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Sci Rep ; 8(1): 13937, 2018 Sep 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30224789


The recent observation of extremely large magnetoresistance (MR) in the transition-metal dichalcogenide MoTe2 has attracted considerable interest due to its potential technological applications as well as its relationship with novel electronic states predicted for a candidate type-II Weyl semimetal. In order to understand the origin of the MR, the electronic structure of MoTe2-x (x = 0.08) is systematically tuned by application of pressure and probed via its Hall and longitudinal conductivities. With increasing pressure, a monoclinic-to-orthorhombic (1 T' to Td) structural phase transition temperature (T*) gradually decreases from 210 K at 1 bar to 58 K at 1.1 GPa, and there is no anomaly associated with the phase transition at 1.4 GPa, indicating that a T = 0 K quantum phase transition occurs at a critical pressure (Pc) between 1.1 and 1.4 GPa. The large MR observed at 1 bar is suppressed with increasing pressure and is almost saturated at 100% for P > Pc. The dependence on magnetic field of the Hall and longitudinal conductivities of MoTe2-x shows that a pair of electron and hole bands are important in the low-pressure Td phase, while another pair of electron and hole bands are additionally required in the high-pressure 1 T' phase. The MR peaks at a characteristic hole-to-electron concentration ratio (nc) and is sharply suppressed when the ratio deviates from nc within the Td phase. These results establish the comprehensive temperature-pressure phase diagram of MoTe2-x and underscore that its MR originates from balanced electron-hole carrier concentrations.

Sci Rep ; 5: 13466, 2015 Aug 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26310774


The influence of static disorder on a quantum phase transition (QPT) is a fundamental issue in condensed matter physics. As a prototypical example of a disorder-tuned QPT, the superconductor-insulator transition (SIT) has been investigated intensively over the past three decades, but as yet without a general consensus on its nature. A key element is good control of disorder. Here, we present an experimental study of the SIT based on precise in-situ tuning of disorder in dual-gated bilayer graphene proximity-coupled to two superconducting electrodes through electrical and reversible control of the band gap and the charge carrier density. In the presence of a static disorder potential, Andreev-paired carriers formed close to the Fermi level in bilayer graphene constitute a randomly distributed network of proximity-induced superconducting puddles. The landscape of the network was easily tuned by electrical gating to induce percolative clusters at the onset of superconductivity. This is evidenced by scaling behavior consistent with the classical percolation in transport measurements. At lower temperatures, the solely electrical tuning of the disorder-induced landscape enables us to observe, for the first time, a crossover from classical to quantum percolation in a single device, which elucidates how thermal dephasing engages in separating the two regimes.

J Chem Phys ; 122(9): 094706, 2005 Mar 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15836161


In an effort to examine the intricacies of electronic nanodevices, we present an atomistic description of the electronic transport properties of an isolated benzene molecule. We have carried out ab initio calculations to understand the modulation of the molecular orbitals (MOs) and their energy spectra under the external electric field, and conducting behavior of the benzene molecule. Our study shows that with an increase in the applied electric field, the energy of the third lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) of benzene decreases, while the first and second LUMO energies are not affected. Above a certain threshold of the external electric field, the third LUMO is lowered below the original LUMO and becomes the real LUMO. Since the transport through a molecule is to a large extent mediated by the molecular orbitals, the change in MOs can lead to a dramatic increase in the current passing through the benzene molecule. Thus, in the course of this study, we show that the modulation of the molecular orbitals in the presence of a tuning parameter(s) such as the external electric field can play important roles in the operation of molecular devices. We believe that this understanding would be helpful in the design of electronic nanodevices.