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Sci Rep ; 7(1): 8702, 2017 08 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28821737


We investigate media which exhibits epsilon-near-zero (ENZ) behavior while simultaneously sustaining stopped light energy bands which contain multiple points of zero group velocity (ZGV). This allows the merging of state-of-the-art phenomena that was hitherto attainable in media that demonstrated these traits separately. Specifically, we demonstrate the existence of Ferrell-Berreman (FB) modes within frequency bands bounded by points of ZGV with the goal to improve the coupling efficiency and localization of light in the media. The FB mode is formed within a double layer, thin-film stack where at subwavelength thicknesses the structure exhibits a very low reflection due to ENZ behavior. In addition, the structure is engineered to promote a flattened frequency dispersion with a negative permittivity able to induce multiple points of ZGV. For proof-of-concept, we propose an oxide-semiconductor-oxide-insulator stack and discuss the useful optical properties that arise from combining both phenomena. A transfer matrix (TM) treatment is used to derive the reflectivity profile and dispersion curves. Results show the ability to reduce reflection below 0.05% in accordance with recent experimental data while simultaneously exciting a polariton mode exhibiting both reduced group velocity and group velocity dispersion (GVD).

Faraday Discuss ; 178: 307-24, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25778453


We study the spatio-temporal dynamics of coherent amplification and lasing in planar gain-enhanced nanoplasmonic structures and show that a singularity in the density of optical states leads to a stopped-light feedback mechanism that allows for cavity-free photonic and surface-plasmon polariton nanolasing. We reveal that in the absence of cavity-induced feedback a phase-locked superposition of a quasi dispersion-free waveguide mode promotes the dynamic formation of a subwavelength lasing mode. Simulations on the basis of a full-time domain Maxwell-Bloch Langevin approach uncover a high spontaneous emission factor ß≈0.9 and demonstrate that the stopped-light lasing/spasing mechanism is remarkably robust against interface roughness. Stopped-light surface-plasmon polariton lasing is shown to be stable for gain sections of a width of down to 200 nm but in wider gain structures of the order of 1 µm the dynamics is characterised by spatio-temporally oscillating lasing surface-plasmon polaritons with typical temporal and spatial periods of smaller than 5 fs and smaller than 100 nm. Stopped-light lasing thus provides opportunities for ultrafast nanolasing and the realization of ultra-thin lasing surfaces and offers a new route to ultrafast spasing and cavity-free active quantum plasmonics.

Nat Commun ; 5: 4972, 2014 Sep 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25230337


When light is brought to a standstill, its interaction with gain media increases dramatically due to a singularity in the density of optical states. Concurrently, stopped light engenders an inherent and cavity-free feedback mechanism, similar in effect to the feedback that has been demonstrated and exploited in large-scale disordered media and random lasers. Here we study the spatial, temporal and spectral signatures of lasing in planar gain-enhanced nanoplasmonic structures at near-infrared frequencies and show that the stopped-light feedback mechanism allows for nanolasing without a cavity. We reveal that in the absence of cavity-induced feedback, the subwavelength lasing mode forms dynamically as a phase-locked superposition of quasi dispersion-free waveguide modes. This mechanism proves remarkably robust against interface roughness and offers a new route towards nanolasing, the experimental realization of ultra-thin surface emitting lasers, and cavity-free active quantum plasmonics.

Phys Rev Lett ; 112(16): 167401, 2014 Apr 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24815668


We introduce a scheme where a time-dependent source excites "complex-frequency" modes in uniform plasmonic heterostructures, enabling complete and dispersionless stopping of light pulses, resilient to realistic levels of dissipative, radiative, and surface-roughness losses. Using transparent conducting oxides at telecommunication wavelengths we show how, without increasing optical losses, multiple light pulses can decay with time precisely at their injection points, unable to propagate despite the complete absence of barriers in front or behind them. Our results theoretically demonstrate extraordinary large light-deceleration factors (of the order of 1.5×107) in integrated nanophotonic media, comparable only to those attainable with ultracold atomic vapors or with quantum coherence effects, such as coherent population oscillations, in ruby crystals.