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Int J Vet Sci Med ; 6(2): 159-164, 2018 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30564590


The objective of this study was to determine the effect of local anesthesia and the number of incisions performed on the physiological blood profile of piglets after surgical castration. A total of 60 male piglets were divided into five groups of 12 each, based on the surgical method employed and the use, or not, of local anesthesia, as follows: surgical castration using one horizontal incision in both testicles with (C1+L) and without (C1) local anesthesia; surgical castration using two vertical scrotal incisions with and without local anesthesia (C2+L and C2); and control piglets which were removed from their pens and held head-down by their hind limbs for approximately 90 s to simulate castration (SIM). Reference blood samples were drawn 24 h before castration (RV), immediately after surgery or simulated castration (PC), and at 24 and 48 h post-castration, to determine physiological profiles including; pH, hematocrit, glucose, electrolytes, lactate, pCO2 (mmHg), SO2 (mmHg), and bicarbonate. Results showed increases in lactate and hematocrit immediately after surgical or simulated castration with decreases in pH, HCO3- and base excess (BE). Surgical castration produced marked alterations of the physiological profile, detected by reduced pH and HCO3, higher lactate levels and BE alterations. These changes indicated metabolic acidosis that was greater in the piglets castrated surgically with one horizontal incision than in those castrated with two vertical incisions. More research is needed on the use of lidocaine during surgical castration, as it showed no effect on physiological profile in this study, but did alter hematocrit values.

Vet. Méx ; 45(spe): 37-51, 2014.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-755682


Hoy en día, las modernas técnicas de producción porcina exigen cada vez más destetes tempranos. Sin embrago, el destete representa una de las etapas más críticas en la vida productiva del cerdo, debido a que durante ella se suman una serie de factores estresantes y cambios fisiológicos. En la presente revisión se analizan los factores más importantes que causan estrés durante esta etapa, como la separación de la cerda, el transporte, el cambio de alimento, el alojamiento en nuevas instalaciones y el agrupamiento con lechones extraños. La interacción de los lechones con estos factores estresantes incrementa el nivel de estrés que representa, per se, la separación de la cerda y el lechón durante el destete, ya que habitualmente originan "retraso en el crecimiento", además de aumento de la susceptibilidad frente a agentes patógenos entéricos causantes de enfermedades. Por ello, los distintos factores que afectan la fisiología, el metabolismo y el comportamiento del lechón deben ser controlados adecuadamente. Se concluye que el conocimiento de la biología de la especie y un entrenamiento adecuado del personal, son necesarios para disminuir los problemas de bienestar del lechón destetado, por lo que, con el fin de evitarlos, se recomiendan algunas prácticas derivadas de los hallazgos presentados.

Nowadays, modern swine production techniques promote early weaning. Weaning constitutes one of the most critical stages in the productive life of swine as it is a phase that entails a whole series of stressful factors and physiological changes. This review examines the most important factors that cause stress during this stage, including: separation from the sow, transport, changes in alimentation, lodging in different installations, and being grouped together with strange piglets. The interaction of young pigs with all these stressor factors exercises a cumulative effect that intensifies the level of stress they experience during separation from the sow during the weaning process itself, an event that frequently results in "delayed growth" accompanied by an increased susceptibility to disease-causing, enteric pathogenic agents. For these reasons, it is important to adequately control the variety of factors that affect the physiology, metabolism and behavior of piglets. The conclusion is that both knowledge of the biology of the species and suitable personnel training are necessary to reduce the problems that arise from these issues related to the welfare of weaned piglets. Finally, this study recommends some practices derived from the findings presented, with a view to improving the welfare of recently weaned piglets.