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Dalton Trans ; 47(48): 17257-17265, 2018 Dec 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30488935


Fe2+ spin crossover (SCO) complexes with long-lived excited high-spin (HS) states are promising molecular switches. An enhanced kinetic stability of spin-state isomers can be expected to foster applications beyond the limits of cooperative SCO. In this study, we describe a new approach to slow down the spin-state exchange by simple commutation of a phenyl substituent by a pyridyl substituent. To this end, N4 ligand 6-(3-(pyridin-2-yl)-1H-pyrazol-1-yl)-2,2'-bipyridine (3b) is synthesized as an N4 homologue of the well-established meridional N3 ligands motif. Phenyl-substituted 6-(3-phenyl-1H-pyrazol-1-yl)-2,2'-bipyridine (3a) serves as an intrinsic N3 reference throughout. 3b offers variable coordination numbers, N3 versus N3(+1) and N4, reflecting the preferences of the metal center. As is shown herein through an extended solid-state structure-chemical and solution-state NMR study, which is augmented by density-functional theory modeling, both the coordination geometry and its structural dynamics are indeed highly sensitive towards the expansion of the nominal donor number. The additional donors in 3b introduced through the phenyl-pyridine commutation actually give rise to a rich and diverse stereochemistry of the derived Zn2+ and Fe2+ complexes. Notably, even within a single complex unit coordination of 3b ranges from strongly distorted N3 coordination with a long assisting additional contact (Zn2+ and Fe2+) to a more symmetric N2(+2) or N4 situation in Fe2+. DFT modeling unravels that the additional donors are hemi-labile and coordinate to the Fe2+ only in HS state, leaving the elusive low-spin (LS) state in a fairly undisturbed octahedral environment with 3b being N3 coordinate. That is, the coordination number of the complex autogeneously responds to the altered spin-state. Necessarily this switch in coordination number requires strong structural changes upon SCO. This leads to increased activation barriers for SCO as could be deduced from a temperature-dependent analysis of the dynamic 1H NMR-line broadening and corroborated by accompanying theoretical analysis of the SCO reaction coordinate. For [Fe(3b)2]2+ long spin-state lifetimes τ > 1 ms prevail below the characteristic temperature T (1 ms) = 235 K; this value should be compared with a lifetime of only 150 ns derived for the close analogue [Fe(3a)2]2+. The principle applied herein is general and allows transferring of LS Fe2+ complexes with suitably placed phenyl substituents into SCO complexes with spin-state adaptive coordination number and hence long-lived HS excited states.

Dalton Trans ; 47(37): 13180-13189, 2018 Oct 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30178800


Complexes [Co(L)2](ClO4)2 (L = o-substituted 2-(pyridine-2-yl)-1,10-phenanthrolines 1a-c) containing three redox active centres (a Co2+ ion and two triaryl amine (Tara) units) have been synthesised. The order of oxidation steps in [Co(L)2](ClO4)2 (L = 1a-c) was determined using cyclic voltammetry and EPR/UV-vis-NIR spectroelectrochemistry. In acetonitrile solutions, at room temperature, the first oxidation is Co-centred followed by the Tara oxidation at more anodic potentials. The order of oxidation is inverted in solutions of the less polar solvent dichloromethane. The Co3+/2+-centred redox event leads to a spin transition between the paramagnetic high-spin (HS) Co2+ and the diamagnetic low-spin (LS) Co3+ state, which was proven using 1H NMR and EPR spectroscopy. After one-electron oxidation of [Co(L)2](ClO4)2, an equilibrium between the diamagnetic [Co3+(L)]3+ and paramagnetic [Co2+(L)(L+)]3+ state in [Co(L)2]3+ (L = 1a-c) was found. Cyclic voltammetry showed enhanced intermolecular electron transfer between the [Co2+(L)2]2+ and [Co3+(L)2]3+ redox states mediated by [Co2+(L)(L+)]3+. Variable temperature vis-NIR spectroscopy of in situ generated [Co(L)2]3+ revealed a temperature-dependent redox equilibrium between the [Co3+(L)2]3+ and the [Co2+(L+)(L)]3+ states (L = 1a-c). Magnetic coupling between the HS-Co2+ ion and the Tara+ radical in [HS-Co2+(L+)(L)]3+ (L = 1a,c) was deduced from broad and undetectable lines observed in the corresponding EPR spectra. Complete oxidation to [LS-Co3+(L+)2]5+ (L = 1a,c) leads to characteristic EPR spectra of Tara biradicals with non-interacting spins.

Dalton Trans ; 47(2): 491-506, 2018 Jan 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29230460


A series of Fe2+ SCO complexes of substituted 2-(pyridin-2-yl)-1,10-phenanthrolines 2 was prepared and the SCO (spincrossover) properties were characterized in the solid state (X-ray crystallography, SQUID magnetometry) and in solution (VT-1H NMR spectroscopy), augmented by theoretical modelling. Bis-meridional coordination of the tridendate 2a-c and tetradentate 2d ligands gives octahedral and distorted trigonal-dodecahedral complexes [Fe(2)2]2+, respectively, which were identified as SCO complexes with the transition temperature T1/2 below room temperature. SCO in the solid state is limited to bromo-substituted [Fe(2a)2]2+ (Dalton Trans., 2017, 46, 6218-6229) and [Fe(2b)2]2+ with a pyridine-appended phenyl group, whereas solution state NMR studies reveal SCO behaviour for all complexes, which is in agreement with DFT derived results. As anticipated from its N6(+2) coordination in the HS state, DFT structure modelling of [Fe(2d)2]2+ identified deviation from a structure-conserving SCO reaction coordinate; that is, Fe-N breathing is accompanied by a change in the coordination number. Accordingly, a remarkably slow SCO is observed in [Fe(2d)2]2+, owing to an extended coordinate. De-novo defined characteristic temperatures T(τHSLS) are introduced as structure-dependent parameters deemed to define the onset of phenomenological "slow" SCO. The rich phenomenology of the NMR spectra of [Fe(2)2]2+ is identified to be largely controlled by the dynamics of spin-state exchange and a qualitative illustration of the NMR-reporters of SCO is suggested.

Dalton Trans ; 46(19): 6218-6229, 2017 May 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28443910


Fe2+ spin crossover complexes [Fe(L)2]2+ (L = 2-(6-R1-pyridin-2-yl)-1,10-phenanthroline with R1 = H, methoxy, bromo, -(1H-pyrazol-1-yl) or L = 2-(3-methoxy-pyridin-2-yl)-1,10-phenanthroline) were prepared. These air stable and durable complexes show SCO behaviour with very different transition temperatures T1/2 ranging from 130 K to 600 K depending on the substitution pattern. The use of 1H NMR spectroscopy to elucidate the thermodynamics and kinetics of SCO in a solution of this series is described in detail. By introduction of an additional pyrazole donor (R1) in the ortho-position to the pyridine, the N6 octahedral coordination sphere is expanded to N8 coordination with a trigonal dodecahedral structure. This leads to a strong stabilization of the high spin state and an increased longitudinal relaxation R1 of the proton spins. The larger R1 values were ascribed to different electronic structures with non-orbital degenerate quintet ground states and a larger energetic separation from the first excited state. These results are also supported by Mössbauer spectroscopy. The N8 coordination sphere stabilizes the complex in the high spin state and no indication for SCO was found. DFT calculations confirmed the experimentally obtained order of T1/2 and allowed the calculation of the complex structure in experimentally non-accessible spin states. Complexes of this series can be oxidized to the Fe3+ complexes in a chemically reversible fashion. Interestingly, the lowest oxidation potential was observed for the N8 coordinated complex.

Dalton Trans ; 46(8): 2690-2698, 2017 Feb 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28170014


A new tridentate phenanthroline-pyridyl-based ligand 1 containing a redox active Tara (triaryl amine) unit has been developed (1 = 4-((6-(1,10-phenanthrolin-2-yl)pyridin-2-yl)oxy)-N,N-di-p-tolylaniline). The complex [Co2+(1)2](ClO4/BF4)2 was prepared and the order of the oxidation steps was analysed by cyclic voltammetry and EPR/UV-vis-NIR spectroelectrochemistry. Oxidation of [Co2+(1)2]2+ to [Co3+(1+)2]5+ proceeds in two steps. The first step is the Co2+/3+ centred oxidation to [Co3+(1)2]3+ (E°'(M2+/3+) = 284 mV vs. Fc/Fc+) followed by oxidation of the Tara0/+ centres (E°'(Tara) = 531 mV). Both kinds of oxidation processes were independently investigated in the analogous complexes [Zn(1)2](ClO4)2 and [Co(2)2](BF4)2 allowing an assignment of changes in the electronic spectra to the redox states (2 = 2-(6-phenoxypyridin-2-yl)-1,10-phenanthroline). Although spectroelectrochemistry did not indicate substantial coupling between the redox centres the Tara unit is an efficient mediator for the self-exchange in the [Co2+/3+(1)2]2+/3+ couple. The electron transfer by self-exchange in [Co2+/3+(1)2]2+/3+ was further investigated by variable temperature (VT) 1H NMR spectroscopy. In addition, the resonances found in the paramagnetic proton NMR spectra were assigned by using COSY, T1 and EXSY measurements in combination with the Co-N distances obtained from X-ray analysis. [Co(1)2]2+ is found in the HS state. In contrast, the Fe2+ species [Fe(1)2](ClO4)2 is a spincrossover system. The SCO was analysed in solution by VT 1H NMR and VT/vis spectroscopy.

Dalton Trans ; 45(35): 13798-809, 2016 Sep 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27506162


A series of Fe(2+) spin crossover (SCO) complexes [Fe(5/6)](2+) employing hexadentate ligands (5/6) with cis/trans-1,2-diamino cyclohexanes (4) as central building blocks were synthesised. The ligands were obtained by reductive amination of 4 with 2,2'-bipyridyl-6-carbaldehyde or 1,10-phenanthroline-2-carbaldehyde 3. The chelating effect and the rigid structure of the ligands 5/6 lead to exceptionally robust Fe(2+) and Zn(2+) complexes conserving their structure even in coordinating solvents like dmso at high temperatures. Their solution behavior was investigated using variable temperature (VT) (1)H NMR spectroscopy and VT Vis spectroscopy. SCO behavior was found for all Fe(2+) complexes in this series centred around and far above room temperature. For the first time we have demonstrated that the thermodynamics as well as kinetics for SCO can be deduced by using VT (1)H NMR spectroscopy. An alternative scheme using a linear correction term C(1) to model chemical shifts for Fe(2+) SCO complexes is presented. The rate constant for the SCO of [Fe(rac-trans-5)](2+) obtained by VT (1)H NMR was validated by Laser Flash Photolysis (LFP), with excellent agreement (1/(kHL + kLH) = 33.7/35.8 ns for NMR/LFP). The solvent dependence of the transition temperature T1/2 and the solvatochromism of complex [Fe(rac-trans-5)](2+) were ascribed to hydrogen bond formation of the secondary amine to the solvent. Enantiomerically pure complexes can be prepared starting with R,R- or S,S-1,2-diaminocyclohexane (R,R-trans-4 or S,S-trans-4). The high robustness of the complexes reduces a possible ligand scrambling and allows preparation of quasiracemic crystals of [Zn(R,R-5)][Fe(S,S-5)](ClO4)4·(CH3CN) composed of a 1 : 1 mixture of the Zn and Fe complexes with inverse chirality.

Dalton Trans ; 42(24): 8575-84, 2013 Jun 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23238644


The novel hexadentate nitrogen based ligand N,N'-bis-(2-(1H-pyrazol-1-yl)pyridine-6-ylmethyl)-2,2'-biphenylenediamine (3) was synthesized and used for the preparation of iron Spin Crossover (SCO) complexes [Fe(3)][BF4]2 (4) and [Fe(3)][ClO4]2 (5), which differ only by the respective counter ion. These complex salts show different spin transition temperatures T(1/2) (135 and 157 K, respectively). This effect was studied by the investigation of the solid state structure of different low- and high-spin isomers. All complexes of this series show closely related crystal packing regardless of the counter ion, metal (Zn/Fe) and spin state. The isomer exhibiting the lower transition temperature (4) was also investigated in respect to its photomagnetic behaviour. The LIESST process could be monitored for this complex, but no reverse-LIESST was observed. The relaxation of the photo-induced state occurs at ca. 80 K, showing a complex, three-state relaxation mechanism.

Chem Commun (Camb) ; 48(1): 160-2, 2012 Jan 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22038324


The first example of a 2,2',6,6'-tetraphosphinobiphenyl was prepared and used as a ligand in a dinuclear palladium(II) complex. The close proximity of the two complex fragments induces a coupling pathway allowing the allosteric communication between the two palladium complex fragments.

Dalton Trans ; 39(46): 11235-47, 2010 Dec 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20967327


Metal-organics [((RO)(3)P)(m)CuO(2)CCF(3)] (R = CH(3): 11a, m = 1; 11b, m = 2; 11c, m = 3. R = CH(2)CH(3): 12a, m = 1; 12b, m = 2; 12c, m = 3. R = CH(2)CF(3): 13a, m = 1; 13b, m = 2; 13c, m = 3) are either accessible by the reaction of [((RO)(3)P)(m)CuCl] (R = CH(3): 5a, m = 1; 5b, m = 2; 5c, m = 3. R = CH(2)CH(3): 6a, m = 1; 6b, m = 2; 6c, m = 3) with [KO(2)CCF(3)] (7), or treatment of [Cu(2)O] (8) with HO(2)CCF(3) (9) and P(OR)(3) (2, R = CH(3); 3, R = CH(2)CH(3); 4, R = CH(2)CF(3)). (31)P{(1)H} NMR spectra [((CH(3)O)(3)P)(m)CuO(2)CCF(3)] (m = 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, and 4) have been studied at 25 and -80 °C showing phosphite ligand exchange in solution. The molecular structures of 11a and 13a-13c in the solid state are reported. Complexes 11a and 13a are tetramers featuring µ-η(2)(1κO:2κO')- and µ(3)-η(2)(1κO:2κO':3κO')-(11a) or µ(3)-η(2)(1κO:2κO':3κO')-bonded O(2)CCF(3) ligands (13a) with the Cu(I) ions being part of CuPO(2) and CuPO(3) units (11a), while in 13a solely a CuPO(3) moiety is present. Skeletal isomerism of 11a vs. 13a is discussed. Compound 13b is dimeric ({CuP(2)O(2)}(2)) with pseudo-tetrahedral Cu environments and µ-η(2)(1κO:2κO')O(2)CCF(3) functionalities. In monomeric 13c the O(2)CCF(3) ligand is η(1)(κO)-bonded to a tetra-coordinated Cu(i) ion. The thermal solid state properties of 11, 12 and 13 were studied by Thermo Gravimetry (TG). These complexes decompose by phosphite elimination, decarboxylation and dealkylation. Hot-wall Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) experiments were carried out at 380 °C using 11c as precursor for the deposition of copper onto pieces of TiN-coated oxidized silicon substrates. Copper layers of high purity were obtained with grain sizes between 200-1200 nm.

Dalton Trans ; 39(40): 9493-504, 2010 Oct 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20824241


A series of various (diphosphine)(η(2)-tolane)Pt(0) complexes exhibiting manifold substitution pattern of the tolane ligand (5a-g) and different rigid diphosphines defining various bite angles at the Pt center (9a-b) have been synthesized. All compounds were isolated and characterized by means of spectroscopic methods and additionally by X-ray structure determination (5a-e, 9a-b). In view of potential C(aryl)-C(ethynyl) bond activation, we investigated their photochemical behavior in the solid state as well as in solution by irradiating with sunlight. The reactivity towards C(aryl)-C(ethynyl) bond activation in the crystalline state and in solution is discussed in relation to substituents attached to the tolane ligand and on the extent of the torsion of its phenyl rings. Complexes 5a-c and 9a either bearing electron withdrawing bromides or possessing a large dihedral angle of the phenyl rings, showed selective oxidative addition of the C(aryl)-C(ethynyl) bond to the Pt center in the solid state, yielding complexes 6a-c and 10a, respectively. In contrast, 5d-f and 9b proved to be unreactive under similar conditions because of their electron donating methoxy groups as well as the reduced twisting of their phenyl or pyridyl moieties of the tolane ligands. Irradiation of complexes 5a and 5b with sunlight in solution revealed the formation of the appropriate C-Br activated compounds 7a and 7b along with 6a and 6b in a 1 : 1 mixture. The observed photochemical C(aryl)-C(ethynyl) bond activation is reversible under thermal conditions, regaining the appropriate Pt(0) complexes by reductive elimination.

J Am Chem Soc ; 131(37): 13355-61, 2009 Sep 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19719101


Thiolate ligand oxygenation is believed to activate cytotoxic half-sandwich [(eta(6)-arene)Ru(en)(SR)](+) complexes toward DNA binding. We have made detailed comparisons of the nature of the Ru-S bond in the parent thiolato complexes and mono- (sulfenato) and bis- (sulfinato) oxygenated species including the influence of substituents on the sulfur and arene. Sulfur K-edge XAS indicates that S(3p) donation into the Ru(4d) manifold depends strongly on the oxidation state of the sulfur atom, whereas Ru K-edge data suggest little change at the metal center. DFT results are in agreement with the experimental data and allow a more detailed analysis of the electronic contributions to the Ru-S bond. Overall, the total ligand charge donation to the metal center remains essentially unchanged upon ligand oxygenation, but the origin of the donation differs markedly. In sulfenato complexes, the terminal oxo group makes a large contribution to charge donation and even small electronic changes in the thiolato complexes are amplified upon ligand oxygenation, an observation which carries direct implications for the biological activity of this family of complexes. Details of Ru-S bonding in the mono-oxygenated complexes suggest that these should be most susceptible to ligand exchange, yet only if protonation of the terminal oxo group can occur. The potential consequences of these results for biological activation are discussed.

Antineoplásicos/química , Hidrocarburos Aromáticos/química , Compuestos Organometálicos/química , Oxígeno/química , Teoría Cuántica , Rutenio/química , Compuestos de Sulfhidrilo/química , Antineoplásicos/síntesis química , Antineoplásicos/metabolismo , ADN/metabolismo , Diseño de Fármacos , Electrones , Ligandos , Modelos Moleculares , Conformación Molecular , Compuestos Organometálicos/síntesis química , Compuestos Organometálicos/metabolismo , Análisis Espectral , Rayos X
Chem Commun (Camb) ; (37): 4413-5, 2008 Oct 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18802574


Remarkably efficient oxygen atom transfer from an intermediate of glutathione (GSH) autoxidation to an organometallic ruthenium arene thiolato complex is observed under physiologically-relevant conditions.

Antioxidantes/química , Glutatión/química , Espectroscopía de Resonancia Magnética , Oxidación-Reducción
Dalton Trans ; (15): 1979-81, 2008 Apr 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18382773


By irradiating crystals of a (diphosphine)Pt(0) complex containing 2,2'-dibromotolane as ligand with sunlight, a rare example of selective carbon-carbon bond cleavage in the solid state could be observed.

Chemistry ; 12(31): 8090-5, 2006 Oct 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16858735


The reaction of a series of stable alpha-chlorinated oligosulfanes 2 and 3 with [Pt(eta(2)-C(2)H(4))(Ph(3)P)2] 1 have been investigated. Starting with the alpha-chlorodisulfanes 2 a,b, the platinum dichloride complex 5 and the side-on bonded thioketone platinum complexes 6 a,b were formed. Complex 1 was treated with corresponding trisulfanes 3 a,b to give 5, 6 a,b and the dithiolatocomplexes 7 a,b. We assume that the {Pt(0)(Ph(3)P)2}-complex fragment inserted along the S--S bond to form the unstable intermediate G, which decomposed to form the products described above. We could prove that the sterically crowded 1,2,4-trithiolane 8 was not involved in the reaction pathway by treatment of 1 with 8 under the same conditions; after 24 h, 8 was found to be unreacted. X-ray structure analyses were performed on complexes 6 a, 7 a and 7 b.