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J Child Lang ; 48(4): 699-716, 2021 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32958084


Reading is one of the most important milestones a child achieves throughout development. Above the letter level, the syllable has been shown to play a relevant role at early stages of visual word recognition in adult skilled readers. However, studies aiming to examine when, during reading acquisition, the syllable emerges as a functional sublexical unit are scarce, and the studies conducted so far have led to inconsistent results. In this work, beginning and intermediate European-Portuguese (EP) developing readers performed a sandwich masked lexical decision task in which CV (e.g., RU.MOR[rumour]) and CVC (e.g., CIS.NE[swan]) first-syllable EP words were preceded either by syllable congruent (e.g.,, cis.ra-CIS.NE), syllable incongruent (e.g.,, ci.ser-CIS.NE), unrelated (e.g., va.cra-RU.MOR, zar.vo-CIS.NE) pseudowords primes, or identity (e.g., ru.mour-RU.MOUR, primes. Results showed reliable syllable effects only for intermediate readers and for CV and CVC words alike. Findings are discussed attending to current models of visual word recognition.

Etnicidad , Lectura , Familia , Humanos , Reconocimiento Visual de Modelos , Portugal , Tiempo de Reacción
Acta Psychol (Amst) ; 210: 103171, 2020 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32891854


Recent research has shown an advantage of consonants at early stages of visual word recognition (C-bias), although the locus of this effect remains elusive. Here we examine whether the C-bias is affected by the consonant letters' features. Skilled readers performed a masked priming lexical decision task in which target words containing only either consonants without any ascending/descending features (flat words, canino[canine]) or consonants with ascending/descending features (non-flat words, palito[toothpick]) were preceded by briefly (50 ms) presented primes that could preserve the same consonants of the targets (cenune-CANINO, pelute-PALITO), the same vowels of the targets (raxizo-CANINO, fajibo-PALITO), or, as controls, unrelated (ruxuze-CANINO, fejube-PALITO) and identity primes (canino-CANINO, palito-PALITO). The case in which prime-target pairs were presented was also manipulated (lower-upper vs. upper-lower). Results showed that in both case conditions flat words were recognized faster than non-flat words. Evidence for the C-bias was observed both for flat and non-flat words in the lower-upper condition, in which a vowel inhibitory priming effect was also observed for non-flat words. In the upper-lower condition, however, the C-bias was restricted to flat words. These findings suggest that letter features play a role in the C-bias and ask for amendments in current models of visual word recognition.

Actividad Motora , Tiempo de Reacción , Lectura , Animales , Sesgo , Perros , Humanos , Reconocimiento Visual de Modelos
Trends Psychol ; 26(4): 1763-1773, out.-dez. 2018.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-986178


Resumo Este trabalho consiste numa revisão teórica com o objetivo de enquadrar historicamente o modo como as falsas memórias têm sido estudadas. Embora a maior parte dos estudos sobre falsas memórias tenha sido realizada a partir da última década do século XX, os primeiros datam do final do século XIX. Assim, e com o objetivo de assinalar os grandes marcos históricos na investigação das falsas memórias, começam por apresentar-se os estudos pioneiros realizados ainda no século XIX, bem como as pesquisas realizadas sobre o efeito das perguntas nos relatos de crianças e adultos. Posteriormente, apresentam-se as primeiras pesquisas realizadas com o objetivo específico de estudar o efeito de perguntas sugestivas no aparecimento de falsas memórias, seguidas dos estudos que recorreram a uma abordagem naturalista tendo-se tornado decisivos para a compreensão deste fenômeno. Já na segunda metade do século XX, ganha peso uma abordagem mais cognitivista no estudo deste fenômeno, e surgem os paradigmas da desinformação e DRM, que serão também discutidos. Ao longo do texto, reflete-se também sobre os mecanismos que foram considerados como estando na base do aparecimento das falsas memórias, bem como sobre as implicações científicas e sociais deste fenómeno.

Resumen Este trabajo consiste en una revisión teórica con el objetivo de encuadrar históricamente la forma en que las falsas memorias han sido estudiadas. Aunque la mayoría de los estudios sobre falsas memorias se han realizado a partir de la última década del siglo XX, los primeros datan del final del siglo XIX. Con el objetivo de señalar los grandes hitos históricos en la investigación de las falsas memorias, comienzan por presentarse los estudios pioneros realizados aún en el siglo XIX, así como las investigaciones realizadas sobre el efecto de las preguntas en los informes de niños y adultos. Posteriormente, se presentan las investigaciones realizadas con el objetivo específico de estudiar el efecto de preguntas sugestivas en las falsas memorias, seguidas de los estudios que recurrieron a un abordaje naturalista y se tornaran decisivos para la comprensión de este fenómeno. En la segunda mitad del siglo XX, gana peso un enfoque más cognitivista en el estudio de este fenómeno y surgen los paradigmas de la desinformación y DRM. Durante el texto, se refleja también sobre los mecanismos que se consideraron como la base de la aparición de las falsas memorias, así como sobre las implicaciones científicas y sociales de este fenómeno.

Abstract This work consists of a theoretical review with the aim of historically framing the way false memories have been studied. Although most of the studies on false memories have been developed since the last decade of the 20th century, the earliest is dated from the late 19th century. With the aim of pointing out the great historical milestones in the research of false memories, the pioneering studies carried out in the 19th century, as well as the researches on the effect of the questions on the reports of children and adults, are presented. Subsequently, we present the first researches carried out with the specific objective of studying the effect of suggestive questions on the production of false memories, followed by those who used a naturalistic approach and become decisive for the understanding of this phenomenon. In the second half of the 20th century, a more cognitive approach takes place, and the paradigms of misinformation and DRM arise, which will also be discussed. Throughout the manuscript, it is also reflected on the mechanisms that were considered to be the basis of the production of the false memories, as well as on the scientific and social implications of this phenomenon.

Psicológica (Valencia, Ed. impr.) ; 39(2): 164-197, jul. 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | IBECS | ID: ibc-175092


There is extensive evidence showing that bilinguals activate lexical representations in a non-selective way both when words are presented in isolation and in sentence contexts. Recent research has shown the existence of cross-language activation at the syntactic level as well. However, the extent to which the lexical and syntactic levels of representation interact during second language (L2) sentence processing, and how these interactions are modulated by L2 proficiency remain unclear. In this paper, we explore how native speakers of European-Portuguese (L1) who are learning English as an L2 at different levels of proficiency (intermediate vs. advanced) resolve relative clause (RC) syntactic ambiguities in their L2. European Portuguese and English native speakers were used as controls. Participants were asked to perform a sentence completion task, with cognates and noncognates critically embedded in the complex noun phrase (NP) preceding the RC, and which contained its antecedent. Results revealed that L2 learners, like English controls, preferred to attach the RC to the last host of the complex NP, regardless of L2 proficiency. Importantly, the cognate status of the complex NP modulated the results, although, contrary to our expectation, the presence of cognates induced less L1 syntax interference compared to noncognates

Existe abundante evidencia acerca de la existencia de una activación no selectiva de las representaciones de las dos lenguas de un bilingüe, tanto en el nivel léxico como en el nivel sintáctico. Sin embargo, no está claro en qué medida interactúan estos niveles durante el procesamiento de oraciones en una L2, o si la competencia en la L2 modula dicha interacción. En este trabajo analizamos el modo en el que hablantes nativos de Portugués Europeo (L1) que están aprendiendo inglés (L2) y que tienen distinto nivel de competencia en la L2 (intermedio vs. alto), resuelven cláusulas de relativo (CR) ambiguas en su L2. Monolingües de portugués europeo y de inglés formaron también parte del estudio como grupos control. Los participantes realizaron una tarea de compleción de oraciones en la que palabras cognadas y no cognadas fueron críticamente incluidas en el sintagma nominal complejo (SNC) que precedía a las CR y que contenía su antecedente. Los resultados mostraron que los aprendices de inglés preferían adjuntar la CR al último nombre del SNC, al igual que los nativos de inglés, independientemente de su competencia en la L2. Además, el status cognaticio del SNC moduló los resultados, aunque, en contra de lo esperado, los cognados indujeron menos interferencia sintáctica de la L1 que los no cognados

Humanos , Multilingüismo , Procesos Mentales , Habla , Conducta Verbal , Psicolingüística/métodos , Lenguaje , Desarrollo del Lenguaje , Traducción
Behav Res Methods ; 49(3): 1065-1081, 2017 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27388620


Words are widely used as stimuli in cognitive research. Because of their complexity, using words requires strict control of their objective (lexical and sublexical) and subjective properties. In this work, we present the Minho Word Pool (MWP), a dataset that provides normative values of imageability, concreteness, and subjective frequency for 3,800 (European) Portuguese words-three subjective measures that, in spite of being used extensively in research, have been scarce for Portuguese. Data were collected with 2,357 college students who were native speakers of European Portuguese. The participants rated 100 words drawn randomly from the full set for each of the three subjective indices, using a Web survey procedure (via a URL link). Analyses comparing the MWP ratings with those obtained for the same words from other national and international databases showed that the MWP norms are reliable and valid, thus providing researchers with a useful tool to support research in all neuroscientific areas using verbal stimuli. The MWP norms can be downloaded along with this article or from .

Bases de Datos Factuales , Lenguaje , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Portugal , Estudiantes , Vocabulario , Población Blanca , Adulto Joven
Psicol. reflex. crit ; 28(3): 554-564, Jul-Sep/2015.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: lil-752001


Neste artigo apresenta-se uma revisão da literatura sobre as principais teorias e mecanismos explicativos da ocorrência de falsas memórias no paradigma Deese-Roediger-McDermott (DRM). São também apresentados dados de artigos empíricos que suportam cada uma das teorias, e discutidas as suas implicações para a compreensão deste fenômeno. Historicamente, as primeiras explicações teóricas centravam-se no conceito de associação para explicar as intrusões em tarefas de memória. Mais tarde, o conceito de ativação assumiu grande relevância para explicar a ocorrência de memórias falsas no paradigma DRM. Contudo, o conceito de ativação revelou-se insuficiente para explicar alguns resultados descritos por vários autores. Assim, junto com os mecanismos de ativação, as duas grandes teorias explicativas (teoria de ativação e monitoramento e teoria do traço difuso) consideram a existência de mecanismos de monitoramento ou controle. Os mecanismos de monitoramento permitem explicar a diminuição ou o desaparecimento das memórias falsas em algumas condições experimentais. Apesar de serem diferentes, as visões de ambas as teorias não são inconciliáveis e talvez sejam necessárias para a integral compreensão das falsas memórias no paradigma DRM. Assim, propõe-se a adoção de uma abordagem teórica que integre contributos das duas teorias.

This literature review explores the major theories and explanatory mechanisms in the occurrence of false memories in the Deese-Roediger-McDermott paradigm (DRM). This study presents data from empirical studies that support each of the theories and discusses their implications for understanding false memories. Historically, the first theories explaining false memories focused on the concept of association in order to explain intrusions in memory tasks. Later on, the concept of activation received greater importance in explaining false memories in the DRM paradigm. However, activation by itself is insufficient to explain all the results described by several authors. Therefore, the two current major theories that explain false memories in the DRM paradigm (activation monitoring theory and fuzzy trace theory) consider the existence of monitoring or control mechanisms, together with activation mechanisms. These monitoring mechanisms, which operate in opposite direction to activation mechanisms, explain the decrease or disappearance of false memories under certain circumstances. Although different, activation monitoring and fuzzy trace theories have reconcilable perspectives and may be both necessary for a comprehensive understanding of false memories in the DRM paradigm. Thus, we propose the adoption of a theoretical approach that integrates contributionsfrom both theories.

Teoría Psicológica , Memoria