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J Family Med Prim Care ; 13(8): 3173-3178, 2024 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39228579


Introduction: Various tools for measuring health literacy are designed to assess reading comprehension and numeracy in English speakers. There is a need to develop a tool in the vernacular language and estimate health literacy levels in Indian settings. The present study was conducted with the objectives to develop a Marathi version of a 14-item health literacy scale (HLS-14) to test the reliability and validity of its Marathi version and to estimate the health literacy among patients attending the out-patient department at a tertiary care centre. Methodology: The present study was conducted among 50 adult patients attending the out-patient department of a tertiary hospital from July 2022 to December 2022. The 14-Item Health Literacy Scale available in English was translated into Marathi and back-translated to English, and the final version was developed. Bilingual study subjects were asked to fill the scales on day 0 and on day 7. Cronbach's alpha was calculated for internal validity, and the correlation coefficient was calculated for the reliability of the tool and health literacy was estimated. Results: When items of the Health Literacy Scale were analysed, all the items barring 2, 6, and 10 gave an r-value of more than 0.70, which shows good reliability of each translated item. The Cronbach's alpha value found for the current translated Marathi questionnaire is 0.66. Internal consistency is good. The mean total health literacy score was 51.16 ± 6.81. Conclusions: A translated Marathi version of HLS-14 is developed, which is valid and reliable. The health literacy among the study participants is marginal.

J Family Med Prim Care ; 8(11): 3565-3568, 2019 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31803653


CONTEXT: Teaching medical institutes and tertiary care hospitals in various cities are overcrowded and overburdened. The general outpatient department (GOPD) plays a vital role as screening OPD to triage patients who require secondary or tertiary care and refer them to appropriate OPD. Primary health care is initiated at the GOPD itself and the mechanism of referral is established. AIM: To study GOPD model and its services in the institute. To assess perception of patients towards it. SETTINGS AND DESIGN: It was an observational study conducted in a medical college of Mumbai, Maharashtra for 1 month on persons attending the GOPD. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Data and monthly reports were used for baseline comparisons and exit interviews of patients were taken using questionnaire. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS USED: Quantitative analysis was done using the proportions and means for the number of patients served daily by the GOPD and medicine OPD. RESULTS: Around 44% of services were therapeutic in nature and it had contributed to a significant reduction in patient load into another specialist department. Nearly 30% cases needed referrals during the study period. Statistically, the significant value was obtained for patient satisfaction for consultation services from GOPD. CONCLUSIONS: A statistically significant value for patient satisfaction for consultation services from GOPD indicates that patients were in favor of such type of services.