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Cureus ; 16(7): e65189, 2024 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39045020


BACKGROUND: The glenopolar angle (GPA), usually ranges from 30° to 45°. GPA measures the tilt of the plane of the glenoid cavity in relation to the axis of the body of the scapula passing from the superior pole of the glenoid cavity to the inferior angle of the scapula. It is essential to assess the results of surgeries for dislocated shoulders. Worse long-term outcomes can arise from glenoid misalignment in scapular neck fractures. When evaluating prognosis and planning therapy for shoulder injuries including scapular fractures, GPA assessment is essential. Still, there is a dearth of data on the normal range of GPA and its contributing elements, which calls for more study. The purpose of this study is to determine typical GPA values by utilizing radiographs and a sizable sample of scapular bone specimens. METHODS: In this study, the GPA was assessed in 50 chest radiographs of anteroposterior (AP) view and Neer's view of individuals as well as 100 dried scapulae of any gender. The mean GPA obtained using the various methods was then statistically compared. FINDINGS: All scapulae had an average GPA of 42.6°. Twenty-nine scapulae had GPA observations higher than 45°, with an average of 47.2°. Twenty-seven scapulae had GPA measurements below 40°, averaging 37.3°. Right-sided 62 scapulae with an average GPA of 43.1° were present. Thirty-eight of left-side scapulae had a GPA of 41.7° on average. It was determined that the 1.6° mean difference in GPA between the two groups was not statistically significant. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test verified that the GPA data had a normal distribution. The homogeneity of variances across various measuring techniques was confirmed using Levene's test. The average GPA measured using the dry scapula approach was 42.6°, the average GPA measured using the AP view was 39.8°, and the average GPA measured using the Neer I view was 42.3°. The GPA means from these three approaches differed considerably (p=0.0014) according to a one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Fisher's least significant difference post hoc testing showed that the scapular bone specimens and the Neer I view revealed significantly higher GPA values than AP shoulder radiographs. The GPA values obtained from the osteological group and the Neer I perspective had a mean difference of 0.21°, which was practically identical and suggested that there was no statistically significant difference between these approaches. IN SUMMARY: In order to diagnose and treat a variety of shoulder joint diseases, this study estimates the normal values of scapular GPA. Furthermore, it offers support for improved implant design in the context of Indian shoulder joint replacement and repair. Using every measurement technique, the GPA values on the right and left sides did not differ significantly. GPA results from various measuring methods varied significantly, which emphasizes the significance of methodological consistency in clinical and research settings.

Cureus ; 16(7): e64795, 2024 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39026571


The brachial plexus, which supplies the upper limb, extends from the interscalene triangle in the root of the neck to the axilla and is closely related to the subclavian and axillary arteries. Variations in the formation, branching pattern, and relations are profound, and it is generally stated that variant anatomy of the plexus appears to be a rule rather than an exception. In previous studies, it was hypothesized that the anomalous development of the subclavian-axillary stem and the persistence of intersegmental arteries could induce variations in the plexus. In this study, all three cords of the brachial plexus (lateral, medial, and posterior) and their terminal branches are consistently found lateral to the third part of the axillary artery. Most of the studies reported variation in one or the other cord or its branches, but very few studies have reported about all cords lateral to the brachial plexus. The brachial plexus variations are usually also associated with the variations in the branches of the axillary artery, but in this study, no such variation is noted in the branches of the axillary artery. These differences impact the methods of surgery and the application of regional anesthesia. For successful outcomes, it is important to know how neurovascular relationships work, such as where the cords are in relation to the axillary artery. We report an interesting case of all cords and their branches positioned lateral to the axillary artery in the axilla in an adult male cadaver.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38963086


BACKGROUND: The maxillary sinus is a pyramid-shaped cavity with varying shapes, sizes, and capacities. Its dimensions grow gradually and develop until early adulthood. Anatomical knowledge of the maxillary sinus is essential to understanding sinonasal disorders, planning surgical procedures and preventing complications. Awareness of the sinus's proximity to critical structures helps avoid injuries during surgery. The European, Korean, and Sri Lankan population study parameters show varying results and do not necessarily apply to the Indian population. The standard morphometric data of the maxillary sinus is scanty in the Indian population. The study aimed to determine the volume and morphometry of the maxillary sinus along with gender differences in the Eastern population of the Indian. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted using cone beam computed tomography data of maxillary sinuses of 100 normal individuals. The data were analysed after the three-dimensional reconstruction of digital imaging and communications in medicine (DICOM) images with the help of DICOM to print and Geomagic freeform software in the Anatomy department. The different linear morphometric variables and volume of the maxillary sinus were studied. SPSS version 27.0. was utilised for statistical analyses. RESULTS: The mean values of Antero-posterior diameter, Transverse diameter, Craniocaudal diameters, the height of ostium from the floor and volume of the maxillary sinus in males on the right side are 36.61 mm, 20.7 mm, 40.31 mm, 26.02 mm and 16055.24 mm³ and on the left side are 37.17 mm, 20.17 mm, 40.73 mm, 26.91 mm and 15712.66 mm³ whereas in females the values on the right side are 38.10 mm, 21.56 mm, 38.96 mm, 25.81 mm and 14687.78 mm³ and on left side are 38.23 mm, 21.53 mm, 38.48 mm, 25.28 mm and 14203.13 mm3 respectively. The side-to-side parameter differences were non-significant within the male and female groups, respectively. The females had significantly (p < 0.05) larger transverse diameters than males in both the right and left maxillary sinuses. The males tend to have a slightly larger mean craniocaudal diameter than females, but the difference was found statistically significant (p < 0.05) only in the left maxillary sinus. The gender differentiation based on the measured parameters of bilateral maxillary sinus accuracy rate was 89.4% in males and 61.8% in females. CONCLUSIONS: These parameters serve as a standard or reference point, allowing radiologists and surgeons to compare individual patient scans to population averages and aid in better clinical outcomes. The mean values of different parameters of the maxillary sinus may be utilised to differentiate various suspected sinus pathologies, which is helpful for functional endoscopic sinus surgery. Gender differentiation can be done more accurately by forensic experts using Maxillary sinus transverse diameter bilaterally, followed by craniocaudal diameter of the left side sinus for predicting the gender of an unknown maxilla.

Cureus ; 16(6): e62665, 2024 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38903980


Accessory liver lobes are indeed morphological variations of the liver, representing additional lobes or smaller structures connected to the main liver mass. Beaver tail liver is a rare anatomic variation where the left lobe of the liver encroaches to enclose the spleen. These variants, often found by chance in patients, can create challenges in accurately distinguishing between the liver and spleen in imaging, potentially leading to misdiagnosis as splenic trauma or a subcapsular hematoma. While conducting routine dissections of the abdomen region, a variation in the size, position, and anatomical connections of the liver was noticed in a female cadaver of age 45 years. The left lobe of the liver was elongated more towards the left lateral side with some angulated narrowing after extending across the midline, encroaching the left upper quadrant of the abdomen, reaching in between the stomach and the visceral surface of the spleen, above the hilum of the spleen. The narrow end of the left lobe of the liver, placed in between the stomach and spleen, is named the hiding beaver tail liver. This variation differs from the typical beaver tail liver as well as the "kissing sign" of the liver and spleen. Unfamiliarity with such an anomaly of the liver may lead radiologists and clinicians to identify a normal anatomical variant as a pathological condition mistakenly or could confuse radiologists with fluid collections that often suggest trauma, potentially leading to fatal outcomes during invasive abdominal procedures.

Anat Cell Biol ; 57(2): 221-228, 2024 Jun 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38575560


Although studies of the sacral corridor dimension have been reported in the European population, little attention has been paid to this issue in the Asian population. The purpose of the study is to estimate the safe dimension of the corridor to avoid neurovascular damage during the fixation of the sacral fracture. The study aimed to examine the cephalocaudal (vertical) and the anteroposterior diameter of the bony passage in the upper three sacral segments. The study further examines the effect of age and sex on corridor dimensions at different sacral levels. Three-dimensionally reconstructed sacra from computed tomography of normal subjects were included in the study. Cephalocaudal and anteroposterior diameters were measured in coronal and axial sections using Geomagic Freeform Plus software. Anteroposterior diameter of the sacral corridor at the first, second, and third sacral segments are significantly higher in males (P=0.013, 0.0011, and <0.0001, respectively). The length of the sacrum also revealed sexual dimorphism (P<0.00016). The anteroposterior diameter of the second sacral segment (ap-S2c) correlated moderately with the first sacral anteroposterior diameter (ap-S1c) (R=0.519, P<0.001). The ap-S2c exhibited a moderate correlation to the third sacral segment (ap-S3c) (R=0.677, P<0.001). The sacral corridor at the level of S1 has the largest cephalocaudal (18.25 mm) and anteroposterior diameter (17.11 mm). Placement of the screw in the first sacral corridor may avoid damage to the neurovascular bundle during the fixation of the sacral fracture.

Anat Sci Int ; 98(2): 176-184, 2023 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36038792


The inferior alveolar nerve and vessels are carried via the mandibular canal, which extends bilaterally from the inferior alveolar foramen to the mental foramen. Bifid and trifid mandibular canals result from abnormal fusions of nerve canals. The purpose of this study was to provide an up-to-date and comprehensive analysis of the prevalence of mandibular canal variations among healthy adults, and to identify any potential ethnic, sex, or laterality predilections. The prevalence of the bifid mandibular canal was 18.87% and that of the trifid canal 1.3%. Unilateral variants were three times commoner than bilateral. Each mandibular half had four canals emanating from separate openings on the lingual surface of the mandibular ramus. Retromolar and forward canals were the predominant subtypes, followed by dental; buccolingual were the least frequent. The mean length and diameter of the bifid mandibular canal were 13.62 mm and 1.63 mm, respectively. The possibility of a bifid mandibular canal is a crucial consideration in dental medicine. Because anatomical variations of the mandibular canal are fairly common, awareness of them is essential for anatomy teachers and for surgeons who operate in the oromaxillofacial region.

Canal Mandibular , Foramen Mental , Adulto , Humanos , Mandíbula/anatomía & histología , Nervio Mandibular/anatomía & histología , Diente Molar