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J Environ Manage ; 358: 120796, 2024 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38636423


The conversion of native vegetation to agricultural areas leads to a natural process of carbon loss but these systems can stabilize in terms of carbon dynamics depending on the management and conversion time, presenting potential to both store and stabilize this carbon in the soil, resulting in lower soil respiration rates. In this context, this study aimed to investigate the effect of converting native Cerrado forest areas to agricultural systems with a forest planted with Eucalyptus camaldulensis and silvopastoral systems on the dynamics of CO2 emission and carbon stock at different soil depths. The experimental sites are located in the Midwest of Brazil, in the coordinates 20°22'31″ S and 51°24'12″ W. Were evaluated soil CO2 emission (FCO2), soil organic carbon, the degree of humification of soil organic matter (HLIFS), soil temperature, soil moisture, and soil chemical and physical attributes. The soil of the area is classified as an Oxisol (Haplic Acrustox). Soil samples were collected at depths of 0.00-0.10, 0.10-0.20, 0.20-0.30, and 0.30-0.40 m. The lowest FCO2 values were found in the silvopastoral system (1.05 µmol m-2 s-1), followed by the native forest (1.65 µmol m-2 s-1) and the eucalyptus system (1.96 µmol m-2 s-1), indicating a 36% reduction in FCO2 compared to the conversion of the native forest to the silvopastoral system and an increase of 19% when converting the native forest to the eucalyptus system. The soil chemical attributes (N, K+, Ca2+, H++Al3+, CEC, and organic carbon) showed a decrease along the profile. The shallowest depths (0.00-0.10 and 0.10-0.20 m) presented no differences between systems but the subsequent depths (0.20-0.30 and 0.30-0.40 m) had a difference (95% confidence interval), relative to N, Ca2+, H++Al3, CEC, and organic carbon stock (OCS), and the soil under silvopastoral system showed a higher concentration of these attributes than the native forest. The multivariate analysis showed that the eucalyptus and silvopastoral systems did not differ from the forest in the shallowest soil layer but differed from each other. This behavior changed from the second assessed depth (0.10-0.20 m), in which the silvopastoral system stands out, differing both from the eucalyptus system and from the native forest, and this behavior is maintained at the following depths (0.20-0.30 and 0.30-0.40 m). OCS, H++Al3, CEC, and nitrogen are strongly related to land use change for silvopastoral system. Regarding the behavior/relationship of attributes as a function of depth, the silvopastoral system contributed to soil carbon accumulation and stability over consecutive years.

Agricultura , Dióxido de Carbono , Carbono , Bosques , Suelo , Suelo/química , Carbono/análisis , Dióxido de Carbono/análisis , Brasil , Eucalyptus
J Environ Manage ; 340: 117980, 2023 Aug 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37121000


Forest fragments from Amazon are important long-term carbon (C) reservoirs with an essential role in the global C balance. They are often impacted by understory fires, deforestation, selective logging and livestock. Forest fires convert soil organic matter into pyrogenic carbon (PyC), but little is known about its distribution and accumulation along the soil profile. Thus, the objective of this study is to estimate the refractory carbon stocks derived from PyC accumulated in the soil vertical profile of different seasonal forest fragments in the Amazon. Sixty-nine soil cores (1 m deep) were collected in 12 forest fragments of different sizes considering edge and interior gradients. The mean total organic C (TOC) and PyC contents for the edge and interior gradients were 0.84% and 0.009%, respectively. The PyC/TOC ratio ranged from 0.53% to 1.78%, with an average of 1.32% and increasing in depth, being low when compared with other studies, where the contribution of PyC to TOC ranges from 1 to 9%. PyC stocks on the edge (1.04 ± 0.04 Mg ha-1) differed significantly from the interior (1.46 ± 0.03 Mg ha-1). The analyzed forest fragments presented a weighted PyC stock of 1.37 ± 0.65 Mg ha-1. The vertical distribution of PyC declined in depth with 70% of PyC concentrated in the surface soil layers (0-30 cm). These results indicate that the PyC accumulated in the vertical profile of soils in forest fragments in Amazonia are important, and they need to be considered in Brazilian and global reports on carbon stocks and fluxes.

Carbono , Suelo , Pradera , Bosques , Ciclo del Carbono
Sci Total Environ ; 548-549: 450-462, 2016 Apr 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26828621


Replacing pastures (PA) with sugarcane (SG) has been deemed an agronomically feasible strategy for sugarcane expansion in Brazil. However, there are some uncertainties about the environmental impacts regarding this land use change (LUC), mainly related to soil organic matter (SOM), a key factor of environmental sustainability of Brazilian ethanol. LUC-related losses of SOM can overcome the C savings from biofuels. The molecular composition of SOM was evaluated to understand the C dynamics regarding LUC from PA to SG, using native vegetation (NV) as reference. Our study area was located in the south-central region of Brazil. Soil sampling was performed at three depths (0-0.1m, 0.2-0.3m and 0.9-1m) in three representative sites with known LUC history and management practice since 1970. Pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS) was chosen to study SOM chemistry. Content and isotopic composition of soil organic C and N were also determined. The LUC caused decreases on C and N contents and on δ(13)C isotopic values. Depth was the major factor that influenced SOM composition, while the influence of LUC was mainly evident in surface soils and diminished rapidly with depth. The main difference in SOM composition undergoing the conversion PA-SG was a higher contribution from compounds associated to fresh litter inputs. The high contribution from fresh litter, having a relatively low mean residence time and increasing decomposition rates, is probably a major factor that drives C losses in areas undergoing sugarcane expansion.