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Indian J Dermatol ; 69(3): 282, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39119309


Introduction: Dapsone forms the backbone of multi-drug therapy (MDT) in leprosy and many other dermatological disorders. Haemolysis is its common side effect which often necessitates drug stoppage. Currently, wide variation in data of haemolysis with dapsone exists in literature ranging from 24.7% to 83% and none of the studies point towards the timing of onset of haemolysis/timing of maximal haemolysis which is important in therapeutic decision making regarding continuing or stopping the drug. This study aimed to answer such unanswered questions. Objectives: Primary: To estimate the fall in haemoglobin (Hb) levels after administering MDT for 3 months in patients with leprosy. Secondary: To determine factors associated with Hb change - age, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) status, pole of leprosy and duration of MDT taken (if any). Materials and Methods: All freshly diagnosed cases of Hansen's disease were studied for 3 months. At baseline, demographic data (age, sex), skin biopsy, slit skin smear and G6PD were taken. Haemoglobin (Hb), serum glutamate oxaloacetate transferase (SGOT), serum glutamate pyruvate transferase (SGPT), serum bilirubin, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), reticulocyte count, peripheral blood smear (PBS) along with clinical photography was done at baseline, 1, 2 and 3 months. Results: Out of the 48 patients who completed the study: Mean Hb (g/dL) decreased from 13.37 at baseline to a minimum of 12.08 at 2 months, and then increased to 12.34 at 3 months. Of 42 patients (87.5%) with a fall in Hb, 13 (27.1%) had severe (fall >20%), 17 (35.4%) had moderate (fall 10-20%), 12 (25%) had mild fall (fall <10%) and in 6 (12.5%), there was no haemolysis. Reticulocyte count, LDH, SGOT and SGPT were significantly associated with haemolysis. Severe haemolysis occurred more frequently in the lepromatous spectrum. Conclusion: Dapsone causes maximal fall of hemoglobin by 1.29 g/dl at two months following which it increases. The fall of hemoglobin is reversible and hemoglobin starts to increase by 3 months of therapy making cessation of the drug unnecessary in most of the patients.

Indian J Dermatol ; 69(3): 256-263, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39119310


Psoriasis is a chronic and complex immune-mediated papulosquamous disease affecting almost 2% of the world population. The interaction between a genetically predisposed individual and environmental triggers leads to a vicious cycle involving autoreactive T cells, dendritic cells, keratinocytes and dermal cells. Up to 40% of the psoriasis cases develop disabling psoriatic arthritis and an equal number of patients also tend to develop metabolic syndrome as well as cardiovascular comorbidities; hence, this is no more considered to be a disease limited to skin only. Being a systemic disease, there is an urgent need to develop potential biomarkers for the assessment of disease severity, prediction of outcome of the therapeutic intervention and association with various systemic comorbidities. Diverse genetic markers not only function as predictors of diseases pathogenesis, but also help to predict development of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Personalised medicine is customising the therapeutic needs of a psoriasis patient and improving the outcome as per the hints we receive from the various biomarkers. This review deals with the list of potential biomarkers proposed to be useful in psoriasis, though there is limited data validating their routine use in clinical practice and the progress so far made in the field of precision medicine for psoriasis.

Indian J Dermatol ; 69(3): 249-255, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39119317


Psoriasis is a common chronic, immune-mediated inflammatory skin disease associated with various comorbidities. Managing psoriasis is often challenging as the therapy is decided based on the area of the disease, associated comorbidities and impairment in quality of life, besides the patient's preference. Making progress in the development of new molecules that can be used topically or orally, effectively controlling the disease with minimal side effects and providing long-lasting remissions are the needs of the hour. Recent developments in understanding the complexities of the pathogenesis of psoriasis have resulted in the reinforcement of treatment modalities, leading to the evolution of various biologics and small-molecule inhibitors. In comparison with biologics, both patients and treating physicians prefer small molecules for various reasons such as avoiding injections and side effects that are associated with biologics biologics. Moreover small molecules are economical than biologics. Newer small molecules, both topical and oral, are promising additions to the therapeutic arsenal in the management of psoriasis in the future.

Indian J Dermatol ; 69(3): 241-248, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39119327


Pustular psoriasis is a specialized variant of psoriasis which can be life threatening if not treated at the earliest. The pathogenesis has been recently linked to the role of interleukin 36. Apart from the corticosteroids, systemic antipsoriatics like acitretin, cyclosporine and methotrexate have been used with some success though unpredictable. With recent identification of role of IL-36 in the pathogenesis of pustular psoriasis, biologics targeting the IL-36 receptors have been used to manage the situation with high degree of success. This narrative review deals with the recent concepts of pathogenesis of pustular psoriasis as well as the current management scenario.

Dermatol Pract Concept ; 13(4 S1)2023 Oct 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37874990


Over the last few decades, dermoscopy has been showed to facilitate the non-invasive diagnosis of both benign and malignant skin tumors, yet literature data mainly comes from studies on light photo-types. However, there is growing evidence that skin neoplasms may benefit from dermoscopic assessment even for skin of color. This systematic literature review evaluated published data in dark-skinned patients (dermoscopic features, used setting, pathological correlation, and level of evidence of studies), also providing a standardized and homogeneous terminology for reported dermoscopic findings. A total of 20 articles describing 46 different tumors (four melanocytic neoplasms, eight keratinocytic tumors, 15 adnexal cutaneous neoplasms, seven vascular tumors, four connective tissue tumors, and eight cystic neoplasms/others) for a total of 1724 instances were included in the analysis. Most of them showed a level of evidence of V (12 single case reports and six case series), with only two studies featuring a level of evidence of IV (case-control analysis). Additionally, this review also underlined that some neoplasms and phototypes are underrepresented in published analyses as they included only small samples and mainly certain tones of "dark skin" spectrum (especially phototype IV). Therefore, further studies considering such limitations are required for a better characterization.

Dermatol Pract Concept ; 13(4 S1)2023 Oct 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37874991


Hair and scalp disorders are of significant interest for physicians dealing with dark phototypes due to their prevalence and potential aesthetic impact resulting from a higher tendency for scarring. In order to facilitate their non-invasive diagnosis, several dermoscopic studies have been published, yet data are sparse and no systematic analysis of the literature has been performed so far. This systematic literature review summarizes published data on trichoscopy of hair and scalp diseases (trichoscopic findings, used setting, pathological correlation, and level of evidence of studies). A total of 60 papers addressing 19 different disorders (eight non-cicatricial alopecias, nine cicatricial alopecias, and two hair shaft disorders) were assessed, for a total of 2636 instances. They included one cross-sectional analysis, 20 case-control studies, 25 case-series, and 14 single case-reports, so the level of evidence was V and IV in 65% and 33% of cases, respectively, with only one study showing a level of evidence of III. Notably, although there is a considerable body of literature on trichoscopy of hair/scalp diseases, our review underlined that potentially significant variables (e.g., disease stage or hair texture) are often not taken into account in published analyses, with possible biases on trichoscopic patterns, especially when it comes to hair shaft changes. Further analyses considering all such issues are therefore needed.

Dermatol Pract Concept ; 13(4 S1)2023 Oct 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37874993


Dermoscopy has been showed to facilitate the non-invasive recognition of several infectious disorders (infectiouscopy) thanks to the detection of peculiar clues. Although most of the knowledge on this topic comes from studies involving light-skinned patients, there is growing evidence about its use also in dark phototypes. This systematic literature review summarizes published data on dermoscopy of parasitic, bacterial, viral and fungal dermatoses (dermoscopic findings, used setting, pathological correlation, and level of evidence of studies) and provides a homogeneous terminology of reported dermoscopic features according to a standardized methodology. A total of 66 papers addressing 41 different dermatoses (14 bacterial, 5 viral, 11 fungal infections, and 11 parasitoses/bites and stings) and involving a total of 1096 instances were included in the analysis. The majority of them displayed a level of evidence of V (44 single case reports and 21 case series), with only 1 study showing a level of evidence of IV (case-control analysis). Moreover, our analysis also highlighted a high variability in the terminology used in the retrieved studies. Thus, although promising, further studies designed according to a systematic and standardized approach are needed for better characterization of dermoscopy of infectious skin infections.

Dermatol Pract Concept ; 13(4 S1)2023 Oct 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37874994


Dermoscopic patterns of inflammatory dermatoses (inflammoscopy) have been extensively studied in the recent years, though data on patients with darker phototypes (IV-VI) are sparse. The aims of this systematic review were to summarize the current state of knowledge on inflammoscopy applied to skin of color and provide a standardized nomenclature of reported findings. Besides dermoscopic features, type of setting and magnification, number of cases, and histopathological correlation were analyzed. Eighty-five papers addressing 78 different dermatoses (25 papulosquamous dermatoses, 19 hyperpigmented dermatoses, eight hypopigmented dermatoses, four granulomatous dermatoses, two sclerotic dermatoses, five facial inflammatory dermatoses, and 15 miscellaneous conditions) for a total of 2073 instances were retrieved. Only one study showed a level of evidence of III (cross-sectional study), whereas 10 and 74 displayed a level of evidence of IV (case-control studies) and V (case-series and case-reports), respectively. Moreover, our analysis also highlighted that most of papers focalized on a limited number of dermatoses, with several conditions having only single dermoscopic descriptions. Additionally, few studies compared findings among phototypes belonging to the "skin of color" spectrum. Further studies designed according to a systematic approach and considering the above-mentioned issues are therefore needed.