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J Chem Phys ; 161(8)2024 Aug 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39189654


This work presents a direct three-body recombination approach of the sulfur recombination reaction, S + S + M → S2 + M, at temperatures between 100 and 500 K. Our calculations for M = Ar, based on a classical trajectory approach in hyperspherical coordinates, show excellent agreement with the experimental measurement at T = 298 K of Fair and Thrush [Trans. Faraday Soc. 65, 1208 (1969)]. Similarly, we find that the production of S2 strongly depends on the SAr product, the other possible reaction channel. Finally, using the classical threshold law, we check sulfur recombination with another third body, M = H2S, and find no significant change in the rate.

Nat Chem ; 2024 Jul 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39030421


The relationship between the shape of a molecule and its chemical reactivity is a central tenet in chemistry. However, the influence of the molecular geometry on reactivity can be subtle and result from several opposing effects. Here, using a crossed-molecular-beam experiment in which individual rotational quantum states of specific conformers of a molecule are separated, we study the chemi-ionization reaction of hydroquinone with metastable neon atoms. We show that collision-induced alignment of the reaction partners caused by geometry-dependent long-range forces influences reaction pathways, which is, however, countered by molecular rotation. The present work provides insights into the conformation-specific stereodynamics of complex polyatomic systems and illustrates the capability of advanced molecule-control techniques to unravel these effects.

Phys Rev Lett ; 130(14): 143003, 2023 Apr 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37084427


We theoretically investigate the trap-assisted formation of complexes in atom-ion collisions and their impact on the stability of the trapped ion. The time-dependent potential of the Paul trap facilitates the formation of temporary complexes by reducing the energy of the atom, which gets temporarily stuck in the atom-ion potential. As a result, those complexes significantly impact termolecular reactions leading to molecular ion formation via three-body recombination. We find that complex formation is more pronounced in systems with heavy atoms, but the mass has no influence on the lifetime of the transient state. Instead, the complex formation rate strongly depends on the amplitude of the ion's micromotion. We also show that complex formation persists even in the case of a time-independent harmonic trap. In this case, we find higher formation rates and longer lifetimes than in Paul traps, indicating that the atom-ion complex plays an essential role in atom-ion mixtures in optical traps.

J Chem Phys ; 157(7): 074305, 2022 Aug 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35987578


In this work, we explore the role of chemical reactions on the properties of buffer gas cooled molecular beams. In particular, we focus on scenarios relevant to the formation of AlF and CaF via chemical reactions between the Ca and Al atoms ablated from a solid target in an atmosphere of a fluorine-containing gas, in this case, SF6 and NF3. Reactions are studied following an ab initio molecular dynamics approach, and the results are rationalized following a tree-shaped reaction model based on Bayesian inference. We find that NF3 reacts more efficiently with hot metal atoms to form monofluoride molecules than SF6. In addition, when using NF3, the reaction products have lower kinetic energy, requiring fewer collisions to thermalize with the cryogenic helium. Furthermore, we find that the reaction probability for AlF formation is much higher than for CaF across a broad range of kinetic temperatures.

J Chem Phys ; 156(12): 124306, 2022 Mar 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35364883


Spectroscopic studies of aluminum monofluoride (AlF) have revealed its highly favorable properties for direct laser cooling. All Q lines of the strong A1Π â† X1Σ+ transition around 227 nm are rotationally closed and thereby suitable for the main cooling cycle. The same holds for the narrow, spin-forbidden a3Π â† X1Σ+ transition around 367 nm, which has a recoil limit in the µK range. We here report on the spectroscopic characterization of the lowest rotational levels in the a3Π state of AlF for v = 0-8 using a jet-cooled, pulsed molecular beam. An accidental AC Stark shift is observed on the a3Π0, v = 4 ← X1Σ+, v = 4 band. By using time-delayed ionization for state-selective detection of the molecules in the metastable a3Π state at different points along the molecular beam, the radiative lifetime of the a3Π1, v = 0, J = 1 level is experimentally determined as τ = 1.89 ± 0.15 ms. A laser/radio frequency multiple resonance ionization scheme is employed to determine the hyperfine splittings in the a3Π1, v = 5 level. The experimentally derived hyperfine parameters are compared to the outcome of quantum chemistry calculations. A spectral line with a width of 1.27 kHz is recorded between hyperfine levels in the a3Π, v = 0 state. These measurements benchmark the electronic potential of the a3Π state and yield accurate values for the photon scattering rate and for the elements of the Franck-Condon matrix of the a3Π-X1Σ+ system.

Phys Rev Lett ; 128(10): 103401, 2022 Mar 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35333077


We measure chemical reactions between a single trapped ^{174}Yb^{+} ion and ultracold Li_{2} dimers. This produces LiYb^{+} molecular ions that we detect via mass spectrometry. We explain the reaction rates by modeling the dimer density as a function of the magnetic field and obtain excellent agreement when we assume the reaction to follow the Langevin rate. Our results present a novel approach towards the creation of cold molecular ions and point to the exploration of ultracold chemistry in ion molecule collisions. What is more, with a detection sensitivity below molecule densities of 10^{14} m^{-3}, we provide a new method to detect low-density molecular gases.

J Chem Phys ; 141(11): 114301, 2014 Sep 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25240352


An explicit formulation of the rotational relaxation time in terms of state-to-state rate coefficients associated to inelastic collisions is reported. The state-to-state rates needed for the detailed interpretation of relaxation in H2 and D2, including isotopic variant mixtures, have been calculated by solving the close-coupling Schrödinger equations using the H2-H2 potential energy surface by Diep and Johnson [J. Chem. Phys. 112, 4465 (2000)]. Relaxation related quantities (rotational effective cross section, bulk viscosity, relaxation time, and collision number) calculated from first principles agree reasonably well with acoustic absorption experimental data on H2 and D2 between 30 and 293 K. This result confirms at once the proposed formulation, and the validation of the H2-H2 potential energy surface employed, since no approximations have been introduced in the dynamics. Accordingly, the state-to-state rates derived from Diep and Johnson potential energy surface appear to be overestimated by up to 10% for H2, and up to 30% for D2 at T = 300 K, showing a better agreement at lower temperatures.

J Chem Phys ; 134(17): 174307, 2011 May 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21548687


Close-coupling calculations and experiment are combined in this work, which is aimed at establishing a set of state-to-state rate coefficients for elementary processes ij → lm in O(2):O(2) collisions at low temperature involving the rotational states i, j, l, m of the vibrational ground state of (16)O(2)((3)Σ(g)(-)). First, a set of cross sections for inelastic collisions is calculated as a function of the collision energy at the converged close-coupled level via the MOLSCAT code, using a recent ab-initio potential energy surface for O(2)-O(2) [M. Bartolomei et al., J. Chem. Phys. 133, 124311 (2010)]. Then, the corresponding rates for the temperature range 4 ≤ T ≤ 34 K are derived from the cross sections. The link between theory and experiment is a Master Equation which accounts for the time evolution of rotational populations in a reference volume of gas in terms of the collision rates. This Master Equation provides a linear function of the rates for each rotational state and temperature. In the experiment, the evolution of rotational populations is measured by Raman spectroscopy in a tiny reference volume (≈2 × 10(-4) mm(3)) of O(2) travelling along the axis of a supersonic jet at a velocity of ≈700 m/s. The accuracy of the calculated rates is assessed experimentally for 10 ≤ T ≤ 34 K by means of the Master Equation. The rates, jointly with their confidence interval estimated by Monte Carlo simulation, account to within the experimental uncertainty for the evolution of the populations of the N = 1, 3, 5, 7 rotational triads along the supersonic jet. Confidence intervals range from ≈6% for the dominant rates at 34 K, up to ≈17% at 10 K. These results provide an experimental validation of state-to-state rates for O(2):O(2) inelastic collisions calculated in the close-coupling approach and, indirectly, of the anisotropy of the O(2)-O(2) intermolecular potential employed in the calculation for energies up to 300 cm(-1).