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Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39279021


Environmental compartments are contaminated by a broad spectrum of plant protection products (PPPs) that are currently widely used in agriculture or, for some of them, whose use was banned many years ago. The aim of this study is to draw up an overview of the levels of contamination of soils, continental aquatic environments, seawaters and atmosphere by organic PPPs in France and the French overseas territories, based on data from the scientific publications and the grey literature. It is difficult to establish an exhaustive picture of the overall contamination of the environment because the various compartments monitored, the monitoring frequencies, the duration of the studies and the lists of substances are not the same. Of the 33 PPPs most often recorded at high concentration levels in at least one compartment, 5 are insecticides, 9 are fungicides, 15 are herbicides and 4 are transformation products. The PPP contamination of the environment shows generally a seasonal variation according to crop cycles. On a pluriannual scale, the contamination trends are linked to the level of use driven by the pest pressure, and especially to the ban of PPP. Overall, the quality of the data acquired has been improved thanks to new, more integrative sampling strategies and broad-spectrum analysis methods that make it possible to incorporate the search for emerging contaminants such as PPP transformation products. Taking into account additional information (such as the quantities applied, agricultural practices, meteorological conditions, the properties of PPPs and environmental conditions) combined with modelling tools will make it possible to better assess and understand the fate and transport of PPPs in the environment, inter-compartment transfers and to identify their potential impacts. Simultaneous monitoring of all environmental compartments as well as biota in selected and limited relevant areas would also help in this assessment.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38324154


Copper-based plant protection products (PPPs) are widely used in both conventional and organic farming, and to a lesser extent for non-agricultural maintenance of gardens, greenspaces, and infrastructures. The use of copper PPPs adds to environmental contamination by this trace element. This paper aims to review the contribution of these PPPs to the contamination of soils and waters by copper in the context of France (which can be extrapolated to most of the European countries), and the resulting impacts on terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity, as well as on ecosystem functions. It was produced in the framework of a collective scientific assessment on the impacts of PPPs on biodiversity and ecosystem services in France. Current science shows that copper, which persists in soils, can partially transfer to adjacent aquatic environments (surface water and sediment) and ultimately to the marine environment. This widespread contamination impacts biodiversity and ecosystem functions, chiefly through its effects on phototrophic and heterotrophic microbial communities, and terrestrial and aquatic invertebrates. Its effects on other biological groups and biotic interactions remain relatively under-documented.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38051484


Preserving biodiversity against the adverse effects of plant protection products (PPPs) is a major environmental and societal issue. However, despite intensive investigation into the ecotoxicological effects of PPPs, the knowledge produced remains fragmented given the sheer diversity of PPPs. This is due, at least in part, to a strong streetlight effect in the field of ecotoxicology. Indeed, while some PPPs have been investigated in numerous ecotoxicological studies, there are many for which the scientific literature still has little or no information on their ecotoxicological risks and effects. The PPPs under the streetlight include a large variety of legacy substances and a more limited number of more recent or currently-in-use substances, such as the herbicide glyphosate and the neonicotinoid insecticides. Furthermore, many of the most recent PPPs (including those used in biocontrol) and PPP transformation products (TPs) resulting from abiotic and/or biotic degradation are rarely addressed in the international literature in the field of ecotoxicology. Here, based on a recent collective scientific assessment of the effects of PPPs on biodiversity and ecosystem services in the French and European contexts, this article sets out to illustrate the limitations and biases caused by the streetlight effect and numbers of gray areas, and issue recommendations on how to overcome them.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38010548


There is growing scientific and societal consciousness that the environmental risks and impacts of plant protection products (PPPs) cannot be properly assessed without considering ecosystem services. However, the science on this issue remains incomplete and fragmented, as recently illustrated in a collective scientific assessment that pointed out the limited knowledge on the risks and impacts of PPPs on soil ecosystem services, which are clearly overlooked. Beside soil ecosystem services, certain key players involved in these services are largely overlooked in the scientific literature on the risks and impacts of PPPs, namely soil microbial photosynthetic communities. Here, we followed the principles of evidence-based logic chain approaches to show the importance of considering these microorganisms when studying the impacts of PPPs on certain services provided by soil ecosystems, with a focus on regulating and maintenance services that play a role in the regulation of baseline flows and extreme events. Terrestrial microalgae and cyanobacteria are ubiquitous photosynthetic microorganisms that, together with other soil micro- and macro-organisms, play key roles in the ecosystem functions that underpin these ecosystem services. There is an extensive literature on the ecotoxicological effects of PPPs on different organisms including soil microorganisms, but studies concerning soil microbial photosynthetic communities are very scarce. However, there is scientific evidence that herbicides can have both direct and indirect impacts on these microbial photosynthetic communities. Given that they play key functional roles, we argue that soil microbial photosynthetic communities warrant greater attention in efforts to assess the environmental risks and impacts of PPPs and, ultimately, help preserve or restore the regulating and maintenance services provided by soil ecosystems.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38036909


Neonicotinoids are the most widely used class of insecticides in the world, but they have raised numerous concerns regarding their effects on biodiversity. Thus, the objective of this work was to do a critical review of the contamination of the environment (soil, water, air, biota) by neonicotinoids (acetamiprid, clothianidin, imidacloprid, thiacloprid, thiamethoxam) and of their impacts on terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity. Neonicotinoids are very frequently detected in soils and in freshwater, and they are also found in the air. They have only been recently monitored in coastal and marine environments, but some studies already reported the presence of imidacloprid and thiamethoxam in transitional or semi-enclosed ecosystems (lagoons, bays, and estuaries). The contamination of the environment leads to the exposure and to the contamination of non-target organisms and to negative effects on biodiversity. Direct impacts of neonicotinoids are mainly reported on terrestrial invertebrates (e.g., pollinators, natural enemies, earthworms) and vertebrates (e.g., birds) and on aquatic invertebrates (e.g., arthropods). Impacts on aquatic vertebrate populations and communities, as well as on microorganisms, are less documented. In addition to their toxicity to directly exposed organisms, neonicotinoid induce indirect effects via trophic cascades as demonstrated in several species (terrestrial and aquatic invertebrates). However, more data are needed to reach firmer conclusions and to get a clearer picture of such indirect effects. Finally, we identified specific knowledge gaps that need to be filled to better understand the effects of neonicotinoids on terrestrial, freshwater, and marine organisms, as well as on ecosystem services associated with these biotas.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37548787


There is growing interest in using the ecosystem services framework for environmental risk assessments of chemicals, including plant protection products (PPPs). Although this topic is increasingly discussed in the recent scientific literature, there is still a substantial gap between most ecotoxicological studies and a solid evaluation of potential ecotoxicological consequences on ecosystem services. This was recently highlighted by a collective scientific assessment (CSA) performed by 46 scientific experts who analyzed the international science on the impacts of PPPs on biodiversity, ecosystem functions, and ecosystem services. Here, we first point out the main obstacles to better linking knowledge on the ecotoxicological effects of PPPs on biodiversity and ecological processes with ecosystem functions and services. Then, we go on to propose and discuss possible pathways for related improvements. We describe the main processes governing the relationships between biodiversity, ecological processes, and ecosystem functions in response to effects of PPP, and we define categories of ecosystem functions that could be directly linked with the ecological processes used as functional endpoints in investigations on the ecotoxicology of PPPs. We then explore perceptions on the possible links between these categories of ecosystem functions and ecosystem services among a sub-panel of the scientific experts from various fields of environmental science. We find that these direct and indirect linkages still need clarification. This paper, which reflects the difficulties faced by the multidisciplinary group of researchers involved in the CSA, suggests that the current gap between most ecotoxicological studies and a solid potential evaluation of ecotoxicological consequences on ecosystem services could be partially addressed if concepts and definitions related to ecological processes, ecosystem functions, and ecosystem services were more widely accepted and shared within the ecotoxicology community. Narrowing this gap would help harmonize and extend the science that informs decision-making and policy-making, and ultimately help to better address the trade-off between social benefits and environmental losses caused by the use of PPPs.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37099095


Preservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services is critical for sustainable development and human well-being. However, an unprecedented erosion of biodiversity is observed and the use of plant protection products (PPP) has been identified as one of its main causes. In this context, at the request of the French Ministries responsible for the Environment, for Agriculture and for Research, a panel of 46 scientific experts ran a nearly 2-year-long (2020-2022) collective scientific assessment (CSA) of international scientific knowledge relating to the impacts of PPP on biodiversity and ecosystem services. The scope of this CSA covered the terrestrial, atmospheric, freshwater, and marine environments (with the exception of groundwater) in their continuity from the site of PPP application to the ocean, in France and French overseas territories, based on international knowledge produced on or transposable to this type of context (climate, PPP used, biodiversity present, etc.). Here, we provide a brief summary of the CSA's main conclusions, which were drawn from about 4500 international publications. Our analysis finds that PPP contaminate all environmental matrices, including biota, and cause direct and indirect ecotoxicological effects that unequivocally contribute to the decline of certain biological groups and alter certain ecosystem functions and services. Levers for action to limit PPP-driven pollution and effects on environmental compartments include local measures from plot to landscape scales and regulatory improvements. However, there are still significant gaps in knowledge regarding environmental contamination by PPPs and its effect on biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services. Perspectives and research needs are proposed to address these gaps.

Microb Ecol ; 85(4): 1463-1472, 2023 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35556154


The fertilization of agricultural soil by organic amendment that may contain antibiotics, like manure, can transfer bacterial pathogens and antibiotic-resistant bacteria to soil communities. However, the invasion by manure-borne bacteria in amended soil remains poorly understood. We hypothesized that this kind of process is both influenced by the soil properties (and those of its microbial communities) and by the presence of contaminants such as antibiotics used in veterinary care. To test that, we performed a microcosm experiment in which four different soils were amended or not with manure at an agronomical dose and exposed or not to the antibiotic sulfamethazine (SMZ). After 1 month of incubation, the diversity, structure, and composition of bacterial communities of the soils were assessed by 16S rDNA sequencing. The invasion of manure-borne bacteria was still perceptible 1 month after the soil amendment. The results obtained with the soil already amended in situ with manure 6 months prior to the experiment suggest that some of the bacterial invaders were established in the community over the long term. Even if differences were observed between soils, the invasion was mainly attributable to some of the most abundant OTUs of manure (mainly Firmicutes). SMZ exposure had a limited influence on soil microorganisms but our results suggest that this kind of contaminant can enhance the invasion ability of some manure-borne invaders.

Antibacterianos , Sulfametazina , Antibacterianos/farmacología , Estiércol/microbiología , Suelo , Microbiología del Suelo , Bacterias/genética
Front Microbiol ; 12: 738629, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34733255


Lake sediments are natural receptors for a wide range of anthropogenic contaminants including organic matter and toxicants such as trace metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls that accumulate over time. This contamination can impact benthic communities, including microorganisms which play a crucial role in biogeochemical cycling and food-webs. The present survey aimed at exploring whether anthropogenic contamination, at a large lake scale, can influence the diversity, structure and functions of microbial communities associated to surface sediment, as well as their genetic potential for resistance to metals and antibiotics. Changes in the characteristics of these communities were assessed in surface sediments collected in Lake Geneva from eight sampling sites in October 2017 and May 2018. These sampling sites were characterized by a large concentration range of metal and organic compound contamination. Variation between the two sampling periods were very limited for all sampling sites and measured microbial parameters. In contrast, spatial variations were observed, with two sites being distinct from each other, and from the other six sites. Benthic communities from the most contaminated sampling site (Vidy Bay, near the city of Lausanne) were characterized by the lowest bacterial and archaeal diversity, a distinct community composition, the highest abundance of antibiotic resistance genes and functional (respiration, denitrification, methanogenesis, phosphatase, and beta-glucosidase) activity levels. The second sampling site which is highly influenced by inputs from the Rhône River, exhibited low levels of diversity, a distinct community composition, high abundance of antibiotic resistance genes and the highest bacterial abundance. Overall, our results suggest that local anthropogenic contamination, including organic matter and toxicants, is a major driver of the diversity and functioning of sediment-microbial communities in Lake Geneva. This highlights the need to consider benthic microbial communities and a suite of complementary ecotoxicological endpoints for more effective environmental risk assessments of contaminants in lake sediments.

Front Microbiol ; 12: 753647, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34803976


The sulfonamide antibiotics sulfamethoxazole (SMX) and sulfamethazine (SMZ) are regularly detected in surface sediments of contaminated hydrosystems, with maximum concentrations that can reach tens of µg kg-1 in stream and river sediments. Little is known about the resulting effects on the exposed benthic organisms. Here we investigated the functional response of stream sediment microbial communities exposed for 4 weeks to two levels of environmentally relevant concentrations of SMX and SMZ, tested individually. To this end, we developed a laboratory channel experiment where natural stream sediments were immersed in water contaminated with nominal environmental concentrations of 500 and 5,000 ng L-1 of SMX or SMZ, causing their accumulation in surface sediments. The mean maximum concentrations measured in the sediment (about 2.1 µg SMX kg-1 dw and 4.5 µg SMZ kg-1 dw) were consistent with those reported in contaminated rivers. The resulting chronic exposure had various effects on the functional potential of the sediment microbial communities, according to the substance (SMX or SMZ), the type of treatment (high or low) and the measured activity, with a strong influence of temporal dynamics. Whereas the SMZ treatments resulted in only transient effects on the five microbial activities investigated, we observed a significant stimulation of the ß-glucosidase activity over the 28 days in the communities exposed to the high concentration of SMX. Together with the stimulation of aerobic respiration at low SMX concentrations and the reduced concentration observed in the last days, our results suggest a potential biodegradation of sulfonamides by microbial communities from sediments. Given the key functional role of surface sediment microbial communities in streams and rivers, our findings suggest that the frequently reported contamination of sediments by sulfonamides is likely to affect biogeochemical cycles, with possible impact on ecosystem functioning.

Environ Sci Pollut Res Int ; 28(28): 38448-38454, 2021 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34131840


Several sustainable development goals cannot be achieved without implementing a new generation of environmental measures to better preserve or restore biodiversity and ecosystem services. However, understanding and addressing biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation is a challenging problem that is not solvable without integrating the best and latest science. It is crucial to enhance the legibility of this knowledge for decision-makers and policymakers following good-practice standards of scientific assessment. This is the main objective of collective scientific assessments (CSAs), as carried out by the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (INRAE) since the early 2000s following a documented procedure to inform public policy and foster public debate on complex interdisciplinary issues. This article describes the main steps of the CSA procedure designed by INRAE's Directorate for Collective Scientific Assessment, Foresight and Advanced Studies, from formulation of the initial question asked by public or para-public bodies (typically ministry divisions or environmental agencies) to wider dissemination of the results and conclusions. This process description is then illustrated through the example of a CSA recently commissioned by three French Ministries (for Ecology, for Research, and for Agriculture) regarding (i) contamination of terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ecosystems by plant protection products (PPPs); (ii) the resulting effects on biodiversity and ecosystem services; and (iii) possible prevention and mitigation strategies. The capacity of this kind of CSA to inform public debate and policymaking is then exemplified through a description of the main outcomes generated by the latest CSA dealing with the adverse effects of PPPs. We also provide a short overview of some key expectations from the current CSA, with a focus on the recent development of the ecosystem service approach in ecological risk assessments of PPPs in the European Union. This illustration demonstrates that CSAs, which are applicable to a wide variety of complex interdisciplinary questions that are not limited to environmental issues, are a relevant tool to inform public debate and policymaking.

Biodiversidad , Ecosistema , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Unión Europea , Formulación de Políticas , Desarrollo Sostenible
Front Microbiol ; 12: 643719, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34025605


Since the early 1920s, the intensive use of antibiotics has led to the contamination of the aquatic environment through diffuse sources and wastewater effluents. The antibiotics commonly found in surface waters include sulfamethoxazole (SMX) and sulfamethazine (SMZ), which belong to the class of sulfonamides, the oldest antibiotic class still in use. These antibiotics have been detected in all European surface waters with median concentrations of around 50 ng L-1 and peak concentrations of up to 4-6 µg L-1. Sulfonamides are known to inhibit bacterial growth by altering microbial production of folic acid, but sub-lethal doses may trigger antimicrobial resistance, with unknown consequences for exposed microbial communities. We investigated the effects of two environmentally relevant concentrations (500 and 5,000 ng L-1) of SMZ and SMX on microbial activity and structure of periphytic biofilms in stream mesocosms for 28 days. Measurement of sulfonamides in the mesocosms revealed contamination levels of about half the nominal concentrations. Exposure to sulfonamides led to slight, transitory effects on heterotrophic functions, but persistent effects were observed on the bacterial structure. After 4 weeks of exposure, sulfonamides also altered the autotrophs in periphyton and particularly the diversity, viability and cell integrity of the diatom community. The higher concentration of SMX tested decreased both diversity (Shannon index) and evenness of the diatom community. Exposure to SMZ reduced diatom species richness and diversity. The mortality of diatoms in biofilms exposed to sulfonamides was twice that in non-exposed biofilms. SMZ also induced an increase in diatom teratologies from 1.1% in non-exposed biofilms up to 3% in biofilms exposed to SMZ. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the teratological effects of sulfonamides on diatoms within periphyton. The increase of both diatom growth rate and mortality suggests a high renewal of diatoms under sulfonamide exposure. In conclusion, our study shows that sulfonamides can alter microbial community structures and diversity at concentrations currently present in the environment, with unknown consequences for the ecosystem. The experimental set-up presented here emphasizes the interest of using natural communities to increase the ecological realism of ecotoxicological studies and to detect potential toxic effects on non-target species.

J Hazard Mater ; 411: 125121, 2021 06 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33858096


Pharmaceutical industry effluents are complex and highly variable in time. Assessing the efficiency of a pharmaceutical industry wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and the resulting decrease in effluent toxicity and ecological risk is thus not straightforward. We set up an original in situ pilot directly connected to a pharmaceutical WWTP to monitor the chronic toxicity of successive effluents using natural periphytic biofilms. Their structural and functional responses to effluent exposure were assessed by combining (i) a molecular approach to characterize the bacterial and diatom diversity and (ii) functional measurements of photosynthetic and enzyme activities. Effluent contamination by pharmaceuticals strongly decreased after the quaternary treatment (activated carbon). Most of the structural biological characteristics improved with cumulative WWTP treatment (bacterial diversity, microbial genetic structure, and biological diatom index), showing community recovery along the treatment process. However, functional parameters did not show clear links with treatment steps, suggesting that microbial activities were not solely driven by pharmaceuticals produced during the experimental period. Operationally, this type of pilot system offers a useful tool for biomonitoring approaches and offers new approaches for industrial managers to assess the ecological risk of production effluents in receiving water.

Plantas Medicinales , Contaminantes Químicos del Agua , Purificación del Agua , Biopelículas , Eliminación de Residuos Líquidos , Aguas Residuales/análisis , Contaminantes Químicos del Agua/análisis , Contaminantes Químicos del Agua/toxicidad
Front Microbiol ; 12: 643087, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33841365


Chronic and repeated exposure of environmental bacterial communities to anthropogenic antibiotics have recently driven some antibiotic-resistant bacteria to acquire catabolic functions, enabling them to use antibiotics as nutritive sources (antibiotrophy). Antibiotrophy might confer a selective advantage facilitating the implantation and dispersion of antibiotrophs in contaminated environments. A microcosm experiment was conducted to test this hypothesis in an agroecosystem context. The sulfonamide-degrading and resistant bacterium Microbacterium sp. C448 was inoculated in four different soil types with and without added sulfamethazine and/or swine manure. After 1 month of incubation, Microbacterium sp. (and its antibiotrophic gene sadA) was detected only in the sulfamethazine-treated soils, suggesting a low competitiveness of the strain without antibiotic selection pressure. In the absence of manure and despite the presence of Microbacterium sp. C448, only one of the four sulfamethazine-treated soils exhibited mineralization capacities, which were low (inferior to 5.5 ± 0.3%). By contrast, manure addition significantly enhanced sulfamethazine mineralization in all the soil types (at least double, comprised between 5.6 ± 0.7% and 19.5 ± 1.2%). These results, which confirm that the presence of functional genes does not necessarily ensure functionality, suggest that sulfamethazine does not necessarily confer a selective advantage on the degrading strain as a nutritional source. 16S rDNA sequencing analyses strongly suggest that sulfamethazine released trophic niches by biocidal action. Accordingly, manure-originating bacteria and/or Microbacterium sp. C448 could gain access to low-competition or competition-free ecological niches. However, simultaneous inputs of manure and of the strain could induce competition detrimental for Microbacterium sp. C448, forcing it to use sulfamethazine as a nutritional source. Altogether, these results suggest that the antibiotrophic strain studied can modulate its sulfamethazine-degrading function depending on microbial competition and resource accessibility, to become established in an agricultural soil. Most importantly, this work highlights an increased dispersal potential of antibiotrophs in antibiotic-polluted environments, as antibiotics can not only release existing trophic niches but also form new ones.

Rev Environ Contam Toxicol ; 253: 115-153, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32166435


In freshwater environments, microbial assemblages attached to submerged substrates play an essential role in ecosystem processes such as primary production, supported by periphyton, or organic matter decomposition, supported by microbial communities attached to leaf litter or sediments. These microbial assemblages, also called biofilms, are not only involved in nutrients fluxes but also in contaminants dynamics. Biofilms can accumulate metals and organic contaminants transported by the water flow and/or adsorbed onto substrates. Furthermore, due to their high metabolic activity and their role in aquatic food webs, microbial biofilms are also likely to influence contaminant fate in aquatic ecosystems. In this review, we provide (1) a critical overview of the analytical methods currently in use for detecting and quantifying metals and organic micropollutants in microbial biofilms attached to benthic substrata (rocks, sediments, leaf litter); (2) a review of the distribution of those contaminants within aquatic biofilms and the role of these benthic microbial communities in contaminant fate; (3) a set of future challenges concerning the role of biofilms in contaminant accumulation and trophic transfers in the aquatic food web. This literature review highlighted that most knowledge on the interaction between biofilm and contaminants is focused on contaminants dynamics in periphyton while technical limitations are still preventing a thorough estimation of contaminants accumulation in biofilms attached to leaf litter or sediments. In addition, microbial biofilms represent an important food resource in freshwater ecosystems, yet their role in dietary contaminant exposure has been neglected for a long time, and the importance of biofilms in trophic transfer of contaminants is still understudied.

Bioacumulación , Biopelículas , Ecosistema , Cadena Alimentaria , Agua Dulce , Contaminantes Químicos del Agua/toxicidad
J Hazard Mater ; 391: 122197, 2020 06 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32058227


Sediment microbial communities were exposed for 21 days to an environmental concentration of copper to assess Cu-induced composition changes and resulting effects on microbial sensitivity to acute Cu and As toxicity. Chronic Cu exposure reduced the diversity of the bacterial and archaeal communities from Day 0 to Day 21. The pollution-induced community tolerance concept (PICT) predicts that loss of the most sensitive taxa and gain of more tolerant ones should increase the capacity of Cu-exposed communities to tolerate acute Cu toxicity. Although diversity loss and functional costs of adaptation could have increased their sensitivity to subsequent toxic stress, no increased sensitivity to As was observed. PICT responses varied according to heterotrophic activity, selected as the functional endpoint for toxicity testing, with different results for Cu and As. This suggests that induced tolerance to Cu and As was supported by different species with different metabolic capacities. Ecological risk assessment of contaminants would gain accuracy from further research on the relative contribution of tolerance acquisition and co-tolerance processes on the functional response of microbial communities.

Arsénico/toxicidad , Cobre/administración & dosificación , Sedimentos Geológicos/microbiología , Microbiota/efectos de los fármacos , Contaminantes del Suelo/administración & dosificación , Archaea/efectos de los fármacos , Archaea/genética , Bacterias/efectos de los fármacos , Bacterias/genética , Cobre/toxicidad , Tolerancia a Medicamentos , Contaminantes del Suelo/toxicidad
Environ Sci Pollut Res Int ; 27(6): 6680-6689, 2020 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31863366


Surface sediments can accumulate contaminants that affect microorganisms and invertebrates and disturb benthic ecological functions. However, effects of contaminants on ecological functions supported by sediment communities are understudied. Here, we tested the relevance of two simple tools to assess the ecotoxicological effects of metal contamination on natural sediment communities using particulate organic matter breakdown and decomposition as a functional descriptor. To this aim, we performed a 21-day laboratory microcosm experiment to assess the individual and combined effects of Cu and As (nominal concentration of 40 mg kg-1 dw each) using the bait-lamina method (cellulose, bran flakes, and active coal in PVC strips) as well as artificial tablets (cellulose, bran flakes and active coal embedded in an agar matrix). Sediment toxicity was also evaluated using the standardized ostracod toxicity test. Both the bait-lamina and artificial tablet methods showed low effects of As on organic matter breakdown and decomposition but strong effects of Cu on this important ecological function. Both also showed that the presence of Cu and As in mixture in the sediment induced total inhibition of organic matter breakdown and decomposition. The ostracod toxicity test also showed high toxicity of Cu-spiked and Cu-plus-As-spiked sediments and low toxicity of As-spiked sediments. Besides confirming that artificial organic matter substrates are relevant and useful for assessing the functional effects of contaminants on sediment micro- and macro-organism communities, these results suggest that the proposed methods offer promising perspectives for developing tools for use in assessing functional ecotoxicology in the sediment compartment.

Monitoreo del Ambiente/métodos , Sedimentos Geológicos , Invertebrados , Contaminantes Químicos del Agua , Animales , Ecotoxicología , Pruebas de Toxicidad
Environ Sci Pollut Res Int ; 26(18): 18930-18937, 2019 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31055743


Antibiotics have a wide application range in human and veterinary medicines. Being designed for pharmacological stability, most antibiotics are recalcitrant to biodegradation after ingestion and can be persistent in the environment. Antibiotic residues have been detected as contaminants in various environmental compartments where they cause human and environmental threats, notably with respect to the potential emergence and proliferation of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. An important component of managing environmental risk caused by antibiotics is to understand exposure of soil and water resources to their residues. One challenge is to gain knowledge on the fate of antibiotics in the ecosystem along the soil-water continuum, and on the collateral impact of antibiotics on environmental microorganisms responsible for crucially important ecosystem functions. In this context, the ANTIBIOTOX project aims at studying the environmental fate and impact of two antibiotics of the sulfonamide class of antibiotics, sulfamethazine (SMZ), and sulfamethoxazole (SMX).

Antibacterianos/análisis , Farmacorresistencia Bacteriana , Microbiota/efectos de los fármacos , Contaminantes del Suelo/análisis , Contaminantes del Agua/análisis , Antibacterianos/toxicidad , Biodegradación Ambiental , Farmacorresistencia Bacteriana/efectos de los fármacos , Ecotoxicología , Humanos , Medición de Riesgo , Suelo/química , Microbiología del Suelo , Contaminantes del Suelo/toxicidad , Agua/química , Microbiología del Agua , Contaminantes del Agua/toxicidad
Front Microbiol ; 9: 2437, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30386312


Global contamination of streams by a large variety of compounds, such as nutrients and pesticides, may exert a high pressure on aquatic organisms, including microbial communities and their activity of organic matter decomposition. In this study, we assessed the potential interaction between nutrients and a fungicide and herbicide [tebuconazole (TBZ) and S-metolachlor (S-Met), respectively] at realistic environmental concentrations on the structure (biomass, diversity) and decomposition activity of fungal and bacterial communities (leaf decay rates, extracellular enzymatic activities) associated with Alnus glutinosa (Alnus) leaves. A 40-day microcosm experiment was used to combine two nutrient conditions (mesotrophic and eutrophic) with four pesticide treatments at a nominal concentrations of 15 µg L-1 (control, TBZ and S-Met, alone or mixed) following a 2 × 4 full factorial design. We also investigated resulting indirect effects on Gammarus fossarum feeding rates using leaves previously exposed to each of the treatments described above. Results showed interactive effects between nutrients and pesticides, only when nutrient (i.e., nitrogen and phosphorus) concentrations were the highest (eutrophic condition). Specifically, slight decreases in Alnus leaf decomposition rates were observed in channels exposed to TBZ (0.01119 days-1) and S-Met (0.01139 days-1) than in control ones (0.01334 days-1) that can partially be explained by changes in the structure of leaf-associated microbial communities. However, exposition to both TBZ and S-Met in mixture (MIX) led to comparable decay rates to those exposed to the pesticides alone (0.01048 days-1), suggesting no interaction between these two compounds on microbial decomposition. Moreover, stimulation in ligninolytic activities (laccase and phenol oxidase) was observed in presence of the fungicide, possibly highlighting detoxification mechanisms employed by microbes. Such stimulation was not observed for laccase activity exposed to the MIX, suggesting antagonistic interaction of these two compounds on the ability of microbial communities to cope with stress by xenobiotics. Besides, no effects of the treatments were observed on leaf palatability for macroinvertebrates. Overall, the present study highlights that complex interactions between nutrients and xenobiotics in streams and resulting from global change can negatively affect microbial communities associated with leaf litter, although effects on higher trophic-level organisms remains unclear.