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Dalton Trans ; 53(22): 9473-9481, 2024 Jun 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38767605


In order to prepare self-standing and flexible slow neutron reflectors made of graphite fluoride (GF) with high contents of (C2F)n structural phase, graphite foils of different thicknesses were used as starting materials for gas (F2)/solid fluorination. The maximal interlayer distance of GF was obtained with this phase thanks to the stacking sequence FCCF/FCCF; this is mandatory for the efficient reflection of slow neutrons. 71 and 77% of the (C2F)n phase were achieved for graphite foils with thicknesses of 1.0 and 0.1 mm, respectively. The interlayer distances were 8.6 Å as expected. The fluorination conditions (static mode, a long duration of 24 h, annealing in pure F2 gas for 24 h, and temperatures in the 390-460 °C range) were adapted to large pieces of graphite foils (7 × 7 cm2) in order to both avoid exfoliation and achieve a homogeneous dispersion of fluorine atoms. This process was also efficient for thinner (0.01 mm thick) graphitized graphene oxide foil. 56% of the (C2F)n phase and an interlayer of 8.6 Å were achieved for this foil when fluorination was performed at 430 °C. Whatever the nature and the thickness of the foil, their flexibilities are maintained.

Nanomaterials (Basel) ; 14(4)2024 Feb 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38392760


More than 15 years ago, the study of nanodiamond (ND) powders as a material for designing reflectors of very cold neutrons (VCNs) and cold neutrons (CNs) began. Such reflectors can significantly increase the efficiency of using such neutrons and expand the scope of their application for solving applied and fundamental problems. This review considers the principle of operation of VCN and CN reflectors based on ND powders and their advantages. Information is presented on the performed experimental and theoretical studies of the effect of the size, structure, and composition of NDs on the efficiency of reflectors. Methods of chemical and mechanical treatments of powders in order to modify their chemical composition and structure are discussed. The aim is to avoid, or at least to decrease, the neutron inelastic scatterers and absorbers (mainly hydrogen atoms but also metallic impurities and nitrogen) as well as to enhance coherent elastic scattering (to destroy ND clusters and sp2 carbon shells on the ND surface that result from the preparation of NDs). Issues requiring further study are identified. They include deeper purification of NDs from impurities that can be activated in high radiation fluxes, the stability of NDs in high radiation fluxes, and upscaling methods for producing larger quantities of ND powders. Possible ways of solving these problems are proposed.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37007801


At very low energies, a light neutral particle above a horizontal surface can experience quantum reflection. The quantum reflection holds the particle against gravity and leads to gravitational quantum states (gqs). So far, gqs were only observed with neutrons as pioneered by Nesvizhevsky and his collaborators at ill. However, the existence of gqs is predicted also for atoms. The Grasian collaboration pursues the first observation and studies of gqs of atomic hydrogen. We propose to use atoms in order to exploit the fact that orders of magnitude larger fluxes compared to those of neutrons are available. Moreover, recently the q-Bounce collaboration, performing gqs spectroscopy with neutrons, reported a discrepancy between theoretical calculations and experiment which deserves further investigations. For this purpose, we set up a cryogenic hydrogen beam at 6  K . We report on our preliminary results, characterizing the hydrogen beam with pulsed laser ionization diagnostics at 243  nm .

Materials (Basel) ; 16(2)2023 Jan 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36676440


Nanomaterials can intensively scatter and/or reflect radiation. Such processes and materials are of theoretical and practical interest. Here, we study the quasi-specular reflections (QSRs) of cold neutrons (CNs) and the reflections of very cold neutrons (VCNs) from nanodiamond (ND) powders. The fluorination of ND increased its efficiency by removing/replacing hydrogen, which is otherwise the dominant cause of neutron loss due to incoherent scattering. The probability of the diffuse reflection of VCNs increased for certain neutron wavelengths by using appropriate ND sizes. Based on model concepts of the interaction of CNs with ND, and in reference to our previous work, we assume that the angular distribution of quasi-specularly reflected CNs is narrower, and that the probability of QSRs of longer wavelength neutrons increases if we increase the characteristic sizes of NDs compared to standard detonation nanodiamonds (DNDs). However, the probability of QSRs of CNs with wavelengths below the cutoff of ~4.12 Å decreases due to diffraction scattering on the ND crystal lattice. We experimentally compared the QSRs of CNs from ~4.3 nm and ~15.0 nm ND. Our qualitative conclusions and numerical estimates can help optimize the parameters of ND for specific practical applications based on the QSRs of CNs.

Nanomaterials (Basel) ; 11(11)2021 Nov 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34835831


Over a decade ago, it was confirmed that detonation nanodiamond (DND) powders reflect very cold neutrons (VCNs) diffusively at any incidence angle and that they reflect cold neutrons quasi-specularly at small incidence angles. In the present publication, we report the results of a study on the effect of particle sizes on the overall efficiency of neutron reflectors made of DNDs. To perform this study, we separated, by centrifugation, the fraction of finer DND nanoparticles (which are referred to as S-DNDs here) from a broad initial size distribution and experimentally and theoretically compared the performance of such a neutron reflector with that from deagglomerated fluorinated DNDs (DF-DNDs). Typical commercially available DNDs with the size of ~4.3 nm are close to the optimum for VCNs with a typical velocity of ~50 m/s, while smaller and larger DNDs are more efficient for faster and slower VCN velocities, respectively. Simulations show that, for a realistic reflector geometry, the replacement of DF-DNDs (a reflector with the best achieved performance) by S-DNDs (with smaller size DNDs) increases the neutron albedo in the velocity range above ~60 m/s. This increase in the albedo results in an increase in the density of faster VCNs in such a reflector cavity of up to ~25% as well as an increase in the upper boundary of the velocities of efficient VCN reflection.

Nanomaterials (Basel) ; 11(8)2021 Jul 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34443779


Neutrons can be an instrument or an object in many fields of research. Major efforts all over the world are devoted to improving the intensity of neutron sources and the efficiency of neutron delivery for experimental installations. In this context, neutron reflectors play a key role because they allow significant improvement of both economy and efficiency. For slow neutrons, Detonation NanoDiamond (DND) powders provide exceptionally good reflecting performance due to the combination of enhanced coherent scattering and low neutron absorption. The enhancement is at maximum when the nanoparticle diameter is close to the neutron wavelength. Therefore, the mean nanoparticle diameter and the diameter distribution are important. In addition, DNDs show clustering, which increases their effective diameters. Here, we report on how breaking agglomerates affects clustering of DNDs and the overall reflector performance. We characterize DNDs using small-angle neutron scattering, X-ray diffraction, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, neutron activation analysis, dynamical light scattering, infra-red light spectroscopy, and others. Based on the results of these tests, we discuss the calculated size distribution of DNDs, the absolute cross-section of neutron scattering, the neutron albedo, and the neutron intensity gain for neutron traps with DND walls.

Materials (Basel) ; 13(15)2020 Jul 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32727005


If the wavelength of radiation and the size of inhomogeneities in the medium are approximately equal, the radiation might be intensively scattered in the medium and reflected from its surface. Such efficient nanomaterial reflectors are of great scientific and technological interest. In previous works, we demonstrated a significant improvement in the efficiency of reflection of slow neutrons from a powder of diamond nanoparticles by replacing hydrogen located on the surface of nanoparticles with fluorine and removing the residual sp2 amorphous shells of nanoparticles via the fluorination process. In this paper, we study the mechanism of this improvement using a set of complementary experimental techniques. To analyze the data on a small-angle scattering of neutrons and X-rays in powders of diamond nanoparticles, we have developed a model of discrete-size diamond nanospheres. Our results show that fluorination does not destroy either the crystalline cores of nanoparticles or their clustering in the scale range of 0.6-200 nm. This observation implies that it does not significantly affect the neutron scattering properties of the powder. We conclude that the overall increase in reflectivity from the fluorinated nanodiamond powder is primarily due to the large reduction of neutron losses in the powder caused by the removal of hydrogen contaminations.

Nature ; 415(6869): 297-9, 2002 Jan 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11797001


The discrete quantum properties of matter are manifest in a variety of phenomena. Any particle that is trapped in a sufficiently deep and wide potential well is settled in quantum bound states. For example, the existence of quantum states of electrons in an electromagnetic field is responsible for the structure of atoms, and quantum states of nucleons in a strong nuclear field give rise to the structure of atomic nuclei. In an analogous way, the gravitational field should lead to the formation of quantum states. But the gravitational force is extremely weak compared to the electromagnetic and nuclear force, so the observation of quantum states of matter in a gravitational field is extremely challenging. Because of their charge neutrality and long lifetime, neutrons are promising candidates with which to observe such an effect. Here we report experimental evidence for gravitational quantum bound states of neutrons. The particles are allowed to fall towards a horizontal mirror which, together with the Earth's gravitational field, provides the necessary confining potential well. Under such conditions, the falling neutrons do not move continuously along the vertical direction, but rather jump from one height to another, as predicted by quantum theory.