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Heliyon ; 10(1): e23359, 2024 Jan 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38163178


This study aimed to empirically determine the symmetric and asymmetric causal relationship between banking regulation and bank credit delivery using a context of 23 sub-Saharan African countries from 1995 to 2017. The estimated symmetric and asymmetric error correction-based multivariate panel Granger-causality models allowed for both long-run and short-run causal relationships. The results generally supported the existence of long-run symmetric and asymmetric causality between banking regulatory measures, bank credit delivery and two intermittent variables, namely, economic growth and inflation. In the short run, bidirectional symmetric causality existed between banking entry barriers and bank credit delivery, as well as a one-way symmetric causal flow running from bank credit delivery to banking capital regulations. Moreover, positive shocks to bank credit delivery Granger caused negative shocks to banking entry barriers, activity restrictions or capital regulations, while negative shocks to mixing of banking and commerce restrictions Granger caused positive or negative shocks to bank credit delivery. The findings highlight that policymakers should take into consideration not only the symmetric but also the asymmetric causal effects of reforms aimed at enhancing banking regulation and such reforms should be well-targeted and well-designed for them to stimulate bank credit delivery.

Heliyon ; 8(11): e11299, 2022 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36458311


This study evaluates the relationship between industrial development, urbanization and pollution emission in Africa. The IPAT identity was used to examine the impact of industrial development and urbanization on pollution emissions. The validity of the existence of the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) and the Pollution Haven Hypothesis (PHH) was also tested by comparing the econometric results of panel Pool Mean Group (PMG)-based autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) for the period 1990-2019. The PMG results confirm the validity of the EKC and PHH in the countries under study in the long run when the entire panel was estimated. One of the major contributions of the study is to analyze the impact of urbanization and industrialization on carbon emissions. The results show that an increase in urbanization and industrialization leads to an increase in environmental degradation for the entire panel. This paper presents significant contributions to economic policy, showing that an association exists between industrial development, urbanization and pollution emission in Africa.

Resour Policy ; 69: 101818, 2020 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34173418


This study investigates the short- and long-run determinants of gold price movements in financial markets by taking into account multiple structural breakpoints using an ARDL-based error correction approach. The study used daily time series data from December 19, 2018 to May 15, 2020. The key variables used include international stocks and bond funds that are frequently traded on stock exchanges around the world. The results, based on the fourth breakpoint regime, reveal a significant positive relationship between gold price movements and LSE, Nikkei stocks, T.Rowe global multi-sector bond funds, and CBOE volatility index; and a significant negative association with Gmo emerging country debt and Pimco emerging markets local currency bond funds both in the short- and long-run. Other stocks, like NASDAQ, DJI, S&P500, only revealed negative short-run relationships; except for NYSE that was found to have a positive short-run association with gold price movements. Conversely, Goldman Sachs bonds revealed a significant positive long-run relationship with gold price movements. These results have significant policy implications for gold producers and investors, as both stocks and bonds are an important source of information in the determination of gold price movements both in the short- and long-run.