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Cureus ; 15(8): e43583, 2023 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37719493


The current advances in digitized data additions, machine learning and computing framework, lead to the swiftly emerging concept of "Artificial Intelligence" (AI), that are developing into areas that were formerly contemplated for human expertise. AI is a relatively rapid paced mechanics wherein the computer technology is tuned to perform human tasks. An auxiliary domain of AI is machine learning (ML), and Deep learning, a subclass of ML technique comprehends multi-layer mathematical operations. AI-based applications have tremendous potential to improve and systematize patient care thereby alleviating dentists from laborious regular tasks, and facilitate personalized, predictive and preventive dentistry. In the dental clinic, AI can execute a variety of easy tasks with greater accuracy, minimal manpower, and with fewer mistakes over human equivalents. These tasks range from appointment scheduling and coordination to helping with clinical evaluation and therapy. Besides, this could assist in the early diagnosis of dental and maxillofacial abnormalities like periodontal ailments, root caries, bony lesions, and facial malformations in addition to automatically identifying and classifying dental restorations on digital radiographs. This brusque narrative review describes the AI-based systems, their respective applications in periodontal diagnosis, the multifarious studies, possible limitations and the predictable future of AI-based dental diagnostics and treatment planning.

Front Pharmacol ; 13: 866827, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35431922


Originating in ancient India, Ayurveda is an alternative medicinal approach that provides substantial evidence for a theoretical-level analysis of all aspects of life. Unlike modern medicine, Ayurveda is based upon tridoshas (Vata, pitta, and Kapha) and Prakriti. On the other hand, the research of all the genes involved at the proteomics, metabolomics, and transcriptome levels are referred to as genomics. Geoclimatic regions (deshanupatini), familial characteristics (kulanupatini), and ethnicity (jatiprasakta) have all been shown to affect phenotypic variability. The combination of genomics with Ayurveda known as ayurgenomics provided new insights into tridosha that may pave the way for precision medicine (personalized medicine). Through successful coordination of "omics," Prakriti-based treatments can help change the existing situation in health care. Prakriti refers to an individual's behavioral trait, which is established at the moment of birth and cannot be fully altered during one's existence. Ayurvedic methodologies are based on three Prakriti aspects: aushadhi (medication), vihara (lifestyle), and ahara (diet). A foundation of Prakriti-based medicine, preventative medicine, and improvement of life quality with longevity can be accomplished through these ayurvedic characteristics. In this perspective, we try to understand prakriti's use in personalized medicine, and how to integrate it with programs for drug development and discovery.