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Psicol. Caribe ; 39(2): 5-5, mayo-ago. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1406364


Resumen. Al estudiar las dinámicas relacionales se puede obtener un acercamiento a las diversas variables psicosociales que interactúan en la relación de pareja. Ante la falta de investigaciones el objetivo de este estudio es examinar la asociación que tienen el amor, la calidad de la comunicación y las estrategias de mantenimiento con la satisfacción relacional. Además de conocer la contribución de estas variables en la satisfacción relacional. El estudio es de tipo cuantitativo no experimental, en el que participaron 198 personas seleccionadas por disponibilidad, quienes mayormente estaban en su primer matrimonio. Se aplicaron cuatro escalas de tipo Likert: amor, estrategias de mantenimiento, comunicación y satisfacción relacional. Los resultados confirman una relación positiva y significativa entre las variables estudiadas, además demuestran que el amor, las estrategias de mantenimiento y la calidad de la comunicación contribuyen en la satisfacción relacional. Se concluyen que estas variables cumplen un rol importante para las parejas puertorriqueñas con un efecto en la satisfacción de la relación. En futuros estudios se propone examinar las estrategias de mantenimiento con mayor influencia en la satisfacción, así como el efecto de las conductas afectivas.

Abstract. When studying relational dynamics, it is possible to understand the diverse psychosocial variables interacting within the couple. Given the absence of thorough research, the objective of this study consists of examining the relationship love, the quality of communication and maintenance strategies have with marital satisfaction. Also, to know the contribution of these variables in relationship relational satisfaction. The study is a non-experimental quantitative study in which 198 people, chosen by availability, participated. Most of them were in their first marriage. Four Likert-type scales were applied: love, maintenance strategies, quality of communication, and relationship satisfaction. The results confirm a positive and significant relationship between the variables and demonstrate what they contribute to relational satisfaction. Findings suggest these variables play an important role for Puerto Rican couples in how they affect relationship satisfaction. Futures studies should examine the maintenance strategies with the most significant influence on relational satisfaction and their effect on affective behaviors.

J Hum Rights Soc Work ; 6(4): 318-326, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34150989


Somos Dign@s, a collective, composed by students, professors, and human rights activists, concerned about the crisis of human rights and civil liberties in Puerto Rico designed a successful national campaign for human rights known as: "Trayecto Dignidad" or "The Journey toward Dignity." This educational campaign emulated the Freedom Riders initiative of the 1960s. Throughout this article, we discuss the participatory action research (PAR) methodology designed by Somos Dign@s which frames the work of our Trayecto Dignidad campaign. Our methodology is based on the theoretical approaches of De Sousa-Santos (2002) and his conceptualization of human rights as having to rise through a process of "Globalization from below"; that is, a process of globalization that allows oppressed classes to advocate for their human rights. Five campaigns have been implemented since 2011. Some results have shown the need: (1) to continue educating about human and civil rights; (2) to educate and reinforce public policies to address discrimination based on race, social class, and gender particularly in the work setting; (3) to universalize health services; (4) to conduct a debt audit and advocate for the right of people of Puerto Rico to self-determination (UN Resolution 1514 XV); and (5) to integrate a public policy education based on gender perspective on schools and declare the State of Emergency for the femicides.