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Rev. latinoam. cienc. soc. niñez juv ; 15(2): 951-963, jul.-dic. 2017. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-901871


El objetivo del artículo es mostrar la configuración del CE a partir del análisis de los relatos de vida de tres padres cuyos hijos e hijas presentan discapacidad. Los argumentos de las teorías de los campos sociales de Bourdieu y de la antropología de las emociones planteada por Hochschild aportan al piso teórico del concepto. La metodología utilizada fue el enfoque narrativo-biográfico a través de los relatos de vida. Se concluye que el CE surge desde la ruptura ideológica -de la normalidad- que ocurre en el momento del diagnóstico de discapacidad de sus hijos e hijas, pero se acumula desde la confrontación con la estructura social. Sólo uno de los padres logra adquirir CE, pues cuando las personas viven sus vidas en marcos ideológicos establecidos que no se cuestionan, es imposible acumular CE.

The aim of the article is to demonstrate the configuration of Emotional Capital (EC) through the analysis of the life stories of three fathers whose children have disabilities. The main components of Bourdieu's social field theory and the anthropology of emotions proposed by Hochschild provide the theoretical framework for this study. The methodology used was the biographical-narrative approach through the collection and analysis of life stories. It is concluded that EC emerges from the ideological break with normality that occurs at the time of diagnosis of the disability of their children, and accumulates through confrontations with social structures. Only one of the fathers succeeds in acquiring EC because when people live their lives in established ideological frameworks that are not questioned it is impossible to accumulate EC.

O objetivo do artigo é mostrar a configuração do Capital Emocional (CE) a partir da análise das histórias de vida de três pais cujos filhos têm deficiência. Os argumentos da teoria de campo social de Bourdieu e a antropologia das emoçãµes suscitadas por Hochschild fornecem o piso teórica para este conceito. A metodologia utilizada foi a abordagem narrativa-biográfica através de histórias de vida. Conclui-se que a CE surge da ruptura ideológica de normalidade que ocorre no momento do diagnóstico da deficiência de seus filhos, e acumula-se a partir do confronto com a estrutura social. Apenas um dos pais consegue adquirir CE, porque quando as pessoas vivem suas vidas em quadros ideológicos estabelecidos que não são questionadas, é impossível acumular CE.

Padres , Niños con Discapacidad , Diagnóstico
Cien Saude Colet ; 21(3): 833-42, 2016 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26960095


This article is the product of a review of historical-critical literature that analyzes the global historical events during the 20th century that made the emergence and consolidation of the medical rehabilitation professions possible and an examination of the ways in which these professions approach childhood. The analysis of and reflections upon the reviewed documents are outlined below according to three theoretical tensions: 1) the child of today and the adult of tomorrow, 2) the meaning of habilitation-rehabilitation, and 3) the positioning of the subject in society. To account for the breadth of these topics, the text is divided into two sections: the first covers the first half of the 20th century, the period between the wars and the emergence of [re]habilitation, and the second covers the second half of the 20th century through the present, a period of political organization and technological advances. In the contemporary era, these views of [re]habilitation are confronted by the overwhelming reality of historical conceptions of childhood. The realities that children face today are diverse and complex; therefore, it is necessary to rethink the normalizing view of childhood that was instituted in the 20th century.

Protección a la Infancia , Rehabilitación/historia , Niño , Historia del Siglo XX , Historia del Siglo XXI , Humanos , Tecnología/tendencias
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 21(3): 833-842, Mar. 2016. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-775785


Resumen Este artículo es producto de una revisión de literatura histórico-crítica que analiza hechos históricos mundiales que durante el siglo XX posibilitaron el surgimiento y la consolidación de las profesiones médicas de la rehabilitación y sus formas de aproximarse a la infancia. Los análisis y reflexiones a partir de los documentos revisados se esbozan bajo el marco de tres tensiones teóricas: 1) el niño/a de hoy y el adulto del mañana, 2) el significado de habilitar–rehabilitar y 3) el posicionamiento del sujeto en la sociedad. Para dar cuenta de esto, el texto se dividió en dos apartados: el primero abarca la primera mitad del siglo XX, época de entreguerras y auge de la [re]habilitación, y el segundo se enfoca desde la segunda mitad del siglo XX hasta la actualidad, período de organizaciones políticas y avances tecnológicos. Se concluye que estas miradas de la [re]habilitación se confrontan en esta época contemporánea, con una realidad desbordante de las concepciones de la infancia que fueron instauradas históricamente. Las realidades que enfrentan los niños/as actualmente son diversas y complejas, por ello se hace necesario repensar la visión normalizadora de la infancia instaurada durante el siglo XX.

Abstract This article is the product of a review of historical-critical literature that analyzes the global historical events during the 20th century that made the emergence and consolidation of the medical rehabilitation professions possible and an examination of the ways in which these professions approach childhood. The analysis of and reflections upon the reviewed documents are outlined below according to three theoretical tensions: 1) the child of today and the adult of tomorrow, 2) the meaning of habilitation-rehabilitation, and 3) the positioning of the subject in society. To account for the breadth of these topics, the text is divided into two sections: the first covers the first half of the 20th century, the period between the wars and the emergence of [re]habilitation, and the second covers the second half of the 20th century through the present, a period of political organization and technological advances. In the contemporary era, these views of [re]habilitation are confronted by the overwhelming reality of historical conceptions of childhood. The realities that children face today are diverse and complex; therefore, it is necessary to rethink the normalizing view of childhood that was instituted in the 20th century.

Humanos , Niño , Historia del Siglo XX , Historia del Siglo XXI , Rehabilitación/historia , Protección a la Infancia , Tecnología/tendencias
Cien Saude Colet ; 21(1): 129-42, 2016 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26816171


In this article, we outline some intersections between the concepts of childhood and [re] habilitation, which have undergone parallel development, especially since the 20th century. This complex interaction is mediated and constructed from scientific discourses that have consolidated around childhood. We emphasize this analysis from two perspectives: 1) academic positions that, from professions such as physical therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy, touch upon [re]habilitation in childhood and 2) public policy perspectives, which tend towards the creation of places to professionally practice [re]habilitation. A literature review driven by the question "What does it mean to [re]habilitate children in Colombia?" is cited in each section of this text, divided historically into 1) the rise of these [re]habilitative professions in Colombia, 2) the decade of the 1990s, marked by great changes through Colombian political reforms, and 3) the technological developments of the 21st century. We conclude that medical hegemony continues to guide the processes of [re]habilitation within a context that has changed and which imposes new challenges and requires new understanding and great conceptual and practical mobilization.

Política Pública , Rehabilitación , Preescolar , Colombia , Humanos , Terapia Ocupacional , Modalidades de Fisioterapia , Política , Logopedia
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 21(1): 129-142, Jan. 2016. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-770650


Resumen En este artículo esbozamos algunas intersecciones entre los conceptos de infancia y [re]habilitación, los cuales han tenido desarrollos paralelos, especialmente desde el siglo XX. Esta compleja interacción está mediada y construida a partir de los discursos científicos consolidados en función de la infancia. Enfatizamos este análisis desde dos perspectivas: 1) posturas académicas que, desde profesiones como fisioterapia, fonoaudiología, y terapia ocupacional, abordan la [re] habilitación en la infancia y 2) las miradas desde las políticas públicas, que aportan a la constitución de lugares para el ejercicio profesional de la [re]habilitación. Una revisión documental orientada por la pregunta ¿qué significa [re]habilitar la infancia en Colombia?, emplazó cada apartado de este texto, históricamente delimitados por: 1) el surgimiento de estas profesiones [re]habilitadoras en Colombia, 2)la década del 90, marcada por grandes cambios desde las reformas políticas colombianas, 3)los desarrollos tecnológicos dados en el siglo XXI. Concluimos que la hegemonía médica sigue guiando los procesos de [re]habilitación desde un contexto que se ha transformado, que impone nuevos retos, que requiere nuevas comprensiones y grandes movilizaciones conceptuales y prácticas.

Abstract In this article, we outline some intersections between the concepts of childhood and [re] habilitation, which have undergone parallel development, especially since the 20th century. This complex interaction is mediated and constructed from scientific discourses that have consolidated around childhood. We emphasize this analysis from two perspectives: 1) academic positions that, from professions such as physical therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy, touch upon [re]habilitation in childhood and 2) public policy perspectives, which tend towards the creation of places to professionally practice [re]habilitation. A literature review driven by the question “What does it mean to [re]habilitate children in Colombia?” is cited in each section of this text, divided historically into 1) the rise of these [re]habilitative professions in Colombia, 2) the decade of the 1990s, marked by great changes through Colombian political reforms, and 3) the technological developments of the 21st century. We conclude that medical hegemony continues to guide the processes of [re]habilitation within a context that has changed and which imposes new challenges and requires new understanding and great conceptual and practical mobilization.

Humanos , Preescolar , Política Pública , Rehabilitación , Política , Logopedia , Terapia Ocupacional , Modalidades de Fisioterapia , Colombia
Interdisciplinaria ; 32(2): 203-222, dic. 2015. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-841028


Se presentan algunas ventajas y limitaciones de las narrativas conversacionales como estrategia de investigación para el trabajo con familias y docentes de niños con discapacidad. La narración realizada por muchas voces, como sucede en una conversación, privilegia la relación y el discurso entre las personas como fuente de construcción consensuada de significados. La interacción triádica entre familia, inclusión educativa y salud orientó los encuentros conversacionales con padres, acudientes y profesores de estos niños en la ciudad de Manizales (Colombia). Los participantes conformaron equipos conversacionales y equipos reflexivos y conversaron sobre preguntas propuestas, previamente elaboradas. Con este ejercicio investigativo se resalta el valor interaccional de esta estrategia desde tres ámbitos: entre los participantes, con el investigador y con el contexto situacional. Se argumenta que la reflexividad está más relacionada con el hacer que con el ser y el sentir de las personas, las cuales no necesariamente se transforman en la narrativa. Cada ser humano tiene su propia forma de pensar y de aprender de las experiencias de la vida, por eso esta transformación se hace visible a medida que las conversaciones aportan a la solución de las situaciones prácticas de sus vidas. Las narrativas conversacionales muestran fortalezas en la resolución de conflictos que surgen en la conversación. Aunque es una excelente estrategia, es importante no sobredimensionar su alcance y mantener una actitud mesurada frente a su uso. Se sugiere hacer investigaciones con narrativas conversacionales en contextos más espontáneos y con menor número de personas.

In this article, some advantages and limitations of conversational narratives as a research strategy are shown for the work performed with families and teachers of children with disabilities. Some methodological considerations about research in disability and some of the accomplishments and difficulties that are part of the research conducted with families of people with disabilities are presented. These families seek to realize the potential that this methodology may have for the research outcomes regarding family and disability, particularly, making emphasis in the emotional aspects and the daily experiences of each of the family members. The conversational narratives give meaning to the feelings and experiences of people that interact daily with children with disabilities. They are an excellent option to articulate the view of the social researcher with the experiences of teachers and members of the families with children with disabilities. The interaction that takes place during conversational narratives not just allows the transformation of people, but also helps the researcher to widely comprehend the reality they live. The narration performed by many voices, as it is the case during a conversation, privileges the relationship and the discourse between people as a source of construction of consensual meaning. The triadic interaction between family, inclusive education, and health, oriented the conversational encounters with parents, guardians, and teachers of these children from the city of Manizales, Colombia. Participants formed freely distributed conversational and reflective teams around which they discussed the questions that were previously developed. With this investigative exercise, two important issues are highlighted. The first one is the interactional value of this strategy in three areas: among participants, with the researcher, and with the situational context. The second is there flexivity, not only as part of the current process of the researcher but also as a process that is directly related with 'making' human. Thus, this methodological strategy is more related to the making than to the being and the feelings of people; which are not necessarily being transformed in the narrative. This methodology recognizes how, through conversation, new ways of relating to each other are created, which allows an inter-subjective understanding of the experience. By listening, new meanings are generated through a discourse that reveals the relationship between text and context. In this case, the context gained special importance, not only for the topics that were proposed on every occasion, but also for the mutual recognition of the participants as conversational peers, where they showed cultural rules that made it possible to continue with the conversation. Every human being has his/her own way to think and learn from life experiences. For this reason, transformations become visible as the conversations contribute to the solutions of the practical situations of their lives. The conversational narratives show strengths in resolving conflicts that arise during the conversation. In the narratives, it is noteworthy to emphasize the key points related to those things that are difficult in people's lives, since feelings of fear, frustration, happiness, and sadness, are more related to facts than to words. The conversational narratives are interactive processes that allow listening to multiple versions of the reality under investigation. Therefore, they constitute an excellent strategy to guide research with families and teachers of children with disabilities. However, it is important not to overstate the scope of conversational narratives and to maintain a moderate attitude towards their use. The fact that processes of reflection of the participants could or could not be present or even visualized while using this methodological strategy, recognizes the existing gap between talking and doing. Conducting research with conversational narratives in more spontaneous contexts and with fewer people is suggested.

Cult. cuid. enferm ; 8(2): 58-66, dez. 2011.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería | ID: lil-644364


Se presenta una reflexión en torno a las dimensiones del desarrollo humano, con especial énfasis enla dimensión comunicativa. Ésta se constituye en el eje articulador de las demás dimensiones deldesarrollo en la medida que fundamenta las interacciones con el mismo individuo y de éste con elentorno, favoreciendo así el desarrollo integral de la persona.

This paper presents a reflection on the dimensions of the human development, with special emphasison the communicative dimension. This constitutes the central axis of other dimensions of developmentsince it fundaments the interactions with the same individual and between individual and from thereto the environment, thus promoting the integral development of the person.

Humanos , Comunicación , Desarrollo Humano , Lingüística
Rev. Soc. Bras. Fonoaudiol ; 16(4): 377-383, dez. 2011. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-608561


OBJETIVO: Esta investigación identificó el sentido orientador de la producción intelectual en discapacidad que ha desarrollado el programa de Fonoaudiología de la Universidad del Valle, Colombia, durante 1996-2008, estableciendo relación entre los desarrollos históricos del concepto de discapacidad y centrándose en sus modelos sociales de abordaje y su relación con el quehacer disciplinar de la Fonoaudiología. MÉTODOS: Estudio descriptivo-documental que usó la totalidad de los trabajos de grado encontrados en el programa académico durante el periodo estudiado (n=98). La profundización teórica de los documentos incluyó seis variables: modelo de discapacidad, componentes de intervención, campos de acción, áreas de desempeño disciplinar, tipo de estudio y población. RESULTADOS: El modelo rehabilitador de discapacidad (53 por ciento) predominó sobre los modelos sociales (32 por ciento), aunque estos incrementaron durante los últimos años. Las áreas disciplinares encontradas fueron lenguaje (32 por ciento), asuntos profesionales (24 por ciento), habla (20 por ciento), comunicación (13 por ciento) y audición (11 por ciento). El componente de intervención de habilitación/rehabilitación (41 por ciento) prevaleció sobre el de promoción y prevención (33 por ciento) y se observó una fuerte tendencia positivista (65 por ciento) y un tímido posicionamiento de enfoques hermenéuticos (21 por ciento). El 43 por ciento de las poblaciones enfatizaron en el rol ocupacional. CONCLUSIÓN: Se encontró un mayor número de trabajos enmarcados en el modelo rehabilitador pero se demostró la consolidación de una cultura de trabajo investigativo hacia los modelos sociales de discapacidad en años recientes. Es evidente que la Fonoaudiología busca la rehabilitación de los procesos comunicativos y lingüísticos de los sujetos, con un camino ascendente hacia la potencialización de variables sociales y culturales.

PURPOSE: This research identified intellectual production regarding the subject disability, developed at the Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences program at the Universidad del Valle, Colombia, during 1996-2008, establishing relationships between historical developments of the disability concept and focusing on its social approach models and its relationship with the work of this discipline. METHODS: Descriptive study that included all theses that were found in the academic program during the evaluation period (n=98). The theoretical study of the documents included six variables: disability model, intervention components, fields of activity, performance areas of the discipline, study type, and population. RESULTS: The rehabilitation model of disability (53 percent) prevailed over the social models (32 percent), although the later have increased in recent years. The subject areas found were language (32 percent), professional issues (24 percent), speech (20 percent), communication (13 percent), and hearing (11 percent). The intervention component of habilitation/rehabilitation (41 percent) prevailed over the promotion and prevention (33 percent), and there was a strong positivist tendency (65 percent) and a timid position for hermeneutical approaches (21 percent). Forty three percent of the population emphasized the occupational role. CONCLUSION: It was found a greater number of theses framed in the rehabilitation model, but the results showed the consolidation of a research culture towards the social models of disability in recent years. It is evidenced that Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences seeks the rehabilitation of communicative and linguistic processes of subjects, with an upward path in the direction of potentiating social and cultural variables.

Universidades , Audición , Lenguaje , Desarrollo de Programa , Publicaciones Científicas y Técnicas , Habla , Fonoaudiología