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Front Plant Sci ; 14: 1253706, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37965021


Because of its wide distribution, high yield potential, and short cycle, the potato has become essential for global food security. However, the complexity of tetrasomic inheritance, the high level of heterozygosity of the parents, the low multiplication rate of tubers, and the genotype-by-environment interactions impose severe challenges on tetraploid potato-breeding programs. The initial stages of selection take place in experiments with low selection accuracy for many of the quantitative traits of interest, for example, tuber yield. The goal of this study was to investigate the contribution of incorporating a family effect in the estimation of the total genotypic effect and selection of clones in the initial stage of a potato-breeding program. The evaluation included single trials (STs) and multi-environment trials (METs). A total of 1,280 clones from 67 full-sib families from the potato-breeding program at Universidade Federal de Lavras were evaluated for the traits total tuber yield and specific gravity. These clones were distributed in six evaluated trials that varied according to the heat stress level: without heat stress, moderate heat stress, and high heat stress. To verify the importance of the family effect, models with and without the family effect were compared for the analysis of ST and MET data for both traits. The models that included the family effect were better adjusted in the ST and MET data analyses for both traits, except when the family effect was not significant. Furthermore, the inclusion of the family effect increased the selective efficiency of clones in both ST and MET analyses via an increase in the accuracy of the total genotypic value. These same models also allowed the prediction of clone effects more realistically, as the variance components associated with family and clone effects within a family were not confounded. Thus, clonal selection based on the total genotypic value, combining the effects of family and clones within a family, proved to be a good alternative for potato-breeding programs that can accommodate the logistic and data tracking required in the breeding program.

Plant Genome ; 16(2): e20306, 2023 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36815221


Breeding for dry matter yield and persistence in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) can take several years as these traits must be evaluated under multiple harvests. Therefore, genotype-by-harvest interaction should be incorporated into genomic prediction models to explore genotypes' adaptability and stability. In this study, we investigated how enviromics could help to predict the genotypic performance under multiharvest alfalfa breeding trials by evaluating 177 families across 11 harvests under four cross-validation scenarios. All scenarios were analyzed using six models in a Bayesian mixed model framework. Our results demonstrate that models accounting to the enviromics information led to an increase of genetic variance and a decrease in the error variance, indicating better biological explanation when the enviromic information was incorporated. Furthermore, models that accounted for enviromic data led to higher predictive ability (PA) in a reduced number of harvests used in the training data set. The best enviromic models (M2 and M3) outperformed the base model (GBLUP model-M0) for predicting adaptability and persistence across all cross-validation scenarios. Incorporating environmental covariates also provided higher PA for persistence compared with the base model, as predictions increased from 0 to 0.16, 0.20, 0.56, and 0.46 for CV00, CV1, CV0, and CV2. The results also demonstrate that GBLUP without enviromics term has low power to predict persistence, thus the adoption of enviromics is a cheap and efficient alternative to increase accuracy and biological meaning.

Medicago sativa , Herencia Multifactorial , Medicago sativa/genética , Teorema de Bayes , Genoma de Planta , Modelos Genéticos , Fitomejoramiento , Genómica/métodos
Ciênc. rural ; 44(4): 599-604, Apr. 2014. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-705298


O trabalho estudou o controle genético dos caracteres comprimento (CRP) e número de nós (NNRP) do ramo principal e hábito de crescimento em feijão-caupi, a partir dos cruzamentos TE96-282-22G x TVX-5058-09C e TE96-282-22G x IT81D-1332. O experimento foi conduzido na Embrapa Meio-Norte, em Teresina, PI, Brasil, no ano de 2003. Estimaram-se os componentes genéticos de média, variância e herdabilidades para os caracteres CRP e NNRP. O estudo da herança do hábito de crescimento foi realizado com base nas frequências dos fenótipos observados. Em ambos os cruzamentos, o modelo genético aditivo-dominante foi suficiente para explicar a variação fenotípica observada para o CRP e NNRP; os efeitos aditivos e de dominância são importantes no controle do CRP e NNRP, mas a variância aditiva é prevalente como componente genético. O CRP e NNRP apresentam controle oligogênico, associado com alta expressão do caráter. O hábito de crescimento apresenta herança monogênica, com dominância para o tipo indeterminado.

The aim of this study was to investigate the genetic control of traits related to plant architecture in cowpea: length and number of nodes on main stem, growth habit, from the crossings TE96-282-22G x TVX-5058-09C and TE96-282-22G x IT81D-1332. The experiment was conducted at Embrapa Mid-North, Teresina, PI, Brazil, in 2003. Experiments were carried out under randomized block design with four replications. Genetic components of mean and variance and heritability for the traits length and number of nodes on main stem were estimated. Growth habit was based on the frequencies of the phenotypes observed. In both crosses, the additive-dominant genetic model was sufficient to explain the phenotypic variation observed for length and number of nodes on main stem; additive and dominance effects are important in controlling the length and number of nodes on main stem, but the additive variance is prevalent as a component of genetic variance. Length and number of nodes on main stem presents oligogenic control associated with a high expression of trait. Growth habit has monogenic control, with dominance for the indeterminate type.

Arq. ciênc. vet. zool. UNIPAR ; 17(3): 173-175, jul.-set.2014.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-758604


O presente trabalho teve como objetivo levantar o perfil dos proprietários de cães de Teresina (PI) sobre o motivo da compra ou adoção de cães, as mudanças nas vidas dos proprietários após a conduta e preferências dos proprietários em relação à raça, sexo e idade dos animais. Foram realizadas cem entrevistas com proprietários de cães. Observou-se que no município de Teresina, a maioria das pessoas compra ou adota um cão por razões afetivas (78%). As pessoas preferem cães para companhia (70%), com maior tendência para filhotes (81%), machos, sem raça definida (65%). Houve pouca preocupação sobre abandono de animais, demonstrando que em Teresina há necessidade de campanhas regulares para adoção de animais abandonados e os gestores públicos devem se esforçar para divulgar a guarda responsável, na tentativa de minimizar este problema de saúde pública...

This study aims to detect the profile of dog owners in Teresina (PI) on the reason to purchase or adopt dogs, the changes in the lives of the owners after such action and preferences of owners about breed, gender and age of animals. One hundred interviews were conducted with dog owners. It was observed that in the city of Teresina, most people buy or adopt a dog for emotional reasons (78%). The results show that people prefer dogs for company (70%), and puppies are the preferred age (81%). In this city, people prefer male dogs (65%) and mongrel dogs. There is little concern about abandoned animals, demonstrating that in Teresina, regular adoption campaigns must be held and public managers should make all efforts to promote responsible ownership in order to reduce this public health issue...

Este estudio tuvo como objetivo detectar el perfil de los dueños de perros en la ciudad Teresina (PI), el porqué de la compra o adopción de perros, los cambios en las vidas de los propietarios después de la compra o adopción y las preferencias de los propietarios acerca de la raza, sexo y edad de los animales. Cien entrevistas con propietarios de perros fueran realizadas. Se observó que en la ciudad de Teresina, la mayoría de la gente compra o adopta un perro por razones emocionales (78%). La gente prefiere los perros como compañía (70%), con una mayor tendencia de los cachorros (81%), mestizo masculino (65%). Hay poca preocupación por los animales abandonados, lo que demuestra que en la ciudad de Teresina hay necesidad de campañas regulares para la adopción de animales abandonados y los gestores públicos deben esforzarse para promover la tenencia responsable, en un intento de minimizar este problema de salud pública...

Animales , Perros , Adopción/psicología , Perros/crecimiento & desarrollo , Salud Pública Veterinaria
Ciênc. agrotec., (Impr.) ; 34(3): 751-757, maio-jun. 2010. graf, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-547778


Com o objetivo de avaliar as diferentes frações fibrosas da silagem de resíduo de manga em mistura com diferentes aditivos, em níveis crescentes de adição, foi conduzido este estudo. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com três repetições, sendo os tratamentos dispostos em um esquema fatorial do tipo (4 x 3) + 1, sendo quatro aditivos (milho desintegrado com palha e sabugo (MDPS), palha de feijão (PF), sabugo de milho (SM) e casca de café (CC)) em três níveis de adição (10, 20 e 30 por cento) e um tratamento testemunha (resíduo de manga puro ensilado). O material experimental foi ensilado em silos de PVC adaptados com válvula tipo "Bunsen" com capacidade para aproximadamente 3 kg cada. Todos os aditivos utilizados elevaram os teores de MS. Os aditivos PF, SM e CC elevaram os teores de FDN, FDA e celulose. Quanto aos teores de hemicelulose, apenas o aditivo SM promoveu aumento com a elevação dos níveis de adição. Comportamento semelhante foi observado para o aditivo PF em relação à lignina. Os valores registrados para as diferentes frações fibrosas das silagens, quando se utilizou o MDPS, sofreram reduções em relação ao resíduo de manga ensilado puro, não diferindo, no entanto, com o aumento dos níveis de adição. De maneira geral, a utilização dos demais aditivos, promoveu elevações nos teores das variáveis estudadas.

This study was undertaken with the goal of evaluating the different fibrous fractions of mango residue silage in mixture with different additives at growing levels of addition. The experimental design used was the completely randomized, with three replicates, the treatments being arranged in a 4 x 3 + 1 factorial arrangement, the additives being four (ground ears with husks (GEWH), bean straw (BS), corn cob (CC) and coffee hull (CH)) at three levels of addition (10, 20 and 30 percent) and a control treatment (ensiled unmixed mango residue). The experimental material was ensiled in PVC silos, fitted with a "Bunsen" type valve, with a capacity of about 3 kg each. All the additives utilized raised the DM contents. The additives BS, CC and CH raised the contents of NDF, ADF and cellulose. As regards hemicellulose contents, only the additive CC promoted increases with the rise of the levels of addition. A similar behavior was observed for the additive BS in relation to lignin. When GEWH was used in different levels of addition the fibrous fractions decreased when compared to the control treatment, but the values obtained did not differ statistically. In a general way, the other additives increased the content of the fibrous fractions as well.

Ciênc. rural ; 40(2): 288-293, fev. 2010. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-539940


O conhecimento da diversidade genética entre acessos em bancos de germoplasma é importante para fins de conservação de recursos genéticos e uso em programas de melhoramento genético. Neste estudo, objetivou-se avaliar a divergência genética entre 23 acessos de pimentas do gênero Capsicum, a partir de sete descritores quantitativos e 19 qualitativos multicategóricos, com auxílio de técnicas multivariadas. Pela análise de variância, evidenciaram-se diferenças significativas entre os acessos de pimentas para todos os descritores quantitativos. Os coeficientes de variação (CV) do experimento variaram de 8,97 (LF) a 30,91 por cento (NFA). O Método de agrupamento de otimização via Tocher detectou a formação de oito grupos, tanto para descritores quantitativos, quanto para os qualitativos multicategóricos. Pelo Método UPGMA, formaram-se três grupos baseando-se nos descritores quantitativos e quatro grupos com base nos qualitativos. Há diversidade genética inter e intraespecífica no Banco de Germoplasma de Capsicum spp. da Universidade Federal do Piauí, com evidências de que não existem duplicatas entre os acessos estudados.

The knowledge of the genetic diversity among the accessions in germplasm banks it is important for the conservation of genetic resources and the use in breeding programs. This study aimed to evaluate the genetic divergence of 23 accessions of the genus Capsicum, and was based in seven quantitative and nineteen qualitative multicategorical descriptors and using multivariate techniques. The analyses of variance revealed significant difference (P<0.05) among the accessions of peppers for all quantitative descriptors. The coefficient variation ranged from 8,97 percent (LF) to 30,91 percent (NFA). The Tocher optimization method detected eight clusters for quantitative descriptors and also in as well as qualitative multicategoric descriptors. The UPGMA method detected three clusters for quantitative descriptors and four clusters within qualitative multicategoricdescriptors. There is genetic diversity inter and intraspecific in germplasm bank of Capsicum coming from The Federal University of Piauí, and these results indicate that there are not duplicated accessions.

Genet. mol. biol ; 31(1): 73-78, 2008. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-476155


We used a mixed model approach and computer simulation to evaluate the inclusion of parentage information as determined by the genealogy established in the pedigree method. The simulations were based on a purely additive genetic model for one quantitative trait of 20 unlinked segregating loci with equal effects and an allelic frequency of 0.5 for heritability values of 10 percent, 25 percent, 50 percent and 75 percent for selection based on an F4:5 progeny mean. We simulated 1000 experiments for each heritability value, corresponding to the evaluation of 256 F4:5 progenies. The phenotypic values of the progenies were analyzed according to two models, one ignoring and one considering the additive genetic parentage among the progenies. The additive relationship coefficients among F4:5 progenies ranged from 0.0 to 1.75. The evaluated selection procedures were the phenotypic progeny mean (M) and the best linear unbiased predictor including parentage (BLUP A). The inclusion of parentage among progenies using the BLUP A procedure resulted in higher selection gains than when the relationship information was ignored, which possibly recompenses the additional work invested to obtain these records, above all in the case of low - heritability traits.

Simulación por Computador , Plantas/genética , Selección Genética , Linaje , Cruzamiento , Sitios de Carácter Cuantitativo
Ciênc. agrotec., (Impr.) ; 31(5): 1537-1544, set.-out. 2007. graf, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-466554


Com o objetivo de avaliar a qualidade da silagem de resíduo de manga (Mangifera indica L.) em mistura com diferentes aditivos, em níveis crescentes de adição, foi conduzido este estudo. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com três repetições, sendo os tratamentos dispostos em um esquema fatorial do tipo (4 x 3) + 1, sendo quatro aditivos (milho desintegrado com palha e sabugo (MDPS), palha de feijão (PF), sabugo de milho (SM) e casca de café (CC)) em três níveis de adição (10, 20 e 30 por cento) e um tratamento testemunha (resíduo de manga puro ensilado). O material experimental foi ensilado em silos de PVC adaptados com válvula tipo "Bunsen" com capacidade para aproximadamente 3 kg cada. Todos os aditivos utilizados elevaram os teores de MS. À medida que se aumentou os níveis de adição dos aditivos, houve uma redução nos valores de poder tampão (PT). Os valores de pH e nitrogênio amoniacal (N-NH3 / por centoN total) mantiveram-se dentro dos padrões indicativos de um bom processo fermentativo. O padrão de fermentação das silagens aditivadas foi satisfatório, sem haver comprometimento na qualidade destas. Os aditivos milho desintegrado com palha e sabugo, palha de feijão ou casca de café podem ser adicionados ao processo de ensilagem do resíduo de manga nos níveis de adição de 20 ou 30 por cento, melhorando seu padrão fermentativo.

With the objective to evaluate the quality of mango (Mangifera indica L.) residue silage in mixture with different additives at growing levels of addition, this study was undertaken. The experimental design utilized was the completely randomized, with three replicates. The treatments were arranged in a factorial scheme (4 x 3) + 1 type and the additives being four (ground ears with husks (GEWH), bean straw (BS), corn cob (CC) and coffee hull (CH)) at three levels of addition (10, 20 and 30 percent) and a control treatment (ensiled unmixed mango residue). The experimental material was ensiled in PVC silos, fitted with a "Bunsen" type valve, with a capacity of about 3 kg each. All the additives utilized raised the DM contents of the silages. As the levels of addition of the additives were increased, there was a reduction in the values of buffering power (PT). The values of pH and ammoniac nitrogen (N-NH3 / percenttotal N) were maintained within the indicative standard of a goof fermentative process. The fermentation standard of silages with additives was satisfactory with no damage in their quality. The additives GEWH, BS or CH may be added to the process of ensiling the mango residue at the levels of addition of 20 or 30 percent, to improve its fermentative standard for silages of good quality.

Ciênc. agrotec., (Impr.) ; 31(4): 1035-1042, jul.-ago. 2007. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-461563


A obtenção de informações a respeito do controle genético dos caracteres por meio de variâncias com associação aos métodos de condução de populações de feijoeiro tem sido uma estratégia pouco empregada, porém pode ser de grande auxílio aos melhoristas na tomada de decisões. Com esse objetivo foi utilizada uma população segregante proveniente do cruzamento entre as cultivares BRS MG Talismã e BRS Valente. O avanço das gerações foi realizado de acordo com o preconizado pelo método genealógico. Em F4:5 obtiveram-se 256 progênies que foram avaliadas na safra 'das águas' 2004/2005. As sementes de cada progênie foram colhidas em bulk originando as progênies F4:6, as quais foram avaliadas na safra 'das secas' 2005. Os caracteres avaliados foram produtividade de grãos e porte das plantas. Constatou-se que na produção de grãos por planta, a variância ambiental dentro da parcela foi o principal componente da variância fenotípica entre progênies. A variância genética aditiva foi predominante para a produção de grãos, enquanto que para o porte a variância genética de dominância foi expressiva.

Obtaining information referent to the genetic control of traits by the estimates of variance associated to breeding methods is not frequently used for bean crops, however these estimate can greatly help breeders to take decision. With this objective a segregating population derived from a cross between the cultivars BRS MG Talismã and BRS Valente was evaluated. The advance of generations was done according to the pedigree method. In the F4:5 generation were obtained 256 progenies that were evaluated during the 2004/2005 'rain season'. Seeds were harvested in bulks, generating progenies F4:6, which were evaluated in the 2005 'dry season'. There evaluated grain yield and plant habit. For grain yield per plant, the environmental variance within plots was the main component of the phenotypic variance among progenies. The additive variance was predominant for grain yield and the dominance variance for plant habit.