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Health Laboratory ; : 11-15, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-973056


@#Acinetobacter baumannii is considered to be a worldwide threat to public health due to its high antimicrobial resistance rates and the severe infections it can cause. Little is known about this pathogen’s resistance in Mongolia. This report aims to describe the antimicrobial resistance profile of A. baumannii at a tertiary hospital in Mongolia. The cross-sectional analysis was conducted at the tertiary care laboratory hospital in the First Central Hospital of Mongolia from 2013.01 to 2013.12 and from 2020.01 to 2020.12.</br> A total of 141 in 2013, 227 in 2020 consecutive microbiological reports were analyzed. A. baumannii was isolated. Epidemiological and microbiological data, including the isolation setting and patient information, were recorded. Prevalence of multi-drug and extensive-drug resistance was assessed according to international standards. </br> The median age of individuals was 22 years (2 – 35 years); female was the predominant gender (53%). The hospital’s intensive care units had the highest number of isolates (n = 226). The most frequent specimen from which A. baumannii was isolated was secretion of respiratory tract (n = 119). Resistance to carbapenems was reported to be 35% among the isolates (n = 115) in 2013 and 74.69% (n=135) respectively. This report reveals the threat of this pathogen to public health in Mongolia and appeals for antibiotic stewardship programs throughout all tertiary hospitals and other hospitals.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-975584


IntroductionKlebsiella spp is a well-known opportunistic pathogen associated with nosocomial infections such asurinary tract, septicaemia and pneumonia number of multi-drug resistant strains and infections causedby Klebsiella has progressively increased, causing treatment limitations.GoalIdentify of phenotype of Klebseilla isolates from ñlinical samplesMaterials and MethodsA total of 112 Klebsiella strains were isolated from clinical samples in State Central First Hospital and StateCentral Third Hospital from July 2015 through December 2015. The bacterial isolates were identifi edaccording to cultural characteristics, biochemical test and API20E. The serum resistance, capsule andhypermucoviscosity, cell surface protein (curly), a-hemolysin and ability to form biofi lm were sought byphenotypic assays. Antimicrobial susceptibility was tested by diffusion method.ResultA total of 112 Klebsiella samples were collected. The bacterial isolates were identifi ed according tocultural characteristics, biochemical test and API20E, the results revealed that 16.1 percent isolateswere identifi ed as K.oxytoca all of them 83.9 percent isolates were belong to K.pneumonia. Therewere observed for ampicillin (99 percent), nitrofurantoin (53.6 percent), cepalotin (50.6 percent) and51 percent of isolates were considered as a multiple drug resistant. Serum resistance properties ofK.pneumoniae was resistance 89.4 percent, intermediately susceptible 4.3 percent, sensitive 6.4percent and for K.oxytoca resistance 88.9 percent, intermediately susceptible 5.6 percent, sensitive 5.6percent. The hemolysin àalpha was detected in 32.2 percent, and gamma, beta in 66.96 percent, 0.9percent respectively. The capsule was observed in 46.5 percent and hypermucoviscosity in 27.7 percentof isolates. The cell surface protein (curly) and biofi lm were detected in 100 percent.Conclusion:Both K.pneumoniae and K.oxytoca isolates from clinical samples have similar virulent properties, andthe a-hemolysin and hypermucoviscosity positive isolates were more resistance to antibiotics.

Health Laboratory ; : 12-15, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-975929


Introduction:When a central nervous system disorder (meningitis, encephalitis, hemorrhage, leukemia infltration and other neoplasma) is present, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) shows various changes that reflected the condition. Therefore it is essential to test CSF. Different types of CSF tests include cell count; cell differentiation; chemistry; immunology; microbiology and molecular biology. CSF cell count and cell differentiation in particular, are crucial in differentiating diagnosing various CNS disorder needing immediate care and in evaluating the treatment. The patient’s prognosis largely depends on how accurate diagnosis was done and how early treatment was provided. There for CSF test require high precision and accuracy. In Mongolia until now 2st and 3st level hospital using manual method for CSF cell count and cell differentiation test. In this test has 2 actual problems, which is depends on the analytical techniques, skills and sample stability specific problem. But in Japan in 2011 newly designed Sysmex XN Series hematology analyser with body fluid mode (CSF,pleural effusion, peritoneal and synovial fluid). On The First Central Hospital of Mongolia In 2013 frst timeinstalled Sysmex XN-2000 hematology analyser andpossible use of body fluid automatic testing methods.Materials and methods:We evaluated the basic assay performance of the body fluid mode on the automated hematology analyzer XN-2000, which is used for analysis of CSF fluid. We compared between the manual method and XN-2000 analysis for nucleated (WBC), mononuclear (MN) and polymorphonuclear (PMN) cells was also randomly studied using 10 CSF samples of inpatient section our hospital.Results:In CSF samples the coeffcient correlation(r) for WBC/µl, MN%, PMN% were respectively 0.83, 0.95 ба 0.95.Discussion:The correlation for MN%, PMN% were between automate and manual method was good, that is similar to the other researchers. Whereas the correlation for WBC/µl slightly low, this was probably correlation relatively weak or show discrepancies. In introduction inscriptive in analysis accuracy can to affect analytical techniques skills, sample stability and specifc many problems. Therefore scientifc studied and proven ability specifcity, sensitivity, reproducibility, quality, personnel low cost and spend less time, automatically Sysmex XN series hematology analyzer is desirable to domesticate an appropriate level of medical laboratories.

Innovation ; : 28-31, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-975380


Extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli (ExPEC), the specialized strains ofE.coli that cause most extraintestinal infections, represent a major but littleappreciated health threat. Phylogenetic analysis has shown that ExPEC is composedof four main phylogenetic groups (A,B1, B2, and D) and that virulent extraintestinalstrains mainly belong to groups B2 and D.In this study, we aimed to assess therelation between adherence virulence and phylogenetic groups of ExPEC.A total of 161 E.coli samples were collected. Out of these 17 (10.6%) werefrom pus, 66 (41 %) from urine, 78 (48.4%) from cervical swab. The phylogeneticgroups and 6 virulence genes (fimH, papC, papGII, papGIII, fa/draBC,andSfa/focDE) encoding adhesins were identified by triplex PCR. Phylogeneticgroups distribution was as follows: B1 10.5%, A 24.7%, B2 25.3%, and D 38.9%. Virulence genes prevalence was fimH 90.1%, papC 23%, papGII 16.8%, papGIII1.9%, Afa/draBC 11.8%, andSfa/focDE 5.6%. The cell surface protein (curli) wasdetected 50,3% by Congo red agar. In conclusion: The most isolated strainsbelonged to the phylogenetic group B2 and D. The phylogenetic groups weresignificantly associated with some genes encodingadhesins (fimH, papC) and cellsurface protein (curli).

Innovation ; : 28-31, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-631213


Extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli (ExPEC), the specialized strains ofE.coli that cause most extraintestinal infections, represent a major but littleappreciated health threat. Phylogenetic analysis has shown that ExPEC is composedof four main phylogenetic groups (A,B1, B2, and D) and that virulent extraintestinalstrains mainly belong to groups B2 and D.In this study, we aimed to assess therelation between adherence virulence and phylogenetic groups of ExPEC.A total of 161 E.coli samples were collected. Out of these 17 (10.6%) werefrom pus, 66 (41 %) from urine, 78 (48.4%) from cervical swab. The phylogeneticgroups and 6 virulence genes (fimH, papC, papGII, papGIII, fa/draBC,andSfa/focDE) encoding adhesins were identified by triplex PCR. Phylogeneticgroups distribution was as follows: B1 10.5%, A 24.7%, B2 25.3%, and D 38.9%. Virulence genes prevalence was fimH 90.1%, papC 23%, papGII 16.8%, papGIII1.9%, Afa/draBC 11.8%, andSfa/focDE 5.6%. The cell surface protein (curli) wasdetected 50,3% by Congo red agar. In conclusion: The most isolated strainsbelonged to the phylogenetic group B2 and D. The phylogenetic groups weresignificantly associated with some genes encoding adhesins (fimH, papC) and cellsurface protein (curli).

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-631088


INTRODUCTION: Urinary tract infections among the most common bacterial infectious diseases encountered at all ages. Escherichia coli are being the etiologic agent in 50–80%. Therefore, it is an important public health problem. E.coli causing urinary tract infections express pilli, fimbriae and others adherence virulence factors. GOAL: To detect the some adherence virulence factors of Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 76E.colisampleswere collected. These samples were positive bacteriological examination of urine, performed at the bacteriological laboratory of the State Central Third Hospital and State Central First Hospital, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. The biofilm formation was evaluated by the growth rate of E.coli on plastic surface.The detection of the virulence factors type 1 fimbriae (fimA gene) and P-fimbriae (papC) was performed by multiplex PCR using gene specific primers.Curli expression was determined by using congo red agar. RESULTS: The evaluation of bacterial biofilm formation using 96 well plates showed 40 negative (52.6%), 32 weak biofilm (42.1%) and 4 moderate biofilm (5.3%) formation for E.coli and no strong biofilm forming strain was detected. The cell surface protein (curli) was detected by Congo red agar. The result was 71% positive for studied E.coli strains. The detection result of pili genes by multiplex PCR showed that fimH gene detected for 73 (96.1%) and papC gene detected for 18 (23.7%) E.coli cultures. CONCLUSION: Almost half of surveyed Uropathogenic E.coli isolated in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia had ability of biofilm formation and it has been determined by the bacterial surface protein (curli), which is one of bacterial adherence factors, may cause biofilm formation.