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Motriz (Online) ; 28: e10220009522, 2022. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1406021


Abstract Aim: The study aimed to investigate the effects of the somatotype components on handball. Methods: The sample consisted of 60 elite junior handball players. Somatotype was evaluated using the Heath & Carter method. The kinetic performance trials of the handball athletes were running speed performance over 5 m 10 m and 20 m sprints, sit and reach, standing long jump (SLJ), ball velocity, and maximum aerobic power. For the data analyses, we used Pearson correlation and multiple linear regression. Results: The endomorphic component correlated positive with all three sprint times (5 m, 10 m και 30 m sprints) (r = 0.315, p = 0.014; r = 0.367, p = 0.004; r = 0.358, p = 0.005 respectively) while negative with SLJ (r = -0.418, p = 0.001) και maximum aerobic power (r = -0.322, p = 0.012). The mesomorphic component had a positive correlation with ball velocity (r = 0.260, p = 0.045) and negative relation with SLJ (r = -0.261, p = 0.044). The ectomorphic component exhibited a negative correlation only with ball velocity (r = -0.260, p = 0.045). The ordinary least square regression models found that endomorphy and ectomorphy were prognostic factors and predicted worse performance in all of the examined motor performance indices except ball velocity and 5 m sprint, while mesomorphy was a predictor of worse performance in SLJ. Conclusions: In conclusion, according to the findings of this study, somatotype components play an important role in performance-related parameters.

J Sports Sci Med ; 14(1): 41-6, 2015 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25729288


The fixed duration of a team-handball game and its continuously changing situations incorporate an inherent temporal pressure. Also, the target's position is not foreknown but online determined by the player's interceptive processing of visual information. These ecological limitations do not favour throwing performance, particularly in novice players, and are not reflected in previous experimental settings of self-paced throws with foreknowledge of target position. The study investigated the self-paced and temporally constrained throwing performance without foreknowledge of target position, in team-handball experts and novices in three shot types (Standing Shot, 3Step Shot, Jump Shot). The target position was randomly illuminated on a tabloid surface before (self-paced condition) and after (temporally constrained condition) shot initiation. Response time, throwing velocity and throwing accuracy were measured. A mixed 2 (experience) X 2 (temporal constraint condition) ANOVA was applied. The novices performed with significantly lower throwing velocity and worse throwing accuracy in all shot types (p = 0.000) and, longer response time only in the 3Step Shot (p = 0.013). The temporal constraint (significantly shorter response times in all shot types at p = 0.000) had a shot specific effect with lower throwing velocity only in the 3Step Shot (p = 0.001) and an unexpected greater throwing accuracy only in the Standing Shot (p = 0.002). The significant interaction between experience and temporal constraint condition in throwing accuracy (p = 0.003) revealed a significant temporal constraint effect in the novices (p = 0.002) but not in the experts (p = 0.798). The main findings of the study are the shot specificity of the temporal constraint effect, as well as that, depending on the shot, the novices' throwing accuracy may benefit rather than worsen under temporal pressure. Key pointsThe temporal constraint induced a shot specific significant difference in throwing velocity in both the experts and the novices.The temporal constraint induced a shot specific significant difference in throwing accuracy only in the novices.Depending on the shot demands, the throwing accuracy of the novices may benefit under temporally constrained situations.