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PhytoKeys ; 242: 69-138, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38818383


Malpighiaceae has undergone unprecedented changes in its traditional classification in the past two decades due to several phylogenetic studies shedding light on the non-monophyly of all subfamilies and most tribes and genera. Even though morphological characters were used to reconstruct the last molecular generic phylogeny of Malpighiaceae, a new classification system has never been proposed for this family. Based on a comprehensive review of the last twenty years of published studies for this family, we propose a new classification system and provide a taxonomic synopsis for Malpighiaceae based on molecular phylogenetics, morphology, palynology, and chemistry as a baseline for the systematics, conservation, and taxonomy of this family worldwide. Malpighiaceae currently comprises two subfamilies (Byrsonimoideae and Malpighioideae), 12 tribes ( Acmanthereae, Acridocarpeaetrib. nov., Barnebyeaetrib. nov., Bunchosieaetrib. nov., Byrsonimeae, Galphimieae, Gaudichaudieae, Hiptageae, Hiraeeae, Malpighieae, Mcvaughieaetrib. nov., and Ptilochaeteaetrib. nov.), 72 genera (incl. Mamedeagen. nov.), and 1,499 accepted species (715 of which are currently under some kind of extinction threat). We present identification keys for all subfamilies, tribes, and genera, a full morphological description for the proposed new genus, the re-circumscription of ten genera alongside the needed new combinations, the proposition of several new synonyms, the typification of several names, and notes on the taxonomy, distribution, conservation, and ecology up to the genus rank. Morphological plates are also provided to illustrate the immense diversity of morphological traits used in the new classification and synopsis.

PhytoKeys ; 175: 45-54, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33814951


A new species of Heteropterys belonging to the Parabanisteria informal group is described for the savannas grasslands of the Serra do Tombador Natural Reserve, municipality of Cavalcante, State of Goiás, Brazil. Heteropterys rosmarinifolia is easily distinguished from the remaining Brazilian species of the Parabanisteria informal group due to its stems unbranched, leaves associated with the inflorescence verticillate, blades linear to very narrowly oblong, strongly conduplicate, ascending to upright, and sparsely sericeous to glabrous at age. We present a complete morphological description for the new species, photographic plates, comments on its distribution, ecology, and taxonomy, besides an identification key to the species of Heteropterys from the Parabanisteria group from the State of Goiás, Brazil.

PhytoKeys ; 169: 1-59, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33354138


Based on extensive herbarium, field, botanical illustration, and molecular phylogenetic research, five genera and eight species are recognised for the Neotropical Haemodoraceae. New taxa include Cubanicula Hopper et al., Xiphidium pontederiiflorum M.Pell. et al. and Schiekia timida M.Pell. et al. Two new combinations are made, Cubanicula xanthorrhizos (C.Wright ex Griseb.) Hopper et al. and Schiekia silvestris (Maas & Stoel) Hopper et al. We also correct the author citation for Xiphidium, provide the necessary typifications for several names and present an updated identification key, comments, and photo plates for all species. Finally, we provide high-quality illustrations for most of the recognised species and their diagnostic characters.

PhytoKeys ; (108): 25-83, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30275733


A total evidence phylogeny for Pontederiaceae is herein presented based on new morphological and previously published molecular data. Our results led us to re-circumscribe Pontederia to include Monochoria, Pontederia s.s. and the polyphyletic Eichhornia. We provide the needed ten new combinations and 16 typifications, arrange a total of 25 accepted species (six representing re-established names) in 5 new subgenera. Furthermore, we provide an identification key for the two genera accepted by us in Pontederiaceae, an identification key to the subgenera, identification keys to the species of each subgenus and commentaries on Pontederia s.l., as well as for each subgenus and each species.

PhytoKeys ; (101): 1-97, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29997443


I present the first taxonomic revision for T. subg. Austrotradescantia, based on extensive field, cultivation and herbaria studies. I accept 13 species, three of them (i.e. T. atlantica, T. hertweckii and T. tucumanensis) being described as new in the present study. I provide an identification key to the species, distribution maps, descriptions, comments, conservation assessments and illustrations for all species. The troublesome weed T. fluminensis has its specific limits clarified and its native range is presented so it can serve as a basis to better understanding its ecological requirements and to help control it throughout its invasive range. Furthermore, I highlight that T. mundula, a commonly neglected species closely related to T. fluminensis, might also represent a troublesome weed. Tradescantia mundula has been widely introduced in cultivation under the name T. albiflora and seems to have also escaped from cultivation. However, due to the hitherto poorly understood specific limits of T. fluminensis, T. mundula has been treated as a mere cultivar of T. fluminensiss.s.

PhytoKeys ; (104): 1-97, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30057479


[This corrects the article DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.101.25057.].

PhytoKeys ; (89): 11-72, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29118649


Throughout the years, three infrageneric classifications were proposed for Tradescantia along with several informal groups and species complexes. The current infrageneric classification accepts 12 sections - with T. sect. Tradescantia being further divided into four series - and assimilates many concepts adopted by previous authors. Recent molecular-based phylogenetic studies indicate that the currently accepted sections might not represent monophyletic groups within Tradescantia. Based on newly gathered morphological data on the group, complemented with available micromorphological, cytological and phytochemical data, I present the first morphology-based evolutionary hypothesis for Tradescantia. Furthermore, I reduce subtribe Thyrsantheminae to a synonym of subtribe Tradescantiinae, and propose a new infrageneric classification for Tradescantia, based on the total evidence of the present morphological phylogeny, in accordance to the previously published molecular data.

PhytoKeys ; (83): 1-41, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29033648


A new circumscription and a total of six microendemic species, four of them new to science, are herein presented for Siderasis, based on field and herbaria studies, and cultivated material. We provide an identification key to the species and a distribution map, description, comments, conservation assessment, and illustration for each species. Also, we present an emended key to the genera of subtribe Dichorisandrinae, and comments on the morphology and systematics of the subtribe.

PhytoKeys ; (80): 1-31, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28781555


We present a new record to the Brazilian territory (i.e. Tradescantia boliviana), the rediscovery of a species exclusively known from the cultivated type collection (i.e. T. valida), the description of a new taxon (i.e. T. chrysophylla), synonyms for T. crassula and T. boliviana, correct the typification of T. crassula, and designation of a lectotype for T. ambigua and T. ambigua var. pilosula. Furthermore, we present illustrations, comments, distribution maps, and identification keys for the studied taxa.

PhytoKeys ; (82): 35-56, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28794681


Two new and peculiar species of Heteranthera are herein described. Heteranthera catharinensis is unique in the genus due to its glomerulate, many-flowered inflorescences, in which the flowers are restricted to the base and apex of the cincinni. It also possesses the biggest flowers in the H. reniformis Ruiz & Pavón species complex, with glabrous perianth lobes, medial filament, and style. On the other hand, Heteranthera pumila is described as the smallest known species of Pontederiaceae, with its dwarf stature, petiolate leaves with especially diminute blades, inflorescences 1-2-(3)-flowered, peduncle densely covered with glandular hairs, basal bract with glandular hairs at base, and smooth seeds, rarely possessing 7-9 inconspicuous longitudinal wings. We present detailed descriptions, illustrations, comments, a distribution map, conservation assessments for the new species, and an identification key to the Brazilian species of Heterantheras.l. Finally, we discuss inflorescence morphology and terminology in Pontederiaceae, characterizing it as thyrsoid.