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Acta Trop ; 235: 106670, 2022 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36037980


Filarial nematode infections are common in primates, but have received little attention in the Neotropics. Epidemiological data on filarial infections in primates are still too sparse to fully understand the complex of this parasitism, especially because of the difficulty in studying the ecology and epidemiology of wild primates.. We describe natural infections by Dipetalonema parasitizing 211 primates belonging to eight free-living primate genera in Amazonia, and assess the relationships between parasitic indicators and climatic (rainfall and river level), ecological (fruiting periods of plants) and biological (sex, species' body mass, group size and density) factors. The overall prevalence was 64.4% (95% CI: 64.0 - 64.9); parasitic mean abundance (N filariae per individual) and parasitic mean intensity (N filariae per infected host) of infection were 11.9 (95% CI: 8.3 - 15.6) and 18.4 (95% CI: 13.4 - 23.4) filariae/individual, respectively. Although we observed differences in parasitic parameters among primate genera, there was no correlation between parasitic parameters with density, body mass or group size. Sapajus, Cebus and Lagothrix had the highest prevalence and parasitic mean intensity. Using Lagothrix lagotricha poeppigii, the most sampled species (n = 92), as a model, we found that the number of filariae per infected host was associated with fruit production in swamp forests during the dry season, the time of food scarcity. The long periods of food shortage may cause environmental stress on primates, impairing their immune defenses and leading to increased parasite load but not affecting infection prevalence. However, the lack of information on vector ecology, key to understand risk factors associated to infection rate, prevents confirming the existence of an infection pattern dependent on food availability.

Bosques , Frutas , Animales , Brasil , Estaciones del Año
Conserv Biol ; 36(2): e13801, 2022 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34190360


The trade in wild meat is an important economic component of rural people's livelihoods, but it has been perceived to be among the main causes of the decline of wildlife species. Recently, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to light an additional concern of wildlife markets as a major human-health challenge. We analyzed data from the largest longitudinal monitoring (1973-2018) of the most important urban wild-meat markets in Iquitos, Peru, to examine the trends in and impacts of these markets on people's livelihoods. Over the last 45 years, wild meat sales increased at a rate of 6.4 t/year (SD 2.17), paralleling urban population growth. Wild meat sales were highest in 2018 (442 t), contributing US$2.6 million (0.76%) to the regional gross domestic product. Five species of ungulates and rodents accounted for 88.5% of the amount of biomass traded. Vulnerable and Endangered species represented 7.0% and 0.4% of individuals sold, respectively. Despite growth in sales, the contribution of wild meat to overall urban diet was constant: 1-2%/year of total meat consumed. This result was due to greater availability and higher consumption of cheaper meats (e.g., in 2018, poultry was 45.8% cheaper and was the most consumed meat) coupled with the lack of economic incentives to harvest wild meat species in rural areas. Most wild meat was sold salted or smoked, reducing the likelihood of foodborne diseases. Community-based wildlife management plans and the continued trade bans on primates and threatened taxa may avoid biodiversity loss. Considering the recent COVID-19 pandemic, future management plans should include potential viral hosts and regulation and enforcement of hygiene practices in wild-meat markets.

Comercio de Carne de Monte en los Últimos 45 Años en la Amazonia Peruana Resumen El comercio de carne de monte es un componente económico importante del sustento de habitantes de zonas rurales, pero se ha percibido como una de las principales causas de la declinación de especies de vida silvestre. Recientemente, la pandemia de COVID-19 ha traído a la luz una preocupación adicional de los mercados de vida silvestre como un reto importante para la salud humana. Analizamos datos del monitoreo longitudinal más extenso (1973-2018) de los mercados urbanos de carne de monte más importantes en Iquitos, Perú, para examinar las tendencias y los impactos de estos mercados sobre el sustento de los habitantes. Las ventas de carne de monte incrementaron en los últimos 45 años a una tasa de 6.4 t/año (DS 2.17), en paralelo con el crecimiento de la población. Las ventas de carne de monte fueron más altas en 2018 (442 t), aportando U.S. $2.6 millones (0.76%) al producto interno bruto de la región. Cinco especies de ungulados y roedores comprendieron el 88.5% de la biomasa comercializada. Especies vulnerables y en peligro representaron 7.0% y 0.4% de los individuos vendidos, respectivamente. A pesar del incremento de las ventas, la contribución de la carne de monte al total de la dieta urbana fue constante: 1-2%/año del total de carne consumida. Este resultado se debió a una mayor disponibilidad y consumo de carnes más baratas (e. g., en 2018 la carne de pollo fue 45.8% más barata y fue la más consumida) aparejado con la falta de incentivos económicos para cosechar carne de especies silvestres en áreas rurales. La mayor parte de la carne de monte se vendía salada o ahumada, reduciendo con ello la probabilidad de enfermedades transmitidas por alimentos. Los planes de manejo de vida silvestre basados en comunidades y la prohibición continua del comercio de primates y taxa amenazados pueden evitar la pérdida de biodiversidad. Considerando la reciente pandemia de COVID-19, los planes de manejo futuros deben incluir potenciales huéspedes virales y la regulación y aplicación de prácticas de higiene en los mercados de carne de especies silvestres.

COVID-19 , Animales , Animales Salvajes , COVID-19/epidemiología , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Humanos , Carne , Pandemias , Perú
Acta amaz ; 50(2): 155-158, abr - jun. 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1118403


Crypturellus duidae (Tinamidae) is a poor-soil specialist with isolated populations in Amazonia, and is considered restricted to white-sand forest habitats. We report the first record of C. duidae in a peatland forest in northern Peru, in the Putumayo River basin. Our record extends the known distribution of C. duidae between two disjoint areas of occurrence in Peru and Colombia, and shows its presence in peatland forest, another forest type on nutrient-poor soils. Additionally, we report the presence of other poor-soil specialist bird species that were previously registered in peatlands. Together with the new record of C. duidae, these bird records provide evidence of the diversity of poor-soil specialists in peatland forests. (AU)

Bosques , Ecosistema Amazónico , Condición del Suelo , Humedales