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Acta Med Litu ; 31(1): 54-60, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38978859


Background: Deaths during sexual activities are rarely identified phenomena in forensic medicine practice. Most often, such deaths are classified as accidents or deaths due to the manifestation of certain diseases during sexual activity. It is important to rule out homicide or suicide as the cause of death when investigating sexual deaths. Determining the cause of death requires a comprehensive assessment of the evidence and circumstances and should not be based solely on autopsy findings. When determining the cause of death, it is necessary to evaluate the circumstances of the discovery, important evidence found near the body, the position of the deceased, the place where the deceased was found, and the characteristics of the environment. Cases: Case 1: A 65-year-old male was clothed in women's underwear and was found hanging in a noose in a bedroom after a house fire. The autopsy revealed a ligature mark on the neck, bruises in neck muscles, tears in carotid arteries, and signs of acute pulmonary distension. The cause of death was determined to be suffocation due to neck compression by a ligature, compounded by significant alcohol intoxication, with additional postmortem burns covering 30% of the body surface area likely occurring after death.Case 2: A 55-year-old naked male was found without external injuries but with a plastic tube inserted into the rectum, causing a 2.5 cm rupture in the ileum. The perforation led to complications, including purulent diffuse peritonitis, intoxication, and acute cardiac and respiratory failure, resulting in death within 3-6 hours after insertion. Concurrent findings included atherosclerotic changes in the heart, internal organ hyperemia and edema, hepatic steatosis, renal cyst, and a lack of ethyl alcohol in blood but 0.17 ‰ presence in urine according to toxicology analysis. Conclusions: A detailed evaluation of all the evidence is very important in the forensic examination of the deceased during sexual activity. Therefore, to determine the cause of death, not only the autopsy data, toxicological and microscopic examinations of the deceased are important, but also the evaluation of all findings at the scene. The most common cause of death of an autoerotic nature is asphyxia, and the most commonly identified group of the dead are men aged around 40 years.

Acta Med Litu ; 30(2): 216-221, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38516516


Introduction: Benzodiazepines are commonly prescribed but often misused, leading to dependence and withdrawal symptoms. Increased worldwide prescriptions raise adverse effects and overdose concerns, especially for the elderly. Caution is needed in prescribing and considering alternative treatments to minimize risks. Aim: Narrative literature review of potential atrial fibrillation mechanism of action induced by discontinuation of benzodiazepines. Materials and methods: Database PubMed was searched using the combinations of keywords - "Benzodiazepine AND atrial fibrillation OR peripheral benzodiazepine receptors", "history of benzodiazepines", "benzodiazepines mechanism of action", "benzodiazepines indications", "benzodiazepines adverse effects" and "benzodiazepines withdrawal effects". Non-full-text and non-English scientific publications were removed. A total of 31 publication was included. Discussion: Benzodiazepines (BZDs) were synthesized in 1955 and initially considered less toxic than barbiturates. They interact with GABA-A receptors, causing hyperpolarization and inhibitory effects in the central nervous system. BZDs are used to treat various clinical disorders, but long-term use can lead to adverse effects and withdrawal symptoms. There is evidence that genetic diversity can influence the response to BZDs through GABA receptors. The interaction between benzodiazepines and peripheral benzodiazepine receptors may influence calcium ion channels, affecting cardiac action potential and contractility, and discontinuation of these medications can potentially contribute to atrial fibrillation. Additionally, benzodiazepines may directly affect calcium channels, causing antiarrhythmic effects and vasodilation. Conclusion: In summary, benzodiazepines, once considered safer sedatives, now raise concerns about misuse, dependence, and withdrawal symptoms. While there is a potential link between discontinuing benzodiazepines and atrial fibrillation through mechanisms involving peripheral benzodiazepine receptors and cardiac calcium channels, causality remains uncertain and multifaceted. Further research is needed to clarify these mechanisms, and healthcare providers should exercise caution in long-term benzodiazepine prescriptions while exploring alternative treatment strategies to mitigate risks.