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Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31355191


Damage to an ectodermal-mesodermal interface like that in the equine hoof and human finger nail bed can permanently alter tissue structure and associated function. The purpose of this study was to establish and validate in vitro culture of primary progenitor cell isolates from the ectodermal-mesodermal tissue junction in equine hooves, the stratum internum, with and without chronic inflammation known to contribute to lifelong tissue defects. The following were evaluated in hoof stratum internum cell isolates up to 5 cell passages (P): expansion capacity by cell doublings and doubling time; plasticity with multi-lineage differentiation and colony-forming unit (CFU) frequency percentage; immunophenotype with immunocytochemistry and flow cytometry; gene expression with RT-PCR; and ultrastructure with transmission electron microscopy. The presence of keratin (K)14, 15 and K19 as well as cluster of differentiation (CD)44 and CD29 was determined in situ with immunohistochemistry. To confirm in vivo extracellular matrix (ECM) formation, cell-scaffold (polyethylene glycol/poly-L-lactic acid and tricalcium phosphate/hydroxyapatite) constructs were evaluated with scanning electron microscopy 9 weeks after implantation in athymic mice. Cultured cells had characteristic progenitor cell morphology, expansion, CFU frequency percentage and adipocytic, osteoblastic, and neurocytic differentiation capacity. CD44, CD29, K14, K15 and K19 proteins were present in native hoof stratum internum. Cultured cells also expressed K15, K19 and desmogleins 1 and 3. Gene expression of CD105, CD44, K14, K15, sex determining region Y-box 2 (SOX2) and octamer-binding transcription factor 4 (OCT4) was confirmed in vitro. Cultured cells had large, eccentric nuclei, elongated mitochondria, and intracellular vacuoles. Scaffold implants with cells contained fibrous ECM 9 weeks after implantation compared to little or none on acellular scaffolds. In vitro expansion and plasticity and in vivo ECM deposition of heterogeneous, immature cell isolates from the ectodermal-mesodermal tissue interface of normal and chronically inflamed hooves are typical of primary cell isolates from other adult tissues, and they appear to have both mesodermal and ectodermal qualities in vitro. These results establish a unique cell culture model to target preventative and restorative therapies for ectodermal-mesodermal tissue junctions.

Ciênc. rural ; 39(7): 2123-2127, out. 2009. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-526761


The present research aimed to describe possible histopathological alterations in the reproductive system (testicles and epididymis) of male dogs experimentally infected with Toxoplasma gondii. Canines (n=10) serologically negative for T. gondii were selected and distributed into three experimental groups: GI, 3 inoculated with 2.0 x 10(5)P strain oocysts; GII, 3 infected with 1.0 x 10(6)RH strain tachyzoites; and GIII, 4 control dogs. Antibody research (IFAT) against T. gondii was realized. Toxoplasma gondii infection was confirmed by seroconversion of the 6 males infected with tachyzoites and oocysts from postinoculation day (PID) 7 and 14, respectively. At PID 70, all dogs were submitted to orchiectomy and testicle and epididymis samples were collected and histologically processed for examination under optical microscope. The following alterations were diagnosed: mild and moderate mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate in the epididymis, moderate cellular edema, hydropic degeneration and moderate interstitial fibrosis in seminiferous tubules. The histopathological results in the present research, isolation of T. gondii in testicle and epididymis fragments by immunohistochemistry and results from the literature by other authors in different tissues, all infer that the alterations observed in dogs infected with T. gondii are suggestive of toxoplasmic infection.

O presente trabalho teve como objetivo descrever eventuais alterações histopatológicas no sistema reprodutor (testículo e epidídimo) de cães machos experimentalmente infectados com Toxoplasma gondii. Para tal, 10 animais sorologicamente negativos para T. gondii foram selecionados e distribuídos em três grupos experimentais: GI - três cães inoculados com 2,0 x 10(5) oocistos da cepa P, GII - três cães infectados com 1,0 x 10(6) taquizoítos da cepa RH e GIII - quatro cães mantidos como controle. Pesquisa de anticorpos (IFI) contra T. gondii foi realizada. A infecção por T. gondii confirmou-se pela soroconversão de todos os machos infectados a partir do 7° e do 14° dia pós-inoculação (DPI) para cães que receberam taquizoítos e oocistos respectivamente. Decorridos 70DPI, realizou-se, em todos os cães, orquiectomia, e amostras (testículo e epidídimo) foram coletadas e processadas histologicamente para leitura em microscópio óptico. As seguintes alterações foram diagnosticadas: infiltrado inflamatório mononuclear leve e moderado em epidídimo, edema celular moderado, degeneração hidrópica e fibrose intersticial moderada em túbulos seminíferos. Os resultados histopatológicos do presente trabalho, aliados ao isolamento do T. gondii em fragmentos de testículo e epidídimo pela imunoistoquímica, juntamente com os resultados encontrados na literatura por outros autores em diferentes tecidos, permitem inferir que as alterações encontradas nos cães infectados com o respectivo protozoário são sugestivas de infecção toxoplásmica.