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Zootaxa ; 4277(2): 228-236, 2017 Jun 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30308647


Although phlebotomine sand flies breeding sites have been identified and recorded by several studies, the microhabitats exploited by these insects remain little-known and hard to find. In this context, the difficulty of finding immature stages, and the limited number of taxonomic studies to identify immature stages of phlebotomine sand flies, are considered the major obstacles when attempting a complete inventory of Lutzomyia species. The objective of this study is to validate Cytochrome Oxidase I (Barcode region) as a marker for the identification of immature stages of Lutzomyia species recovered from natural breeding sites in Colombia. Among 142 collected sand flies, 18 immature individuals that did not complete their life cycle were identified to species level through sequencing of the COI gene. Values of K2P genetic distance between 0.002-0.031 allowed the identification of larvae at species level. The bootstrap support values (96%) in the Neighbor-Joining dendrogram were consistent for the majority of the established MOTUS of Lutzomyia atroclavata, Lutzomyia micropyga, Lutzomyia serrana, Lutzomyia cayennensis, Lutzomyia rangeliana, Lutzomyia shannoni and some species of the genus Brumptomyia. The COI gene is validated as a marker for the identification of immature stages of the genus Lutzomyia.

Código de Barras del ADN Taxonómico , Psychodidae , Animales , Cruzamiento , Colombia , Larva
Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 53(2): 157-164, dic. 2013. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-714899


Elaborar inventarios de lutzomyia spp., sin considerar los estados inmaduros de dichos insectos, provee información parcial. Investigar los estados inmaduros de lutzomyia, es un reto y necesidad actual especialmente en áreas con transmisión de leishmania spp. El objetivo de este estudio fue detectar sitios de cría naturales, para un inventario de flebotominos adultos e inmaduros del municipio de Colosó (Sucre, Colombia). Los flebotominos fueron recolectados entre mayo y diciembre de 2009, en la estación experimental de fauna silvestre de Colosó. La detección de estados inmaduros se desarrolló por revisión directa de muestras de suelo y árboles, incubación de estos sustratos en laboratorio y por trampas de emergencia. La colecta de adultos se realizó por búsqueda activa diurna con aspiradores bucales en sitios de reposo, principalmente en bases, huecos y raíces tabulares de árboles. Se aislaron 44 inmaduros de flebotominos, de los cuales 32 correspondieron a las especies lutzomyia migonei, Lu. dubitans, Lu. serrana, Lu. cayennensis cayennensis, Lu. micropyga, Lu. evansi, Lu. gorbitzi, Lu. ovallesi y Lu. shannoni. Así mismo, se colectaron 1231 ejemplares adultos entre los cuales Lu. evansi, Lu. micropyga y Lu. trinidadensis fueron, en su orden, las especies más abundantes. Lu. migonei y Lu. gorbitzi constituyen, respectivamente, primeros registros para el departamento de Sucre y la Costa Caribe. Es necesario incluir muestreos de insectos inmaduros como información complementaria en estudios sobre flebotominos y así reunir información sólida para elaborar inventarios de especies señalando los potenciales vectores en focos de leishmaniasis.

Elaborating an inventory for Lutzomyia spp., without considering the immature forms of such insects, gives only a partial information about the species. Investigating immature phlebotomines represents a challenge and urgency especially in Leishmania spp. transmission areas. The objective of this study was to detect natural breeding sites, for an inventory of immature and adult phlebotomine community in the municipality of Colosó, Department of Sucre. Phlebotomine sandflies were collected between May and December of 2009, at the wild life experimental station in Colosó. Detection of immature stages was approached by direct visualization of soil and tree-substrate samples, incubation of substrate in laboratory conditions and use of emergence traps. Adult sampling was conducted by active diurnal search in resting places using bucal aspirators to collect the insects. Resting places were predominantly associated with tree trunks, such as holes in trunks and buttress roots. We collected 44 immatures of phlebotomine sandflies of which 32 belong to the following species: Lutzomyia migonei, Lu. dubitans, Lu. serrana, Lu. cayennensis cayennensis, Lu. micropyga, Lu. evansi, Lu. gorbitzi, Lu. ovallesi and Lu. shannoni. Also, up to 1231 adult individuals were collected and the most abundant species in descending order were Lu. evansi, Lu. micropyga and Lu. trinidadensis. The species Lu. migonei and Lu. gorbitzi are worth noticing given the fact that they represent new records for the Department of Sucre as well as the Caribbean Region in the country. It is necessary to include immature sampling as complementary information on phlebotomine surveys and in this way gather solid information to release proper species inventories with the remarks on potential vectors in leishmaniasis foci.

Animales , Enfermedades Transmisibles , Insectos Vectores , Psychodidae