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Sci Rep ; 8(1): 3017, 2018 02 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29445196


A counter-intuitive behavior analogous to the Braess paradox is encountered in a two-terminal mesoscopic network patterned in a two-dimensional electron system (2DES). Decreasing locally the electron density of one channel of the network paradoxically leads to an increased network electrical conductance. Our low temperature scanning gate microscopy experiments reveal different occurrences of such puzzling conductance variations, thanks to tip-induced localized modifications of electron flow throughout the network's channels in the ballistic and coherent regime of transport. The robustness of the puzzling behavior is inspected by varying the global 2DES density, magnetic field and the tip-surface distance. Depending on the overall 2DES density, we show that either Coulomb Blockade resonances due to disorder-induced localized states or Fabry-Perot interferences tuned by the tip-induced electrostatic perturbation are at the origin of transport inefficiencies in the network, which are lifted when gradually closing one channel of the network with the tip.

Phys Rev Lett ; 93(25): 256803, 2004 Dec 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15697926


We investigate the effects of dephasing on the current statistics of mesoscopic conductors with a recently developed statistical model, focusing, in particular, on mesoscopic cavities and Aharonov-Bohm rings. For such devices, we analyze the influence of an arbitrary degree of decoherence on the cumulants of the current. We recover known results for the limiting cases of fully coherent and totally incoherent transport and are able to obtain detailed information on the intermediate regime of partial coherence for a varying number of open channels. We show that dephasing affects the average current, shot noise, and higher order cumulants in a quantitatively and qualitatively similar way, and that consequently shot noise or higher order cumulants of the current do not provide information on decoherence additional or complementary to what can be already obtained from the average current.