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Arch Public Health ; 81(1): 128, 2023 Jul 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37420299


BACKGROUND: The health of a population is determined by urban factors such as the physical, social and safety environment, which can be modified by urban regeneration policies. The aim of this study was to analyze the associations of elements of the social, physical and safety environment of the neighborhood in the urban context with self-perceived health (SPH), according to axes of inequality, such as gender and educational level in Chile in 2016. METHODS: Cross-sectional study using a nationally representative population-based survey of Chile. We used data from the 2016 National Survey of Quality of Life and Health. Poor SPH in the urban population older than 25 years was analyzed in relation to social, physical and safety environment variables. Poisson multilevel regression models were estimated to obtain prevalence ratios (PR) and their respective 95% confidence intervals (95%CI). All analyses were stratified by sex and educational level. RESULTS: SPH was worse in women than in men, especially in those with a lower education level. Poor SPH was associated with lack of support networks (PR = 1.4; 95%CI = 1.1-1.7), non-participation in social organizations (PR = 1.3; 95%CI = 1.1-1.6) and perceived problems with the quality of public space (PR = 1.3; 95%CI = 1.2-1.5) in women with a medium-high educational level and with a feeling of not belonging to the neighborhood (PR = 1.5; 95%CI = 1.2-1.8) and the perception of pollution problems (PR = 1.2; 95%CI = 1.0-1.4) in women with a low educational level. A feeling of unsafety was associated with both educational levels (PR = 1.3; 95%CI = 1.0-1.5). Poor SPH was associated with the feeling of not belonging (PR = 1.7; 95%CI = 1.2-2.5), and unsafety (PR = 2.1; 95%CI = 1.8-2.4) in men with a medium-high educational level, while there were fewer associations in men with a lower education level. CONCLUSIONS: Urban interventions are recommended to improve the health of the resident population and should take into account axes of inequality.

Rev Saude Publica ; 57: 13, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37075396


OBJECTIVES: To explore the perceptions of residents regarding their health and well-being in areas of personal and collective life, in relation to the experience of urban transformation originated by the Program for the Recovery of Neighborhoods in Chile "Quiero mi Barrio" (PQMB). METHODS: Qualitative study conducted in eight neighborhoods, which were subject to interventions between 2012-2015, located in seven communes of Chile: Arica, Renca, Padre Las Casas, Villarrica, Castro, Ancud. Eighteen focus groups and 27 interviews were conducted between 2018 and 2019. A content analysis was carried out following the social determinants of health approach. RESULTS: Material conditions of neighborhood infrastructure and psychosocial determinants were the main emerging and predominant categories in the residents' narratives. The new or improved infrastructure enhances sports and playing practices, as well as contributes to the feeling of safety and to the improvement of walkable spaces, support networks, socialization and dynamization of social organization. However, neglected aspects were visualized. The program had limitations of structural character that operate locally, such as aging, individual lifestyles that limit participation, and contexts of insecurity, especially in neighborhoods victims of drug trafficking. CONCLUSIONS: The urban changes originated by the PQMB included improvements in neighborhood infrastructure and in the psychosocial environment, which are perceived by residents as beneficial aspects and promoters of collective wellbeing. However, global phenomena, and those related to the program, limit its scope and have repercussions on the perception of overall wellbeing of the residents in the neighborhoods. To go deeper into how this or other state neighborhood programs may or may not favor equitable access of different social groups, or which works may be better used by the groups, is an aspect that enhances the integral action with other sectors and local actors in the territories.

Características de la Residencia , Salud Urbana , Humanos , Chile , Brasil , Investigación Cualitativa
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1432153


ABSTRACT OBJECTIVES To explore the perceptions of residents regarding their health and well-being in areas of personal and collective life, in relation to the experience of urban transformation originated by the Program for the Recovery of Neighborhoods in Chile "Quiero mi Barrio" (PQMB). METHODS Qualitative study conducted in eight neighborhoods, which were subject to interventions between 2012-2015, located in seven communes of Chile: Arica, Renca, Padre Las Casas, Villarrica, Castro, Ancud. Eighteen focus groups and 27 interviews were conducted between 2018 and 2019. A content analysis was carried out following the social determinants of health approach. RESULTS Material conditions of neighborhood infrastructure and psychosocial determinants were the main emerging and predominant categories in the residents' narratives. The new or improved infrastructure enhances sports and playing practices, as well as contributes to the feeling of safety and to the improvement of walkable spaces, support networks, socialization and dynamization of social organization. However, neglected aspects were visualized. The program had limitations of structural character that operate locally, such as aging, individual lifestyles that limit participation, and contexts of insecurity, especially in neighborhoods victims of drug trafficking. CONCLUSIONS The urban changes originated by the PQMB included improvements in neighborhood infrastructure and in the psychosocial environment, which are perceived by residents as beneficial aspects and promoters of collective wellbeing. However, global phenomena, and those related to the program, limit its scope and have repercussions on the perception of overall wellbeing of the residents in the neighborhoods. To go deeper into how this or other state neighborhood programs may or may not favor equitable access of different social groups, or which works may be better used by the groups, is an aspect that enhances the integral action with other sectors and local actors in the territories.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Remodelación Urbana , Chile , Participación de la Comunidad , Investigación Cualitativa , Determinantes Sociales de la Salud , Características del Vecindario
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385851


RESUMEN: A casi diez años de la implementación del exitoso programa público de promoción de la salud bucal para preescolares en Chile, se presenta el estudio previo que recogió la visión y significados para los padres acerca de temas de salud oral de sus hijos preescolares en un Chile urbano y rural de siete comunas distintas. Bien sabemos que la alta prevalenci a de la caries dental en Chile y sus consecuencias a lo largo del ciclo vital, ha relevado la Promoción de Salud como una estrategia necesaria para la situación sanitaria de hace una década y para la actual a través de la implementación de programas con enfoque preventivo, como lo es el programa Sembrando Sonrisas, cuyo componente educativo se centra en los/as cuidadores de preescolares. En esta línea, cabe destacar que el Modelo de Creencias en Salud (MCS) actúa como un predictor para las prácticas en salud que desarrollan los/as cuidadores respecto a sus hijos, las cuales pueden ser activadas y/o modificadas por estrategias educativas o consejería otorgada por profesionales de la salud. Este estudio buscó explorar, mediante metodología cualitativa, los sistemas de creencias en torno a las necesidades en salud oral percibidas por padres y cuidadores/as de niños/ as preescolares que participaron del pilotaje del Programa preventivo de salud bucal en población preescolar el año 2007. Los resultados obtenidos evidencian elementos que pudieron condicionar la conducta en torno a los cuidados de la salud oral de las/ os cuidadores hacia los preescolares. Entre los hallazgos, se encuentra que los padres y apoderados atribuían los cuidados en salud oral a terceras personas (odontólogos y educadoras de párvulos), al tiempo que relatan una falta de información en términos comprensibles para que ellos puedan replicar prácticas adecuadas en sus hijos. Por otro lado, la postergación de la visita al odontólogo se explica debido a malas experiencias previas y falta de acceso a servicios de atención odontológica. Sin embargo, la salud dental es relevada desde un punto de vista estético y como un elemento importante en la superación de estigmas sociales.

ABSTRACT: Almost ten years after the implementation of the successful public oral health promotion program for preschoolers in Chile, we present the previous study that collected the vision and meanings for parents about oral health issues of their preschool children in urban and rural Chile in seven different communities. The high prevalence of dental caries and their consequences throughout the lifetime in Chile has made health promotion a relevant strategy that allows facing the current health situation by implementing prevention-oriented programs focused on the pre-school level population, like the "Sembrando Sonrisas" program whose educational component focuses on parents and caregivers. In this line, it is worth mentioning the Health Beliefs Model (HBM), which acts as a predictor for the health practices that parents develop concerning their children, which can be activated and or modified by educational strategies or counseling provided by health professionals. This study seeks to explore, through qualitative methodology, the belief system around the oral health needs perceived by parents and caregivers of pre-school children who participated in the testing of the Preventive Oral Health Program in pre-school level population in 7 counties of the country during 2007. The results obtained showcase that parents and guardians assign oral health care to third parties (dentists, pre-school educators) while reporting a lack of understandable information so that they can replicate practices in their children. On the other hand, postponing the visit to the dentist is justified due to previous bad experiences and lack of access to dental care services. However, dental health is relevant from an aesthetic point of view and as an element to overcome social prejudice.

Health Place ; 68: 102511, 2021 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33486330


Urban regeneration programs, such as "Programa Quiero mi Barrio" (PQMB) that is carried out in neighborhoods with greater deprivation across Chile, can improve health and quality of life in socio-economically deprived neighborhoods. The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of this program on the physical, social, and safety environments of neighborhoods intervened between 2011 and 2018, according to gender and socioeconomic position. Four indices and six sub-indices were constructed to measure physical, social, and safety environments of the neighborhoods. We conducted a pre- and post-intervention analysis with 2095 people using linear models adjusted for repeated measurements. After the intervention, participants had an improved perception of physical, social, and safety environments, as well as the use of spaces, particularly among women and people with higher levels of education. Therefore, the PQMB program is a form of public policy that can improve the quality of life and health of people living in underprivileged areas.

Calidad de Vida , Determinantes Sociales de la Salud , Chile , Femenino , Humanos , Regeneración , Características de la Residencia , Factores Socioeconómicos
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 12(4): 437-444, dic. 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-975770


ABSTRACT: This research seeks to present Community Lay Advisor interventions as a health promoting strategy that have appeared in the international literature, in order to highlight these enabling elements in the intervention's implementation and establish a comparison among the aspects addressed in the analyzed experiences and the "Schoolbased Oral Health Promoters Program" at the Universidad de La Frontera in Temuco, Chile. A comprehensive scoping review was held between February and March 2018, with searches performed in both the academic and grey literature. Peer-reviewed scientific papers were found using the interdisciplinary database Scopus (including MEDLINE) and EBSCOhost, while grey literature and media sources were extracted from the Google and Google Scholar search engines, supplemented with a visit to the EPES foundation in Chile and an analysis of the reference lists for the selected articles. 369 articles were identified, of which 23 met eligibility criteria for this review. Based on the analysis of the experiences, some facilitators were found more pertinent when achieving the goals concerning the intervention's design, implementation and assessment. This paper makes recommendations for the design and execution of peer-led health promotion interventions in order to increase its effectiveness and success rate.

RESUMEN: Esta investigación busca presentar las intervenciones del Community Lay Advisor como una estrategia de promoción de la salud que ha aparecido en la literatura internacional, para resaltar estos elementos habilitadores en la implementación de la intervención y establecer una comparación entre los aspectos abordados en las experiencias analizadas y el "Programa de Promotores de Salud Bucal en las Escuelas" de la Universidad de La Frontera, en Temuco, Chile. Entre febrero y marzo de 2018 se llevó a cabo una revisión exhaustiva del alcance, con búsquedas realizadas tanto en la literatura académica como en la gris. Se encontraron artículos científicos revisados por pares utilizando la base de datos interdisciplinaria Scopus (incluyendo MEDLINE) y EBSCOhost, mientras que la literatura gris y las fuentes de medios se extrajeron de los motores de búsqueda Google y Google Scholar, complementados con una visita a la fundación EPES en Chile y un análisis de las listas de referencias de los artículos seleccionados. Se identificaron 369 artículos, de los cuales 23 cumplieron con los criterios de elegibilidad para esta revisión. Sobre la base del análisis de las experiencias, algunos facilitadores resultaron más pertinentes al alcanzar los objetivos relacionados con el diseño, la implementación y la evaluación de la intervención. Este documento hace recomendaciones para el diseño y la ejecución de intervenciones de promoción de la salud dirigidas por pares para aumentar su eficacia y su tasa de éxito.

Humanos , Salud Bucal , Agentes Comunitarios de Salud , Servicios de Salud Comunitaria , Alfabetización en Salud/métodos , Promoción de la Salud/métodos , Grupo Paritario , Atención Primaria de Salud , Atención a la Salud