Introduction: This paper explores the role of Brazilian research institutions in the global and national context of study of medicinal plants. Most of these plants have ethnopharmacological use and herbal medicines related to the Amazon. It highlights Brazil's position in scientific production and the importance of Amazonian resources in developing phytomedicines. The study aims to provide an overview of the technical-scientific production of medicinal plants and herbal medicines related to the Amazon, focusing on scientific impact, collaboration, Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of scientific production, and innovation system maturity. Methods: The study employs a comprehensive methodological approach, including data collection from Scopus covering the period from 2002 to 2022. The data was cleaned and analyzed using bibliometric and network analysis techniques. Advanced natural language processing techniques, such as Latent Dirichlet Allocation and Jaccard distance measure, were used for TRL classification. Results: The findings reveal a predominant contribution from Brazilian institutions and authors, with 1,850 publications analyzed. Key areas identified include Pharmacology, Toxicology, Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, and Biochemistry. The study also uncovers various collaborative networks and technological maturity levels, with a significant focus on early-stage development phases. Discussion: The research concludes that Brazilian institutions, particularly those in the Amazon region, play a significant role in the scientific exploration and development of medicinal plants and herbal medicines. Despite this, countries like the USA were proportionally more productive in clinical trial research. The study underscores the potential of Brazil's rich biodiversity and traditional knowledge in the pharmaceutical industry, particularly for neglected diseases. It suggests the need for stronger research systems and international collaboration to leverage these resources for global health benefits.
N-fixing leguminous species can reach atmospheric dinitrogen gas (N2), having an advantage under N-limited degraded environments. These N-fixers are constantly used as facilitative species. Chlorophyll a fluorescence (ChF) acknowledges how different species take up and use light energy during photosynthesis. These techniques assess stress and performance responses to photosynthesis and are used for the selection of species with potential for reforestation. Six Fabaceae species were selected for this study: three nonfixing species (Cenostigma tocantinum, Senna reticulata and Dipteryx odorata) and three N-fixing species (Clitoria fairchildiana, Inga edulis and Acacia spp.). Variations in chlorophyll fluorescence under high vs. low water and nutrient conditions were studied. Multivariate analysis was performed to detect the effects of seasonality and fertilization on dark-adapted ChF two years after the experiment was established. The correlation among ChF variables and growth, photosynthesis and foliar nutrient concentrations was evaluated. Under high water- and nutrient-availability conditions, plants exhibited an enhanced performance index on absorption basis values correlated with electron transport fluxes. Under drought and nutrient-poor conditions, most species exhibit increased energy dissipation as photoprotection. High interspecific variation was found; therefore, species-specific responses should be considered in future ChF studies. Corroborating the ability to colonize high-light environments, N-fixers showed an increased performance index correlated with electron transport and Zn and N foliar concentrations. Negative correlations were found between photosynthesis and trapped fluxes. Diameter growth was positively correlated with electron transport fluxes. Given the different responses among species, ChF is an effective technique to screen for seasonality, fertilization and species effects and should be considered for use during forest restoration. Finally, the addition of fertilization treatments may facilitate tropical forest restoration due to the importance of nutrients in physiological processes. N-fixers showed high photochemical performance and tolerance to abiotic stress in degraded areas and therefore should be included to support ecosystem biomass restoration.