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Rev. chil. fonoaudiol. (En línea) ; 20: 1-22, 2021. tab, ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1400367


La insuficiencia velofaríngea (IVF) secundaria de fisura del paladar corresponde al cierre incompleto del mecanismo velofaríngeo durante el habla, debido a una falta de tejido en el paladar blando o las paredes de la faringe, lo cual genera una resonancia hipernasal y una emisión nasal de aire en los sonidos orales. Al respecto, en la literatura existen diversas propuestas para la evaluación perceptual de la IVF. Por esto, el objetivo del presente estudio es describir la evaluación perceptiva auditiva de la insuficiencia velofaríngea, mediante una revisión integradora de literatura. Para ello, en mayo de 2020 las bases de datos electrónicas PUBMED, LILACS, SciELO y Cochrane, fueron consultadas utilizando las palabras claves en inglés: "Velopharyngeal Sphincter", "Velopharyngeal Insufficiency", "Cleft Palate", "Speech Intelligibility", "Speech Production Measurement", "Speech Articulation Tests" y "Speech-Language Pathology" y sus respectivos equivalentes en portugués y español. Se seleccionaron artículos originales relacionados al tema, y se creó un protocolo específico para la extracción de los datos. En total se encontraron 2.385 artículos. De ellos, 2.354 fueron excluidos por el título, 13 por el resumen y 3 luego de la lectura del texto completo. Finalmente, a partir de la metodología desarrollada, en esta revisión fueron utilizados 33 artículos. A partir de la revisión realizada se concluye que los parámetros más utilizados en la evaluación son la hipernasalidad, la emisión nasal y la articulación compensatoria asociada a IVF. Estos parámetros son evaluados principalmente en oraciones, habla espontánea y palabras, por un fonoaudiólogo experto, en vivo y mediante grabaciones de audio.

Secondary Velopharyngeal insufficiency (VPI) to cleft palate corresponds to the incomplete closure of the velopharyngeal mechanism during speech, due to lack of tissue in the soft palate or the walls of the pharynx, which generates a hypernasal resonance and nasal air emission in oral sounds. In this regard, there are various proposals in the literature for the perceptual evaluation of VPI. For this reason, the objective of the present study is to describe the auditory perceptual evaluation of velopharyngeal insufficiency, through an integrative literature review. To this end, in May 2020 the electronic databases PUBMED, LILACS, SciELO and Cochrane were consulted using the key words in English: "Velopharyngeal Sphincter", "Velopharyngeal Insufficiency", "Cleft Palate", "Speech Intelligibility", "Speech Production Measurement", "Speech Articulation Tests" and "Speech-Language Pathology", and their equivalent properties in Portuguese and Spanish. Original articles related to the topic were selected, and a specific protocol for data extraction was created. In total, 2,385 articles were found. Of these, 2,354 were excluded due to the title, 13 due to the abstract and 3 after reading the full text. Finally, based on the methodology developed, 33 articles were used in this review. From the review carried out, it is concluded that the parameters most used in the evaluation are hypernasality, nasal emission and the compensatory joint associated with IVF. These parameters are evaluated mainly in sentences, spontaneous speech and words, by an expert speech therapist, live and through audio recordings.

Humanos , Percepción Auditiva , Medición de la Producción del Habla/métodos , Insuficiencia Velofaríngea/diagnóstico , Pruebas de Articulación del Habla , Inteligibilidad del Habla , Patología del Habla y Lenguaje , Fisura del Paladar , Esfínter Velofaríngeo
J Food Sci Technol ; 51(1): 183-90, 2014 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24426068


Encapsulation is a technique used in foods that may protect some compounds with sensory impact, in particular flavoring as liquid smoke. We used the dripping method, obtaining two different layers for encapsulation of liquid smoke: calcium alginate and calcium alginate-chitosan. The results show that the load capacity of liquid smoke encapsulation reached values above 96 %. The beads exhibit syneresis at room temperature, but in opposite side, refrigeration temperature stabilizes the hydrogel of beads, allowing the samples loss weight less than 3 % after 72 h. Heated capsules with liquid smoke released several volatile compounds in the headspace and may identify 66 compounds. Among these volatile compounds, phenols derivatives can be considered sensory descriptors to contribute to the specific flavor of smoke. We conclude that the dripping method is highly efficient to encapsulate liquid smoke and released several volatile compounds, although it is necessary to minimize syneresis at room temperature.