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Light Sci Appl ; 13(1): 249, 2024 Sep 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39256381


Nonlinear metasurfaces have experienced rapid growth recently due to their potential in various applications, including infrared imaging and spectroscopy. However, due to the low conversion efficiencies of metasurfaces, several strategies have been adopted to enhance their performances, including employing resonances at signal or nonlinear emission wavelengths. This strategy results in a narrow operational band of the nonlinear metasurfaces, which has bottlenecked many applications, including nonlinear holography, image encoding, and nonlinear metalenses. Here, we overcome this issue by introducing a new nonlinear imaging platform utilizing a pump beam to enhance signal conversion through four-wave mixing (FWM), whereby the metasurface is resonant at the pump wavelength rather than the signal or nonlinear emissions. As a result, we demonstrate broadband nonlinear imaging for arbitrary objects using metasurfaces. A silicon disk-on-slab metasurface is introduced with an excitable guided-mode resonance at the pump wavelength. This enabled direct conversion of a broad IR image ranging from >1000 to 4000 nm into visible. Importantly, adopting FWM substantially reduces the dependence on high-power signal inputs or resonant features at the signal beam of nonlinear imaging by utilizing the quadratic relationship between the pump beam intensity and the signal conversion efficiency. Our results, therefore, unlock the potential for broadband infrared imaging capabilities with metasurfaces, making a promising advancement for next-generation all-optical infrared imaging techniques with chip-scale photonic devices.

Light Sci Appl ; 13(1): 204, 2024 Aug 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39179544


Switching of light polarization on the sub-picosecond timescale is a crucial functionality for applications in a variety of contexts, including telecommunications, biology and chemistry. The ability to control polarization at ultrafast speed would pave the way for the development of unprecedented free-space optical links and of novel techniques for probing dynamical processes in complex systems, as chiral molecules. Such high switching speeds can only be reached with an all-optical paradigm, i.e., engineering active platforms capable of controlling light polarization via ultrashort laser pulses. Here we demonstrate giant modulation of dichroism and birefringence in an all-dielectric metasurface, achieved at low fluences of the optical control beam. This performance, which leverages the many degrees of freedom offered by all-dielectric active metasurfaces, is obtained by combining a high-quality factor nonlocal resonance with the giant third-order optical nonlinearity dictated by photogenerated hot carriers at the semiconductor band edge.

Adv Mater ; 36(31): e2402777, 2024 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38781582


The ability to detect and image short-wave infrared light has important applications in surveillance, autonomous navigation, and biological imaging. However, the current infrared imaging technologies often pose challenges due to large footprint, large thermal noise and inability to augment infrared and visible imaging. Here, infrared imaging is demonstrated by nonlinear up-conversion to the visible in an ultra-compact, high-quality-factor lithium niobate resonant metasurface. Images with high conversion efficiency and resolution quality are obtained despite the strong nonlocality of the metasurface. The possibility of edge-detection image processing augmented with direct up-conversion imaging for advanced night vision applications is further shown.

Adv Mater ; 36(23): e2313589, 2024 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38477536


Quantum light sources are essential building blocks for many quantum technologies, enabling secure communication, powerful computing, and precise sensing and imaging. Recent advancements have witnessed a significant shift toward the utilization of "flat" optics with thickness at subwavelength scales for the development of quantum light sources. This approach offers notable advantages over conventional bulky counterparts, including compactness, scalability, and improved efficiency, along with added functionalities. This review focuses on the recent advances in leveraging flat optics to generate quantum light sources. Specifically, the generation of entangled photon pairs through spontaneous parametric down-conversion in nonlinear metasurfaces, and single photon emission from quantum emitters including quantum dots and color centers in 3D and 2D materials are explored. The review covers theoretical principles, fabrication techniques, and properties of these sources, with particular emphasis on the enhanced generation and engineering of quantum light sources using optical resonances supported by nanostructures. The diverse application range of these sources is discussed and the current challenges and perspectives in the field are highlighted.

Nano Lett ; 23(21): 9825-9831, 2023 Nov 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37883324


Optical metasurfaces present remarkable opportunities for manipulating wave propagation in unconventional ways, surpassing the capabilities of traditional optical devices. In this work, we introduce and demonstrate a multifunctional dynamic tuning of dielectric metasurfaces containing liquid crystals (LCs) through an effective three-dimensional (3D) control of the molecular orientation. We theoretically and experimentally study the spectral tuning of the electric and magnetic resonances of dielectric metasurfaces, which was enabled by rotating an external magnetic field in 3D. Our approach allows for the independent control of the electric and magnetic resonances of a metasurface, enabling multifunctional operation. The magnetic field tuning approach eliminates the need for the pre-alignment of LCs and is not limited by a finite set of directions in which the LC molecules can be oriented. Our results open new pathways for realizing dynamically reconfigurable metadevices and observing novel physical effects without the usual limitations imposed by the boundary conditions of LC cells and the external voltage.

Nano Lett ; 23(17): 8091-8098, 2023 Sep 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37610974


Complex polarization states of photon pairs are indispensable in various quantum technologies. Conventional methods for preparing desired two-photon polarization states are realized through bulky nonlinear crystals, which can restrict the versatility and tunability of the generated quantum states due to the fixed crystal nonlinear susceptibility. Here we present a solution using a nonlinear metasurface incorporating multiplexed silica metagratings on a lithium niobate film of 300 nm thickness. We fabricate two orthogonal metagratings on a single substrate with an identical resonant wavelength, thereby enabling the spectral indistinguishability of the emitted photons, and we demonstrate in experiments that the two-photon polarization states can be shaped by the metagrating orientation. Leveraging this essential property, we formulate a theoretical approach for generating arbitrary polarization-entangled qutrit states by combining three metagratings on a single metasurface, allowing the encoding of the desired quantum states or information. Our findings enable miniaturized optically controlled quantum devices by using ultrathin metasurfaces as polarization-entangled photon sources.

Sci Adv ; 8(30): eabq4240, 2022 Jul 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35905188


Metasurfaces consisting of nanoscale structures are underpinning new physical principles for the creation and shaping of quantum states of light. Multiphoton states that are entangled in spatial or angular domains are an essential resource for many quantum applications; however, their production traditionally relies on bulky nonlinear crystals. We predict and demonstrate experimentally the generation of spatially entangled photon pairs through spontaneous parametric down-conversion from a metasurface incorporating a nonlinear thin film of lithium niobate covered by a silica meta-grating. We measure the correlations of photon pairs and identify their spatial antibunching through violation of the classical Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, witnessing the presence of multimode entanglement. Simultaneously, the photon-pair rate is strongly enhanced by 450 times as compared to unpatterned films because of high-quality-factor resonances. These results pave the way to miniaturization of various quantum devices by incorporating ultrathin metasurfaces functioning as room temperature sources of quantum-entangled photons.

Opt Express ; 30(4): 4793-4805, 2022 Feb 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35209453


Lead iodide (PbI2) is a van der Waals layered semiconductor with a direct bandgap in its bulk form and a hexagonal layered crystalline structure. The recently developed PbI2 nanosheets have shown great promise for high-performance optoelectronic devices, including nanolasers and photodetectors. However, despite being widely used as a precursor for perovskite materials, the optical properties of PbI2 nanomaterials remain largely unexplored. Here, we determine the nonlinear optical properties of PbI2 nanosheets by utilising nonlinear microscopy as a non-invasive optical technique. We demonstrate the nonlinearity enhancement dependent on excitonic resonances, crystalline orientation, thickness, and influence of the substrate. Our results allow for estimating the second- and third-order nonlinear susceptibilities of the nanosheets, opening new opportunities for the use of PbI2 nanosheets as nonlinear and quantum light sources.

Nat Commun ; 12(1): 5597, 2021 Sep 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34552076


Nonlinear light sources are central to a myriad of applications, driving a quest for their miniaturisation down to the nanoscale. In this quest, nonlinear metasurfaces hold a great promise, as they enhance nonlinear effects through their resonant photonic environment and high refractive index, such as in high-index dielectric metasurfaces. However, despite the sub-diffractive operation of dielectric metasurfaces at the fundamental wave, this condition is not fulfilled for the nonlinearly generated harmonic waves, thereby all nonlinear metasurfaces to date emit multiple diffractive beams. Here, we demonstrate the enhanced single-beam second- and third-harmonic generation in a metasurface of crystalline transition-metal-dichalcogenide material, offering the highest refractive index. We show that the interplay between the resonances of the metasurface allows for tuning of the unidirectional second-harmonic radiation in forward or backward direction, not possible in any bulk nonlinear crystal. Our results open new opportunities for metasurface-based nonlinear light-sources, including nonlinear mirrors and entangled-photon generation.

ACS Photonics ; 8(3): 731-737, 2021 Mar 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33842671


Nonlinear metasurfaces constitute a key asset in meta-optics, given their ability to scale down nonlinear optics to sub-micrometer thicknesses. To date, nonlinear metasurfaces have been mainly realized using narrow band gap semiconductors, with operation limited to the near-infrared range. Nonlinear meta-optics in the visible range can be realized using transparent materials with high refractive index, such as lithium niobate (LiNbO3). Yet, efficient operation in this strategic spectral window has been so far prevented by the nanofabrication challenges associated with LiNbO3, which considerably limit the aspect ratio and minimum size of the nanostructures (i.e., meta-atoms). Here we demonstrate the first monolithic nonlinear periodic metasurface based on LiNbO3 and operating in the visible range. Realized through ion beam milling, our metasurface features a second-harmonic (SH) conversion efficiency of 2.40 × 10-8 at a pump intensity as low as 0.5 GW/cm2. By tuning the pump polarization, we demonstrate efficient steering and polarization encoding into narrow SH diffraction orders, opening novel opportunities for polarization-encoded nonlinear meta-optics.

Nanomaterials (Basel) ; 11(2)2021 Feb 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33567759


Fast detection of near-infrared (NIR) photons with high responsivity remains a challenge for photodetectors. Germanium (Ge) photodetectors are widely used for near-infrared wavelengths but suffer from a trade-off between the speed of photodetection and quantum efficiency (or responsivity). To realize a high-speed detector with high quantum efficiency, a small-sized photodetector efficiently absorbing light is required. In this paper, we suggest a realization of a dielectric metasurface made of an array of subwavelength germanium PIN photodetectors. Due to the subwavelength size of each pixel, a high-speed photodetector with a bandwidth of 65 GHz has been achieved. At the same time, high quantum efficiency for near-infrared illumination can be obtained by the engineering of optical resonant modes to localize optical energy inside the intrinsic Ge disks. Furthermore, small junction capacitance and the possibility of zero/low bias operation have been shown. Our results show that all-dielectric metasurfaces can improve the performance of photodetectors.

Light Sci Appl ; 9: 132, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32704365


Geometrical dimensionality plays a fundamentally important role in the topological effects arising in discrete lattices. Although direct experiments are limited by three spatial dimensions, the research topic of synthetic dimensions implemented by the frequency degree of freedom in photonics is rapidly advancing. The manipulation of light in these artificial lattices is typically realized through electro-optic modulation; yet, their operating bandwidth imposes practical constraints on the range of interactions between different frequency components. Here we propose and experimentally realize all-optical synthetic dimensions involving specially tailored simultaneous short- and long-range interactions between discrete spectral lines mediated by frequency conversion in a nonlinear waveguide. We realize triangular chiral-tube lattices in three-dimensional space and explore their four-dimensional generalization. We implement a synthetic gauge field with nonzero magnetic flux and observe the associated multidimensional dynamics of frequency combs, all within one physical spatial port. We anticipate that our method will provide a new means for the fundamental study of high-dimensional physics and act as an important step towards using topological effects in optical devices operating in the time and frequency domains.

ACS Nano ; 14(2): 1379-1389, 2020 Feb 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31877017


High-index III-V semiconductor nanoantennas have gained great attention for enhanced nonlinear light-matter interactions, in the past few years. However, the complexity of nonlinear emission profiles imposes severe constraints on practical applications, such as in optical communications and integrated optoelectronic devices. These complexities include the lack of unidirectional nonlinear emission and the severe challenges in switching between forward and backward emissions, due to the structure of the susceptibility tensor of the III-V nanoantennas. Here, we propose a solution to both issues via engineering the nonlinear tensor of the nanoantennas. The special nonlinear tensorial properties of zinc-blende material can be used to engineer the nonlinear characteristics via growing the nanoantennas along different crystalline orientations. Based on the nonlinear multipolar effect, we have designed and fabricated (110)-grown GaAs nanoantennas, with engineered tensorial properties, embedded in a transparent low-index material. Our technique provides an approach not only for unidirectional second-harmonic generation (SHG) forward or backward emission but also for switching from one to another. Importantly, switching the SHG emission directionality is obtained only by rotating the polarization of the incident light, without the need for physical variation of the antennas or the environment. This characteristic is an advantage, as compared to other nonlinear nanoantennas, including (100)- and (111)-grown III-V counterparts or silicon and germanium nanoantennas. Indeed, (110)-GaAs nanoantennas allow for engineering the nonlinear nanophotonic systems including nonlinear "Huygens metasurfaces" and offer exciting opportunities for various nonlinear nanophotonics technologies, such as nanoscale light routing and light sources, as well as multifunctional flat optical elements.

Opt Express ; 27(23): 33391-33398, 2019 Nov 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31878409


Second-order nonlinear metasurfaces have proven their ability to efficiently convert the frequency of incident signals over subwavelength thickness. However, the availability of second-order nonlinear materials for such metasurfaces has so far been limited to III-V semiconductors, which have low transparency in the visible and impose constraints on the excitation geometries due to the lack of diagonal second-order susceptibility components. Here we propose a new design concept for second-order nonlinear metasurfaces on a monolithic substrate, which is not limited by the availability of thin crystalline films and can be applied to any non-centrosymmetric material. We exemplify this concept in a monolithic Lithium Niobate metasurface with cylinder-shaped corrugations for enhanced field confinement. By optimizing the geometrical parameters, we show enhanced second harmonic generation from a near-infrared pump beam with conversion efficiency above 10-5 using 1 GW/cm2 pump intensity. Our approach enables new opportunities for practical designs of generic metasurfaces for nonlinear and quantum light sources.

Nano Lett ; 19(6): 3905-3911, 2019 06 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31136193


Second-harmonic generation (SHG) in resonant dielectric Mie-scattering nanoparticles has been hailed as a powerful platform for nonlinear light sources. While bulk-SHG is suppressed in elemental semiconductors, for example, silicon and germanium due to their centrosymmetry, the group of zincblende III-V compound semiconductors, especially (100)-grown AlGaAs and GaAs, have recently been presented as promising alternatives. However, major obstacles to push the technology toward practical applications are the limited control over directionality of the SH emission and especially zero forward/backward radiation, resulting from the peculiar nature of the second-order nonlinear susceptibility of this otherwise highly promising group of semiconductors. Furthermore, the generated SH signal for (100)-GaAs nanoparticles depends strongly on the polarization of the pump. In this work, we provide both theoretically and experimentally a solution to these problems by presenting the first SHG nanoantennas made from (111)-GaAs embedded in a low index material. These nanoantennas show superior forward directionality compared to their (100)-counterparts. Most importantly, based on the special symmetry of the crystalline structure, it is possible to manipulate the SHG radiation pattern of the nanoantennas by changing the pump polarization without affecting the linear properties and the total nonlinear conversion efficiency, hence paving the way for efficient and flexible nonlinear beam-shaping devices.

Nano Lett ; 19(2): 1015-1022, 2019 02 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30605616


Mie-resonant high-index dielectric nanoparticles and metasurfaces have been suggested as a viable platform for enhancing both electric and magnetic dipole transitions of fluorescent emitters. While the enhancement of the electric dipole transitions by such dielectric nanoparticles has been demonstrated experimentally, the case of magnetic-dipole transitions remains largely unexplored. Here, we study the enhancement of spontaneous emission of Eu3+ ions, featuring both electric and magnetic-dominated dipole transitions, by dielectric metasurfaces composed of Mie-resonant silicon nanocylinders. By coating the metasurfaces with a layer of an Eu3+ doped polymer, we observe an enhancement of the Eu3+ emission associated with the electric (at 610 nm) and magnetic-dominated (at 590 nm) dipole transitions. The enhancement factor depends systematically on the spectral proximity of the atomic transitions to the Mie resonances as well as their multipolar order, both controlled by the nanocylinder size. Importantly, the branching ratio of emission via the electric or magnetic transition channel can be modified by carefully designing the metasurface, where the magnetic dipole transition is enhanced more than the electric transition for cylinders with radii of about 130 nm. We confirm our observations by numerical simulations based on the reciprocity principle. Our results open new opportunities for bright nanoscale light sources based on magnetic transitions.

Nanoscale ; 11(4): 1745-1753, 2019 Jan 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30623948


We investigate second- and third-harmonic generation from individual AlGaAs nanoantennas using far-field mapping with radially- and azimuthally-polarized cylindrical vector beams. Due to the unique polarization structure of these beams, we are able to determine the crystal orientation of the nanoantenna in a single scanning map. Our method thus provides a novel and versatile optical tool to study the crystal properties of semiconductor nanoantennas. We also demonstrate the influence of cylindrical vector beam excitation on the resonant enhancement of second- and third-harmonic generation driven by electric and magnetic anapole-like modes, despite falling in the strong absorption regime of AlGaAs. In particular, we observe a greater nonlinear conversion efficiency from a single nanoantenna excited with a radially-polarized beam as compared to an azimuthally polarized cylindrical vector beam. The fundamental field of the radially-polarized beam strongly couples to the multipoles increasing the near-field enhancement of the nanoantenna. Our work introduces new ways to study individual nanostructures and to tailor the efficiencies of nonlinear phenomena at the nanoscale using non-conventional optical techniques.

Nano Lett ; 18(11): 6750-6755, 2018 11 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30277790


We demonstrate the shaping of the second-harmonic (SH) radiation pattern from a single AlGaAs nanodisk antenna using coplanar holographic gratings. The SH radiation emitted from the antenna toward the-otherwise forbidden-normal direction can be effectively redirected by suitably shifting the phase of the grating pattern in the azimuthal direction. The use of such gratings allows increasing the SH power collection efficiency by 2 orders of magnitude with respect to an isolated antenna and demonstrates the possibility of intensity-tailoring for an arbitrary collection angle. Such reconstruction of the nonlinear emission from nanoscale antennas represents the first step toward the application of all-dielectric nanostructures for nonlinear holography.

Science ; 361(6407): 1104-1108, 2018 09 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30213910


Metasurfaces based on resonant nanophotonic structures have enabled innovative types of flat-optics devices that often outperform the capabilities of bulk components, yet these advances remain largely unexplored for quantum applications. We show that nonclassical multiphoton interferences can be achieved at the subwavelength scale in all-dielectric metasurfaces. We simultaneously image multiple projections of quantum states with a single metasurface, enabling a robust reconstruction of amplitude, phase, coherence, and entanglement of multiphoton polarization-encoded states. One- and two-photon states are reconstructed through nonlocal photon correlation measurements with polarization-insensitive click detectors positioned after the metasurface, and the scalability to higher photon numbers is established theoretically. Our work illustrates the feasibility of ultrathin quantum metadevices for the manipulation and measurement of multiphoton quantum states, with applications in free-space quantum imaging and communications.

Science ; 360(6393): 1105-1109, 2018 06 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29880685


Metasurfaces provide opportunities for wavefront control, flat optics, and subwavelength light focusing. We developed an imaging-based nanophotonic method for detecting mid-infrared molecular fingerprints and implemented it for the chemical identification and compositional analysis of surface-bound analytes. Our technique features a two-dimensional pixelated dielectric metasurface with a range of ultrasharp resonances, each tuned to a discrete frequency; this enables molecular absorption signatures to be read out at multiple spectral points, and the resulting information is then translated into a barcode-like spatial absorption map for imaging. The signatures of biological, polymer, and pesticide molecules can be detected with high sensitivity, covering applications such as biosensing and environmental monitoring. Our chemically specific technique can resolve absorption fingerprints without the need for spectrometry, frequency scanning, or moving mechanical parts, thereby paving the way toward sensitive and versatile miniaturized mid-infrared spectroscopy devices.