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Plants (Basel) ; 12(4)2023 Feb 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36840267


The threatened mint Florida skullcap (Scutellaria floridana) is endemic to four counties in the Florida panhandle. Because development and habitat modification extirpated several historical occurrences, only 19 remain to date. To inform conservation management and delisting decisions, a comprehensive investigation of the genetic diversity and relatedness, population structure, and clonal diversity was conducted using SNP data generated by ddRAD. Compared with other Lamiaceae, we detected low genetic diversity (HE = 0.125-0.145), low to moderate evidence of inbreeding (FIS = -0.02-0.555), and moderate divergence (FST = 0.05-0.15). We identified eight populations with most of the genetic diversity, which should be protected in situ, and four populations with low genetic diversity and high clonality. Clonal reproduction in our circular plots and in 92% of the sites examined was substantial, with average clonal richness of 0.07 and 0.59, respectively. Scutellaria floridana appears to have experienced a continued decline in the number of extant populations since its listing under the Endangered Species Act; still, the combination of sexual and asexual reproduction may be advantageous for maintaining the viability of extant populations. However, the species will likely require ongoing monitoring, management, and increased public awareness to ensure its survival and effectively conserve its genetic diversity.

Am J Bot ; 108(2): 200-215, 2021 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33598914


PREMISE: The Caribbean islands are in the top five biodiversity hotspots on the planet; however, the biogeographic history of the seasonally dry tropical forest (SDTF) there is poorly studied. Consolea consists of nine species of dioecious, hummingbird-pollinated tree cacti endemic to the West Indies, which form a conspicuous element of the SDTF. Several species are threatened by anthropogenic disturbance, disease, sea-level rise, and invasive species and are of conservation concern. However, no comprehensive phylogeny yet exists for the clade. METHODS: We reconstructed the phylogeny of Consolea, sampling all species using plastomic data to determine relationships, understand the evolution of key morphological characters, and test their biogeographic history. We estimated divergence times to determine the role climate change may have played in shaping the current diversity of the clade. RESULTS: Consolea appears to have evolved very recently during the latter part of the Pleistocene on Cuba/Hispaniola likely from a South American ancestor and, from there, moved into the Bahamas, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Florida, and the Lesser Antilles. The tree growth form is a synapomorphy of Consolea and likely aided in the establishment and diversification of the clade. CONCLUSIONS: Pleistocene aridification associated with glaciation likely played a role in shaping the current diversity of Consolea, and insular gigantism may have been a key innovation leading to the success of these species to invade the often-dense SDTF. This in-situ Caribbean radiation provides a window into the generation of species diversity and the complexity of the SDTF community within the Antilles.

Filogenia , Animales , Bahamas , Región del Caribe , Florida , Puerto Rico , Indias Occidentales
Am J Bot ; 94(8): 1360-70, 2007 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21636504


Polyploidy, an important mechanism of plant evolution, was investigated in Consolea, an endemic Caribbean opuntioid genus represented by nine subdioecious species with very narrow distributions, including species classified as rare or threatened. Standard chromosome counting and flow cytometric analyses were used to determine chromosome numbers and ploidy of each taxon. Compared to the base number (x = 11), the mitotic and meiotic counts indicated that there are seven hexaploid (2n = 66) and two octoploid species (2n = 88); no diploids were found. Histograms of intact nuclei confirmed that all species are polyploid, with C-DNA values ranging from 4.88-9.50 pg. The variation of DNA content was significantly higher for the octoploids than for the hexaploids. Male and female sexual morphs had similar DNA content, suggesting that there are no sex chromosomes. Cytomixis between cells and microsporocytes with no chromatin were observed. This provides a mechanism whereby gametes with variable chromosome numbers are produced, influencing reproduction and promoting speciation. In conclusion, C-DNA content and chromosome number separated Consolea species into two groups, which may correspond to two phylogenetic lineages or indicate that polyploidization occurred independently, with comparable effects on C-DNA content.

Am J Bot ; 89(9): 1373-87, 2002 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21665739


The breeding system and the embryology of Consolea spinosissima, a tree-like opuntioid endemic to Jamaica, were investigated. Morphological and embryological studies revealed that the species is subdioecious, with three sexual morphs present in the 150 × 120 m plot studied at Hellshire Hills, Jamaica. The female morph has pistillate flowers with open stigma lobes, no pollen grains, and sets fruit. The male morph has cryptic staminate flowers with closed stigma lobes, viable pollen grains, and a nonfunctional gynoecium that does not set seed. The weak hermaphrodite morph has low fruit set and "perfect" flowers that superficially resemble the functionally staminate flowers of the male morph. These perfect flowers reach anthesis with viable pollen grains, with no or only a few functional ovules, and with the style supporting pollen tube growth. Embryological studies showed that the critical stage for sex determination occurs earlier in pistillate than in staminate and perfect flowers. Anthers of pistillate flowers abort prior to microspore tetrad formation, whereas ovules of the staminate and perfect flowers degenerate after the complete maturation of the embryo sac. Based on flower structure and embryological data, we hypothesize that the ancestor of C. spinosissima is/was hermaphroditic.