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Int J Surg Case Rep ; 114: 109166, 2024 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38113567


INTRODUCTION: Dieulafoy's lesion, a rare but life-threatening condition accounting for a small percentage of acute gastrointestinal bleeding cases, has historically posed diagnostic and therapeutic challenges. CASE PRESENTATION: In this article, we present two cases that required surgical intervention due to unsuccessful attempts with endoscopy. Case 1 involved a 40-year-old patient with a history of treated duodenal ulcers, while Case 2 featured a 74-year-old woman with no notable medical history. Both patients exhibited severe bleeding, necessitating urgent surgical procedures. The surgical approach involved wide gastrotomy, careful inspection, and successful suturing of the bleeding vessel. DISCUSSION: Dieulafoy lesions, discovered by French surgeon Georges Dieulafoy in 1885, constitute 1-2 % of acute gastrointestinal bleeding cases. These anomalies involve enlarged submucosal arteries, predominantly in the stomach, but occurrences in other sites are documented. Endoscopic methods, surpassing surgical intervention, are preferred for treatment, boasting success rates over 90 %. Surgical measures become a last resort for uncontrolled bleeding, with laparoscopic surgery emerging as a minimally invasive alternative, facilitated by various intra-operative localization techniques. Laparoscopic wedge resection, in particular, exhibits lower re-bleeding rates than traditional oversewing methods, although feasibility depends on lesion location. CONCLUSION: While endoscopic methods are preferred, surgery remains a vital option when bleeding persists or endoscopic intervention fails. This report highlights the significance of surgical management in selected cases of Dieulafoy's lesion.

Int J Surg Case Rep ; 110: 108656, 2023 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37579627


INTRODUCTION AND IMPORTANCE: Amoeboma is a pseudotumoral presentation of amebiasis which is a parasitic infection caused by entamoeba histolytica. Its location in the gallbladder is extremely rare. Indeed, only one other case was found in the literature. Therefore, we present this case report on managing a gallbladder amoeboma mimicking a cholangiocarcinoma. CASE PRESENTATION: A 62-year-old presenting for consultation for biliary colic that has been developing for 4 months without associated signs. MRI and thoraco-abdominal CT concluded to a cholangiocarcinoma of the gallbladder extended to the liver with probable localized peritoneal carcinosis. We, therefore, performed extended cholecystectomy with lymphadenectomy for the diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma. Pathology concluded to an amoeboma of the gallbladder extended to the liver and duodenum. CLINICAL DISCUSSION: To our knowledge, there is only one case of gallbladder amoeboma in the literature making this case report valuable. It is important to draw lessons of this observation. Indeed, in front of the discrepancy between the clinic, biology (good general condition and negative tumor markers) and the imaging, we prefer this therapeutic strategy: make a biopsy of the hepatic parenchyma, realize amoebic serology to confirm the diagnosis. Then subject the patient to a therapeutic test based on metronidazole and confirm the disappearance of suspicious lesions by CT scan. CONCLUSION: Gallbladder amoeboma is an exceptional entity, but it needs to be kept in mind in case of an atypical presentation of a cholangiocarcinoma. Evoking and confirming the diagnosis preoperatively makes it possible to avoid excessive surgery.

Int J Surg Case Rep ; 109: 108511, 2023 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37506527


INTRODUCTION: Peutz-Jeghers syndrome is an inherited disorder distinguished by hamartomatous polyps in the gastrointestinal tract and pigmented mucocutaneous lesions. Treatment of the polyps is never definitive, with most patients needing several laparotomies. For this reason, surgeons should be economical in terms of surgical resection to prevent a short bowel syndrome in the long run. In this paper, we report two observations of patients presented a Peutz Jeghers syndrome (PJS). CASES PRESENTATION: Case report 1: A 32-year-old women, who was operated on for an intestinal perforation related to a Peutz-jeghers hamartoma of the small bowel and was later re operated on for colonic intussusception, Case report 2: A 15-year-old patient that has been operated on three times already for small bowel intussusception and later for duodenal obstruction. CLINICAL DISCUSSION: In an attempt to reduce complications, the 2010 guidelines updated in 2021 by the European Hereditary Tumor group introduced obligatory monitoring by fibroscopy and colonoscopy associated with an entero-MRI or a videocapsule from the age of 8 years. Laparotomy is indicated when endoscopic treatment is impossible or in emergency setting. When surgery is indicated, intestinal resection should be reserved for rare cases in order to avoid short bowel syndrome. The association of an intraoperative endoscopic treatment is recommended by some authors. CONCLUSION: Peutz Jeghers syndrome is a rare entity with a complicated surveillance. Adequate polyp mapping is necessary for adequate planning of the treatment. The need for multiple laparotomies makes a comprehensive approach to surgery mandatory to prevent short bowel syndrome.

Ann Med Surg (Lond) ; 65: 102357, 2021 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34026098


INTRODUCTION: and importance: Caecal volvulus represents 30% of colonic volvulus. It happens due to torsion or hyperflexion of a hypermobile caecum. Usually it is secondary to an axial rotation of the caecum and the ileum around the mesentery. On the other hand Intestinal malrotation occurs due to incomplete or faulty rotation and fixation of the gut during fetal life. The occurrence of these two anomalies together is scarse which makes this case report interesting. CASE PRESENTATION: A 75 year old man with medical history of terminal kidney failure, presented to the emergency room with an intestinal obstruction syndrome. On examination the patient had a distended abdomen with tenderness in the left upper quadrant. Biology found an important biological inflammatory syndrome with hyperleukocytosis and elevated CRP. Plain X-ray of the abdomen in erect posture showed an air fluid colonic level in the left hypochondrium. CT scan showed signs of caecal volvulus with intestinal malrotation. A brief reanimation and nasogastric aspiration couldn't solve the problem therefore emergency laparotomy was needed ileocaecal resection was performed associated with LADD's procedure in order to treat both anomalies and prevent further gut volvulus. CLINICAL DISCUSSION: Despite it's rareness, caecul volvulus represents the second cause of large bowel volvulus just behind sigmoid volvulus. Intestinal malrotation in adults subjects is estimated to occur in 0.2-0.5%.The uniqueness of our case is that these two anomalies were associated in such a way that it made both the diagnosis and the therapy even more difficult. Abdominal CT has become mandatory for pre-operative diagnosis of intestinal volvulus. Surgery is the gold standard treatment for caecal volvulus. The usual options are manual detorsion, carcopexy, caecostomy and colectomy. CONCLUSION: This case reports a rare association of a caecum volvulus with intestinal malrotation that emphasis the place of modern technologies such as CT scan in order to achieve correct preoperative diagnosis. We also describe our approach to this uncommon surgical emergency in order to provide an efficient treatement.