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Heliyon ; 10(4): e26003, 2024 Feb 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38384521


This study investigated how a standard could become reality-based in a workplace where certain types of deviations are not permitted, such as a radiopharmaceutical production unit. Compliance with standards is necessary to ensure the safety of individuals who manufacture such substances as well as the security of patients receiving treatment. In this qualitative case study, an ergonomic analysis of work (also known as activity analysis) was performed, with noncompliance recorded in internal audits as a starting point: the lack of double-checking in radiopharmaceutical synthesis cassette assembly. Field observations and self-confrontation interviews with workers from a production unit were conducted to analyze the activities. Although a double-check did not occur, the radiopharmaceutical synthesis operator apparently developed another risk control strategy, focusing his attention to the equipment assembly details, which necessitated continuous control and verification actions to ensure that there were no problems at this stage of production. A multilevel approach was used to demonstrate how the safety and quality of production processes based on standard compliance only become effective and adherent to the activity after resolving various conflicts at work, including control systems (external and internal audits), work collectives, the contradiction of the activity itself, and the discussion of singular situations arising daily. This study contributes to the discussion on workplace safety considering standardization and advances the discussion on changing perspectives regarding rule compliance.

Psicol. rev. (Belo Horizonte) ; 23(1): 361-373, jan. 2017.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-984872


A experiência, assim como os processos de subjetivação que decorrem das transformações do sujeito por meio da atividade, evidenciam-se na produção de novos saberes, na aquisição de habilidades, no desenvolvimento de competências. O corpo é a base dessas transformações. Ele sustenta o conjunto de elementos que se apresentam no debate de normas e valores que caracterizam a atividade. Esta se produz num sistema de interações entre indivíduo e ambiente, em que as estruturas internas dos atores envolvidos se determinaram. Nosso objetivo neste artigo é refletir sobre os processos constitutivos de experiências que têm no corpo, na atividade e na dinâmica saúde-doença seus elementos norteadores

The experience, as well as the processes of subjectivation that result from the transformations of the subject through the activity, are evidenced in the production of new knowledge, in the acquisition of skills, in the development of competences. The body is the basis of these transformations. It supports the set of elements that present themselves in the debate of norms and values that characterize the activity. This occurs in a system of interactions between individual and environment, in which the internal structures of the actors involved are coterminous. Our objective in this article is to reflect on the constitutive processes of experiences that have their guiding elements in the body, in the activity and in the health-disease dynamics

La experiencia, así como los procesos de subjetivación que se derivan de las transformaciones del sujeto por medio de la actividad, evidencianse en la producción de nuevos saberes, en la adquisición de habilidades, en el desarrollo de competencias. El cuerpo es la base de esas transformaciones. Sustentase el conjunto de elementos que se presentan en el debate de normas y valores que caracterizan la actividad. Esta se produce en un sistema de interacciones entre individuo y ambiente, en que las estructuras internas de los actores involucrados codeterminanse. Nuestro objetivo en este artículo es reflexionar sobre los procesos constitutivos de experiencias que tienen sus elementos orientadores en el cuerpo, en la actividad y en la dinámica saludenfermedad

Psicología , Trabajo , Sociología , Etnología
Gerais ; 4(n.esp): [131-146], 01/12/2011.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-880862


O movimento social dos catadores conquistou importantes políticas públicas direcionadas à sua atividade e à reciclagem. Neste artigo, após identificar instrumentos de políticas socioambientais relacionadas à reciclagem, são analisadas dificuldades operacionais enfrentadas pelas associações de catadores (ACs) para torná-los efetivos. A análise documental desses instrumentos evidencia contradições implícitas, tornadas aparentes quando se confrontam as políticas à experiência cotidiana dos catadores. Diante dessas contradições, nossa tese é que, para além da ação política, a atuação durável das ACs depende da sustentabilidade operacional dos empreendimentos. Análises do ponto de vista operacional, realizadas por uma equipe técnica integrada à rede social de apoio à organização e gestão operacional das associações, identificam fragilidades a serem enfrentadas para dar sustentabilidade às ACs e à reciclagem como alternativa socioambiental de tratamento do lixo urbano. Mais que reforçar as políticas, enfatizamos a necessidade de ações articuladas em uma estratégia específica, sob a orientação do movimento social dos catadores.

The waste pickers social movement has won important public policies to improve its activity and recycling. In this paper, after identifying social and environmental policy instruments related to recycling, the difficulties faced by the waste pickers associations (WAs) to apply them are discussed. Documental analysis of these instruments reveals implicit contradictions, made apparent when these policies are confronted to the daily experiences of waste pickers. Given these contradictions, our thesis is that in addition to political action, the durable performance of WAs depends on the sustainability of operational processes. Analyses from an operational point of view, held by a technical group integrated in the social network that supports the organization and operational management of associations, identify weaknesses to be overcome to give sustainability to the WAs and recycling as a socio-environmental alternative treatment of urban waste. More than reinforcing policies, we emphasize the need for coordinated actions organized in a specific strategy, under the governance of the waste pickers social movement.

Gerais (Univ. Fed. Juiz Fora) ; 4(spe): 131-146, dez.2011. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: psi-68192


O movimento social dos catadores conquistou importantes políticas públicas direcionadas à sua atividade e à reciclagem. Neste artigo, após identificar instrumentos de políticas socioambientais relacionadas à reciclagem, são analisadas dificuldades operacionais enfrentadas pelas associações de catadores (ACs) para torná-los efetivos. A análise documental desses instrumentos evidencia contradições implícitas, tornadas aparentes quando se confrontam as políticas à experiência cotidiana dos catadores. Diante dessas contradições, nossa tese é que, para além da ação política, a atuação durável das ACs depende da sustentabilidade operacional dos empreendimentos. Análises do ponto de vista operacional, realizadas por uma equipe técnica integrada à rede social de apoio à organização e gestão operacional das associações, identificam fragilidades a serem enfrentadas para dar sustentabilidade às ACs e à reciclagem como alternativa socioambiental de tratamento do lixo urbano. Mais que reforçar as políticas, enfatizamos a necessidade de ações articuladas em uma estratégia específica, sob a orientação do movimento social dos catadores(AU)

The waste pickers social movement has won important public policies to improve its activity and recycling. In this paper, after identifying social and environmental policy instruments related to recycling, the difficulties faced by the waste pickers associations (WAs) to apply them are discussed. Documental analysis of these instruments reveals implicit contradictions, made apparent when these policies are confronted to the daily experiences of waste pickers. Given these contradictions, our thesis is that in addition to political action, the durable performance of WAs depends on the sustainability of operational processes. Analyses from an operational point of view, held by a technical group integrated in the social network that supports the organization and operational management of associations, identify weaknesses to be overcome to give sustainability to the WAs and recycling as a socio-environmental alternative treatment of urban waste. More than reinforcing policies, we emphasize the need for coordinated actions organized in a specific strategy, under the governance of the waste pickers social movement(AU)