-220, 2018 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30405226


Predicting the dynamics of quantum systems far from equilibrium represents one of the most challenging problems in theoretical many-body physics1,2. While the evolution of a many-body system is in general intractable in all its details, relevant observables can become insensitive to microscopic system parameters and initial conditions. This is the basis of the phenomenon of universality. Far from equilibrium, universality is identified through the scaling of the spatio-temporal evolution of the system, captured by universal exponents and functions. Theoretically, this has been studied in examples as different as the reheating process in inflationary Universe cosmology3,4, the dynamics of nuclear collision experiments described by quantum chromodynamics5,6, and the post-quench dynamics in dilute quantum gases in non-relativistic quantum field theory7-11. However, an experimental demonstration of such scaling evolution in space and time in a quantum many-body system has been lacking. Here we observe the emergence of universal dynamics by evaluating spatially resolved spin correlations in a quasi-one-dimensional spinor Bose-Einstein condensate12-16. For long evolution times we extract the scaling properties from the spatial correlations of the spin excitations. From this we find the dynamics to be governed by an emergent conserved quantity and the transport of spin excitations towards low momentum scales. Our results establish an important class of non-stationary systems whose dynamics is encoded in time-independent scaling exponents and functions, signalling the existence of non-thermal fixed points10,17,18. We confirm that the non-thermal scaling phenomenon involves no fine-tuning of parameters, by preparing different initial conditions and observing the same scaling behaviour. Our analogue quantum simulation approach provides the basis with which to reveal the underlying mechanisms and characteristics of non-thermal universality classes. One may use this universality to learn, from experiments with ultracold gases, about fundamental aspects of dynamics studied in cosmology and quantum chromodynamics.

Science ; 360(6387): 413-416, 2018 04 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29700262


A key resource for distributed quantum-enhanced protocols is entanglement between spatially separated modes. However, the robust generation and detection of entanglement between spatially separated regions of an ultracold atomic system remain a challenge. We used spin mixing in a tightly confined Bose-Einstein condensate to generate an entangled state of indistinguishable particles in a single spatial mode. We show experimentally that this entanglement can be spatially distributed by self-similar expansion of the atomic cloud. We used spatially resolved spin read-out to reveal a particularly strong form of quantum correlations known as Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) steering between distinct parts of the expanded cloud. Based on the strength of EPR steering, we constructed a witness, which confirmed genuine 5-partite entanglement.