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J Am Chem Soc ; 140(14): 4849-4859, 2018 04 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29488757


The active sites for propane dehydrogenation in Ga/H-ZSM-5 with moderate concentrations of tetrahedral aluminum in the lattice were identified to be Lewis-Brønsted acid pairs. With increasing availability, Ga+ and Brønsted acid site concentrations changed inversely, as protons of Brønsted acid sites were exchanged with Ga+. At a Ga/Al ratio of 1/2, the rate of propane dehydrogenation was 2 orders of magnitude higher than with the parent H-ZSM-5, highlighting the extraordinary activity of the Lewis-Brønsted acid pairs. Density functional theory calculations relate the high activity to a bifunctional mechanism that proceeds via heterolytic activation of the propane C-H bond followed by a monomolecular elimination of H2 and desorption of propene.

J Chem Phys ; 148(3): 034102, 2018 Jan 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29352783


In the last decade, first-principles-based microkinetic modeling has been developed into an important tool for a mechanistic understanding of heterogeneous catalysis. A commonly known, but hitherto barely analyzed issue in this kind of modeling is the presence of sizable errors from the use of approximate Density Functional Theory (DFT). We here address the propagation of these errors to the catalytic turnover frequency (TOF) by global sensitivity and uncertainty analysis. Both analyses require the numerical quadrature of high-dimensional integrals. To achieve this efficiently, we utilize and extend an adaptive sparse grid approach and exploit the confinement of the strongly non-linear behavior of the TOF to local regions of the parameter space. We demonstrate the methodology on a model of the oxygen evolution reaction at the Co3O4 (110)-A surface, using a maximum entropy error model that imposes nothing but reasonable bounds on the errors. For this setting, the DFT errors lead to an absolute uncertainty of several orders of magnitude in the TOF. We nevertheless find that it is still possible to draw conclusions from such uncertain models about the atomistic aspects controlling the reactivity. A comparison with derivative-based local sensitivity analysis instead reveals that this more established approach provides incomplete information. Since the adaptive sparse grids allow for the evaluation of the integrals with only a modest number of function evaluations, this approach opens the way for a global sensitivity analysis of more complex models, for instance, models based on kinetic Monte Carlo simulations.

J Chem Phys ; 147(15): 152705, 2017 Oct 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29055323


First-principles screening studies aimed at predicting the catalytic activity of transition metal (TM) catalysts have traditionally been based on mean-field (MF) microkinetic models, which neglect the effect of spatial correlations in the adsorbate layer. Here we critically assess the accuracy of such models for the specific case of CO methanation over stepped metals by comparing to spatially resolved kinetic Monte Carlo (kMC) simulations. We find that the typical low diffusion barriers offered by metal surfaces can be significantly increased at step sites, which results in persisting correlations in the adsorbate layer. As a consequence, MF models may overestimate the catalytic activity of TM catalysts by several orders of magnitude. The potential higher accuracy of kMC models comes at a higher computational cost, which can be especially challenging for surface reactions on metals due to a large disparity in the time scales of different processes. In order to overcome this issue, we implement and test a recently developed algorithm for achieving temporal acceleration of kMC simulations. While the algorithm overall performs quite well, we identify some challenging cases which may lead to a breakdown of acceleration algorithms and discuss possible directions for future algorithm development.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 13(8): 3561-3574, 2017 Aug 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28657733


We present a method for performing density-functional theory (DFT) calculations in which one or more Kohn-Sham orbitals are constrained to be localized on individual atoms. This constrained-orbital DFT (CO-DFT) approach can be used to tackle two prevalent shortcomings of DFT: the lack of transparency with regard to the governing electronic structure in large (planewave based) DFT calculations and the limitations of semilocal DFT in describing systems with localized electrons or a large degree of static correlation. CO-DFT helps to address the first of these issues by decomposing complex orbital transformations occurring during elementary chemical processes into simpler and more intuitive transformations. The second issue is addressed by using the CO-DFT method to generate configuration states for multiconfiguration Kohn-Sham calculations. We demonstrate both of these applications for elementary reaction steps involved in the oxygen evolution reaction.

J Chem Phys ; 146(4): 040901, 2017 01 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28147553


First-principles screening approaches exploiting energy trends in surface adsorption represent an unparalleled success story in recent computational catalysis research. Here we argue that our still limited understanding of the structure of active sites is one of the major bottlenecks towards an ever extended and reliable use of such computational screening for catalyst discovery. For low-index transition metal surfaces, the prevalently chosen high-symmetry (terrace and step) sites offered by the nominal bulk-truncated crystal lattice might be justified. For more complex surfaces and composite catalyst materials, computational screening studies will need to actively embrace a considerable uncertainty with respect to what truly are the active sites. By systematically exploring the space of possible active site motifs, such studies might eventually contribute towards a targeted design of optimized sites in future catalysts.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 13(4): 1525-1538, 2017 Apr 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28195719


A novel algorithm is presented that achieves temporal acceleration during kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) simulations of surface catalytic processes. This algorithm allows for the direct simulation of reaction networks containing kinetic processes occurring on vastly disparate time scales which computationally overburden standard KMC methods. Previously developed methods for temporal acceleration in KMC were designed for specific systems and often require a priori information from the user such as identifying the fast and slow processes. In the approach presented herein, quasi-equilibrated processes are identified automatically based on previous executions of the forward and reverse reactions. Temporal acceleration is achieved by automatically scaling the intrinsic rate constants of the quasi-equilibrated processes, bringing their rates closer to the time scales of the slow kinetically relevant nonequilibrated processes. All reactions are still simulated directly, although with modified rate constants. Abrupt changes in the underlying dynamics of the reaction network are identified during the simulation, and the reaction rate constants are rescaled accordingly. The algorithm was utilized here to model the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis reaction over ruthenium nanoparticles. This reaction network has multiple time-scale-disparate processes which would be intractable to simulate without the aid of temporal acceleration. The accelerated simulations are found to give reaction rates and selectivities indistinguishable from those calculated by an equivalent mean-field kinetic model. The computational savings of the algorithm can span many orders of magnitude in realistic systems, and the computational cost is not limited by the magnitude of the time scale disparity in the system processes. Furthermore, the algorithm has been designed in a generic fashion and can easily be applied to other surface catalytic processes of interest.

Faraday Discuss ; 188: 199-226, 2016 07 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27108887


Density functional theory is used to examine the changes in electronic structure that occur during the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) catalyzed by active sites on three different surface terminations of Co3O4. These three active sites have reactive oxo species with differing degrees of coordination by Co cations - a µ(3)-oxo on the (311) surface, a µ(2)-oxo on the (110)-A surface, and an η-oxo on the (110)-B surface. The kinetically relevant step on all surfaces over a wide range of applied potentials is the nucleophilic addition of water to the oxo, which is responsible for formation of the O-O bond. The intrinsic reactivity of a site for this step is found to increase as the coordination of the oxo decreases with the µ(3)-oxo on the (311) surface being the least reactive and the η-oxo on the (110)-B surface being the most reactive. A detailed analysis of the electronic changes occurring during water addition on the three sites reveals that this trend is due to both a decrease in the attractive local Madelung potential on the oxo and a decrease in electron withdrawal from the oxo by Co neighbors. Applying a similar electronic structure analysis to the oxidation steps preceding water addition in the catalytic cycle shows that analogous electronic changes occur during this process, explaining a correlation observed between the oxidation potential of a site and its intrinsic reactivity for water addition. This concept is then used to specify criteria for the design of an optimal OER catalyst at a given applied potential.

J Am Chem Soc ; 137(46): 14660-72, 2015 Nov 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26479891


Quantum chemical calculations and simulated kinetics were used to examine the structure sensitivity of the oxygen evolution reaction on several surface terminations of Co3O4. Active sites consisting of two adjacent Co(IV) cations connected by bridging oxos were identified on both the (001) and (311) surfaces. Formation of the O-O bond proceeds on these sites by nucleophilic attack of water on a bridging oxo. It was found that the relative turnover frequencies for the different sites are highly dependent on the overpotential, with the dual-Co site on the (311) surface being most active at medium overpotentials (0.46-0.77 V), where O-O bond formation by water addition is rate limiting. A similar dual-Co site on the (001) surface is most active at low overpotentials (<0.46 V), where O2 release is rate limiting, and a single-Co site on the (110) surface is most active at overpotentials that are high enough (>0.77 V) to form a significant concentration of highly reactive terminal Co(V)═O species. Two overpotential-dependent Sabatier relationships were identified based on the Brønsted basicity and redox potential of the active site, explaining the change in the active site with overpotential. The (311) dual-Co site that is most active in the medium overpotential range is consistent with recent experimental observations suggesting that a defect site is responsible for the observed oxygen evolution activity and that a modest concentration of superoxo intermediates is present on the surface. Importantly, we find that it is essential to consider the kinetics of the water addition and O2 release steps rather than only the thermodynamics.