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Acta Endocrinol (Buchar) ; 12(3): 344-348, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31149112


CONTEXT: Orbital pseudotumor (OP) is a benign inflammatory process of the orbit with a large polymorphous lymphoid infiltrate, associated with fibrosis in variable amounts, localized or diffuse. Graves' ophthalmopathy (GO) is the most common cause of proptosis, unilateral or bilateral. CASE REPORT: We report a patient with unilateral proptosis who was initially treated with antithyroid drugs for an euthyroid Graves disease, but the extension of the investigation infirmed this. The MRI findings (inflammation of fat, muscle and the left lacrimal gland) in conjunction with the biopsy infirmed the initial diagnostic and confirmed the OP. CONCLUSIONS: Orbital pseudotumor is a rare disorder that can image and clinically mimics some inflammatory disease especialy Graves' ophthalmopathy. Orbital MRI represents the most important test for diagnostic. A negative TRAb in euthyroid cases of proptosis can be a serious starting point for investigating an OP.

Acta Endocrinol (Buchar) ; 12(4): 418-422, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31149125


OBJECTIVE: To analyze the association between low bone mineral density (BMD), metabolic syndrome (MS) and sex hormones deficiency in men. METHODS: We included in this retrospective study 199 men with osteoporosis or osteopenia and 167 men with normal BMD as controls, aged between 55-85 years old. Patients' evaluation included: medical history and physical examination, X-ray of thoracic and lumbar spine, measuring BMD at hip and lumbar spine, serum glucose and lipid profile, serum levels of total testosterone (tT), free testosterone (fT) and estradiol (E2). RESULTS: The results revealed a significant association between low BMD and MS (p=0.011). Vertebral fractures were more frequently associated with MS (p=0.041). Patients with MS had lower vertebral BMD (p=0.037) and lower E2 levels (p=0.024) compared with those without MS. In men with MS, E2 deficiency can predict the value of vertebral and hip BMD. fT deficiency can predict only the value of hip BMD. CONCLUSIONS: A significant association between MS, low BMD, vertebral fractures and sex steroids deficiency, in particular E2 and fT was found. The presence of MS and sex hormones deficit can predict the reduction of BMD.