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Natl Sci Rev ; 7(10): 1540-1547, 2020 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34691486


Helium and methane are major components of giant icy planets and are abundant in the universe. However, helium is the most inert element in the periodic table and methane is one of the most hydrophobic molecules, thus whether they can react with each other is of fundamental importance. Here, our crystal structure searches and first-principles calculations predict that a He3CH4 compound is stable over a wide range of pressures from 55 to 155 GPa and a HeCH4 compound becomes stable around 105 GPa. As nice examples of pure van der Waals crystals, the insertion of helium atoms changes the original packing of pure methane molecules and also largely hinders the polymerization of methane at higher pressures. After analyzing the diffusive properties during the melting of He3CH4 at high pressure and high temperature, in addition to a plastic methane phase, we have discovered an unusual phase which exhibits coexistence of diffusive helium and plastic methane. In addition, the range of the diffusive behavior within the helium-methane phase diagram is found to be much narrower compared to that of previously predicted helium-water compounds. This may be due to the weaker van der Waals interactions between methane molecules compared to those in helium-water compounds, and that the helium-methane compound melts more easily.

Phys Rev Lett ; 120(25): 255701, 2018 Jun 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29979086


A new phase V of hydrogen was recently claimed in experiments above 325 GPa and 300 K. Because of the extremely small sample size at such record pressures the measurements were limited to Raman spectroscopy. The experimental data on increase of pressure show decreasing Raman activity and darkening of the sample, which suggests band gap closure and impending molecular dissociation, but no definite conclusions could be reached. Furthermore, the available data are insufficient to determine the structure of phase V, which remains unknown. Introducing saddle-point ab initio random structure searching, we find several new structural candidates of hydrogen which could describe the observed properties of phase V. We investigate hydrogen metallization in the proposed candidate structures, and demonstrate that smaller band gaps are associated with longer bond lengths. We conclude that phase V is a stepping stone towards metallization.

Phys Rev Lett ; 121(1): 015301, 2018 Jul 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30028166


We investigate the binary phase diagram of helium and iron using first-principles calculations. We find that helium, which is a noble gas and inert at ambient conditions, forms stable crystalline compounds with iron at terapascal pressures. A FeHe compound becomes stable above 4 TPa, and a FeHe_{2} compound above 12 TPa. Melting is investigated using molecular dynamics simulations, and a superionic phase with sublattice melting of the helium atoms is predicted. We discuss the implications of our predicted helium-iron phase diagram for interiors of giant (exo)planets and white dwarf stars.

Nat Commun ; 9(1): 2173, 2018 06 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29872048


Ice is one of the most extensively studied condensed matter systems. Yet, both experimentally and theoretically several new phases have been discovered over the last years. Here we report a large-scale density-functional-theory study of the configuration space of water ice. We geometry optimise 74,963 ice structures, which are selected and constructed from over five million tetrahedral networks listed in the databases of Treacy, Deem, and the International Zeolite Association. All prior knowledge of ice is set aside and we introduce "generalised convex hulls" to identify configurations stabilised by appropriate thermodynamic constraints. We thereby rediscover all known phases (I-XVII, i, 0 and the quartz phase) except the metastable ice IV. Crucially, we also find promising candidates for ices XVIII through LI. Using the "sketch-map" dimensionality-reduction algorithm we construct an a priori, navigable map of configuration space, which reproduces similarity relations between structures and highlights the novel candidates. By relating the known phases to the tractably small, yet structurally diverse set of synthesisable candidate structures, we provide an excellent starting point for identifying formation pathways.

Phys Rev Lett ; 120(17): 177701, 2018 Apr 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29756819


We report quantum Monte Carlo evidence of the existence of large gap superfluidity in electron-hole double layers over wide density ranges. The superfluid parameters evolve from normal state to BEC with decreasing density, with the BCS state restricted to a tiny range of densities due to the strong screening of Coulomb interactions, which causes the gap to rapidly become large near the onset of superfluidity. The superfluid properties exhibit similarities to ultracold fermions and iron-based superconductors, suggesting an underlying universal behavior of BCS-BEC crossovers in pairing systems.

Phys Rev Lett ; 119(10): 107001, 2017 Sep 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28949166


Room-temperature superconductivity has been a long-held dream and an area of intensive research. Recent experimental findings of superconductivity at 200 K in highly compressed hydrogen (H) sulfides have demonstrated the potential for achieving room-temperature superconductivity in compressed H-rich materials. We report first-principles structure searches for stable H-rich clathrate structures in rare earth hydrides at high pressures. The peculiarity of these structures lies in the emergence of unusual H cages with stoichiometries H_{24}, H_{29}, and H_{32}, in which H atoms are weakly covalently bonded to one another, with rare earth atoms occupying the centers of the cages. We have found that high-temperature superconductivity is closely associated with H clathrate structures, with large H-derived electronic densities of states at the Fermi level and strong electron-phonon coupling related to the stretching and rocking motions of H atoms within the cages. Strikingly, a yttrium (Y) H_{32} clathrate structure of stoichiometry YH_{10} is predicted to be a potential room-temperature superconductor with an estimated T_{c} of up to 303 K at 400 GPa, as derived by direct solution of the Eliashberg equation.

J Chem Phys ; 145(4): 044703, 2016 Jul 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27475382


Surface energies of hexagonal and cubic water ice are calculated using first-principles quantum mechanical methods, including an accurate description of anharmonic nuclear vibrations. We consider two proton-orderings of the hexagonal and cubic ice basal surfaces and three proton-orderings of hexagonal ice prism surfaces, finding that vibrations reduce the surface energies by more than 10%. We compare our vibrational densities of states to recent sum frequency generation absorption measurements and identify surface proton-orderings of experimental ice samples and the origins of characteristic absorption peaks. We also calculate zero point quantum vibrational corrections to the surface electronic band gaps, which range from -1.2 eV for the cubic ice basal surface up to -1.4 eV for the hexagonal ice prism surface. The vibrational corrections to the surface band gaps are up to 12% smaller than for bulk ice.

Nat Chem ; 8(8): 784-90, 2016 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27442284


The noble gases are the most inert group of the periodic table, but their reactivity increases with pressure. Diamond-anvil-cell experiments and ab initio modelling have been used to investigate a possible direct reaction between xenon and oxygen at high pressures. We have now synthesized two oxides below 100 GPa (Xe2O5 under oxygen-rich conditions, and Xe3O2 under oxygen-poor conditions), which shows that xenon is more reactive under pressure than predicted previously. Xe2O5 was observed using X-ray diffraction methods, its structure identified through ab initio random structure searching and confirmed using X-ray absorption and Raman spectroscopies. The experiments confirm the recent prediction of Xe3O2 as a stable xenon oxide under high pressure. Xenon atoms adopt mixed oxidation states of 0 and +4 in Xe3O2 and +4 and +6 in Xe2O5. Xe3O2 and Xe2O5 form extended networks that incorporate oxygen-sharing XeO4 squares, and Xe2O5 additionally incorporates oxygen-sharing XeO5 pyramids. Other xenon oxides (XeO2, XeO3) are expected to form at higher pressures.

Nat Commun ; 7: 12267, 2016 07 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27464650


The only known compound of sodium and hydrogen is archetypal ionic NaH. Application of high pressure is known to promote states with higher atomic coordination, but extensive searches for polyhydrides with unusual stoichiometry have had only limited success in spite of several theoretical predictions. Here we report the first observation of the formation of polyhydrides of Na (NaH3 and NaH7) above 40 GPa and 2,000 K. We combine synchrotron X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy in a laser-heated diamond anvil cell and theoretical random structure searching, which both agree on the stable structures and compositions. Our results support the formation of multicenter bonding in a material with unusual stoichiometry. These results are applicable to the design of new energetic solids and high-temperature superconductors based on hydrogen-rich materials.

Nature ; 532(7597): 81-4, 2016 Apr 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27018657


The quantum nature of the proton can crucially affect the structural and physical properties of hydrogen compounds. For example, in the high-pressure phases of H2O, quantum proton fluctuations lead to symmetrization of the hydrogen bond and reduce the boundary between asymmetric and symmetric structures in the phase diagram by 30 gigapascals (ref. 3). Here we show that an analogous quantum symmetrization occurs in the recently discovered sulfur hydride superconductor with a superconducting transition temperature Tc of 203 kelvin at 155 gigapascals--the highest Tc reported for any superconductor so far. Superconductivity occurs via the formation of a compound with chemical formula H3S (sulfur trihydride) with sulfur atoms arranged on a body-centred cubic lattice. If the hydrogen atoms are treated as classical particles, then for pressures greater than about 175 gigapascals they are predicted to sit exactly halfway between two sulfur atoms in a structure with Im3m symmetry. At lower pressures, the hydrogen atoms move to an off-centre position, forming a short H-S covalent bond and a longer H···S hydrogen bond in a structure with R3m symmetry. X-ray diffraction experiments confirm the H3S stoichiometry and the sulfur lattice sites, but were unable to discriminate between the two phases. Ab initio density-functional-theory calculations show that quantum nuclear motion lowers the symmetrization pressure by 72 gigapascals for H3S and by 60 gigapascals for D3S. Consequently, we predict that the Im3m phase dominates the pressure range within which the high Tc was measured. The observed pressure dependence of Tc is accurately reproduced in our calculations for the phase, but not for the R3m phase. Therefore, the quantum nature of the proton fundamentally changes the superconducting phase diagram of H3S.

Phys Rev Lett ; 114(15): 157004, 2015 Apr 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25933334


We use first-principles calculations to study structural, vibrational, and superconducting properties of H_{2}S at pressures P≥200 GPa. The inclusion of zero-point energy leads to two different possible dissociations of H2S, namely 3H2S→2H3S+S and 5H2S→3H3S+HS2, where both H3S and HS2 are metallic. For H3S, we perform nonperturbative calculations of anharmonic effects within the self-consistent harmonic approximation and show that the harmonic approximation strongly overestimates the electron-phonon interaction (λ≈2.64 at 200 GPa) and Tc. Anharmonicity hardens H─S bond-stretching modes and softens H─S bond-bending modes. As a result, the electron-phonon coupling is suppressed by 30% (λ≈1.84 at 200 GPa). Moreover, while at the harmonic level Tc decreases with increasing pressure, the inclusion of anharmonicity leads to a Tc that is almost independent of pressure. High-pressure hydrogen sulfide is a strongly anharmonic superconductor.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 112(22): 6898-901, 2015 Jun 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25991859


We predict by first-principles methods a phase transition in TiO2 at 6.5 Mbar from the Fe2P-type polymorph to a ten-coordinated structure with space group I4/mmm. This is the first report, to our knowledge, of the pressure-induced phase transition to the I4/mmm structure among all dioxide compounds. The I4/mmm structure was found to be up to 3.3% denser across all pressures investigated. Significant differences were found in the electronic properties of the two structures, and the metallization of TiO2 was calculated to occur concomitantly with the phase transition to I4/mmm. The implications of our findings were extended to SiO2, and an analogous Fe2P-type to I4/mmm transition was found to occur at 10 TPa. This is consistent with the lower-pressure phase transitions of TiO2, which are well-established models for the phase transitions in other AX2 compounds, including SiO2. As in TiO2, the transition to I4/mmm corresponds to the metallization of SiO2. This transformation is in the pressure range reached in the interiors of recently discovered extrasolar planets and calls for a reformulation of the equations of state used to model them.

Phys Rev Lett ; 114(12): 125501, 2015 Mar 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25860756


Alkali metals exhibit unexpected structures and electronic behavior at high pressures. Compression of metallic sodium (Na) to 200 GPa leads to the stability of a wide-band-gap insulator with the double hexagonal hP4 structure. Post-hP4 structures remain unexplored, but they are important for addressing the question of the pressure at which Na reverts to a metal. Here, we report the reentrant metallicity of Na at the very high pressure of 15.5 terapascal (TPa), predicted using first-principles structure searching simulations. Na is therefore insulating over the large pressure range of 0.2-15.5 TPa. Unusually, Na adopts an oP8 structure at pressures of 117-125 GPa and the same oP8 structure at 1.75-15.5 TPa. The metallization of Na occurs on the formation of a stable and striking body-centered cubic cI24 electride structure consisting of Na_{12} icosahedra, each housing at its center about one electron that is not associated with any Na ions.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 17(10): 6889-95, 2015 Mar 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25673010


Structures of calcium peroxide (CaO2) are investigated in the pressure range 0-200 GPa using the ab initio random structure searching (AIRSS) method and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. At 0 GPa, there are several CaO2 structures very close in enthalpy, with the ground-state structure dependent on the choice of exchange-correlation functional. Further stable structures for CaO2 with C2/c, I4/mcm and P21/c symmetries emerge at pressures below 40 GPa. These phases are thermodynamically stable against decomposition into CaO and O2. The stability of CaO2 with respect to decomposition increases with pressure, with peak stability occurring at the CaO B1-B2 phase transition at 65 GPa. Phonon calculations using the quasiharmonic approximation show that CaO2 is a stable oxide of calcium at mantle temperatures and pressures, highlighting a possible role for CaO2 in planetary geochemistry. We sketch the phase diagram for CaO2, and find at least five new stable phases in the pressure-temperature ranges 0 ≤ P ≤ 60 GPa, 0 ≤ T ≤ 600 K, including two new candidates for the zero-pressure ground state structure.

J Chem Phys ; 143(24): 244708, 2015 Dec 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26723703


Electron-phonon coupling in hexagonal and cubic water ice is studied using first-principles quantum mechanical methods. We consider 29 distinct hexagonal and cubic ice proton-orderings with up to 192 molecules in the simulation cell to account for proton-disorder. We find quantum zero-point vibrational corrections to the minimum electronic band gaps ranging from -1.5 to -1.7 eV, which leads to improved agreement between calculated and experimental band gaps. Anharmonic nuclear vibrations play a negligible role in determining the gaps. Deuterated ice has a smaller band-gap correction at zero-temperature of -1.2 to -1.4 eV. Vibrations reduce the differences between the electronic band gaps of different proton-orderings from around 0.17 eV to less than 0.05 eV, so that the electronic band gaps of hexagonal and cubic ice are almost independent of the proton-ordering when quantum nuclear vibrations are taken into account. The comparatively small reduction in the band gap over the temperature range 0 - 240 K of around 0.1 eV does not depend on the proton ordering, or whether the ice is protiated or deuterated, or hexagonal, or cubic. We explain this in terms of the atomistic origin of the strong electron-phonon coupling in ice.

J Chem Phys ; 141(13): 134113, 2014 Oct 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25296790


We study the effects of atomic vibrations on the solid-state chemical shielding tensor using first principles density functional theory calculations. At the harmonic level, we use a Monte Carlo method and a perturbative expansion. The Monte Carlo method is accurate but computationally expensive, while the perturbative method is computationally more efficient, but approximate. We find excellent agreement between the two methods for both the isotropic shift and the shielding anisotropy. The effects of zero-point quantum mechanical nuclear motion are important up to relatively high temperatures: at 500 K they still represent about half of the overall vibrational contribution. We also investigate the effects of anharmonic vibrations, finding that their contribution to the zero-point correction to the chemical shielding tensor is small. We exemplify these ideas using magnesium oxide and the molecular crystals L-alanine and ß-aspartyl-L-alanine. We therefore propose as the method of choice to incorporate the effects of temperature in solid state chemical shielding tensor calculations using the perturbative expansion within the harmonic approximation. This approach is accurate and requires a computational effort that is about an order of magnitude smaller than that of dynamical or Monte Carlo approaches, so these effects might be routinely accounted for.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25353602


A compression algorithm is introduced for multideterminant wave functions which can greatly reduce the number of determinants that need to be evaluated in quantum Monte Carlo calculations. We have devised an algorithm with three levels of compression, the least costly of which yields excellent results in polynomial time. We demonstrate the usefulness of the compression algorithm for evaluating multideterminant wave functions in quantum Monte Carlo calculations, whose computational cost is reduced by factors of between about 2 and over 25 for the examples studied. We have found evidence of sublinear scaling of quantum Monte Carlo calculations with the number of determinants when the compression algorithm is used.

Nature ; 511(7509): 294-5, 2014 Jul 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25030158
J Chem Phys ; 140(18): 18A541, 2014 May 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24832349


A new method for extracting ensemble Kohn-Sham potentials from accurate excited state densities is applied to a variety of two-electron systems, exploring the behavior of exact ensemble density functional theory. The issue of separating the Hartree energy and the choice of degenerate eigenstates is explored. A new approximation, spin eigenstate Hartree-exchange, is derived. Exact conditions that are proven include the signs of the correlation energy components and the asymptotic behavior of the potential for small weights of the excited states. Many energy components are given as a function of the weights for two electrons in a one-dimensional flat box, in a box with a large barrier to create charge transfer excitations, in a three-dimensional harmonic well (Hooke's atom), and for the He atom singlet-triplet ensemble, singlet-triplet-singlet ensemble, and triplet bi-ensemble.