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Theory Comput Syst ; 68(4): 593-614, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39183758


We study the expressive power of polynomial recursive sequences, a nonlinear extension of the well-known class of linear recursive sequences. These sequences arise naturally in the study of nonlinear extensions of weighted automata, where (non)expressiveness results translate to class separations. A typical example of a polynomial recursive sequence is b n = n!. Our main result is that the sequence u n = n n is not polynomial recursive.

Algorithmica ; 84(11): 3223-3245, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36313790


We study a variant of the classical membership problem in automata theory, which consists of deciding whether a given input word is accepted by a given automaton. We do so through the lenses of parameterized dynamic data structures: we assume that the automaton is fixed and its size is the parameter, while the input word is revealed as in a stream, one symbol at a time following the natural order on positions. The goal is to design a dynamic data structure that can be efficiently updated upon revealing the next symbol, while maintaining the answer to the query on whether the word consisting of symbols revealed so far is accepted by the automaton. We provide complexity bounds for this dynamic acceptance problem for timed automata that process symbols interleaved with time spans. The main contribution is a dynamic data structure that maintains acceptance of a fixed one-clock timed automaton  A with amortized update time  2 O ( | A | ) per input symbol.

Algorithmica ; 83(8): 2634-2650, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34720297


Let C and D be hereditary graph classes. Consider the following problem: given a graph G ∈ D , find a largest, in terms of the number of vertices, induced subgraph of G that belongs to C . We prove that it can be solved in 2 o ( n ) time, where n is the number of vertices of G, if the following conditions are satisfied:the graphs in C are sparse, i.e., they have linearly many edges in terms of the number of vertices;the graphs in D admit balanced separators of size governed by their density, e.g., O ( Δ ) or O ( m ) , where Δ and m denote the maximum degree and the number of edges, respectively; andthe considered problem admits a single-exponential fixed-parameter algorithm when parameterized by the treewidth of the input graph. This leads, for example, to the following corollaries for specific classes C and D :a largest induced forest in a P t -free graph can be found in 2 O ~ ( n 2 / 3 ) time, for every fixed t; anda largest induced planar graph in a string graph can be found in 2 O ~ ( n 2 / 3 ) time.

Theory Comput Syst ; 56(2): 394-405, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26300686


Signed graphs, i.e., undirected graphs with edges labelled with a plus or minus sign, are commonly used to model relationships in social networks. Recently, Kermarrec and Thraves (2011) initiated the study of the problem of appropriately visualising the network: They asked whether any signed graph can be embedded into the metric space [Formula: see text] in such a manner that every vertex is closer to all its friends (neighbours via positive edges) than to all its enemies (neighbours via negative edges). Interestingly, embeddability into [Formula: see text] can be expressed as a purely combinatorial problem. In this paper we pursue a deeper study of this case, answering several questions posed by Kermarrec and Thraves. First, we refine the approach of Kermarrec and Thraves for the case of complete signed graphs by showing that the problem is closely related to the recognition of proper interval graphs. Second, we prove that the general case, whose polynomial-time tractability remained open, is in fact NP-complete. Finally, we provide lower and upper bounds for the time complexity of the general case: we prove that the existence of a subexponential time (in the number of vertices and edges of the input signed graph) algorithm would violate the Exponential Time Hypothesis, whereas a simple dynamic programming approach gives a running time single-exponential in the number of vertices.

Algorithmica ; 68(1): 41-61, 2014.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24415818


We study a family of problems where the goal is to make a graph Eulerian, i.e., connected and with all the vertices having even degrees, by a minimum number of deletions. We completely classify the parameterized complexity of various versions: undirected or directed graphs, vertex or edge deletions, with or without the requirement of connectivity, etc. The collection of results shows an interesting contrast: while the node-deletion variants remain intractable, i.e., W[1]-hard for all the studied cases, edge-deletion problems are either fixed-parameter tractable or polynomial-time solvable. Of particular interest is a randomized FPT algorithm for making an undirected graph Eulerian by deleting the minimum number of edges, based on a novel application of the color coding technique. For versions that remain NP-complete but fixed-parameter tractable we consider also possibilities of polynomial kernelization; unfortunately, we prove that this is not possible unless NP⊆coNP/poly.